Corporate earnings are up big! Great! Buy! No wait! The economy is going down the toilet! Sell! Buy! Sell! Buy! Sell! Help! Anyone would be forgiven for thinking that the stock market has become bipolar. There is, in fact, an explanation for this madness. According to the Commerce Department?s Bureau of Economic Analysis, the answer is that corporate profits accounts for only a small part of the economy. Using the income method of calculating GDP, corporate profits account for only 15% of the reported GDP figure. The remaining components are doing poorly, or are too small to have much of an impact. Wages and salaries are in a three decade long decline. Interest and investment income is falling, because of the low level of interest rates and the collapse of the housing market. Farm incomes are up, but are a small proportion of the total. Income from non-farm unincorporated business, mostly small business, is unimpressive. It gets more complicated than that. A disproportionate share of corporate profits are being earned overseas. So multinationals with a big foreign presence, like Apple (AAPL), Intel (INTC), Oracle (ORCL), Caterpillar (CAT), and IBM (IBM), have the most rapidly growing profits and pay the least amount in taxes. They really get to have their cake, and eat it too. Many of their business activities are contributing to foreign GDP?s, like China?s, much more than they are here. Those with large domestic businesses, like retailers, earn far less, but pay more in tax, as they lack the offshore entities in which to park profits. The message here is to not put all your faith in the headlines, but to look at the numbers behind the numbers. Those who bought in anticipation of good corporate profits last month, got those earnings, and then got slaughtered in the marketplace. Buyer beware.
Don?t bother taking an apple to school to give your favorite teacher, unless you want to leave it in front of a machine. The schoolteacher is about to join the sorry ranks of the service station attendant, the elevator operator, and the telephone operators whose professions have been rendered useless by technology.
The next big social trend in this country will be to replace teachers with computers. It is being forced by the financial crisis afflicting states and municipalities, which are facing red ink as far as the eye can see. From a fiscal point of view, of the 50 US states, we really have 30 Portugals, 10 Italys, 10 Irelands, 5 Greeces, and 5 Spains.
The painful cost cutting, layoffs, and downsizing that has swept the corporate area for the past 30 years is now being jammed down the throat of the public sector, the last refuge of slothful management and indifferent employees. Some 60% of high school students are already exposed to online educational programs, which enable teachers to handle far larger class sizes than the 40 students now common in California.
It makes it far easier to impose pay for productivity incentives on teachers, like linking teacher pay to student test scores, as a performance review is only a few mouse clicks away. These programs also qualify for government funding programs, like ?Race to the Top.? Costly textbooks can be dispensed with.
The alternative is to bump classroom sizes up to 80, or close down schools altogether. State deficits are so enormous that I can see public schools shutting down, privatizing their sports programs, and sending everyone home with a laptop. The cost savings would be huge. No more pep rallies, prom nights, or hanging around your girlfriend?s locker. Of course, our kids may turn out a little different, but they appear to be at the bottom of our current list of priorities.
The Old School Marm Will Be Sorely Missed
Global Market Comments
December 10, 2013
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(SPY), (SFTBY), (AAPL), (TLT), (FXY)
SPDR S&P 500 (SPY)
SoftBank Corp. (SFTBY)
Apple Inc. (AAPL)
iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond (TLT)
CurrencyShares Japanese Yen Trust (FXY)
The November nonfarm payroll blew out to the upside once again, with 203,000 souls landing jobs for the month. Previous months were substantially revised up. The headline unemployment rate made a whopping great fall from 7.3% to 7.0%, the sharpest drop in years.
The much feared collapse in the jobs market triggered by the October Washington shut down was dead on arrival. Imagine what the number would have been without it? 300,000? 400,000?
Especially stunning was the fall in the broader U-6 unemployment rate, known as the ?real? unemployment rate, from 13.8% to 13.2%. This figure has remained stubbornly high for years, for demographic reasons, according to Philadelphia Fed governor Charles Plosser, an ardent quantitative easing opponent. This is because once baby boomers retire, they tend never to return to work.
