Global Market Comments
July 22, 2016
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(VIX), (VXX), (XIV), (SVXY),
VXX iPath S&P 500 VIX ST Futures ETN
XIV VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX ST ETN
SVXY ProShares Short VIX Short-Term Futures
I was awoken from a dead sleep in the middle of the night in my suite on the Orient Express by a juddering halt and the smell of burning brakes in the air.
We were somewhere high in the Swiss Alps, and every single passenger on the first class only train had to be thinking that a murder had just been discovered.
It turned out that in the darkness we had hit a 400-pound wild boar astride the tracks. We spent four hours on a remote siding waiting for Swiss National Rail to deliver us a new engine.
I elicited chuckles when I ordered boar for lunch the next day. The ma?tre d? assured me it wasn?t ready yet, as the meat had to soak in vinegar for 48 hours before cooking.
That's the kind of thing you only hear in Europe.
I boarded the train that morning at London?s Victoria station in anticipation of the trip of a lifetime.
Venice Simplon Orient Express didn?t disappoint, although I would not be surprised if the IRS questioned the $8,500 cost for the 34-hour trip as a business expense on my tax return this year.
The legendary train has been featured in a dozen films (James Bond and Agatha Christie), two dozen television shows, and played a major part in countless novels. You can even buy the video game.
The modern Orient Express is in fact three different trains.
From Victoria Station in London to Folkestone on the coast, I traveled on a vintage British train that was definitely showing its age.
Then I boarded a bus, which drove on to a flatbed rail car that whisked us through the tunnel under the English Channel.
There, we claustrophobes closed our eyes and held our breath for 20 minutes, which at the nadir my altimeter watch showed us at 1,500 feet below sea level.
The real luxury started when I boarded a vintage 1924 Pullman first class sleeping car in Calais, France, lovingly restored to the day it was built.
I set my watch ahead one hour and back 92 years. Suddenly, the trees resembled those in impressionist paintings, the land was dotted with Norman fortresses, and gasoline was $8 a gallon.
The original Orient Express, from Paris to Istanbul, made its inaugural journey in 1882, and quickly became famous for its unheard of luxury and speed. Modern bullet trains and cut-rate airlines put it out of business 100 years later.
The current incarnation started in 1977 when James Sherwood, who had built up a fortune through Sea-Land Containers, bought three dilapidated Pullman rail cars at an auction in Monte Carlo.
Like all of us with insanely expensive hobbies, he sought a way for outsiders to fund his passion.
Hence, the Venice-Simplon Orient Express started luring big spenders and the romantically inclined in 1982 (click here for their site
I became one of the original passengers in England when my broker chartered it for a day of client entertainment, an ancient steam engine laboring all the way.
Over the next 30 years, Sherwood built Orient Express into one of the world?s preeminent luxury brands, on par with Cartier, Tiffany, and Chanel.
He developed a massive global network of cross marketing deals that tied in package tours, hotels, cruises, and other vintage trains.
Today, the parent company, Orient Express Hotels (OEH) carries a market cap of $1.15 billion (click here for that site
Ironically, the company today still only owns one of it's dozens of rail cars. The rest have been sold to Middle Eastern investors with long-term leaseback contracts.
The dinner onboard is the highlight of the trip, a fabulous six course, three hour affair. There you meet the other passengers, all dressed to the nines.
Most were wealthy elderly couples knocking off a bucket list item, along with a few young hedge fund managers and a passel of mistresses.
I was one of the few Americans. I ate with a casino operator in Ireland and the owner of a manufacturing company in the UK. All I can say is thank goodness for the elastic waist on my tux trousers.
Having spent a lifetime analyzing corporate managements, I was fascinated by the operation of the train.
While the onboard staff is limited to 79, they are supported by a management, marketing, and engineering team of no less than 4,500.
You don?t just show up with a 17-car train in Europe?s incredibly congested rail network. You must first file a route plan and get a clearance slot, much like any airline.
Engines and crews must be changed at every border. Mechanics are onboard with an ample stockpile of 1920?s rail car parts.
