I sit here with my fingertips battered, bruised, and bleeding. My lower back aches, and my shoulders are as tight as a drum. After promising to take it easy for a while because the risk/reward in the market so badly sucks, I knocked out six Trade Alerts in one day. That is on top of conducting a one-hour strategy webinar and writing a 1,600 word daily newsletter. So I lied.
So far in 2013, I have issued an exhausting 114 opening, closing, and updated Trade Alerts. That includes one amazing run of 19 consecutive profitable trades. You have to strike while the iron is hot, make hay while the sun shines, yada, yada, yada. Making money in the market this year has been a turkey shoot.
Since writing about my performance a few days ago, which now stands at an eye popping 35.88% for 2013 and 90.93% over the past 30 months, I have been deluged with inquiries about how I pulled off this trading miracle from the incredulous. Is he using insane amounts of leverage? Or is he just telling porky pies, a not unheard of practice in this sullied industry.
So in the interest of full disclosure, I am posting below every trade I have alerted readers to since January 1, along with the profit and loss. Of the 43 trades executed in 2013, 37 have been profitable, some quite impressively so. Each trade is shown in terms of its contribution to the portfolio?s total annual return. That is a success rate of 86%, which rightly earns me an honored place in the Hedge Fund Trader?s Hall of Fame.
Global Trading Dispatch, my highly innovative and successful trade-mentoring program, earned a net return for readers of 40.17% in 2011 and 14.87% in 2012. The service includes my Trade Alert Service, daily newsletter, real-time trading portfolio, an enormous trading idea database, and live biweekly strategy webinars. To subscribe, please go to my website at www.madhedgefundtrader.com, find the ?Global Trading Dispatch? box on the right, and click on the lime green ?SUBSCRIBE NOW? button.
Feast your eyes.