“To pursue the mosquito theory as a cause of yellow fever would be a complete waste of government money,” said an army doctor in 1898.
Global Market Comments
January 24, 2025
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
Asset allocation is the one question that I get every day, which I absolutely cannot answer.
The reason is simple: no two investors are alike.
The answer varies whether you are young or old, have $1,000 in the bank or $1 billion, are a sophisticated investor or an average Joe, are in the top or the bottom tax bracket, and so on.
This is something you should ask your financial advisor if you haven’t fired him already, which you probably should.
Having said all that, there is one old hard and fast rule, which you should probably dump.
It used to be prudent to own your age in bonds. So, if you were 70, you should have had 70% of your assets in fixed-income instruments and 30% in equities.
Given the extreme overvaluation of all bonds today, and that we are probably already in a 30-year bear market, I would completely ignore this rule and own no bonds whatsoever.
This is especially true of government bonds, which are yielding near zero interest rates in Europe and Japan, and only 2.23% in the US.
Instead, you should substitute high dividend-paying stocks for bonds. You can get 4% a year or more in yields these days, and get a great inflation hedge, to boot.
You will also own what everyone else in the world is trying to buy right now, high-yield US stocks.
You will get this higher return at the expense of higher volatility. So just turn the TV off on the down days so you won’t get panicked out at the bottom.
That is until we hit the next recession. Then all bets are off. That may be three years off, or more.
I hope this helps.
John Thomas
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Under or Over 70?
“Fair value doesn’t mean you have to go down. It just means you have to be cautious,” said hedge fund legend David Tepper of Appaloosa Management.
Global Market Comments
January 23, 2025
Fiat Lux
Featured Trades:
(CGW), (PHO), (FIW), (VE), (TTEK), (PNR),
(GLD), (GDX), (ABX)
If you think that an energy shortage is bad, it will pale in comparison to the next water crisis. So, investment in freshwater infrastructure is going to be a great recurring long-term investment theme.
One theory about the endless wars in the Middle East since 1918 is that they have really been over water rights.
Although Earth is often referred to as the water planet, only 2.5% is fresh, and three-quarters of that is locked up in ice at the North and South poles. In places like China, with a quarter of the world's population, up to 90% of the freshwater is already polluted, some irretrievably so by heavy metals.
Some 18% of the world population lacks access to potable water, and demand is expected to rise by 40% in the next 20 years.
Aquifers in the US, which took nature millennia to create, are approaching exhaustion, especially in Northern Indiana and California’s Central Valley. While membrane osmosis technologies exist to convert seawater into fresh, they use ten times more energy than current treatment processes, a real problem if you don't have any, and will easily double the end cost of water to consumers.
While it may take 16 pounds of grain to produce a pound of beef, it takes a staggering 2,416 gallons of water to do the same. Beef exports are really a way of shipping water abroad in highly concentrated form.
The UN says that $11 billion a year is needed for water infrastructure investment, and $15 billion of the 2008 US stimulus package was similarly spent.
It says a lot that when I went to the University of California at Berkeley School of Engineering to research this piece, most of the experts in the field had already been retained by major hedge funds!
At the top of the shopping list to participate here should be the Claymore S&P Global Water Index ETF (CGW), which has appreciated by 14% since the October low.
You can also visit the PowerShares Water Resource Portfolio (PHO), the First Trust ISE Water Index Fund (FIW), or the individual stocks Veolia Environment (VE), Tetra-Tech (TTEK), and Pentair (PNR).
Who has the world's greatest per capita water resources? Siberia, which could become a major exporter of H2O to China in the decades to come.
The New Liquid Gold?
After seven years in the penalty box, gold is finally starting to come alive, and the Armageddon crowd is absolutely loving it. Maybe after ten years of rising, stocks are finally expensive on a relative basis?
These are the guys who are perennially predicting the collapse of the dollar, the default of the US government, hyperinflation, and the end of the world.
Better to keep all your assets in gold and silver, store at least a year’s worth of canned food, and keep your untraceable guns well-oiled and supplied with ammo, preferably in high-capacity magazines.
If you followed their advice, you lost your shirt.
I have broken many of these wayward acolytes of their money-losing habits. But not all of them. There seems to be an endless supply emanating from the hinterlands.
The “Oracle of Omaha” Warren Buffet often goes to great lengths to explain why he despises the yellow metal.
The sage doesn't really care about the gold, whatever the price. He sees it primarily as a bet on fear. I imagine he feels the same about Bitcoin, the modern tulips of our age.