Oblivious passengers are frequently left stranded behind at stations along the way and must be retrieved by taxis, which catch the train down the line.
To make up the time we lost due to the unlucky boar, the rail authorities routed us though the 12 mile long transalpine tunnel under Spl?gen Pass, then along the sublime shores of Lake Como, where the train rarely travels.
We roared past George Clooney?s house, who, I am told, is a frequent passenger on the train.
Amazed Italians were waving and taking pictures of us with their cell phones at every stop.
Suddenly the buildings were all shaded in pastels, the churches changed from Protestant to Catholic, and the trees resembled those in Renaissance religious paintings.
We raced over the causeway to Venice?s Marco Polo station that evening, dumping our considerable luggage into a private speedboat which whisked us away down a Grand Canal crowded with gondolas, en route to the fabled Cipriani Hotel.
To be continued.
?To get rich is glorious!? said Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese general who launched the country?s modern economy in the seventies.
Global Market Comments
July 21, 2016
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(SPY), (TLT), (GLD), (SLV), (GGP), (AMLP), (UUP),
TLT iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond
GLD SPDR Gold Shares
SLV iShares Silver Trust
GGP General Growth Properties, Inc
UUP PowerShares DB US Dollar Bullish ETF
Urgent business with the German government requires me to be in the Fatherland for an extra day.
It seems that someone high up wants to know about the long-term economic impact of Brexit (terrible), the possibility of avoiding it (excellent), and what to do with one million refugees.?
Apparently, no one else but me can put all of this in the 50 year global context they require.
That is a windfall for my readers in the southern part of Germany, who will find me in their fair city for a few hours.
So come join me for lunch for the Mad Hedge Fund Trader?s Global Strategy luncheon, which I will be conducting in Baden-Baden, Germany on Tuesday, July 26, 2016.
A three-course lunch will be followed by an extended question and answer period.
I?ll be giving you my up to date view on stocks, bonds, foreign currencies, commodities, precious metals, and real estate.
And to keep you in suspense, I?ll be tossing a few surprises out there too. Enough charts, tables, graphs, and statistics will be thrown at you to keep your ears ringing for a week. Tickets are available for $267.
I?ll be arriving at 11:30 AM and leaving late in case anyone wants to have a one-on-one discussion, or just sit around and chew the fat about the financial markets.
The lunch will be held at an exclusive five star hotel in the downtown area of the city, the location of which will be emailed with your purchase confirmation.
I look forward to meeting you, and thank you for supporting my research.
To purchase tickets for the luncheons, please click here.
I have a prediction to make.
When Donald Trump takes the podium to accept the Republican nomination for the presidency this week, he will not talk about how much money he has made in the stock market over the past seven years.
Nor will he mention how the value of his real estate portfolio has doubled. Completely missing will be mention of a 4.9% unemployment rate, weekly jobless claims at a 43-year low, and corporate profits at an all time high.
What we WILL hear about is the terrible state of the US economy, a coming Great Depression, and an imminent stock market crash that will make the 2008-2009 disaster look like child?s play.
I know he will take this line because he has said it many, many times before.
Needless to say, this is NOT a positive message for the stock market.
Normally, I wouldn?t care about market predictions from an aspiring political candidate. We already know it?s all about bluff, bluster, and empty promises.
However, these are not normal times.
US stocks are now more overbought than any time in their history.
Price earnings multiples at 20X in a 2% a year growth economy is unheard of. The geopolitical backdrop is worsening, with black swans arriving weekly.
And Brexit? Has anyone heard of Brexit?
Usually, this would be enough to cause me to don my helmet and hide out in a deep bombproof desert bunker with a year?s supply of food, water, and ammo.
But it gets worse.
The frenetic rally in stocks we have seen since the post Brexit low six weeks ago, has been of the lowest quality I have ever seen.
It has occurred with steadily falling volume. There has been almost no individual or institutional participation.
It has been all about companies buying back their own stock, and hedge funds covering losing shorts on stop loss orders.
Here is the great irony in what is going on in all asset classes globally.
