Global Market Comments
May 27, 2020
Fiat Lux
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Global Market Comments
May 27, 2020
Fiat Lux
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This being the week for Memorial Day, I think I will be forgiven for posting one more military piece.
Most Americans don’t know that the US Marine Corps is the oldest government institution in the United States. It was founded at Tun Tavern on Water Street in Philadelphia on November 10, 1775, nearly eight months before the establishment of the country itself on July 4, 1776.
Their original mission was to act as snipers from the top of ships’ masts against British ships, engage in hand-to-hand combat when boarding the enemy, and preventing mutinies by press-ganged crews. It was truly a different age.
Having been involved with the USMC for nearly 50 years in many forms, following in the footsteps of my father in WWII and my grandfather in WWI, I can tell you than many Marines have not strayed far from a bar since.
During the past 245 years, the Marine Corps has built a storied reputation as an elite force of shock troops which will fight anywhere at any time. They literally went into battle from the “shores of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli”, according to the Marine Corps Hymn.
Over the past century, my own family has served at Belleau Wood, France, where the Germans gave them their nickname, the “Devil Dogs.” Dad was at Guadalcanal, Bougainville, Samoa, and New Zealand.
My own contribution included Cambodia, Guam, Japan, Thailand, Burma, Laos, Croatia, Serbia, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and most recently, Guadalcanal. We have a family footlocker of war souvenirs to die for. Yes, three months ago I was digging out Japanese bullets fired at dad from his foxhole at the base of Hill 27 (click here for the link).
Now, for the first time in nearly three centuries, the Corps is undergoing radical change. Since 1990, it has been primarily engaged in desert warfare in the Middle East, far from its naval roots. Now that the US has largely withdrawn from this part of the world, it is remaking itself to meet future challenges. In short, it is going back to sea.
In 2018, the Pentagon engaged in a ground-up rethink of its mission. It concluded that “great power competition with China and Russia” would become its primary mission. The consequences are earth-shaking for both the USMC and the country as a whole.
The emergence of high-precision Chinese long-range missiles has rendered an American WWII style dominance of the Western Pacific by our ten aircraft carriers obsolete. These massive, majestic ships manned by 5,000 men each have become white elephants and liabilities in future warfare.
They will be replaced by fast-moving commando-type companies of 50-150 Marines moving atoll to island and bottling up the Chinese Navy with high tech drones, rockets, and anti-ship missiles. The traditional 12-man rifle company platoon is gone. The costly carriers will be reduced to safer support roles thousands of miles at sea.
The implications for the USMC are far-reaching. General David H. Berger, the gentleman who sent me to Guadalcanal, has proposed cutting the Corps from 186,000 to 170,000 men. He will eliminate most artillery, all tanks, and cut the number of F-35 fighters by 30%. The new structure would be designed to work anywhere in the world at a moment’s notice. You can never predict the next crisis, so you have to prepared for all contingencies.
During my reserve days, I once commanded a Marine tank battalion on maneuvers. The indestructible M-1 Abrams tanks were powered by turbine engines, possessed a faultless laser sighting system, and drove like a Cadillac right of the assembly line over the cruelest desert terrain.
But at 50 tons each, they are hard to move around in a hurry. During Desert Shield and Desert Storm, we had to enlist a coal-fired WWII mothball fleet to get them to Saudi Arabia and even that took six months.
As for the 155 mm howitzer, they have been outmoded since WWII. All-weather Boeing AH64D Apache Longbow helicopters are far more mobile and effective and can refuel air to air. But every weapons system breeds its own constituency. Everyone agrees with me except artillerymen.
In the end, it will be politics that determines the future of the Marine Corps. Constancies fight bitterly to hold on to antiquated weapons system to preserve jobs. I remember that during Desert Storm, a Florida congressman fought tooth and nail to keep a massive Humvee contract even though with no armor, they were helpless against IEDs. Hundreds of Marines died as a result.
