Global Market Comments
October 23, 2013
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
SPDR S&P 500 (SPY)
Global Market Comments
October 23, 2013
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
SPDR S&P 500 (SPY)
I remember the 12th century like it was yesterday. In those days, the leading intellectuals used to get together and drink wine by the gallon, which then was really little more than rotten grape juice. The problem was that we all used to pass out before anybody came up with a great idea. Then someone started importing coffee from the Middle East and thinkers stayed awake long enough to produce great thoughts. Enter the Renaissance.
One of the guys I used to hang out with then was named Leonardo Fibonacci. Good old Leo was a man after my own heart, a world class nerd and geek, with a penchant for mathematics. His dad was a diplomat from the Court at Pisa to the Algiers sultanate who had a nice little import/export business on the side. It is safe to say that there was probably as little action in Algiers then as there is today. I know, because I?ve been there.
Instead of camping out in his dad?s basement and staying depressed like a lot of young men these days, Leo killed time trolling the local bazaars for interesting used books he could buy on the cheap. Remember, this was before texting. That was not hard to do since most people couldn?t read. He took the trouble to learn Arabic and translated them back into Latin. Ancient math books were his specialty.
It didn?t take Leo long to figure out that that the Arabs had developed a numbering system vastly superior to the Roman numerals then in use in Europe. Most importantly, they mastered the concept of zero and the placement of digits in addition and subtraction. The Arabs themselves, in fact, lifted these concepts from archaic Indian mathematicians as far back as the 6th century.
If you don?t believe me about the significance of this discovery, try multiplying CCVII by XXXIV. (The answer is VMMXXXVIII, or 7,038). Try designing a house, a bridge, or a computer software program with such a cumbersome numbering system.
Good old Leo didn?t just stop there. He also discovered a series of numbers which seemed to have magical predictive powers. The formula is extremely simple. Start with zero, add the next number, and you have the next number in the series. Continue the progression and you get 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55?. and so on. It?s no surprise that the sequence became known as the ?Fibonacci Sequence?.
The great thing about this series is that if you divide any number in it by the next one, your get a product that has become known as the ?Golden Ratio?. This number is 1:1.618, or 0.618 to one. Fibonacci?s original application for this number was that it could be used to predict the growth rate of a population of breeding rabbits.
Then some other mathematicians started poking around with it. It turns out the Great Pyramid in Egypt was built to the specification of a Fibonacci ratio. So is the rate of change of the curvature in a sea shell, or a human ear. So is the ratio of the length of your arms to your legs. Upon closer inspection, the Fibonacci turned out to be absolutely everywhere, from the structure of the tiniest cell to the swirl of the largest galaxies in the universe.
Fibonacci introduced his findings in a book entitled ?Liber Abaci?, or ?Free Abacus? in English, which he published in 1202. In it he proposed the 0-9 numbering system, place values, lattice multiplication, fractions, bookkeeping, commercial weights and measures, and the calculation of interest. It included everything we would recognize as modern mathematics.
The book launched the scientific revolution in Europe that led us to where we are today, and was a major bestseller. In fact, you can still buy it on Amazon, making it the longest continuously published book in history, after the Bible.
Enter the stock market. By the end of the 19th century, some observers noticed that share prices tended to move in predictable patterns on charts. In particular, they always seemed to advance and pull back around the numbers forecast by my friend, Fibonacci, seven hundred years earlier.? These people came to be known as ?technical analysts,? as opposed to fundamental analysts, who look at the underlying business behind each company.
By the 1930?s, Fibonacci numbers had worked their way into mainstream technical analytical theories, such as Elliot Wave. Today, most market tracking software and data systems, like Bloomberg, will automatically throw up Fibonacci support and resistance numbers on every stock chart.
Why am I talking about this? Because I am frequently asked how I pick the precise strike prices for options in my own Trade Alert Service. How do I do it? I use a combination of moving averages, moving average convergance-divergance (MACD) indicators, Bollinger bands, Fibonacci numbers, and a chant taught to me by an old Yaqui Indian shaman. And I do all of this only after going over the underlying fundamentals of the stock or index with a fine tooth comb. I can?t be any clearer than that.
Enter the high frequency traders. Knowing that the bulk of us rely on Fibonacci numbers for our short term trading calls, they have developed algorithms that seek to exploit that preference. They enter a large number of stop loss orders to sell just below a ?Fibo? support level, and then put up fake, but extremely large offers just above it, which are usually cancelled.
When conventional traders see these huge offers to sell, they panic, dump their stocks, and trigger the stop losses. The HFT?s then jump in and cover their own shorts for a quick profit, sometimes only for a fraction of a penny. The net effect of these shenanigans is to make Fibo numbers less effective. Fibo support is just not as rock solid as it used to be, nor is resistance. This is why the performance of several leading technical analysts has seriously deteriorated in recent years.
Although their importance is now somewhat diluted, I still enjoy Fibonacci numbers, as I see them in nature all around me. They occasionally have other uses, such as in cryptography. When I watched The da Vinci Code sequel, ?Angels & Demons?, I recognized the handiwork of my old friend Leo, while the rest of the audience sat there clueless.
