Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the November 1 Mad Hedge Fund Trader Global Strategy Webinar, broadcast from Boca Raton.
Q: Earlier you said that the bull market should start from here—are you sticking to that argument?
A: Yes, there are all kinds of momentum and cash flow indicators that are flashing “buy right now.” The market timing index got down to 24—couldn’t break below 20. Hedge fund shorts: all-time highs. Quant shorts: all the time highs, creating a huge amount of buying power for the market. And, of course, the seasonals have turned positive. So yes, all of that is positive and if bonds can hold in here, then it’s off to the races.
Q: Do you have a year-end target for Berkshire Hathaway (BRK/B)?
A: Up. They have a lot of exposure to the falling interest rate trade such as its very heavy weighting in banks; and if interest rates go down, Berkshire goes up—it’s really very simple. You can’t come up with specific targets for individual stocks for year-end because of the news, and things can happen anytime. I love Berkshire; it's a very strong buy here.
Q: Tesla (TSLA) is not doing well; what's the update here?
A: It always moves more than you think, both on the upside and the downside. Last year, we thought it would drop 50%, it dropped 80%. Suffice it to say that, with the price war continuing and Tesla determined to wipe out the 200 other new entrants to the EV space, they’ll keep price cutting until they basically own that market. While that’s great for market share, it’s not great for short-term profits. Yes, Tesla could be going down more, but from here on, if you’re a long-term investor in Tesla, as you should be, you should be looking to add positions, not sell what you have and average down. Also, we’re getting close to Tesla LEAPS territory. Those have been huge winners over the years for us and I’ll be watching those closely.
Q: Any trade on the Japanese yen?
A: We broke 150 on the yen—that was like the make-or-break level. I’m looking at a final capitulation selloff on the yen, and then a decade-long BUY. The Bank of Japan is finally ending its “easy money” zero-interest-rate policy, which it’s had for 30 years, and that will give us a stronger yen when it happens, but not until then. So watch the yen carefully, it could double from here over the long term, especially if it’s the same time the US starts cutting its interest rates.
Q: What do you think about Eli Lilly (LLY)?
A: We love Eli Lilly; they’re making an absolute fortune on their weight loss drug, and they have other drugs in the pipeline being created by AI. This is really the golden age for biotech because you have AI finding cures for diseases, and then AI designing molecules to cure the diseases. It’s shortened the pipeline for new drugs from 5-10 years to 5-10 weeks. If you’re old and sick like me, this is all a godsend.
Q: Do you like Snowflake (SNOW)?
A: Absolutely, yes—killer company. Warren Buffet loves it too and has a big position; I’d be looking to buy SNOW on any dip.
Q: Would you do LEAPS on Netflix (NFLX)?
A: I would, but I would go out two years, and I would go at the money, not out of the money, Even then you’ll get a 100-200% return. You’ll get a lot even on just a 6-month call spread. These tech stocks with high volatility have enormous payoff 3-6 months out.
Q: Projection for iShares 20 Plus Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT) in the next 6 months?
A: It’s up. We could hit $110, that would be my high, or up $25 points or so from here.
Q: Would you buy biotech here through the ProShares Ultra Nasdaq Biotechnology (BIB)?
A: Probably, yes. The long-term story is overwhelming, but it’s not a sector you want to own when the sentiment is terrible like it is now. I guess “buy the bad news” is the answer there.
Q: What did you learn from your dinner with General Mattis?
A: Quite a lot, but much of it is classified. When you get to my age, you can’t remember which parts are classified and which aren't. However, his grasp of the global scene is just incredible. There are very few people in the world I can go one on one with in geopolitics. Of course, I could fill in stuff he didn’t know, and he could fill in stuff for me, like: what is the current condition of our space weaponry? If I told you, you would be amazed, but then I would get arrested the next day, so I’ll say nothing. He really was one of the most aggressive generals in American history, was tremendously underrated by every administration, was fired by both Obama and Trump, and recently is doing the speaker circuit which is a lot of fun because there’s no question he doesn’t know the answer to! We actually agreed to do some joint speaking events sometime in the future.
Q: I have some two-year LEAPS now but I’m worried about adding too much. Could we get a final selloff in 2024?
A: The only way we could get another leg down in the market is number one if the Fed raises interest rates (right now, we’re positioned for a flat line and then a cut) or number two, another pandemic. You could also get some election-related chaos next year, but that usually doesn’t affect the market. But for those who are prone to being nervous, there are certainly a lot of reasons to be nervous next year.
Q: What iShares 20 Plus Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT) level would we see with a 5.2% yield?
A: How about $79? That’s exactly why I picked that strike price. The $76-$79 vertical bill call spread in the (TLT) is a bet that we don’t go above 5.20% yield, and we only have 10 days to do it, so things are looking better and then we’ll see what’s available in the market once our current positions all expire at max profit.
Q: The first new nuclear power plant of 30 years went online in Georgia. Do you see more being built in the future?
A: It’s actually been 40 years since they’ve built a new plant, and it wasn’t a new plant, it was just an addition to an existing plant with another reactor added with an old design. I think there will be a lot more nuclear power plants built in the future, but they will be the new modular design, which is much safer, and doesn’t use uranium, by the way, but other radioactive elements. If you want to know more about this, look up NuScale (SMR). They have a bunch of videos on how their new designs work. That could be an interesting company going forward. The nuclear renaissance continues, and of course, China’s continuing to build 100 of the old-fashioned type nuclear power reactors, and that is driving global uranium demand.
Q: Would you hold Cameco Corp (CCJ) or sell?
A: I would keep it, I think it’s going up.
Q: How to trade the collapse of the dollar?
A: (FXA), (FXB), (FXE), and (EEM). Those are the quick and easy ways to do it. Also, you buy precious metals—gold (GLD) and silver (SLV) do really well on a weak dollar.
Q: Conclusion on the Ukraine war?
A: It will go on for years—it’s a war of attrition. About half of the entire Russian army has been destroyed as they’re working with inferior weapons. However, it’s going to be a matter of gaining yards or miles at best, over a long period of time. So, they will keep fighting as long as we keep supplying them with weapons, and that is overwhelmingly in our national interest. Plus, we’re getting a twofer; if we stop Russia from taking over Ukraine, we also stop China from invading Taiwan because they don’t want to be in for the same medicine.
Q: If more oil is released from the strategic petroleum reserve, what is our effect on security?
A: Zero because the US is a net energy producer. If our supplies were at risk, all we’d have to do is cut off our exports to China and tell them to find their oil elsewhere—and they’re obviously already trying to do that with the invasion of the South China Sea and all the little rocks out there. So, I am not worried. And also remember, every year as the US moves to more EVs and more alternatives, it is less and less reliant on oil. I would advise the administration to get rid of all of it next time we go above $100 a barrel. If you’re going to sell your oil, you might as well get a good price for it. If you look at the US economy over the last 30 years, the reliance of GDP on oil has been steadily falling.
Q: Are US exports of Cheniere Energy (LNG) helping to drive up prices here?
A: I would say yes, it’s got to have an impact on prices. We’re basically supplying Germany with all of its natural gas right now. We did that starting from scratch at the outset of the Ukraine war, and it’s been wildly successful. That avoided a Great Depression in Europe. Europe, by the way, is the largest customer for our exports. That was one of the arguments for us going into the United States Natural Gas (UNG) LEAPS in the first place.
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Good Luck and Stay Healthy,
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
2023 Krakow Poland