Global Market Comments
May 24, 2019
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(SPY), (AAPL), (TLT)
Poke your hand into a hornet's nest and you can count on an extreme reaction, a quite painful one.
As California is the growth engine for the entire US economy, accounting for 20% of US GDP, it is no surprise that it has become the primary target of Chinese retaliation in the new trade war.
The Golden State exported $28.5 billion worth of products to China in 2017, primarily electronic goods, with a host of agricultural products a close second.
In the most devious way possible, the Middle Kingdom targeted Trump supporters in the most liberal state in the country with laser-like focus. California exports 46% of its pistachios to China, followed by 35% of its exported plums, 20% of exported oranges, 12% of its almonds.
By comparison, California imported gargantuan $160.5 billion worth of goods from China last year, mostly electronics, clothing, toys, and other low-end consumer goods.
Some $16 billion of this was recycled back into the state via investment in real estate and technology companies.
Anecdotal evidence shows that figure could be dwarfed by the purchase of California homes by Chinese individuals looking for a safe place to hide their savings. Local brokers report that up to one-third of recent purchases have been by Chinese nations paying all cash.
The Chinese tried to spend more. Their money is thought to be behind Broadcom’s (AVGO) $105 billion bid for QUALCOMM (QCOM), which was turned down for national security reasons.
The next big chapter in the trade war will be over the theft of intellectual property, and that one will be ALL about the Golden State.
Also at risk is virtually Apple’s (AAPL) entire manufacturing base in China where more than one million workers at Foxconn assemble iPhones, Macs, iPads, and iPods. It took Apple 20 years to build this facility. It will take 20 more years to move it.
The Cupertino giant could get squeezed from both sides. The Chinese could interfere with its production facilities, or its phones could get slapped with an American import duty.
By comparison, in 2017 the US imported a total of $505.6 billion in goods from China and exported $130.4 billion. Against this imbalance, the US runs the largest surplus in services.
The last Chinese escalation will involve a 25% tariff on American pork and recycled aluminum. Who is the largest pork producer in the US? Iowa, with $4.2 billion worth, the location of an early presidential election primary.
Beyond that, Beijing has darkly hinted that is will continue to boycott new US Treasury bond auctions, as it has done for the past six months, or unload some of its massive $1.6 trillion in bond holdings.
Given the price action in the bond market today, with the United States Treasury Bond Fund (TLT) at a two-year high, I would say that the market doesn’t believe that for two seconds. The Chinese won’t cut off their nose to spite their face.
The administration is discovering to its great surprise that its base is overwhelming against a trade war. And as business slows down, it will become evident in the numbers as well.
The US was the big beneficiary of the global trading system. Why change the rules of a game we are winning?
Still, national pride dies hard.
How soon will the trade war end? Does China want to help Donald Trump get elected in 2020, or his opponent?
It looks like it is going to be a long slog.
Global Market Comments
May 23, 2019
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
Global Market Comments
May 22, 2019
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
We are now in the throes of a market correction that could last anywhere from a couple of more week to a couple of months. So, generational opportunities are starting to open up in some of the best long term market sectors.
Suppose there was an exchange-traded fund that focused on the single most important technology trend in the world today.
You might think that I was smoking California’s largest export (it’s not grapes). But such a fund DOES exist.
The Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF (BOTZ) drops a golden opportunity into investors’ laps as a way to capture part of the growing movement behind automation.
The fund currently has an impressive $2.2 billion in assets under management.
The universal trend of preferring automation over human labor is spreading with each passing day. Suffice to say there is the unfortunate emotional element of sacking a human and the negative knock-on effect to the local community like in Detroit, Michigan.
But simply put, robots do a better job, don’t complain, don’t fall ill, don’t join unions, or don’t ask for pay rises. It’s all very much a capitalist’s dream come true.
Instead of dallying around in single stock symbols, now is the time to seize the moment and take advantage of the single seminal trend of our lifetime.
No, it’s not online dating, gambling, or bitcoin. It’s Artificial Intelligence.
Selecting individual stocks that are purely exposed to AI is a challenging endeavor. Companies need a way to generate returns to shareholders first and foremost, hence, most pure AI plays do not exist right now.
However, the Mad Hedge Fund Trader has found the most unadulterated AI play out there. A real diamond in the rough.
The best way to expose yourself to this AI trend is through Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF (BOTZ).
This ETF tracks the price and yield performance of ten crucial companies that sit at the forefront of the AI and robotic development curve. It invests at least 80% of its total assets in the securities of the underlying index. The expense ratio is only 0.68%.
Another caveat is that the underlying companies are only derived from developed countries. Out of the 10 disclosed largest holdings, seven are from Japan, two are from Silicon Valley, and one, ABB Group, is a Swedish-Swiss multinational headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland.