The same will be true for M1 tanks built in Ohio, the F-35 Lightning II manufactured in Texas, and nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in Virginia.
Notice these are all battleground states in this election. How you vote may determine where I next serve. So, vote carefully.
To participate in the discussion of our future national defense, please click here.
Semper Fidelis.
Global Market Comments
May 26, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(FB), (AAPL), (NFLX), (GOOGL), (MSFT), (TSLA), (VIX)
We are getting some tantalizing tastes of the new America that will soon arise from the wreckage of the pandemic.
Companies are evolving their business models at an astonishing rate, digitizing what’s left and abandoning the rest, and taking a meat cleaver to costs.
The corporate America that makes it through to the other side of the Great Depression will earn far more money on far fewer sales. That has been the pattern of every recession for the past 100 years.
While the pandemic may take earnings down from $162 per S&P 500 share in 2019 to only $50 in 2020, it sets up a run at a staggering $500 a share during the coming Roaring Twenties and Golden Age. All surprises will be to the upside and anything you touch will make you look like a genius.
For example, Target’s online sales have exploded 153%, allowing customers to order their groceries online and pick them up at curbside. (TGT) pulled this off in a mere three weeks. Without a pandemic, it would have taken three years to implement such a radical idea, if ever.
Survival is a great motivator.
The (SPY) has been greatly exaggerating the public’s understanding of the stock market. Five FANGs and Tesla (TSLA) with 50%-200% moves off the bottom have made the index look irrationally strong.
The fact is that the majority who have shares have not even made a 50% retracement of this year’s losses. A lot of stocks, especially the reopening ones, are still crawling back of subterranean bottoms.
Investors now have the choice of chasing wildly expensive stocks that have already had spectacular runs, or cheap ones that will go bankrupt by the end of the year. It is a Hobson’s choice for the ages. I expect 10% of the S&P 500 to go under by the end of 2020.
I am spending a lot of time on the ground talking to businesses in California and Nevada and have come to two conclusions. They cannot fathom the true depth of the Depression we are now in and are greatly underestimating the length of time it may take to recover. We may not see the headline unemployment rate under 10% for years unless the government redefines the statistics, which they always do.
The S&P 500 is not the economy. It only employs 25% of America’s private sector labor force accounting for 20% of its total costs. Real estate accounts for another 15%. That leaves 35% of costs that can be completely eliminated or reengineered. This creates enormous share price upside possibilities.
The concentration of the market is the most extreme I have ever seen, with five stocks getting most of the action, (FB), (AAPL), (NFLX), (GOOGL), and (MSFT).
There is a staggering $3.6 trillion in equity allocations sitting on the sidelines in cash. All those who got out at the March bottom are now desperately trying to get back in at the May top. Algorithms are making sure you get out cheap and get back expensive.
It will all end in tears.
One of the stunning developments of the crash has been the near doubling of retail stock trading. Options trading has increased even more. Millions of stimulus check recipients have poured their newfound wealth into the stock market instead of spending it on consumer goods, like they were supposed to.
This explains the over-concentration on the five FANG stocks, (FB), (AAPL), (NFLX), (GOOGL), and (MSFT), the greatest momentum stocks are out age, but in high speculative ones like Tesla (TSLA). The lowest cost online platforms like Tastyworks (click here) and Robin Hood (click here).
All of this is completely irrevocably changing the character of the stock market, perhaps permanently. This may also explain why the Volatility Index remains stuck above$26.
Fed Governor Jerome Powell said no recovery without vaccine, and that’s without a second wave. It could be a long wait. In the meantime, the Atlanta Fed said Q2 US GDP will be down -42%, the weakest quarter in American history. We find out mid-July.
Housing Starts collapsed by 30.2% in April, in the sharpest drop on record. But prices aren’t falling. There is still a massive bid under the market from still-employed millennials. Your home could be you best performing asset this year. The 30-year fixed rate mortgage at 3.0% is a big help.
