?If economists could manage to get themselves thought of as humble, competent people, on a level with dentists, that would be splendid,? said the ground breaking economist, John Maynard Keynes.
?Putin is a man of Russia?s past, haunted by lost empire, lost glory, and lost power. As long has he remains in that office, Russia?s internal problems will not be addressed. Russia?s neighbors will continue to be subject to bullying from Moscow. While the tensions and threats of the cold war will not return, the opportunity to cooperate with the US and Europe will be limited,? said former Secretary of Defense, Robert M. Gates.
?How can a government go on, publishing all their negotiations with foreign nations, I know not,? said John Adams, America?s second president, lamenting its tendency to leak like a sieve.
The F-22 stealth fighter program has had a long slide from its original proposal of 750 aircraft in 1986, to 187 today. Over 25 years, it has suffered almost as many cuts from as many hands as Julius Caesar had,? said former Secretary of Defense, Robert M. Gates.
?It's very difficult to navigate a business through a paradigm shift. You must hard wire your system to second guess all the time, questioning what is next, and then what is next. You've got to retain optionality for both investment portfolios and the business your run to navigate this well,? said Mohamed El-Erian, former co-chairman of the bond house PIMCO.
?I suspect no one in the world doubts this administration?s willingness to use force. But we should only use it as a last resort, not as a first step?.We don?t do Pearl Harbors,? said former Secretary of Defense and CIA Chief Robert M. Gates.
?The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary,? said Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder.?
?You cannot trust bankers to control themselves. They?re like heroin addicts,? said Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chairman, Charlie Munger.
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