For the fellow geeks and nerds among you, here are the precise Fibonacci numbers indicating support and resistance which you will find on a stock chart.
Global Market Comments
October 22, 2013
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
SPDR S&P 500 (SPY)
I am pleased to announce that I will be participating in the Invest like a Monster Trading Conference in San Francisco during October 25-26. The two-day event brings together experts from across the financial landscape that will improve your understanding of markets by a quantum leap and measurably boost your own personal trading performance.
Tickets are available for a bargain $399. If you buy the premium $499 package you will be invited to the Friday 6:00 pm VIP cocktail reception, where you will meet luminaries from the trading world, such as tradeMONSTRS?s Jon and Pete Najarian, Guy Adami, Jeff Mackey, and of course, myself, John Thomas, the Mad Hedge Fund Trader. All in all, it is great value for money, and I?ll personally throw in a ride on the City by the Bay?s storied cable cars for free.
Jon Najarian is the founder of optionMonster, which offers clients a series of custom crafted computer algorithms that give a crucial edge when trading the market. Called Heat Seeker ?, it monitors no less than 180,000 trades a second to give an early warning of large trades that are about to hit the stock, options, and futures markets.
To give you an idea of how much data this is, think of downloading the entire contents of the Library of Congress, about 20 terabytes of data, every 30 minutes. His firm maintains a 10 gigabyte per second conduit that transfers data at 6,000 times the speed of a T-1 line, the fastest such pipe in the civilian world. Jon?s team then distills this ocean of data on his website into the top movers of the day. ?As with the NFL,? says Jon, ?you can?t defend against speed.?
The system catches big hedge funds, pension funds, and mutual funds shifting large positions, giving subscribers a peak at the bullish or bearish tilt of the market. It also offers accurate predictions of imminent moves in single stock and index volatility.
Jon started his career as a linebacker for the Chicago Bears, and I can personally attest that he still has a handshake that?s like a steel vice grip. Maybe it was his brute strength that enabled him to work as a pit trader on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange for 22 years, where he was known by his floor call letters of ?DRJ.? He formed Mercury Trading in 1989 and then sold it to the mega hedge fund, Citadel, in 2004.
Jon developed his patented algorithms for Heat Seeker? with his brother Pete, another NFL player (Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Minnesota Vikings), who like Jon, is a regular face in the financial media.
In order to register for the conference, please click here. There you will find the conference agenda, bios of the speakers, and a picture of my own ugly mug. I look forward to seeing you there.
Cling! Cling!
Global Market Comments
October 21, 2013
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(SLV), (SLW)
iShares Silver Trust (SLV)
Silver Wheaton Corp. (SLW)
Come join me for lunch at the Mad Hedge Fund Trader?s Global Strategy Update, which I will be conducting in San Francisco on Friday, November 1, 2013. An excellent meal will be followed by a wide-ranging discussion and an extended question and answer period.
I?ll be giving you my up to date view on stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, precious metals, and real estate. And to keep you in suspense, I?ll be throwing a few surprises out there too. Tickets are available for $191.
I?ll be arriving at 11:00 and leaving late in case anyone wants to have a one on one discussion, or just sit around and chew the fat about the financial markets.
The lunch will be held at a private club in downtown San Francisco near Union Square that will be emailed with your purchase confirmation.
I look forward to meeting you, and thank you for supporting my research. To purchase tickets for the luncheons, please go to my online store.
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader is now approaching its seventh year of publication.
During this time, I have religiously been pumping out 1,500 words a day, or eight double spaced typed pages, of original, independent minded, hard hitting, and often wickedly funny research.
I?ve been covering stocks, bonds, commodities, precious metals, real estate, and agricultural products. You?ve been kept up on my travels around the world, and got to listen in on my conversations with those who drive the financial markets. I also occasionally opine on politics, but only when it has a direct market impact, such as with the recent Washington shutdown.
The site now contains over 3 million words, or six times the length of Tolstoy?s epic War and Peace. Unfortunately, it feels like I have written on every possible topic at least 20 times over. So I am reaching out to you, the reader, to suggest new areas of research that I may have missed until now which you believe justify further investigation.
Please send any and all ideas directly to me at, and put ?Research Idea? in the subject line.
The great thing about running an online business is that I can evolve it to meet your needs on a daily basis. Many of the new products and services that I have introduced since 2008 have come at your suggestion. That has enabled me to improve the product?s quality, to your benefit.
The Diary originally started out as a daily email to my hedge fund investors giving them an update on fast market moving events. This was at a time when the financial markets were in free fall, and the end of the world seemed near.
I thought, differently, but didn?t have time to hold hands with every customer individually over the phone. The daily emails gave me the scalability that I so desperately needed. Today?s global mega enterprise grew from there. Presently, the Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader is read in 140 countries.
If you want to read my first pitiful attempt at a post, please click here for my February 1, 2008 post. It urged readers to buy gold at $950 (it soared to $1,920), and buy the Euro at $1.50 (it went to $1.60). Now you know why this letter has become so I popular. Unfortunately, I also recommended that they sell bonds short. I wasn?t wrong on that one, just early, about five years too early.
