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Beating the S&P 500

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How to Handle the Friday February 21 Options Expiration

Followers of the Mad Hedge Fund Trader alert service have the good fortune to own three in-the-money options positions that expires on Friday, February 21, and I just want to explain to the newbies how to best maximize their profits. This involves the:   Current Capital at Risk Risk On (NVDA) 2/$90-$95 call spread   

The Market Outlook for the Week Ahead, or The Tale of Two Markets

While trading one market is hard enough, two is almost more than one can bear. In fact, we have all been trading two markets since 2025 began. On the up days, it appears that the indexes are about to break out of a tediously narrow trading range. The market’s inability to go down is proof

Revisiting the Great Depression

When I first arrived on Wall Street during the early 1980s, some of the old veterans who worked through the 1929 stock market crash were just retiring and passed their stories on to me before they left. One was my old friend, Sir John Templeton, founder of the Templeton funds, who often hosted me for

Exploring my New York Roots

While in New York waiting to board Cunard’s Queen Mary 2 to sail for Southampton, England, a few years ago, I decided to check out the Bay Ridge address near the Verrazano Bridge where my father grew up. I took a limo over to Brooklyn and knocked on the front door. I told the owner

The ABCs of the VIX

I am one of those cheapskates who buy Christmas ornaments by the bucket load from Costco in January for ten cents on the dollar because my 11-month theoretical return on capital comes close to 1,000%.  I also like buying flood insurance in the middle of the summer drought, when the forecast in California is for

Making Volatility Your Friend

With the Volatility Index back down to a bargain $16, I am getting deluged with emails from readers asking if it is time to start hedging portfolios one more time and buying the iPath S&P 500 VIX Short Term Futures ETN (VXX). The answer is not yet, but soon, possibly very soon. And here is

The Market Outlook for the Week Ahead, or Back to Boot Camp

I have a new outlook for the US stock markets. The current government's economic policy reminds me a lot about the Marine Corps boot camp. Through harsh treatment and rigorous training, the Marines seek to destroy incoming recruits. They then spend 13 weeks rebuilding a new soldier from scratch who is obedient,  respectful, follows orders,

A Note on Assigned Options, or Options Called Away

I just received an excited text message from an excited Concierge client. His short position in the (TSLA) February 2025 $540-$550 vertical bear put debit spread had just been called away. That meant he would receive the maximum profit a full 11 trading days before the February 21 option expiration. With the heightened volatility this

How to Join the Early Retirement Stampede

There is a new social movement taking place which you probably haven’t heard about. Increasing numbers of people, especially Millennials, are engineering their personal finances to make early retirement possible. I’m not talking about hanging it up at 60, 55, or even 50. I’m talking extreme early retirement, like 45, 40, or even 30! I

They’re Not Making Americans Anymore

You can count on a bear market hitting some time in 2038, one falling by at least 25%. Worse, there is almost a guarantee that a financial crisis, severe bear market, and possibly another Great Depression will take place no later than 2058 and would take the major indexes down by 50% or more. No,

Learning the Art of Risk Control

Now that you know how to make money in the market, I’m going to teach you how to hang on to it. There is no point in booking winning trades only to lose money by making careless beginner’s mistakes. So today, I am going to talk about risk control. The first goal of risk control

The Market Outlook for the Week Ahead, or The Trade War Begins

As I write this, tariffs are coming into force and confusion reigns supreme at the borders. The worst-case scenario has arrived. In the Marine Corp., they say that a missing 50-cent part can ground a $50 million dollar airplane. It turns out that many of the 50-cent parts are made in Canada and Mexico, which

My Battle of Britain tour

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From Our Blog

It’s time to give myself a dope slap. I have been pounding the table all year about the merits of a barbell strategy, with equal weightings in technology and domestic recovery stocks. By owning both, you’ll always have something doing well as new cash flows bounce back and forth between the two sectors like a

Suppose there was an exchange-traded fund that focused on the single most important technology trend in the world today. You might think that I was smoking California's largest export (it's not grapes). But such a fund DOES exist. The Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF (BOTZ) drops a gilt-edged opportunity into investors' laps as a

worst trades in history
trading apple
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