?Who knew the blockbuster this year would be a horror show,? said Tony Crescenzi, market strategist and portfolio manager at bond giant, PIMCO.
?I?m long tear gas after the Athens experience. They are going to need that tear gas in Rome and Madrid at some point,? said Steve Cortez at Veracruz Research.
?It?s a bit like looking for gold in a minefield,? said Fidelity International?s China Special Situation Fund manager, Anthony Bolton, amid widespread accounting fraud in the country.
?People think that Treasury bonds are riskless, but a 100 basis point rise in interest rates leads to an 18% capital loss,? said Andrew Neale, a portfolio manager at Fogel Neale Partners.
?I?m long tear gas after the Athens experience. They are going to need that tear gas in Rome and Madrid at some point,? said Steve Cortez at Veracruz Research.
?We?ve seen the S&P 500 drop 50% twice in the last decade. That is the new normal?, said Richard Kang of Emerging Global Advisors.
?Free choice is not relevant in financial markets because there are too many players. A stock with a million holders is much more predictable than one with five,? said Charles Nenner, of Charles Nenner Research in Amsterdam."
?We are still in the gravitational pull of the Great Recession. I would have to put the likelihood of a double dip recession now up to 50%,? said my old UC Berkeley economics professor, Robert
?Earnings models that have worked over the last 10, 20, or 30 years don?t hold water anymore,? said Paul Schatz, president of Heritage Capital.
Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open,? said Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone.
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