“What is currently happening is that we have a lot of noise around what is uneconomic. When the economic stuff starts happening, like tax cuts, that will feed into real things, like cash flow and earnings,” said Bill Miller, chairman of LMM Investments.
“And then what? That is the question you always have to ask yourself, what is going to happen in 10, 20, 0r 30 years,” said Warren Buffet, the Oracle of Omaha.
“Believe nothing that you hear, and half of what you see,” said the legendary investor, Ron Baron.
“If you die a rich person, you’ve failed,” said steel pioneer Andrew Carnegie, who gave away $11 billion during his lifetime, including building a library in every town in the United States.
“Going to weddings and funerals is part of being a financial advisor,” said Theresa Chacopulos of Wells Fargo Private Banking, the top-producing financial advisor in Arizona.
“It is fine to have the longest view in the room, as long as the thing at the end of the vista is a gigantic hill of money,” said John Lanchester of The New Yorker magazine.
“Tariffs are an act of war,” said Warren Buffet, the Oracle of Omaha.
When you develop your opinions on the basis of weak evidence, you will have difficulty interpreting subsequent information that contradicts these opinions, even if this new information is obviously more accurate,” said Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder.”
“Interest rates are gravity. When they are zero, shares prices can go to infinity. When they are high, as they were during the early 1980’s, the gravitational pull can be very strong,” said Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffet.
“Getting information off the Internet is akin to trying to sweep back the ocean with a broom,” said Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google.
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