I always get asked how long will I keep doing this? The government tells me that the latest I can start drawing down on my retirement funds and Social Security is 70 ?. That?s some 8 ? years off for me. Then I?ll reassess whether I want to carry on for another decade, or find something else more fun to do. Given the absolute blast I have doing this job, that is highly unlikely. Take a look at the testimonials I get on an almost daily basis and you?ll see why this business is so hard to walk away from (click here for Testimonials).
Fiat Lux (let there be light).
With smoke still rising from the ruins of the recent silver crash, I thought I'd touch base with a wizened and grizzled old veteran who still remembers the last time a bubble popped for the white metal. That would be Mike Robertson, who runs Robertson Wealth Management, one of the largest and most successful registered investment advisors in the country.
Mike is the last surviving silver broker to the Hunt Brothers, who in 1979-80 were major players in the run up in the 'poor man's gold' from $11 to a staggering $50 an ounce in a very short time. At the peak, their aggregate position was thought to exceed 100 million ounces.
Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt were the sons of the legendary HL Hunt, one of the original East Texas oil wildcatters, and heirs to one of the largest fortunes of the day. Shortly after president Richard Nixon took the US off the gold standard in 1971, the two brothers became deeply concerned about financial viability of the United States government. To protect their assets they began accumulating silver through coins, bars, the silver refiner, Asarco, and even antique tea sets, and when they opened, silver contracts on the futures markets.
The brothers? interest in silver was well known for years, and prices gradually rose. But when inflation soared into double digits, a giant spotlight was thrown upon them, and the race was on. Mike was then a junior broker at the Houston office of Bache & Co., in which the Hunts held a minority stake, and handled a large part of their business.?The turnover in silver contracts exploded. Mike confesses to waking up some mornings, turning on the radio to hear silver limit up, and then not bothering to go to work because he knew there would be no trades.
The price of silver ran up so high that it became a political problem. Several officials at the CFTC were rumored to be getting killed on their silver shorts. Eastman Kodak (EK), whose black and white film made them one of the largest silver consumers in the country, was thought to be borrowing silver from the Treasury to stay in business.
The Carter administration took a dim view of the Hunt Brothers' activities, especially considering their funding of the ultra-conservative John Birch Society. The Feds viewed it as a conspiratorial attempt to undermine the US government. It was time to pay the piper.
The CFTC raised margin rates to 100%. The Hunts were accused of market manipulation and ordered to unwind their position. They were subpoenaed by Congress to testify about their motives. After a decade of litigation, Bunker received a lifetime ban from the commodities markets, a $10 million fine, and was forced into a Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Mike saw commissions worth $14 million in today's money go unpaid. In the end, he was only left with a Rolex watch, his broker's license, and a silver Mercedes. He still ardently believes today that the Hunts got a raw deal, and that their only crime was to be right about the long term attractiveness of silver as an inflation hedge.
Nelson made one of the great asset allocation calls of all time and was punished severely for it. There never was any intention to manipulate markets. As far as he knew, the Hunts never paid more than the $20 handle for silver, and that all of the buying that took it up to $50 was nothing more than retail froth.
Through the lens of 20/20 hindsight, Mike views the entire experience as a morality tale, a warning of what happens when you step on the toes of the wrong people.
And what does the old silver trader think of prices today? Mike saw the current collapse coming from a mile off. He thinks silver is showing all the signs of a broken market, and doesn't want to touch it until it revisits the $20's. But the white metal's inflation fighting qualities are still as true as ever, and it is only a matter of time before prices once again take another long run to the upside.
Global Market Comments
October 18, 2013
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
SPDR S&P 500 (SPY)
The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent events in Libya, and have therefore raised their security level from ?Miffed? to ?Peeved.? Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to ?Irritated? or even ?A Bit Cross.? The English have not been ?A Bit Cross? since the blitz in 1940, when tea supplies nearly ran out. Terrorists have been re-categorized from ?Tiresome? to ?A Bloody Nuisance.? The last time the British issued a ?Bloody Nuisance? warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada.
The Scots have raised their threat level from ?Pissed Off? to ?Let?s get the Bastards.? They don?t have any other levels. This is the reason they have been used on the front line of the British army for the last 300 years.
The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from ?Run? to ?Hide.? The only two higher levels in France are ?Collaborate? and ?Surrender.? The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France?s white flag factory, effectively paralyzing the country?s military capability.
Italy has increased the alert level from ?Shout Loudly and Excitedly? to ?Elaborate Military Posturing.? Two more levels remain: ?Ineffective Combat Operations? and ?Change Sides.?
The Germans have increased their alert state from ?Disdainful Arrogance? to ?Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs.? They also have two higher levels: ?Invade a Neighbor? and ?Lose.?
Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual; the only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels.
The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy.
Australia, meanwhile, has raised its security level from ?No worries? to ?She?ll be alright, Mate.? Two more escalation levels remain: ?Crikey! I think we?ll need to cancel the barbie this weekend!? and ?The barbie is canceled.? So far no situation has ever warranted use of the final escalation level.
? John Cleese ? British writer, actor and tall person.
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