Weekly Jobless Claims topped 2.4 million, taking the two-month total to a breathtaking 39 million. One out of four Americans is now unemployed, matching the Great Depression peak. US deaths just topped 98,000, 21 times China’s fatality rate where the disease originated and with four times our population. People will keep losing jobs until the death rate peaks, which could be many months, or years.
Leading Economic Indicators crashed by 4.4% for April, showing the economy is still in free fall. So, how much more stock do you want to buy here?
Up to 60% of mall tenants aren’t paying rent, with $7.4 billion skipped in April alone. See my earlier “Death of the Mall” piece. It’s another harsh example of the epidemic accelerating all existing trends.
The market is not reflecting the long-term damage to the economy, says my old buddy and Morgan Stanley colleague David Gerstenhaber. When the bailouts run out, the economy could go into free fall. It could take years to get below 10% unemployment rate again, as many of the layoffs and furloughs are permanent. Keep positions small. Anything could happen. I spent the 1987 crash with David.
Existing Home Sales cratered an incredible 17.8% in April to an annualized 4.88 million units, the largest one-month drop since 2010. Inventory dropped to an all-time low of only 1.7 million, down 19.7%, presenting a 4.1-month supply. Sellers failed to list and those who had a home took them off. Unbelievably, this pushed median home prices to a new all-time high of 286,000, up 7.4% YOY. The biggest sales fall in the west, where the US epidemic started.
China took over Hong Kong, suspending most civil liberties in response to Trump’s multiple attacks. And you know what? There is nothing we can do about it that hasn’t already been done. Talk about going into battle with no dry powder. I’m sure the US 7th Fleet will be out there soon to provoke an attack. Anything to distract attention from the 100,000 Americans who died from Covid-19 on Trump’s watch. As if markets didn’t already have enough to worry about.
When we come out on the other side of this, we will be perfectly poised to launch into my new American Golden Age, or the next Roaring Twenties. With interest rates at zero, oil at $0 a barrel, and many stocks down by three quarters, there will be no reason not to. The Dow Average will rise by 400% or more in the coming decade.
My Global Trading Dispatch performance had another fabulous week, up an awesome +4.97%, and blasting us up to a new eleven-year all-time high of 77%. It has been one of the most heroic performance comebacks of all time.
My aggressive short bond positions really delivered some nice profits, despite the fact the bond market went almost nowhere. That’s because time decay for the June 19 expiration is really starting to kick in. I also got away with a small long in the bond market for the second time in two weeks.
That takes my 2020 YTD return up to +10.86%. That compares to a loss for the Dow Average of -12.6%. My trailing one-year return exploded to 50.85%, nearly an all-time high. My eleven-year average annualized profit exploded to +35.21%.
The only numbers that count for the market are the number of US Coronavirus cases and deaths, which you can find here at
On Monday, May 25, I’ll be leading the neighborhood veterans parade for Memorial Day. Markets are closed.
On Tuesday, May 26 at 9:00 AM, the S&P Case Shiller National Home Price Index is released.
On Wednesday, May 27, at 4:30 PM, weekly EIA Crude Oil Stocks are published.
On Thursday, May 28 at 8:30 AM, Weekly Jobless Claims are announced. We also get the second estimate for the Q1 GDP is printed. At 10:00 AM, April Pending Home Sales are announced.
On Friday, May 29, at 2:00 PM, the Baker Hughes Rig Count follows at 2:00 PM.
As for me, I will be hitting the town beaches at Lake Tahoe for the first time this spring, mask in hand, where waitresses serve you mixed drinks on order. Outdoors will be the only safe place this year.
Stay healthy.
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Global Market Comments
May 22, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
Global Market Comments
May 21, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(GLD), (SDS), (TSLA), (VIX), (ROM), (SPY),
(TLT), (TBT), (DRI), (CCI), (BOTZ)
Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the Mad Hedge Fund Trader May 20 Global Strategy Webinar broadcast from Silicon Valley, CA with my guest and co-host Bill Davis of the Mad Day Trader. Keep those questions coming!
