“It’s easier to get out of Cuba than to get out of Facebook,” said a market analyst.
“It’s easier to get out of Cuba than to get out of Facebook,” said a market analyst.
Global Market Comments
February 11, 2025
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(VIX), (VXX), (XIV)
Ingenious writing John in your Monday morning strategy letter. I forwarded it to all my family and kids, and made my 16-year old read it out loud to my wife. I made sure he understood what he was reading. I got choked up by the whole article.
Go Ukraine!
Best regards,
Las Vegas, NV
With the Volatility Index back down to a bargain $16, I am getting deluged with emails from readers asking if it is time to start hedging portfolios one more time and buying the iPath S&P 500 VIX Short Term Futures ETN (VXX).
The answer is not yet, but soon, possibly very soon. And here is the anomaly in the market today. Volatility does not reflect actual short-term movements in the S&P 500.
While we have seen several 200-point moves in the market in the past three weeks, the volatility Index (VIX) has spent only hours over the $20 level. That is because the ($VIX) measures anticipated 30-day volatility, and for the past 30 days, the overall net move in the market has been zero.
They are inquiring at absolutely the wrong time.
And here is the problem. When the (VIX) rises, it usually spikes straight up and then right back down again. This time, it spiked but has since hung around the $20 level rather than collapse back down. That suggests that there is another leg up to go in volatility until it hits $50 or more before it takes a much-deserved break. That means the stock market has one more sharp selloff left before we hit bottom and bounce.
Markets can ignore trade wars, rising interest rates, rocketing interest rates, and international political instability (Gaza, Ukraine) for a while, but not forever. When the time DOES come to pay the piper, prices will fall, and volatility will rocket.
So, I am more than usually interested in hedging the downside risk for my trading book. A good rule of thumb is to let the (VIX) sit at a bottom for a week, and then go buy the (VXX). Two weeks is even better. That way, you can ignore expensive and unnecessary time decay.
Which all brings me to the subject at hand.
If you are new to the service and have no longs, you probably should skip this trade and just watch it as a learning experience.
This can also be a great hedge for any long positions we may want to add in the coming weeks, such as in “trade peace” or technology plays.
As I never tire of telling people, no one ever complains when they buy fire insurance and their house doesn’t burn down.
If you are new to this service, don’t freak out. My daily research newsletters are not always about exploring the esoterica of options or volatility trading.
I’ll let you know when I’m ready to pull the trigger with a Trade Alert.
I am always trying to get better prices.
“You always sound smarter when you’re a bear than when you’re a bull,” said Adam Parker formerly of Morgan Stanley.
Global Market Comments
February 10, 2025
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(SPY), (EWG), (EWU), (TSLA), (NVDA), (VST)
I have a new outlook for the US stock markets.
The current government's economic policy reminds me a lot about the Marine Corps boot camp. Through harsh treatment and rigorous training, the Marines seek to destroy incoming recruits. They then spend 13 weeks rebuilding a new soldier from scratch who is obedient, respectful, follows orders, and is in much better physical condition. He is also a pretty good shot.
Since Trump inherited an almost perfect economy, with 3% real GDP growth, 2.8% inflation, and 4% unemployment, he has to break it first. Then he can spend the next four years rebuilding it and take credit for the recovery.
It looks like we are going to get more on the destruction front this week, with the US announcing European tariffs, which tanked stocks on Friday. We could remain in the destruction phase for the rest of the year. It sets up nicely at least a 20% correction sometime in 2025. Oh, and never buy on a Friday. All of the “shock and awe” announcements are occurring on the weekends. Wait for the Monday morning opening and buy the collapse.
It’s pretty clear that markets hate all things tariff-related. Can we please talk more about deregulation, which markets love? The reality is that markets don’t know how to price in Trump, swinging back and forth between euphoria one moment to Armageddon another. Best case, markets flat line. Worst case, they crash.
Here are some additional causes for concern. Big Tech was the only stock market sector that saw net inflows in 2024. It was also the only down sector in January. It just so happens to be the most overweight sector among almost all individuals and institutions, including yours. Big Tech now accounts for 35% of stock market capitalization. It is a concentration on steroids. So when we finally DO get a correction, it will be a big one, easily more than 10%.