This comes on the heels of Thursday?s blockbuster Q3 GDP number, which came in at a blistering 3.6%, the highest such report since Q1, 2012. It all confirms my predictions that the economy is going faster than anyone else realizes, that all surprises will be to the upside, and that share prices have yet to reflect this.
For more depth on the bullish posture which I have been maintaining since the summer, please click here for ?Why US Stocks Are Dirt Cheap?, here for ?You Just Can?t Keep America Down?, and? ?The Rising Risk of a Market Melt Up?.
The developments also explain the mercurial performance of my own Trade Alert Service, which blasted through to another all time high for 2013, up 59.72% (see below). Here, we eat our own cooking, and recently the fare would rate a third Michelin star.
You would be right to ask if all these positive developments bring forward the risk of a taper by the Federal Reserve. But it won?t happen in December.
It would be the height of rudeness for Ben Bernanke to launch a major change in monetary policy just before his friend, Janet Yellen, takes the helm.
I have been watching America?s central bank closely for 40 years, all the way back to the days of the giant (literally and figuratively) Paul Volker. The one line lesson from this massive investment of my time is that they are oh so Slooooooow?.
They work in reverse dog years. What takes us mere mortals to conclude in a month, they take seven months, or longer. This all augurs for a taper that starts no earlier than Janet?s first meeting as governor during March 18-19, no matter how positive the economic numbers run.
There is not another Fed meeting until January 28-29, 2014, so it is pedal to the metal for all risk assets until then.
On Donner! On Blixen!
The performance of the Mad Hedge Fund Trader?s Trade Alert Service is still going ballistic, reaching the heady height of 59% for the year.
I know some of your saw your faith challenged when, at one point, the stock market was looking at five consecutive down days last week. The red ink all disappeared when the November nonfarm payroll delivered shockingly positive numbers, thus delivering one of my best up days of the year.
Including both open and closed trades, 24 out of the last 26 consecutive Trade Alerts have been profitable.
The Trade Alert service of the Mad Hedge Fund Trader is now up 59.76% in 2013. November came in at a stunning +11.58%, while the December month to date record now stands at +3.68%.
The three-year return is an eye popping 114.77%, compared to a far more modest increase for the Dow Average during the same period of only 32%.
That brings my averaged annualized return up to 38.3%.
This has been the profit since my groundbreaking trade mentoring service was launched three years ago. It all is a matter of the harder I work, the luckier I get.
I took profits on my long position in Citigroup (C), which just achieved a major upside breakout, and then rolled the capital into the Financials Select Sector SPDR (XLV). I cashed in on a short position in the Treasury bond market (TLT). I?ll go back in on the next rally. I also took profits on short positions in the Japanese yen as it approached new lows for the year, then doubled up again on a subsequent rally there.
I caught the entire 10% move up in Apple (AAPL) with a major long position. Higher levels beckon. My remaining long positions in the Industrials Sector Select SPDR (XLI) are contributing daily to my P&L, thank you very much. An aggressive position in the Japanese online giant, Softbank (SFTBY), also turned profitable, playing on the Japanese economic revival.
This is how the pros do it, and you can too, if you wish.
Carving out the 2013 trades alone, 74 out of 89 have made money, a success rate of 83%. It is a track record that most big hedge funds would kill for.
My esteemed colleague, Mad Day Trader Jim Parker, has also been coining it. Since April, his own performance numbers have just come back from the auditors, revealing that he is up a staggering 279%.
The coming winter promises to deliver a harvest of new trading opportunities. The big driver will be a global synchronized recovery that promises to drive markets into the stratosphere in 2014. The Trade Alerts should be coming hot and heavy. Please join me on the gravy train. You will never get a better chance than this to make money for your personal account.
Global Trading Dispatch, my highly innovative and successful trade-mentoring program, earned a net return for readers of 40.17% in 2011 and 14.87% in 2012. The service includes my Trade Alert Service and my daily newsletter, the Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader. You also get a real-time trading portfolio, an enormous trading idea database, and live biweekly strategy webinars.? Upgrade to?Mad Hedge Fund Trader PRO?and you will also receive Jim Parker?s?Mad Day Trader?service.
