“Going to weddings and funerals is part of being a financial advisor,” said Theresa Chacopulos of Wells Fargo Private Banking, the top-producing financial advisor in Arizona.
Global Market Comments March 4, 2025 Fiat Lux Featured Trade: (A BUY WRITE PRIMER), (AAPL), (AMZN), (GOOGL)
With both market technical and fundamentals going to hell in a handbasket, it’s time to take a refresher course on “Buy Writes.” I have advised followers to dump the positions they are dating and only keep the ones they are married to. It’s worth enduring a 30% drawdown in a high-quality name to capture a […]
“It is fine to have the longest view in the room, as long as the thing at the end of the vista is a gigantic hill of money,” said John Lanchester of The New Yorker magazine.
Armageddon is not a word I use lightly. But this weekend, every technical service I subscribed to warned that the recent damage to the market was immense. It’s time to raise cash, hedge your positions, or otherwise position for a bear market. I have noticed over the past half-century that the best technicians spend a […]
Global Market Comments February 28, 2025 Fiat Lux Featured Trade: (FEBRUARY 26 BIWEEKLY STRATEGY WEBINAR Q&A), (BTC), (NVDA), (TSLA), (BRK/B), (JNK), (TLT), ($WTIC)
Below, please find subscribers’ Q&A for the February 26 Mad Hedge Fund Trader Global Strategy Webinar, broadcast from Incline Village, NV. Q: Isn’t this just a cyclical thing? Don’t all bull markets come to an end? A: Yes, they do. But this time around, it looks like the market is being pushed off a cliff. […]
When you develop your opinions on the basis of weak evidence, you will have difficulty interpreting subsequent information that contradicts these opinions, even if this new information is obviously more accurate,” said Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder.”
Global Market Comments February 27, 2025 Fiat Lux Featured Trade: (RIGHT SIZING YOUR TRADING)
I can’t tell you how many times I have been woken up in the middle of the night by an investor who was sleepless over a position that was going the wrong way. The Dow Average cratered by 1,200 points, Gold was down $50, the Euro was spiking two cents, and oil was making one […]
“Interest rates are gravity. When they are zero, shares prices can go to infinity. When they are high, as they were during the early 1980’s, the gravitational pull can be very strong,” said Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffet.
Global Market Comments February 26, 2025 Fiat Lux Featured Trade: (THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY TRADERS)
I never cease to be impressed with the readers of this newsletter. I was reminded of this once again in Salt Lake City, Utah a few weeks ago. Readers seem to fall into three categories. 1) Entrepreneurs whose businesses become so successful that they are throwing off plenty of excess cash to invest. This led […]
“Getting information off the Internet is akin to trying to sweep back the ocean with a broom,” said Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google.
Global Market Comments February 25, 2025 Fiat Lux Featured Trade: (WHY YOUR OTHER INVESTMENT NEWSLETTER IS SO DANGEROUS)
Not a day goes by without me hearing from a reader about the competition. They previously subscribed to a newsletter that promised a top-drawer education, an insider’s insights, and spectacular returns, sometimes 100% or more a month. “Doubled in a day” is a frequently heard term. The entry-level costs are only a few bucks, but […]
“As successful as solar has become, there was a bloody road of corporate carnage to get there,” said Joel Makower, chairman of the GreenBiz Group.
Global Market Comments February 24, 2025 Fiat Lux Featured Trade: (MARKET OUTLOOK FOR THE WEEK AHEAD, or THE DOWNSIDE OF DOGE, plus THE LAST GLASS OF KOOL-AID) (SPY), (TLT), (GS), (VST), (TSLA), (WMT), (UNH)
Let’s engage in a thought experiment here. Let’s assume that the new government is successful in all its goals and government spending is cut by $2 trillion. That is 7.2% of the $27.2 trillion US GDP. A loss of that magnitude of economic activity is known as a recession on the order of the one […]
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