“The bulls have the run of the table here on oil,” said John Kilduff from Again Capital Partners.
“Language does not provide the means for us to describe the destruction before us,” said Chancellor Angela Merkel about the damage from the climate change-induced flooding in Germany.
“It’s not always the troops that storm the beaches who are the right ones to set up the government,” said Steve Vassallo from Foundation Capital about the resignation of founder Travis Kalanick from Uber.
“At the tail end of a momentum-driven melt-up, weird things start to happen,” said Chris Harvey, chief equity strategist at Wells Fargo.
"The difference between a Tesla and all of its competitors is the difference between an iPod and a cassette player," said Harvard Law fellow Vivek Wadhwa.
“The last few years have been periods of high returns and relatively low volatility. I think with the yield curve inversion and the economy slowing, PMI is in contraction in much of the world ... we’re entering a period that’s the opposite of that. We’re going to have lower returns and substantially higher volatility,” said Ben Kirby of Thornburg Investment Management.
"We have not been investing this year, we have been on a battleground," says noted UK hedge fund manager Crispin Oday.
“Chaos was the way of nature. Order is the human dream,” said historian Henry Adams.
The market has gone from “Buy the dip and sell the rip” to “Buy the dip and buy the rip,” said Dennis Dick, a professional trader.
“If you’re a retail CEO and the tariff announcement comes, you’re on your front porch looking for a cloud of locusts,” said Charlie O’Shea, a retail debt analyst at Moody’s.
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