To subscribe, please go to my website at, find the ?Global Trading Dispatch? box on the right, and click on the lime green ?SUBSCRIBE NOW? button.
Global Market Comments
December 9, 2013
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(FXA), (EWA),
CurrencyShares Australian Dollar Trust (FXA)
iShares MSCI Australia (EWA)
Apple Inc. (AAPL)
Last month, I shot out a Trade Alert to buy the Currency Shares Australian Dollar Trust (FXA) December, 2013 $89-$91 bull call spread that turned immediately profitable. A mere four trading days later I sold out, after the (FXA) rallied an impressive $1.2, adding 0.84% to the value of my model trading portfolio.
That turned out to be the absolute top of the move. This is not unusual, as I am legendary throughout the market for picking the perfect tops and bottoms of market moves, and then leveraging up the other way. This is why pros stampeded into my Trade Alerts. Maybe it?s my math and engineering background that enables me to do this with such precision, a world where accuracy is measured to the Angstrom (0.0000000001 meters).
When the market marked my position at its maximum theoretical value of $2.00, that?s all I needed to know. The Trade Alert to get out flew your way the next morning.
After that, the Aussie was deluged with bad news. Reserve Bank of Australia governor, Glenn Stevens, said he was considering intervening in the foreign exchange market to head off its appreciation. Then, the government blocked a $2.7 billion takeover bid by US agribusiness giant Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) for the Australian grain handler, GrainCorp. A ban of foreign takeovers means less capital coming into the Land Down Under. Then, Goldman Sachs followed up with a forecast that the Aussie was heading for $85. After that, it was all over but the crying.
So here we are three weeks later, and I am getting plaintive emails from followers asking me what to do about their Australian dollar positions. The excuses as to why they are still long Aussie are legion, and range from ?I was traveling? to ?my dog ate my homework.? In the meantime, the (FXA) has plunged from $93.80 to $90, spilling much blood among those who still held the position.
Let me tell you how many trading rules these people violated:
1) When positions go deep in the money, you always place a stop loss at your cost, below the market. That way, you are effectively playing with the ?house?s money.? Your worst case scenario is that you break even.
2) You can?t travel and trade. I structure these trades so they can breathe and you don?t have to watch your screen 24/7. But you can?t disappear off the face of the map counting on notes in bottles washing ashore to keep you up to date.
3) Understand your own risk tolerance. Before you enter every trade, calculate how much money you are willing to lose if it goes against you. Then, if it hits that point, get out in the most automatic, emotionless, automaton way possible and go on to the next trade. There are plenty of fish in the sea, over 100 this year alone. You don?t need my permission to take a loss.
4) Don?t look at any position in isolation, look at the entire portfolio. I design these things so that some will be going up in value at any given point in time, and others down, in all market conditions. That way, one will hedge the other, limiting losses. In the case of the (FXA), your hedge was in being short the Treasury bond market (TLT), (TBT), which was profitable, and mitigated your losses if you didn?t get out of the (FXA).
5) You?ve got to watch the news. Bloomberg, Reuters, and the Wall Street Journal can get you a headline faster than I can send out a Trade Alert. When the Australian central bank governor started flapping his gums about possible intervention to push his currency lower, that?s all you needed to know. Hasta la vista, baby.
6) I am not always right. In fact, this year?s trading statistics show that I am wrong 15% of the time. That is less than almost anyone else. But wrong is wrong. Don?t let that 15% cost you all your profits for fear because you lack discipline.
I don?t think the Australian dollar is going down forever. In fact, there is still a reasonable chance that the Currency Shares Australian Dollar Trust (FXA) December, 2013 $89-$91 bull call spread will close at its maximum theoretical value of $2.00 by the December 20 expiration.
Central bank intervention can only dictate the direction of a currency for only short periods. After that, fundamentals take over. In the face of a 2014 global synchronized economic recovery, that means UP for the Aussie.
International interest rate differentials are the primary factoring in determining direction over the long term. With overnight Aussie rates at an all time low of 2.5%, further cuts are unlikely, lest the real estate bubble there inflates further. That means the next directional change in Australian interest rates is up, and that will be great news for the Aussie.