Looking at stock market performance around the world since the 2008-09 financial crisis, it’s easy to see where the idea of American exceptionalism comes from. Since 2010, the German stock market (EWG) is up by 142% and the UK (EWU) by 112%. During the same 15-year period, the S&P 500 (SPY) soared by 1,112%, an outperformance of an eye-popping 8:1.
Since the beginning of 2025, the German stock market (EWG) is up by 12.7% and the UK (EWU) by 9%. In the meantime, the S&P 500 has managed a mere 3.5% gain. What has happened? Has something changed? Is American exceptionalism a thing of the past? If so, it would be terrible news for stocks.
In the rest of the world, 26% of corporate cash flow is reinvested in the company. In the US, it’s 42%, and for the Magnificent Seven, it’s 57%. This is American Exceptionalism distilled by a single driver. If this continues, that’s great. If rampant uncertainty drives US companies into hiding, it won’t. 90-day US Treasury bills yielding a risk-free 4.2% look pretty good in this new chaotic world, especially if you are still sitting on the gigantic profits of the past two years.
This is why Foreigners have been pouring money into the US as fast as possible and has been a major factor in our price appreciation until now. Foreign investors now own $23 trillion worth of American debt, equities, and real estate today versus only $8 trillion in 2017.
As I mentioned last week, when I suggest a European investment idea to a European, they tell me I am out of my mind and beg for more US investment ideas. I know this because about one-third of the Mad Hedge subscribers are aboard in 134 countries.
And this is why markets are so jittery. Some 23% of all the completed cars sold in the US are actually made in Mexico and Canada. For auto parts, the figure is more than 50%. The US sold 3.7 million vehicles made in Mexico and Canada. The new 25% tariff will increase prices by $6,300 per vehicle. Average car prices are now at $50,000 and are already at all-time highs. That works out to a $22.7 billion tax on the buyers of new cars who are mostly middle class.
My bet? That the prices of used cars soar, which aren’t subject to any such taxes.
Turn off the TV. Ignore the noise. Buy the down days and sell the up days. It’s no more complicated than that. If you want to play headline ping pong with the president, be my guest. But you’ll lose your shirt.
February has started with a breakeven +0.57% return so far.
That takes us to a year-to-date profit of +6.25% so far in 2025. My trailing one-year return stands at +83.45% as a bad trade a year ago fell off the one-year record. That takes my average annualized return to +5.23% and my performance since inception to +757.12%.
I used the weakness in Tesla to double up my long there. That tops up our portfolio to a long in (TSLA), a short in (TSLA), and longs in (NVDA) and (VST).
Some 63 of my 70 round trips, or 90%, were profitable in 2023. Some 74 of 94 trades have been profitable in 2024, and several of those losses were really break-even. That is a success rate of +78.72%.
Try beating that anywhere.
My Ten-Year View – A Reassessment
We have to substantially downsize our expectations of equity returns in view of the election outcome. My new American Golden Age, or the next Roaring Twenties, is now looking at multiple gale force headwinds. The economy will completely stop decarbonizing. Technology innovation will slow. Trade wars will exact a high price. Inflation will return. The Dow Average will rise by 600% to 240,000 or more in the coming decade. The new America will be far more efficient and profitable than the old.
My Dow 240,000 target has been pushed back to 2035.
On Monday, February 10, nothing of note takes place.
On Tuesday, February 11, at 8:30 AM EST, the NFIB Business Optimism Index is released.
On Wednesday, February 12 at 8:30 AM, the Core Inflation Rate is printed.
On Thursday, February 13 at 8:30 AM, the Weekly Jobless Claims are disclosed.
On Friday, February 14 at 8:30 AM, the Producer Price Index is announced. At 2:00 PM the Baker Hughes Rig Count is printed.
As for me, it was with a heavy heart that I boarded a plane for Los Angeles to attend a funeral for Bob, the former scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 108.
The event brought a convocation of ex-scouts from up and down the West coast and said much about our age.
Bob, 85, called me two weeks ago to tell me his CAT scan had just revealed advanced metastatic lung cancer. I said, “Congratulations Bob, you just made your life span.”
It was our last conversation.
He spent only a week in bed and then was gone. As a samurai warrior might have said, it was a good death. Some thought it was the smoking he quit 20 years ago.
