While the Global Trading Dispatch focuses on investment over a one week to six-month time frame, Mad Options Trader, provided by Matt Buckley, will focus primarily on the weekly US equity options expirations, with the goal of making profits at all times.
MOT (WO/PLTB) members -
We had an AWESOME Joint WO/PLTB this morning!
We covered a lot of ground this morning so please make sure you watch the replay if you couldn't attend or watch again in case you missed something. We covered NK/China and potential FXI trade (bullish! - short term), bailing out of Jan19 XOM and rotating into JPM, and also attempted to leg into iron condors on GS and AMZN.
GS stand alone bear call spread is the weekly options trade for the week, but also an iron condor for the PLTB portfolio.
GS bear call spread (not filled):
Trade Metrics
AMZN bear call spread (filled):
Trade Metrics:
Resulting iron condor (not reduced risk versus risk or single spread):