Q: Do you believe chairman Powell when he says no negative rates?
A: I do believe that he does not want negative rates—that would be hugely detrimental to the economy. Europe and Japan have been trying them for the last ten years and they absolutely do not work. When it costs something to deposit money in the bank, people take it out of the financial system and hide it under their mattresses or buy gold (GLD). Although Powell doesn’t want negative rates, he may not have a choice; the market’s already taking them there in the futures market one year out. If we do get a big second wave of corona in the fall, and we do go to new lows in the stock market, and unemployment goes to new highs, negative rates will happen on their own whether Powell wants them or not.
Q: What is your best metric for determining when this bounce is over?
A: We passed those metrics on when a normal bounce is over weeks and weeks ago, and it just keeps going up. If you’ll notice, I have no stocks right now. I have some balanced long and short stock indexes but that’s it. My big trade is short bonds. When an asset class is no longer attractive, avoid it like Covid-19.
Q: What range should I wait for to buy the Proshares Ultra Short S&P 500 ETF (SDS)?
A: I’m really only using (SDS) as a hedge to limit the risk on much bigger long positions that I may have. (SDS) doesn’t lend itself to normal technical analysis because it is an artificial construct.
Q: What price to get into Tesla (TSLA)?
A: If you look at the Tesla chart, it's almost exactly the same as all of the other FANGS, as it’s essentially becoming the next FANG. So, they will trade with the FANGS for that reason, at least in the short term. Don’t buy it here, wait for the next major selloff to $600 or so. We actually had a bunch of concierge customers to buy long term leaps under $500 dollars in March, and they got 500% returns in 3 weeks.
Q: Why didn’t we just buy the ProShares Ultra Technology ETF (ROM) and go to sleep for five years?
A: If you recall, I was actually recommending just that in March when (ROM) was trading in the $80s, and we actually had a (ROM) position that we got stopped out of. The (ROM) is the 2x long technology ETF that's gone from $80 to $160 since the market bottomed almost 2 months ago.
Q: Why do you keep using deep in the money put spreads and call spreads?
A: You use them when volatility is very high like it is now—right now the Volatility Index (VIX) is at $28. The normal price is at $14 or $15, and we’ve just come down from $80. Even in the high $20s, you still get huge payoffs (like 10% a month) per call and put spread. As long as (VIX) is that high, we’ll keep doing them. They are also the perfect trade to have in range trading markets like we’ve had for the past month. They give you a nice extra kicker on your P&L.
Q: What is the worst-case scenario?
A: We get a second wave of the virus, another couple hundred thousand Americans die, the stock market goes to new lows, and we have a presidential election. How’s that for a worst-case scenario? Other than that, how is your day going?
Q: Do you trade pre and post market?
A: No; I used to when I ran my hedge fund, but I don’t do anything now if it’s beyond the capability of most individuals. I only want to put out trade alerts that people can get done. So, I'm only trading US hours. The reason you trade overseas is that you always get the highest highs and lowest lows in the Asian markets. During the late 1990s, I was the number one or two volume trader in the Singapore futures market.
Q: Do you think the 200-day moving average will be substantial resistance to the market?
A: I think absolutely yes, and I also believe that the only downside trigger for a major breakdown in the market is a second corona wave.
Q: If we get negative interest rates, would (SDS) fall?
A: No, (SDS) is a 2X bear (SPY) ETF that would go through the roof because negative rates would only happen if the stock market was collapsing. You might get a double on (SDS) on a second corona wave and negative interest rates. That’s why I’m keeping my position.
Q: Could the market just keep going up with no major pullbacks if the Fed keeps stimulating the economy?
A: Yes, and that’s what has been happening. Jerome Powell has said that the Fed’s ability to borrow is unlimited, therefore the amount of stimulus they can keep throwing is also unlimited, and if that’s what happens, all of that money will go into financial assets, even if the real economy is in utter freefall (which it has been). You can’t rule out anything these days. You always have to trade with the belief that anything can happen at any time.