Suddenly, The Aussie Isn?t Looking So Good
Global Market Comments
December 6, 2013
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
($TNX), (TLT), (TBT),
(FXI), (PIN), (INP), (TTM)
10-Year Treasury Note ($TNX)
iShares Barclays 20+ Year Treas Bond (TLT)
ProShares UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury (TBT)
iShares China Large-Cap (FXI)
PowerShares India (PIN)
iPath MSCI India Index ETN (INP)
Tata Motors Limited (TTM)
When I first visited Calcutta in 1976, more than 800,000 people were sleeping on the sidewalks, I was hauled everywhere by a very lean, barefoot rickshaw driver, and drinking the water out of a tap was tantamount to committing suicide. Some 36 years later, and the subcontinent is poised to overtake China's white hot growth rate.
My friends at the International Monetary Fund just put out a report predicting that India will grow by 8.5% this year. While the country's total GDP is only a quarter of China's $5 trillion, its growth could exceed that in the Middle Kingdom as early as 2014.
Many hedge funds believe that India will be the top growing major emerging market for the next 25 years, and are positioning themselves accordingly. Investors are now taking a harder look at the country ETF?s, including India (INP) and China (FXI), which have recently suffered gut churning selloffs.
India certainly has a lot of catching up to do. According to the World Bank, its per capita income is $3,275, compared to $6,800 in China and $46,400 in the US. This is with the two populations close in size, at 1.3 billion for China and 1.2 billion for India.
But India has a number of advantages that China lacks. To paraphrase hockey great, Wayne Gretzky, you want to aim not where the puck is, but where it's going to be. The massive infrastructure projects that have powered much of Chinese growth for the past three decades, such as the Three Gorges Dam, are missing in India. But financing and construction for huge transportation, power generation, water, and pollution control projects are underway.
A large network of private schools is boosting education levels, enabling the country to capitalize on its English language advantage. When planning the expansion of my own business, I was presented with the choice of hiring a website designer here for $60,000 a year, or in India for $5,000. That's why booking a ticket on United Airlines or calling technical support at Dell Computer gets you someone in Bangalore.
India is also a huge winner on the demographic front, with one of the lowest ratios of social service demanding retirees in the world. China's 30 year old 'one child' policy is going to drive it into a wall in ten years, when the number of retirees starts to outnumber their children.
There is one more issue out there that few are talking about. The reform of the Chinese electoral process at the next People's Congress in 2013 could lead to posturing and political instability which the markets could find unsettling. India is the world's largest democracy, and much of its current prosperity can be traced to wide ranging deregulation and modernization than took place 20 years ago.
I have been a big fan of India for a long time, and not just because they constantly help me fix my computers. In the past, I recommended Tata Motors (TTM), which has since doubled, making it one of my best, all-time single stock picks (click here for ?Take Tata Motors Out for a Spin?). On the next decent dip take a look at the Indian ETF?s (INP), (PIN), and (EPI).
Better to Own This Pyramid
Than This Pyramid
Taxi! Taxi!
Global Market Comments
December 5, 2013
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(CGW), (PHO), (FIW), (VE), (TTEK), (PNR),
Guggenheim S&P Global Water Index (CGW)
PowerShares Water Resources (PHO)
First Trust ISE Water Idx (FIW)
Veolia Environnement S.A. (VE)
Tetra Tech Inc. (TTEK)
Pentair Ltd. (PNR)
United States Oil (USO)
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There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading. Past results are not indicative of future returns. and all individuals affiliated with this site assume no responsibilities for your trading and investment results. The indicators, strategies, columns, articles and all other features are for educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Information for futures trading observations are obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy, or warrant any results from the use of the information. Your use of the trading observations is entirely at your own risk and it is your sole responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information. You must assess the risk of any trade with your broker and make your own independent decisions regarding any securities mentioned herein. Affiliates of may have a position or effect transactions in the securities described herein (or options thereon) and/or otherwise employ trading strategies that may be consistent or inconsistent with the provided strategies.