?For several decades on Wall Street, the short term sensibility has been encouraged and compensated very highly,? said Michael Lewis, author of ?The Big Short.?
?The short message from the Fed is that they?re afraid of congress,? said Boris Schlossberg of BK Asset Management.
?Kamikaze missions are rarely successful, least of all for the pilots,? said Robert Gibbs, former White House Press Secretary.
?The Fed is not worried about inflation in the next few years and want growth first, growth second, and growth third. With the stabilization of Europe, the apparent pick up in China, and a US economy still on a reasonable footing, the Fed?s heavy leaning to a growth policy should lead to a pretty favorable environment for the markets,? said legendary hedge fund manager, David Tepper, of Appaloosa Management.
?I?d much rather have the Wicked Witch of the East go away. We?d be way better off if we ended quantitative easing real fast so this scapegoat can get behind us,? said Ken Fisher of Fisher Investments.
?The barriers to Wall Street are quite low, once you have the Ivy League credentials. If you?re a certain kind of kid who doesn?t actually know anything about anything, Wall Street is still a great place to go,? said Michael Lewis, author of ?The Big Short.?
?This is very bullish for markets. It?s bullish for markets intermediate term. Before, I thought we were in the seventh inning of a four-year bull market. Two waiters just came in and delivered another punch bowl. We?re going into extra innings, baby,? Said Stanley Druckenmiller of hedge fund Duquesne Capital Management, about the Fed?s decision not to taper.
?AIG was regulated by the Office of Thrift Supervision, which I abolished. Actually, instead of abolishing it, I wanted to change the name to the Office of Fig Leaf Dispensation,? said former chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Barney Frank.
?Successful investing is about people agreeing with you?later? said Jim Grant of Grants Interest Rate Observer.
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