?Apple will never be a consumer products company,? said John Sculley, the Apple CEO who fired Steve Jobs in 1985. Today Apple is the world?s largest and most profitable consumer products company.
?The next big story in credit is going to come from Asia and that will be in Japan,? said Tres Knippa of Kenai Capital Management.
You?ve already seen Greek bonds fall by 90%. The dominoes in Europe will fall. There?s no way around it. Imagine a group of countries that have been fighting for 200 years suddenly ceding their sovereignty to Germany, or to some other higher authority,? said Kyle Bass of hedge fund Hayman Capital Management.
?I look at the Fed and think we?re partying like its New Year?s Eve, 1999. We?re drinking booze, and taking tequila shots. They have the pedal pressed so far down, I know it?s going to end badly. When rates go higher, they are going to go so much higher than people anticipate that there will be significant collateral damage,? said Joe Lavorgna, Deutsche Bank Chief Economic.
?The January effect has been supercharged this year and needs to be checked for doping,? said Sandy Lincoln from BMO Asset Management.
?People are investing with a rear view mirror. Last year, you had people legitimately scared out of the market. Unfortunately, you are losing a generation of investors at a time when they ought to be thinking about buying high quality stocks,? said Hersh Cohen of Clearbridge Advisors.
I don?t know that the retail investor matters anymore. They didn?t come back to the market after the 2000 crash. The idea that the individual investor believes in the stock market now is challenged. We have a market that is increasingly institutional investors trading back and forth with each other?, said Dan Greenhouse, chief global strategist at BTIG.
?China has been doing everything right for the last ten years. Our government is made up of 'C' students that were political science majors, whereas, the Chinese government is made up of PhD's that were educated at Cambridge and Harvard,' said one Washington observer.
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