Others speculated that it was his close work with uranium during WWII. I chalked it up to a half-century of breathing the air in Los Angeles.
Bob originally hailed from Bloomfield, New Jersey. After WWII, every East Coast college was jammed with returning vets on the GI bill. So he enrolled in a small, well-regarded engineering school in New Mexico in a remote place called Alamogordo.
His first job after graduation was testing V2 rockets newly captured from the Germans at the White Sands Missile Test Range. He graduated to design ignition systems for atomic bombs. A boom in defense spending during the fifties swept him up to the Greater Los Angeles area.
Scouts I last saw at age 13 or 14 were now 60, while the surviving dads were well into their 80s. Everyone was in great shape, those endless miles lugging heavy packs over High Sierra passes obviously yielding lifetime benefits.
Hybrid cars lined both sides of the street. A tag-along guest called out for a cigarette, and a hush came over a crowd numbering over 100.
Apparently, some things stuck. It was a real cycle of life weekend. While the elders spoke about blood pressure and golf handicaps, the next generation of scouts played in the backyard or picked lemons off a ripening tree.
Bob was the guy who taught me how to ski, cast rainbow trout in mountain lakes, transmit Morse code, and survive in the wilderness. He used to scrawl schematic diagrams for simple radios and binary computers on a piece of paper, usually built around a single tube or transistor.
I would run off to Radio Shack to buy WWII surplus parts for pennies on the pound and spend long nights attempting to decode impossibly fast Navy ship-to-ship transmissions. He was also the man who pinned an Eagle Scout badge on my uniform in front of beaming parents when I turned 15.
While in the neighborhood, I thought I would drive by the house in which I grew up, once a modest 1,800 square foot ranch-style home to a happy family of nine. I was horrified to find that it had been torn down, and the majestic maple tree that I planted 40 years ago had been removed.
In its place was a giant, 6,000-square-foot marble and granite monstrosity under construction for a wealthy family from China.
Profits from the enormous China-America trade have been pouring into my hometown from the Middle Kingdom for the last decade, and mine was one of the last houses to go.
When I was class president of the high school here, there were 3,000 white kids and one Chinese. Today, those numbers are reversed. Such is the price of globalization.
I guess you really can’t go home again.
At the request of the family, I assisted in the liquidation of his investment portfolio. Bob had been an avid reader of the Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader since its inception, and he had attended my Los Angeles lunches.
It seems he listened well. There was Apple (AAPL) in all its glory at a cost of $21. I laughed to myself. The master had become the student, and the student had become the master.
Like I said, it was a real circle of life weekend.
Scoutmaster Bob
1965 Scout John Thomas
The Mad Hedge Fund Trader at Age 11 in 1963
Stay Healthy,
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Global Market Comments
February 7, 2025
Fiat Lux
I just received an excited text message from an excited Concierge client. His short position in the (TSLA) February 2025 $540-$550 vertical bear put debit spread had just been called away. That meant he would receive the maximum profit a full 11 trading days before the February 21 option expiration.
With the heightened volatility this week, I am seeing an increasing number of options positions assigned or called away.
I know all of this may sound confusing at first. But once you get the hang of it, this is the greatest way to make money since sliced bread.
I still have five positions left in my model trading portfolio that is deep in-the-money, and about to expire in 9 trading days on the February 21 options expiration day. Those are the
Current Capital at Risk
Risk On
(TSLA) 2/$300-$310 call spread 10.00%
(TSLA) 2/$310-$320 call spread 10.00%
(NVDA) 2/$90-$95 call spread 10.00%
(VST) 2/$100-$110 call spread 10.00%
Risk Off
(TSLA) 2/$540-$550 spread -10.00%
Total Net Position 30.00%
Total Aggregate Position 50.00%
That opens up a set of risks unique to these positions.
I call it the “Screw up risk.”
As long as the markets maintain current levels, this position will expire at its maximum profit value.
There is a heightened probability that your short position in the options may get called away.
Although the return for those calling away your options is very small, this is how to handle these events.
If exercised, brokers are required by law to email you immediately, and I know all of this may sound confusing at first. But once you get the hang of it, this is the greatest way to make money since sliced bread.
If it happens, there is only one thing to do: fall down on your knees and thank your lucky stars. You have just made the maximum possible profit for your position instantly.