Central banks are flooding the world with money in order to stimulate economic growth. This was partly spurred by the surprise Brexit. But the rot was already well advanced everywhere.
This has driven interest rates to absurdly low levels. Eventually, this will stimulate economies, as it successfully did in the US from 2009 to 2014.
However, the immediate impact will be to drive up the price of ALL financial assets.
This is why you have seen the unheard of occurrence of simultaneous highs in stocks (SPY), bonds (TLT), precious metals (GLD), REIT?s (GGP), Master Limited Partnerships (AMLP), and the US dollar (UUP).
I know this is supposed to be impossible according to your economic textbooks. But it is happening.
For the mathematicians out there, let me tell you how insane things have gotten in the stock market.
With the Dow Average up NINE CONSECUTIVE DAYS, we are approaching a three standard deviation move in prices.
Usually, you only see moves of this magnitude in sudden gaps DOWN.
You saw this in the two day, $1000 point drop that followed Brexit, the 10% melt down in January triggered by weak Chinese economic data, and the August, 2015 $1,100 point flash crash.
To see three standard deviations on a move UP is a once in a lifetime event. The last time I saw one was in 1989 at the end of the great Japanese bull market.
But wait! There?s more!
The S&P 500 is now 7.67% above its 50-day moving average, an occurrence as scarce as hens? teeth. You almost have to be as old as me to remember how often this happens.
The narrowness of this rally is almost unprecedented. My technical friends have been jumping up and down screaming that only 28 of the S&P 500 are at all time highs, and a mere 78 are in clear uptrends.
To see so much buying focused on so few shares is unnerving, to say the least.
All of the above is why I have sold short the S&P 500.
Mind you, this is not the time to bet the ranch. I have put on a position that is as conservative as possible, namely the (SPY) August $221-$224 vertical bull put spread.
I have gone front month, deep in the money, and small in size. The (SPY) has to rise another 1.8% on top of an already incredible 9.60% move for me to lose money on this position. And it has to accomplish this feat in a short 17 days.
If the stock market continues to appreciate, I?ll just roll the position up and double the size.
Here are two downside levels that are key to any retracement:
$2,135 ? is the previous high for the S&P 500 that certainly bears retesting. If it holds, we are going to even higher highs. If it doesn?t, new allocations to equities are put on hold.
$2,080 ? Is the next level of support. If it holds, we will set up a new trading range from $2,080 to $2,170 for the foreseeable future. If this one fails, the market will give back its entire July rally and take us back to the Brexit low of $1,980.
In either of these cases the existing (SPY) short position earns the maximum potential profit of 18.2%. It?s better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
Anyone who is aware of the above might want to join me in my desert bunker.
If you send me a nice email, I?ll save you a place. Just bring your own M-16.
Runaway Bulls Can Be Dangerous
Global Market Comments
July 20, 2016
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
Come join me for afternoon tea for the Mad Hedge Fund Trader?s Global Strategy Seminar, which I will be conducting high in the Alps in Zermatt, Switzerland at 2:00 PM on Friday, July 22, 2016.
The guests and I will engage in an open discussion on the crucial issues facing investors today. Coffee, tea, and schnapps will be made available, along with light snacks.
I?ll be giving you my up to date view on stocks, bonds, foreign currencies, commodities, precious metals and real estate. And to keep you in suspense, I?ll be throwing a few surprises out there too.
Enough charts, tables, graphs, and statistics will be thrown at you to keep your ears ringing for a week. Tickets are available for $197.
I?ll be arriving early and leaving late in case anyone wants to have a one on one discussion, or just sit around and chew the fat about the financial markets.
The event will be held at a central Zermatt hotel with a great Matterhorn view, operated by one of the village?s oldest families and long time friends of mine. The hotel is just down the street from the town?s beautiful 17th century church.
The details will be emailed directly to you with your confirmation.
You are welcome to attend in your mountain climbing gear, but you will have to leave your boots at the door. Socks only are welcome, and if it?s cold, we will throw some extra wood on the fire.
Last year, someone came down from the Matterhorn summit straight to the seminar, sunburned and tired but elated. He even gave me a valued pebble from the summit.
