?A part of me slipped away?, said former heavyweight boxing champion, George Foreman, when he heard of the death of Muhammad Ali.
?Financial repression seems to be working. The Fed is pushing everyone into riskier assets. Stocks are the obvious place for that, and it?s driving valuations ever higher.? said Curt Custard, of UBS Asset Management.
?I think you?re begging to see a tectonic shift towards the dollar,? said Boris Schlossberg of BK Asset Management.
?There?s nothing but tailwinds behind the American consumer. You?re creating a boatload of jobs, you?re creating all kinds of jobs. Wage growth is accelerating. The stock market is at record highs. The debt service burden is as low as it has ever been. And consumer confidence is back to pre recession levels,? said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody?s Analytics.
"If you work forever, you can live forever,? said my friend and mentor, Blackrocks?s Byron Wien.
?Negative interest rates are highly supportive of bonds and stocks. This could remain for quite some time,? said Dan Ivascyn, CIO of bond giant PIMCO.
?Green technology is one of the best investment opportunities we?ve ever seen. We are used to seeing billion dollar market opportunities. Here, we?re seeing a trillion dollar opportunity.? said venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson.
?Without profits, the market can?t go anywhere,? said independent research consultant David Darst.
?US stock performance will be good in 2016, but is set to be outperformed by Japan, Europe, and emerging markets,? said a top manager at bond giant PIMCO.
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