Most of you have short option positions, although you may not realize it. For when you buy an in-the-money vertical option spread, it contains two elements: a long option and a short option.
The short options can get “assigned” or “called away” at any time, as it is owned by a third party, the one you initially sold the put option to when you initiated the position.
You have to be careful here because the inexperienced can blow their newfound windfall if they take the wrong action, so here’s how to handle it correctly.
Let’s say you get an email from your broker telling you that your call options have been assigned away.
I’ll use the example of the Berkshire Hathaway (BRK/B) August 2024 $405-$415 in-the-money vertical Bull Call spread since so many of you had these.
For what the broker had done in effect is allow you to get out of your call spread position at the maximum profit point 11 days before the August 16 expiration date.
In other words, what you bought for $8.70 on July 12 is now worth $10.00, giving you a near-instant profit of $1,300 or 14.94% in only 11 trading days.
All you had to do was to call your broker to instruct them to “exercise your long position in your (BRK/B) August 16 $405 calls to close out your short position in the (BRK/B) August 2024 $410 calls.”
You must do this in person. Brokers are not allowed to exercise options automatically, on their own, without your expressed permission.
You also must do this the same day that you receive the exercise notice.
This is a perfectly hedged position. The name, the ticker symbol, number of shares, and number of contracts are all identical, so you have no exposure at all.
Call options are a right to buy shares at a fixed price before a fixed date, and one option contract is exercisable into 100 shares.
Short positions usually only get called away for dividend-paying stocks or interest-paying ETFs like the (BRK/B). There are strategies out here that try to capture dividends the day before they are payable. Exercising an option is one way to do that.
Weird stuff like this happens in the run-up to options expirations like we have coming.
A call owner may need to sell a long (BRK/B) position after the close, and exercising his long (BRK/B) call, which you are short, is the only way to execute it.
Adequate shares may not be available in the market, or maybe a limit order didn’t get done by the market close.
There are thousands of algorithms out there that may arrive at some twisted logic that the puts need to be exercised.
Many require a rebalancing of hedges at the close every day, which can be achieved through option exercises.
And yes, options even get exercised by accident. There are still a few humans left in this market to blow it by writing shoddy algorithms.
And here’s another possible outcome in this process.
Your broker will call you to notify you of an option called away and then give you the wrong advice on what to do about it.
There is a further annoying complication that leads to a lot of confusion. Lately, brokers have resorted to sending you warnings that exercises MIGHT happen to help mitigate their own legal liability.
They do this even when such an exercise has zero probability of happening, such as with a short call option in a LEAPS that has a year or more left until expiration. Just ignore these, or call your broker and ask them to explain.
This generates tons of commissions for the broker but is a terrible thing for the trader to do from a risk point of view, such as generating a loss by the time everything is closed and netted out.
There may not even be an evil motive behind the bad advice. Brokers are not investing a lot in training staff these days. In fact, I think I’m the last one they really did train.
Avarice could have been an explanation here, but I think stupidity, poor training, and low wages are much more likely.
Brokers have so many ways to steal money legally that they don’t need to resort to the illegal kind.
This exercise process is now fully automated at most brokers, but it never hurts to follow up with a phone call if you get an exercise notice. Mistakes do happen.
Some may also send you a link to a video of what to do about all this.
If any of you are the slightest bit worried or confused by all of this, come out of your position RIGHT NOW at a small profit! You should never be worried or confused about any position tying up YOUR money.
Professionals do these things all day long, and exercises become second nature, just another cost of doing business.
If you do this long enough, eventually you get hit. I bet you don’t.
Calling All Options!
“Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau,” said economist Irving Fisher….just before the 1929 stock market crash.
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There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading. Past results are not indicative of future returns. MadHedgeFundTrader.com and all individuals affiliated with this site assume no responsibilities for your trading and investment results. The indicators, strategies, columns, articles and all other features are for educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Information for futures trading observations are obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy, or warrant any results from the use of the information. Your use of the trading observations is entirely at your own risk and it is your sole responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information. You must assess the risk of any trade with your broker and make your own independent decisions regarding any securities mentioned herein. Affiliates of MadHedgeFundTrader.com may have a position or effect transactions in the securities described herein (or options thereon) and/or otherwise employ trading strategies that may be consistent or inconsistent with the provided strategies.
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