If investors are more afraid in a year than they are today, then you make money on gold. If they aren't, then you lose money.
The only problem now is that fear ain’t working.
If you took all the gold in the world, it would form a cube 67 feet on a side, worth $5 trillion. For that same amount of money, you could own other assets with far greater productive earning power, including:
*All the farmland in the US, about 1 billion acres, which is worth $2.5 trillion.
*Seven Apple’s (AAPL), the second largest capitalized company in the world at $731 billion.
Instead of producing any income or dividends, gold just sits there and shines, making you feel like King Midas.
I don't know. With the stock market at an all-time high and oil trading at $75/barrel, a bet on fear looks pretty good to me right now.
I'm still sticking with my long-term forecast of the old inflation-adjusted high of $2,300/ounce.
It is just a matter of time before emerging market central bank buying pushes it up there. And who knows? Fear might make a comeback too.
“Every recession sows the seeds for the next business recovery, and every recovery sows the seeds of the next recession,” said hedge fund manager Leon Cooperman of Omega Advisors.
Global Market Comments
January 22, 2025
Fiat Lux
Featured Trades:
(ROM), (UXI), (UCC), (UYG)
I like to start out my day by calling readers on the US East Coast and Europe, asking how they like the service, are there any ways I can improve the service, and what topics they would like me to write about.
After all, at 5:00 AM Pacific time, they are the only ones around.
You’d be amazed at how many great ideas I pick up this way, especially when I speak to industry specialists or other hedge fund managers.
Even the 25-year-old day trader operating out of his mother’s garage has been known to educate me about something.
So when I talked with a gentleman from Tennessee this morning, I heard a common complaint. Naturally, I was reminded of my former girlfriend, Cybil, who owns a mansion on top of the levee in nearby Memphis overlooking the great Mississippi River.
As much as he loved the service, he didn’t have the time or the inclination to execute my market-beating Trade Alerts.
I said “Don’t worry. There is an easier way to do this.”
Only about a quarter of my followers actually execute my Trade Alerts. The rest rely on my research to correctly guide them in the management of the IRAs, 401Ks, pension funds, or other retirement assets.
There is also another, easier way to use the Trade Alert service. Think of it as a “Trade Alert light.” Do the following.
1) Only focus on the four best of the S&P 500’s 101 sectors. I have listed the ticker symbols below.
2) Wait for the chart technicals to line up. Bullish long-term “Golden crosses” are setting up for several sectors.
3) Use a macroeconomic tailwind, like the ramp up from a -31% GDP growth rate to +31% we are currently seeing.
4) Shoot for a microeconomic sweet spot, companies, and sectors that enjoy special attention.
5) Increase risk when the calendar is in your favor such as during November to May.
6) Use a modest amount of leverage in the lowest-risk bets but not much. 2:1 will do.
7) Scale in, buying a few shares every day on down days. Don’t hold out for an absolute bottom. You will never get it.
The goal of this exercise is to focus your exposure on a small part of the market with the greatest probability of earning a profit at the best time of the year. This is what grown-up hedge funds do all day long.
Sounds like a plan. Now, what do we buy?
(ROM) – ProShares Ultra Technology 2X Fund – Gives you double exposure to what will be the top-performing sector of the market for the next six months, and probably the rest of your life. Click here for details and the largest holdings.
(UXI) – ProShares Ultra Industrial Fund 2X – Is finally rebounding off the back of a dollar that will slow down its ascent once the first interest rate hike is behind us. Onshoring and incredibly cheap valuations are other big tailwinds here. For details and largest holdings, click here.
(UCC) – ProShares Ultra Consumer Services 2X Fund – Is a sweet spot for the economy, as tight-fisted consumers finally start to spend their gasoline savings now that it no longer appears to be a temporary windfall. This is also a great play on a housing market that is on fire. It contains favorites like Home Depot (HD) and Walt Disney (DIS) which we know and love. For details and largest holdings, click here.
(UYG) – ProShares Ultra Financials 2X Fund – Yes, after six years of false starts, interest rates are finally going up, with a December rate hike by the Fed a certainty. My friend, Janet, is handing out her Christmas presents early this year. This instantly feeds into wider profit margins for financials of every stripe. For details and largest holdings, click here.
Of course, you’ll need to keep reading my letter to confirm that the financial markets are proceeding according to the script. You will also have to read the Trade Alerts as we include a ton of deep research in the Updates.
You can then unload your quasi-trading book with hefty profits in the spring just when markets are peaking out. “Sell in May and Go Away?” I bet it works better than ever in 2021.