Robotics and AI walk hand in hand, and robotics are entirely dependent on the germination prospects of AI. Without AI, robots are just a clunk of heavy metal.
Robots require a high level of AI to meld seamlessly into our workforce. The stronger the AI functions, the stronger the robot’s ability, filtering down to the bottom line.
AI-embedded robots are especially prevalent in military, car manufacturing, and heavy machinery. The industrial robot industry projects to reach $80 billion per year in sales by 2024 as more of the workforce gradually becomes automated.
The robotic industry has become so prominent in the automotive industry that they constitute greater than 50% of robot investments in America.
Let’s get the ball rolling and familiarize readers of the Global Trading Dispatch with the top 5 weightings in the underlying ETF (BOTZ).
Nvidia (NVDA)
Nvidia Corporation is a company I often write about as their main business is producing GPU chips for the video game industry.
This Santa Clara, California-based company is spearheading the next wave of AI advancement by focusing on autonomous vehicle technology and AI-integrated cloud data centers as their next cash cow.
All these new groundbreaking technologies require ample amounts of GPU chips. Consumers will eventually cohabitate with state of the art IOT products (internet of things), fueled by GPU chips coming to mass market like the Apple Homepod.
The company is led by genius Jensen Huang, a Taiwanese American, who cut his teeth as a microprocessor designer at competitor Advanced Micro Devices (AMD).
Nvidia constitutes a hefty 8.70% of the BOTZ ETF.
To visit their website, please click here.
Yaskawa Electric (Japan)
Yaskawa Electric is the world's largest manufacturer of AC Inverter Drives, Servo and Motion Control, and Robotics Automation Systems, headquartered in Kitakyushu, Japan.
It is a company I know well, having covered this former zaibatsu company as a budding young analyst in Japan 45 years ago.
Yaskawa has fully committed to improving global productivity through automation. It comprises the 2nd largest portion of BOTZ at 8.35%.
To visit Yaskawa’s website, please click here.
Fanuc Corp. (Japan)
Fanuc was another one of the hot robotics companies I used to trade in during the 1970s, and I have visited their main factory many times.
The 3rd largest portion in the (BOTZ) ETF at 7.78% is Fanuc Corp. This company provides automation products and computer numerical control systems and is headquartered in Oshino, Yamanashi.
They were once a subsidiary of Fujitsu, which focused on the field of numerical control. The bulk of their business is done with American and Japanese automakers and electronics manufacturers.
They have snapped up 65% of the worldwide market in the computerized numerical device market (CNC). Fanuc has branch offices in 46 different countries.
To visit their company website, please click here.
Intuitive Surgical (ISRG)
Intuitive Surgical Inc (ISRG) trades on Nasdaq and is located in sun-drenched Sunnyvale, California.
This local firm designs, manufactures, and markets surgical systems and is completely industriously focused on the medical industry.
The company's da Vinci Surgical System converts surgeon's hand movements into corresponding micro-movements of instruments positioned inside the patient.
The products include surgeon's consoles, patient-side carts, 3D vision systems, da Vinci skills simulators, da Vinci Xi integrated table motions.
This company comprises 7.60% of BOTZ. To visit their website, please click here.
Keyence Corp (Japan)
Keyence Corp is the leading supplier of automation sensors, vision systems, barcode readers, laser markers, measuring instruments, and digital microscope.
They offer a full array of service support and closely work with customers to guarantee full functionality and operation of the equipment. Their technical staff and sales teams add value to the company by cooperating with its buyers.
They have been consistently ranked as the top 10 best companies in Japan and boast an eye-popping 50% operating margin.
They are headquartered in Osaka, Japan and make up 7.54% of the BOTZ ETF.
To visit their website please click here.
(BOTZ) does have some pros and cons. The best AI plays are either still private at the venture capital level or have already been taken over by giant firms like NVIDIA.
You also need to have a pretty broad definition of AI to bring together enough companies to make up a decent ETF.
However, it does get you a cheap entry into many of the illiquid foreign names in this fund.
Automation is one of the reasons why this is turning into the deflationary century and I recommend all readers who don’t have their own robotic-led business pick up some Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF (BOTZ).
And by the way, the entry point right here on the charts is almost perfect.
To learn more about (BOTZ), please visit their website by clicking here.
Global Market Comments
May 21, 2019
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
There is no doubt that the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas took on a different character during the first week of May.
Walking out to the pool I ran into David Rubenstein wearing his fancy jogging outfit. He is a co-founder of the Carlyle Group, the world’s preeminent private equity fund.
I listened in on a heated hallway argument between the ever-combative Chris Christie, the former governor of New Jersey, recently retired US attorney general Jeff Sessions, and former New York governor Rudy Giuliani.