The Swiss National Day is on the following Saturday, August 1 and Zermatters throw a blowout party to celebrate the event. Citizens converge on the village from all over Switzerland to participate in an hour long parade up the main cobble stoned street, dressed in traditional folk costume and playing mountain instruments.
The Bahnhoffstrasse is packed with merchants offering national dishes, fine pastries, and plenty of local beer and wine. We usually end up dancing a polka in front of the town church.
If you can still stand up, giant bonfires are lit on the surrounding mountain peaks at sunset, followed by an impressive fireworks display. For the last three years, a torrential downpour followed.
It is all a complete blast, so I attend every year.
I look forward to meeting you, and thank you for supporting my research.
To purchase tickets for the seminar, please click here .?
I was not surprised to hear that the home sharing app, Airbnb, was given a $30 billion valuation in the latest venture capital funding round.
The big question for you and me is: Will the valuation soar tenfold to $300 billion, and how much of a piece of that will you and I be allowed to get?
To answer that question I just spent six weeks traveling around Europe as an Airbnb customer. This enabled me to understand their business model, their strengths and weaknesses, and analyze their long term potential.
As a customer, the value you receive is nothing less than amazing.
I have been a five star hotel client for most of my life, with someone else picking up the tab much of the time, so I have a pretty good idea on the true value of accommodations.
What you get from Airbnb is nothing less than spectacular. You get three or four times the space for one-third the price.
The standards are often five-star and at the top end, depending on how much you spend. I found I could often get an entire three-bedroom house for the price of a single hotel room, with a better location.
Or, I could get an excellent abode in rural settings, where none other was to be had, whatsoever.
That?s a big deal for someone like me who spends so much of the year on the road.
You also get a new best friend in every city you visit.
On most occasions the host greeted me on the doorsteps with the keys, and then introduced me to the mysteries of European kitchen appliances, heating, and air conditioning.
Pre stocking the refrigerator with fresh milk, coffee, tea, and jam seems to be a tradition the hosts pick up in their Airbnb orientation course.
One in Waterford, Ireland even left me a bottle of wine, plenty of beer, and a frozen pizza. She read my mind. Thanks, Mary!
They then took me on a one-hour tour of their city, divulging secrets about their favorite restaurants, city sights, and nightspots. Every one proved golden.
After you check out, Airbnb asks you to review the accommodation. These can be incredibly valuable in deciding your next pick.
I had one near miss with what I thought was a great deal in London, until I read, ?The entire place reeks of Indian cooking.?
Similarly, the hosts rate you as a guest. One hostess shared a story about picking up her clients from town after they got drunk and lost in the middle of the night. Then they threw up in the back of the car on the way home.
Guests forgetting to return keys are another common complaint.
Needless to say, I received top ratings from my hosts, as fixing their WIFI to boost performance became a regular habit of mine.
After my initial experience in London, I thought the experience might be a one off, limited to only the largest cities. So I started researching accommodations for my upcoming trips.
I couldn?t have been more wrong.
Just the Kona Coast on the big island of Hawaii had an incredible 50 offerings, including several bargain beachfront properties.
The center of Tokyo had over 300 listings. The historic district in Florence, Italy had an incredible 351 properties.
Fancy a retreat on the island of Bali in Indonesia and tune up your surfing? There are over 197 places to stay!
While we weren?t looking, Airbnb has truly gone global.
Airbnb?s business model is almost too simple to be true, involving no more than a couple of popular applications. Call it an artful melding of Google Earth, email, text, and PayPal.
The company has 2 million hosts worldwide, and 100 million customers. That supply/demand imbalance shifts the burden of cost to the renters, who usually have to fork out a 12% fee, plus the cost of the cleaning service.
Hosts only pay 3% to process the credit card fees for the payment.
The tidal wave of revenues this has created has enabled Airbnb to become San Francisco?s second largest privately owned ?unicorn?, right after the $65 billion behemoth ride sharing app, Uber.
To say that Airbnb has created controversy would be a huge understatement.
