?Lower yields, for longer, and lingering. I don?t think we?re going to get to an end for some period of time. The money that has been pumped into the system is going to keep equities high.? said Mark Grant, managing director of Hilltop Securities.
?They say when you get old, you become wise. The truth is that when you get old, all the people who know you are stupid are dead,? said the late comedian, Joan Rivers.
"In a connected world, the worst thing you can do is disconnect,? said Tom Friedman, a columnist for the New York Times.
?We have few, if any, spare tires left,? said Mohamed El-Erian, CIO of mega bond house PIMCO, about the nail studded road ahead for the US economy.
?This is very bullish for markets. It?s bullish for markets intermediate term. Before, I thought we were in the seventh inning of a four-year bull market. Two waiters just came in and delivered another punch bowl. We?re going into extra innings, baby,? said Stanley Druckenmiller of hedge fund Duquesne Capital Management.
?Investing now is like taking a shower while Norman Bates is somewhere in your house,? said Jim McTague, a journalist at Barrons.
?The fundamental argument against gold is so fundamentally one-sided that it is almost comical,? said options trader, Jim Iuorio, of TJM Institutional Services.
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