The diminutive real estate mogul Sam Zell was holding down a table of admirers for morning coffee.
Oh, and I spent an evening rocking out with legendary venture capitalist Tim Draper, listening to John Fogerty, once of Credence Clearwater Revival. John played his entire set from Woodstock 51 years ago.
The magnet drawing all of these disparate luminaries together was the 2019 SALT conference, assembled by the ever-peripatetic financial entrepreneur and showman Anthony Scaramucci.
I have known Anthony for at least a decade, founder and co-managing director of Skybridge Capital, an allocator of funds to alternative asset management strategies. You may know him as Donald Trump’s press secretary who lasted in the position all of 11 days, depending on how you count.
The mood at the conference was what you might expect in the tenth year of a bull market. Most were bullish, but nervous, as new uncertainties pile up.
As in past years, Anthony delivered a lineup of speakers that was nothing less than blue chip. They included my old friend, USMC general John Kelley, most recently the president’s chief of staff, former Obama advisor Valerie Jarret, artificial intelligence wizard Kai-Fu Lee, founder and well known “shark” Mark Cuban, and Dr. Nouriel Roubini, otherwise known as “Dr. Doom”, who lived up to his reputation as usual.
Strolling through the coffee lounge between sessions a number of incredibly beautiful young women suddenly found me very attractive. Perhaps they noticed the words “hedge fund” on my name tag. It turned out they were marketing back office services.
Over lunch, I listened to Drs. Bob Hariri and David S. Karow speak of the wonders of placental stem cell technology, which promises to extend our lives by decades. I was an early stem cell user, thanks to my daily hiking regime that wore out my knees. It works.
General David Petraeus and former UN Ambassador Susan Rice discussed solutions for our difficulties in the Middle East. Peter Schiff and Barry Silbert debated the safe haven characteristics of gold versus Bitcoin.
My Incline Village, Nevada neighbor Michael Milken talked about how capital drives rapid technology innovation. I thanked Mike for paying for the town’s annual Fourth of July fireworks budget, which happens to be his birthday.
Anyone with kids knows well Sal Khan, founder of Khan Academy, the renown online tutoring platform. Khan originally started the project in an attempt to help his many relatives with math homework. It now assists millions across 163 countries and is funded by Microsoft founder Bill Gates. By the end of 2018, Khan Academy videos had accumulated over 1.8 billion views on Google’s YouTube.
I ran into another old friend Jon Najarian at one of the nightly pool parties. I have seen former Minnesota Viking Jon reinvent himself over the years more often than I change my socks. Most recently, he is running a family office and marketing various financial products. He still breaks a few bones every time he shakes your hand.
By Friday morning the guests were packing up and heading to McCarran Airport, or to the private jet terminal at Henderson, where I have kept a share in a plane for years for my Grand Canyon jaunts.
I noticed one of the earlier mentioned marketers buying a $695 pair of Christian Louboutin shoes, you know, the ones with the red bottoms? Clearly, they had been successful in their sales efforts.
For more about the 2019 SALT conference, please click here.
For more about Skybridge Capital, please click here.
“Your margin is my opportunity.” – Said Founder and CEO of Amazon Jeff Bezos
Global Market Comments
May 20, 2019
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(FXI), (CYB), (TSLA), (AAPL), (BA), (WMT), (TLT), (INTU), (GOOGL)
Whatever the market is drinking right now, I’ll take some of that stuff. If you could bottle it and sell it, you’d be rich. Certainly, the Viagra business would go broke.
To see the Dow average only give up 7% in response to the worst trade war in a century is nothing less than stunning. To see it then make half of that back in the next four days is even more amazing. But then, that is the world we live in now.
When the stock market shrugs off the causes of the last great depression like it’s nothing, you have to reexamine the root causes of the bull market. It’s all about the Fed, the Fed, the Fed.
Our August central bank’s decision to cancel all interest rate rises for a year provided a major tailwind for share prices at the end of 2018. The ending of quantitative tightening six months early injected the steroids, some $50 billion in new cash for the economy per month.
We now have a free Fed put option on share prices. Even if we did enter another 4,500-point swan dive, most now believe that the Fed will counter with more interest rate cuts, thanks to extreme pressure from Washington. A high stock market is seen as crucial to winning the 2020 presidential election.
Furthermore, permabulls are poo-pooing the threat to the US economy the China (FXI) trade war presents. Some $500 billion in Chinese exports barely dent the $21.3 trillion US GDP. It’s not even a lot for China, amounting to 3.7% of their $13.4 trillion GDP, or so the argument goes.