Q: I need help setting up Long term Equity Participation Securities (LEAPS). Is there a video on that?
A: You can take all the educational videos we have on call spreads and put spreads, and everything applies exactly the same, except that instead of doing a one-month maturity, you do a two-year maturity. If you play around with the maturity tab on your platform, you can find the longest dated maturity on each option series. Sometimes, it’s only a year, sometimes all the way up to 2.5 years.
Q: Are there any other options besides the United States Treasury Bond Fund (TLT) to short the bond market?
A: Yes, there’s the ProShares Ultra Short 20 Year Treasury ETF (TBT); that’s a 2x short bond market ETF. But you don’t get anywhere near the leverage that we have in the (TLT) put options spreads.
Q: Do you expect a return in inflation with all the stimulus going on?
A: Absolutely yes; food prices have already increased 20%—that will be a big inflationary push. Another $14 trillion in government QE and spending hitting the economy is also highly inflationary. And a lot of the price cuts which fueled deflation are ending as global supply chains are cut and the US food distribution system breaks down.
Q: Is the Great Depression on the table?
A: We are in a Great Depression now that is already far worse than the last one, except that this one will be shorter than the decade seen in the 1930s.
Q: How long will it take for unemployment to recover to the December 2019 3.5% unemployment lows?
A: We will never get back to those lows. A lot of that was over employment (artificial employment), with a lot of temporary marginal workers being picked up. And the net effect of the epidemic will be to make businesses forcibly more efficient; that means getting a lot more done with a lot fewer workers. So, I don't think we’ll ever see that 3.5% rate again. Economists are predicting that the next new low in unemployment may be 5% or 6%, and even that could take 2 or 3 years to get there.
Q: Will the market soar on vaccine news?
A: Well probably not; I would bet that two-thirds of any real vaccines are already in the price. We are getting vaccine announcements every day and the market is immediately discounting it, so when we actually do get the real thing, we may get a rally of only a few days and that’s it. We also won’t know for many months if it is real and is moved to mass production.
Q: If you would buy one restaurant, what would it be?
A: None; I would not touch the restaurants here with a 10-foot pole. None of the restaurant chains have any prospect of making a profit, except for maybe the ones that already had takeout models like Subway or Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG). Some hedge funds are buying Darden (DRI), but with their money, not mine.
Q: Should I double my short position in volatility (VIX)?
A: No, not down here, especially after a huge run in the stock market like we had—a 40% rise off the bottom. If we do get above $50 though, I will be shorting volatility then.
Q: I bought the (BOTZ) AI and robotics ETF, on your recommendation—it’s now almost double off the lows. What should I do with it now?
A: Short term, take profits, long term keep it. I think the (BOTZ) doubles again from these levels, and I know some of you out there bought LEAPS on the (BOTZ) at the lows and you’re up 1,000% on those. If you have a 1,000% profit take it, you probably won’t get another one in your lifetime.
Q: Time to refi the house?
A: No, I think refi rates are artificially high now (and totally out of line with the bond market) because the default rate is so high—8%. Once that default rate starts to drop, the interest rate on mortgages should also fall, and I think you could see 2.5% on the 30-year fixed rate mortgage. Europe has had 0% rates for almost 10 years, and their home mortgages are at 2%, so that’s ultimately how low we could go.
Q: Are you worried about the debt related to Crown Castle International (CCI)?
A: No because they’re putting all the debt to good use and they can always refi at lower rates. There is no question that the demand for cell phone towers is going to be enormous—epidemic or not, because of the roll-out of 5G phones.
Good Luck and Stay Healthy.
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Global Market Comments
May 20, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(AMZN), (5G), (CCI), (MSFT), (NFLX), (APPL)
Global Market Comments
May 19, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(AMRN), (THOR), (SAN), (NBSE), (OHRP),
(MRNA), (MRK), (AZN), (VRTX), (RGLS), (ARWR)
Global Market Comments
May 18, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(SPY), (TLT), (VIX), (DIS)
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