The 19th century humorist and writer, Mark Twain, said, “History never repeats itself, but it rhymes.” This is certainly one of those rhyming times.
Remember back in 2011 when the Dow hit a short-term peak at $12,300 in May of 2011? The Cassandras had a heyday. The bull market was over, stocks were imminently going to crash, and the next stop for the Dow was $3,000. Gold and bonds were the only safe places.
Those who drank the Kool-Aid missed the greatest investment opportunity of the century and are now driving for Uber cars to earn their crust of bread. Those who drank the Kool-Aid twice sold their homes as well ahead of the greatest real estate boom of all time.
Not that a correction wasn’t sorely needed, we needed to scare money out of what I call the “super liquidity” investments like Bitcoin, SPACS, and tech companies selling at 100 times sales with failing business models.
We also needed to put the fear of god into newbie day traders by teaching them that stocks go down as well as up. We’ve already made good progress on this front. With many of the “meme” stocks down by half or more since February, we are already making good progress on that front.
What will power the Dow to my now very prescient looking $40,000 target by yearend? The unwind of the 40-year-old bull market in bonds has barely just begun. Ten-year US Treasury bond yields ($TNX) have only appreciated from 0.32% to 1.68%, compared to 5.6% at the last 2007 peak. That means there are still many tens of trillions of dollars to shift out of bonds (TLT) and INTO STOCKS!
Once the current correction ends, money will pour back into the recent leaders, the economic cyclicals, including financials, commodities, industrials, and commodities.
Technology will stay in the penalty box for the foreseeable future until they become under-owned and cheap again. The good news here is that tech earnings are growing at such a prolific rate that the sector is losing two price earnings multiple points a month and will return to the bargain basement in the not-too-distant future.
The long term view here is that you want to rent growth, but own tech, which still has double the growth rate of everything else.
It all makes my 2021 $40,000 Dow Average target look like a piece of cake, and my 2030 goal of $120,000 positively conservative, cautious, and circumspect.
Notice that our 2,000 point-swan dive in the Dow last week lasted only three days, and then delivered the sharpest fall in the Volatility Index (VIX) in history, from $29 to $19 in only 24 hours. The writing is still on the wall. People want to BUY.
Inflation explodes, with the Consumer Price Index posting a ballistic 4.2% YOY rate, the fastest gain since 2009. The Fed believes this is a temporary surge, the markets not so much. Bonds take it on the nose. Keep selling rallies in the (TLT). We’re making a fortune here.
Volatility Index (VIX) soars to $29, almost doubling in a week. Call me when it tops $30. That’s the usual signal for a short-term stock market bottom. I’m relaxed because I’m going into this with 80% cash and have just made a huge fortune on bond shorts.
Value and cyclicals are still the Big Play. That was the message of the stock market on Friday’s wild day which saw an 11-basis point trading range in the ten-year US treasury bond. If you think the next big move in rates is up, then Cyclicals will roar, and techs will fade.
It’s all about buying what people are underweight and selling what they are overweight. I’m looking for cyclicals that have recently corrected. Stay tuned to this station.
US Inventories see solid gains as retailers load the boat for the biggest economic recovery of all time. March was up 1.3%. One of an endless series of data points pointing to the best business conditions in a century.
The Home Buying Frenzy continues, with the median price for a single-family home soaring by 16.2% to $319,200 in Q1, according to the National Association of Realtors. Record high prices are hitting all markets. The perfect upside storm continues.
Weekly Jobless Claims come in at 473,000, a new post-Covid low. Continuing claims fall to 3,655,000. The greatest economic recovery of all time continues.
Producer Prices leap in April, up 0.6% following a 1% gain in March. It is a natural follow-on from the hot CPI. The PPI tracks changes in production costs, and supply bottlenecks and shortages tied to the pandemic recovery have caused commodity prices to soar. Temporary or continuing, that is the big debate. Watch the bond market for clues.
Stanley Druckenmiller says Bonds are Toast, and The Dollar is Worse. I couldn’t agree more with my old friend and trading counterparty. Current Fed policies are now the most extreme in history and threaten the reserve status of the US dollar. Sell all rallies in the (TLT) and the (UUP).
My Ten Year View
When we come out the other side of pandemic, we will be perfectly poised to launch into my new American Golden Age, or the next Roaring Twenties. With interest rates still at zero, oil cheap, there will be no reason not to. The Dow Average will rise by 400% to 120,000 or more in the coming decade. The American coming out the other side of the pandemic will be far more efficient and profitable than the old. Dow 120,000 here we come!
My Mad Hedge Global Trading Dispatch profit reached 3.83% gain so far in May on the heels of a spectacular 15.67% profit in April. That leaves me 30% invested and 70% cash.
My 2021 year-to-date performance soared to 63.59%. The Dow Average is up 13.47% so far in 2021.
During the stock market meltdown, my hedges with shorts in the S&P 500 (SPY), NASDAQ (QQQ), and the United States Treasury Bond Fund (TLT) performed spectacularly well, leaving me up on the week. I managed to limit myself to only two stop losses, in Microsoft (MSFT) and Delta Airlines (DAL).
While everyone else was running around like chickens with their heads cut off, I was as relaxed as ever. Our worst case for May is that we will be only up single digits, instead of the double-digit gains of the past six months. That is not a bad “worst case” to have.
That brings my 11-year total return to 486.14%, some 2.00 times the S&P 500 (SPX) over the same period. My 11-year average annualized return now stands at an unbelievable 42.45%, easily the highest in the industry.
My trailing one-year return exploded to positively eye-popping 127.09%. I truly have to pinch myself when I see numbers like this. I bet many of you are making the biggest money of your long lives.
We need to keep an eye on the number of US Coronavirus cases at 33 million and deaths topping 586,000, which you can find here.
The coming week will be a weak one on the data front.
On Monday, May 17, at 9:45 AM, the New York Empire State Manufacturing Index for May will be out
On Tuesday, May 18, at 10:00 AM, the Housing Starts for April are announced.
On Wednesday, May 19 at 2:00 PM, Minutes from the last Federal Reserve FOMC Meeting are published.
On Thursday, May 20 at 8:30 AM, the Weekly Jobless Claims are published.
On Friday, May 21 at 10:00 AM, Existing Homes Sales for April are announced. At 2:00 PM, we learn the Baker-Hughes Rig Count.
As for me, we had a big 4.7 earthquake at Lake Tahoe last week. The healthy live trees vibrated and swayed. But all of the brittle dead trees killed by pine beetles during the draught snapped at the base and fell over.
Those blocked all the fire roads, so every emergency and public service organization on the lake was called up and sent up into the mountains with chain saws. That included me, a member of Lake Tahoe Search and Rescue.
I hiked up to 9,000 feet with a 50-pound load and went to work. We cut these enormous 100-foot conifers into one-foot rounds and then rolled them off the road. Everyone else on the job was under 40.
After a day of heavy lifting, I hiked down the mountain and collapsed into bed. I slept for 12 hours, which is why the Monday letter was late. They say 70 is the new 40. I am the proof of that.
So can 100 be the new 60? One can only hope.
How was your weekend?
Stay healthy.
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
20 Year Chart of Ten Year US Treasury Yields