Here’s the problem with that logic. The lack of a $5 part from China can ground the manufacture of $30 million aircraft when there are no domestic alternatives. Similarly, millions of small online businesses, mostly based in the Midwest, couldn’t survive a 25% price increase in the cost of their inventory.
As for the Chinese, while trade with us is only 3.7% of their economy, it most likely accounts for 90% of their profits. That’s why the Chinese yuan (CYB) has recently been in free fall in a desperate attempt to offset punitive tariffs with a substantially cheaper currency.
The market will figure out all of this eventually on a delayed basis and probably in a few months when slowing economic growth becomes undeniable. However, the answer for now is NOT YET!
Markets can be dumb, poor sighted, and mostly deaf animals. It takes them a while to see the obvious. One of the problems with seeing things before the rest of the world does, I can be early on trades, and that can translate into losing money. So, I have to be cautious here.
When that happens, I revert to an approach I call “Trading devoid of the thought process.” When prices are high, I sell. When they are low, I buy. All other information is noise. And I keep my size small and stop out of losers lightning fast. That’s how I managed to eke out a modest 0.63% profit so far this month, despite horrendous trading conditions.
You have to trade the market you have, not what it should be, or what you wish you had. It goes without saying that the Mad Hedge Market Timing Index become an incredibly valuable tool in such conditions.
It was a volatile week, to say the least.
China retaliated, raising tariffs on US goods, ratcheting up the trade war. US markets were crushed with the Dow average down 720 intraday and Chinese plays like Apple (AAPL) and Boeing (BA) especially hard hit.
China tariffs are to cost US households $500 each in rising import costs. Don’t point at me! I buy all American with my Tesla (TSLA).
The China tariffs delivered the largest tax increases in history, some $72 billion according to US Treasury figures. With Walmart (WMT) already issuing warnings on coming price hikes, we should sit up and take notice. It is a highly regressive tax hike, with the poorest hardest hit.
The Atlanta Fed already axed growth prospects for Q2, from 3.2% to 1.1%. This trade war is getting expensive. No wonder stocks have been in a swan dive.
US Retail Sales cratered in March while Industrial Production was off 0.5%. Why is the data suddenly turning recessionary? It isn’t even reflecting the escalated trade war yet.
European auto tariff delay boosted markets in one of the administration’s daily attempts to manipulate the stock market and guarantee support of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania during the next presidential election. All government decisions are now political all the time.
Weekly Jobless Claims plunged by 16,000 to 212,000. Have you noticed how dumb support staff have recently become? I have started asking workers how long they have been at their jobs and the average so far is three months. No one knows anything. This is what a full employment economy gets you.
Four oil tankers were attacked at the Saudi port of Fujairah, sending oil soaring. America’s “two war” strategy may be put to the test, with the US attacking Iran and North Korea simultaneously.
Bitcoin topped 8,000, on a massive “RISK OFF” trade, now double its December low. The cryptocurrency is clearly replacing gold as the fear trade.
The Mad Hedge Fund Trader managed to blast through to a new all-time high last week.
Global Trading Dispatch closed the week up 16.35% year to date and is up 0.63% so far in May. My trailing one-year rose to +20.19%. We jumped in and out of short positions in bonds (TLT) for a small profit, and our tech positions appreciated.
The Mad Hedge Technology Letter did OK, making some good money with a long position in Intuit (INTU) but stopping out for a small loss in Alphabet (GOOGL).
Some 10 out of 13 Mad Hedge Technology Letter round trips have been profitable this year.
My nine and a half year profit jumped to +316.49%. The average annualized return popped to +33.21%. With the markets incredibly and dangerously volatile, I am now 80% in cash with Global Trading Dispatch and 80% cash in the Mad Hedge Tech Letter.
I’ll wait until the markets retest the bottom end of the recent range before considering another long position.
The coming week will see only one report of any real importance, the Fed Minutes on Wednesday afternoon. Q1 earnings are almost done.
On Monday, May 20 at 8:30 AM, the April Chicago Fed National Activity Index is out.
On Tuesday, May 21, 10:00 AM EST, the April Existing Home Sales is released. Home Depot (HD) announces earnings.
On Wednesday, May 22 at 2:00 PM, the minutes of the last FOMC Meeting are published. Lowes (LOW) announces earnings.
On Thursday, May 16 at 23 AM, Weekly Jobless Claims are published. Intuit (INTU) announces earnings.
On Friday, May 24 at 8:30 AM, April Durable Goods is announced.
As for me, I’ll be taking a carload of Boy Scouts to volunteer at the Oakland Food Bank to help distribute food to the poor and the homeless. Despite living in the richest and highest paid urban area in the world, some 20% of the population now lives on handouts, including many public employees and members of the military. It truly is a have, or have-not economy.
Good luck and good trading.
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
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