For a start, it has emerged as a major challenge to the hotel industry, which is still stuck with a 20th century business model. There?s no way hotels can compete on price.
One Airbnb ?super host? in Manhattan is managing 200 apartments, essentially, creating from scratch, a medium sized virtual ?hotel?.
Taxes are another matter.
Some municipalities require hosts to pay levies of up to 20%, while others demand quarterly tax filings and withholding taxes. That is, if tax collectors can find them.
Airbnb may be the largest new source of tax evasion today.
In cities where housing is in short supply Airbnb is seen as crowding out local residents. After all, an owner can make far more money subletting their residence nightly than with a long-term lease.
Several owners told me that Airbnb covered their entire housing cost for the year, while paying off the mortgage at the same time.
Owners in the toniest neighborhoods, like mid town Manhattan off of Central Park or the old city center in Dubrovnik, rent their homes out as much as 180 days a year.
Airbnb is nothing less than life changing.
That has forced local governments to clamp down.
San Francisco has severe, iron clad planning and zoning restrictions that only allow 2,000 new residences a year to come on the market.
It is cracking down on Airbnb, as well has other home sharing apps like FlipKey, VRBO, and HomeAway, by forcing hosts to register with the city or face brutal $1,000 a day fines.
So far, only 1,675 out of 9,000 hosts have done so.
Ratting out your neighbor as an off the grid Airbnb member has become a new cottage industry in the City by the Bay.
Airbnb is fighting back with multiple lawsuits, citing the federal Communications Decency Act, the Stored Communications Act, and the First Amendment covering the freedom of speech.
It is a safe bet that a $30 billion company can spend more on legal fees than a city the size of San Francisco.
The company has also become the largest contributor in San Francisco?s local elections. In 2015, it fought a successful campaign against Proposition ?F?, meant to place severe restrictions on their services.
An Airbnb stay over is not without its problems.
The burden of truth in advertising is on the host, not the company, and inaccurate listings are withdrawn only after complaints.
A twenty something year old guy?s idea of cleanliness may be a little lower than your own.
Long time users learn the unspoken ?code?.
?Cozy? can mean tiny, ?as is? can be a dump, and ?lively? can bring the drunken screaming of four letter words all night long, especially if you are staying upstairs from a pub.
And that spectacular seaside view might come with relentlessly whining Vespas on the highway out front. Always brings earplugs and a sleep mask as a precaution.
Researching complaints, it seems that the worst of the abuses occur in shared accommodations. Learning new foreign cultures can be fascinating, but your new roommate may want to get to know you better than you want.
In one notorious incident a Madrid guest was raped. The best way to guard against such experiences is to rent the entire residence for your use only, as I do.
Another problem arises when properties are rented out for illegal purposes, such as prostitution or drug dealing.
More than once, an unsuspecting resident woke up one morning to di
scover they were living next door to a new bordello.
Wild parties that trash the dwelling, annoy the neighbors, and bring in the police are another worry.
Of course, the million-dollar question is ?When will the company go public??
The current ?unicorn? philosophy is to milk the company for all it?s worth, and take it public when it is about to go ex-growth.
That?s what happened to Twitter (TWTR), which grew exponentially, and then saw shares dive a gut churning 72% after its initial public offering.
On seeing the massive crowds of new tourists packing Europe this summer, my conclusion is that the travel industry is entering a hyper growth phase. Blame the emerging middle class Chinese, who seem to be everywhere.
That means that at whatever price Airbnb goes public, there may not be a ten bagger left for you. But a two or three bagger may be possible.
The real shock came when I left Airbnb and stayed in a regular hotel. Include the fees and the cleaning charges, and the service is no longer competitive for a single night stay.
In any case, most hosts have two or three night minimums to minimize hassle.
When I checked in at a Basel, Switzerland, Five Star hotel, all I got was a set of keys and a blank stare. No great restaurant tips, no local secrets, no new best friend.
I spent that night surfing , planning my next adventure.
Is Airbnb the Next Ten Bagger or the Next Twitter?

Getting to Know My Dubrovnik Hostess
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