With covid cases down 98% in two months and headed much lower, it is time for me to re-introduce the Mad Hedge Seminar at Sea. I firmly believe that the pandemic will be over by the summer, and what better way to celebrate than with an elegant Norwegian fiord cruise.
Come join me on Cunard Line’s luxurious Queen Victoria on a seven-day Norwegian Fiord Cruise.
For the first time in ten years, I am hosting a Seminar at Sea. I had planned to do this earlier but ran head-on into the pandemic. On the last Seminar at Sea, I and a group of subscribers crossed the Atlantic Ocean on the Queen Mary 2, passing over the Titanic wreck and tooting the ship’s horn.
The Queen Victoria departs Southampton, England at 12:00 noon on July 3, 2022, and returns to Southampton on July 10. There I will be conducting the Mad Hedge Fund Trader’s Strategy Update, a three-hour discussion on the global financial markets. You will have to get to Southampton under your own steam, which is about an hour south of Victoria Station by train.
I’ll be giving you my up-to-date view on stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, precious metals, Bitcoin, and real estate. I’ll highlight the best long and short opportunities. And to keep you in suspense, I’ll be tossing a few surprises out there too. Enough charts, tables, graphs, and statistics will be thrown at you to keep your ears ringing for a week.
Tickets are available for $499 for the seminar only.
Attendees will be responsible for booking their own cabins through Cunard., which is offering staterooms for this cruise for as little as $959 a person. To book your cruise please click here at https://www.cunard.com/en-us . The cruise you need to book is no. V216. The Queen Victoria has not sailed for two years and this will be one of the first post-pandemic voyages.
To get the details of the cruise please click here at https://www.cunard.com/en-us/find-a-cruise/V216/V216. The July 9 seminar will be held in the ship's owner’s suite while we are crossing the North Sea in of the most elegant accommodations afloat on the seven seas. For a video of the owner’s suite please click here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJhgleugNho
Just visit Cunard’s website at http://www.cunard.com/, or call them directly at 800-528-6273 to make your own arrangements.
The weather this time of year can range from balmy to tempestuous, depending on our luck. A brisk walk three times around the boat deck adds up to a mile. Full Internet access will be available for a price to follow the markets. Every dinner during the voyage will be black tie, so you might want to stop at Saks Fifth Avenue in Manhattan to get fitted for a second tux. I have arranged a few dinners with the captain for myself and will pass on any nuggets I gain in a future letter.
Don’t forget to bring your Dramamine and sea legs, although the 90,049 tonnes, 964.5-foot long billion-dollar ship is so big, I doubt you’ll need them. Her facilities include seven restaurants, thirteen bars, three swimming pools, a ballroom, and a theatre. I spend most of my time on these cruises writing deep research pieces, although I might take a few fencing classes.
Cunard is requiring covid vaccination cards of all passengers, and so am I. They may also require a negative covid test within three days of departure, as are most cruise lines these days. We’ll be sailing all the way up to 61 degrees, 81 minutes north latitude, about the same latitude as Anchorage, Alaska.
I look forward to meeting you and thank you for supporting my research. To purchase tickets for the seminar alone, please go to my online store at https://www.madhedgefundtrader.com/luncheons/.

Join Me for Lunch?