Last month, I shot out a Trade Alert to buy theCurrency Shares Australian Dollar Trust (FXA) December, 2013 $89-$91 bull call spread that turned immediately profitable. A mere four trading days later I sold out, after the (FXA) rallied an impressive $1.2, adding 0.84% to the value of my model trading portfolio.
That turned out to be the absolute top of the move. This is not unusual, as I am legendary throughout the market for picking the perfect tops and bottoms of market moves, and then leveraging up the other way. This is why pros stampeded into my Trade Alerts. Maybe it?s my math and engineering background that enables me to do this with such precision, a world where accuracy is measured to the Angstrom (0.0000000001 meters).
When the market marked my position at its maximum theoretical value of $2.00, that?s all I needed to know. The Trade Alert to get out flew your way the next morning.
After that, the Aussie was deluged with bad news. Reserve Bank of Australia governor, Glenn Stevens, said he was considering intervening in the foreign exchange market to head off its appreciation. Then, the government blocked a $2.7 billion takeover bid by US agribusiness giant Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) for the Australian grain handler, GrainCorp. A ban of foreign takeovers means less capital coming into the Land Down Under. Then, Goldman Sachs followed up with a forecast that the Aussie was heading for $85. After that, it was all over but the crying.
So here we are three weeks later, and I am getting plaintive emails from followers asking me what to do about their Australian dollar positions. The excuses as to why they are still long Aussie are legion, and range from ?I was traveling? to ?my dog ate my homework.? In the meantime, the (FXA) has plunged from $93.80 to $90, spilling much blood among those who still held the position.
Let me tell you how many trading rules these people violated:
1) When positions go deep in the money, you always place a stop loss at your cost, below the market. That way, you are effectively playing with the ?house?s money.? Your worst case scenario is that you break even.
2) You can?t travel and trade. I structure these trades so they can breathe and you don?t have to watch your screen 24/7. But you can?t disappear off the face of the map counting on notes in bottles washing ashore to keep you up to date.
3) Understand your own risk tolerance. Before you enter every trade, calculate how much money you are willing to lose if it goes against you. Then, if it hits that point, get out in the most automatic, emotionless, automaton way possible and go on to the next trade. There are plenty of fish in the sea, over 100 this year alone. You don?t need my permission to take a loss.
4) Don?t look at any position in isolation, look at the entire portfolio. I design these things so that some will be going up in value at any given point in time, and others down, in all market conditions. That way, one will hedge the other, limiting losses. In the case of the (FXA), your hedge was in being short the Treasury bond market (TLT), (TBT), which was profitable, and mitigated your losses if you didn?t get out of the (FXA).
5) You?ve got to watch the news. Bloomberg, Reuters, and the Wall Street Journal can get you a headline faster than I can send out a Trade Alert. When the Australian central bank governor started flapping his gums about possible intervention to push his currency lower, that?s all you needed to know. Hasta la vista, baby.
6) I am not always right. In fact, this year?s trading statistics show that I am wrong 15% of the time. That is less than almost anyone else. But wrong is wrong. Don?t let that 15% cost you all your profits for fear because you lack discipline.
I don?t think the Australian dollar is going down forever. In fact, there is still a reasonable chance that the Currency Shares Australian Dollar Trust (FXA) December, 2013 $89-$91 bull call spread will close at its maximum theoretical value of $2.00 by the December 20 expiration.
Central bank intervention can only dictate the direction of a currency for only short periods. After that, fundamentals take over. In the face of a 2014 global synchronized economic recovery, that means UP for the Aussie.
International interest rate differentials are the primary factoring in determining direction over the long term. With overnight Aussie rates at an all time low of 2.5%, further cuts are unlikely, lest the real estate bubble there inflates further. That means the next directional change in Australian interest rates is up, and that will be great news for the Aussie. Hedge Fund Trader Hedge Fund Trader2013-12-09 01:05:022013-12-09 01:05:02Lessons from the Australian dollar
The risk of a major market melt up just took a quantum leap upward with the European Central Bank?s surprise 25 basis points in interest rates a few minutes ago. The move had not been expected from normally sleepy and moribund European monetary authorities for a few more months.
The ECB?s action has major positive implications for the world economy. It gives a shot of adrenalin to a global synchronized economic recovery, which was already in the cards for 2014. The effect on all asset classes will be huge.
Of course, the Euro ETF (FXE) crashed by $1.70, as one would expect, one of the largest moves of the year in the foreign exchange markets. We already took profits on a short position we strapped on in the Euro the last time it ran up to $1.38, which turned out to be the peak of a multi month move. But it has also spilled over into the other currencies, expanding into a much broader move into the US dollar.
The Japanese yen (FXY), (YCS) has just puked up 60 basis points, where we have a major short position and were looking to add. As a result, we have already gained 58% of the potential profit for a position that we added only two days ago. The Australian dollar (FXA), where I am also attempting to go long on a bigger dip, has lost 50 cents. Gold took it on the nose, again.
The other blockbuster event, which transpired this morning, was the release of the early read of US Q3 GDP, coming in at a red hot 2.8%. This was much higher than expected, with many estimates hovering around the 2.0% level. This means that the 0.5% we lost in the Washington shut down will turn out to be just a speed bump. We should make it all back, and much more, in the run up to Q1, 2014.
But wait! There?s more!! The price of oil has plunged by $20 in six weeks, thanks to the massive oversupply coming out of US fracking fields, and the movement of US-Syrian hostilities to a back burner. Even an Israeli attack on a Russian resupply of missiles at a Syrian port failed to generate any interest in Texas tea. Two months ago, this would have been worth a one day, $5 spike.
The US Energy Information Agency calculates that a $20 cut in the price of oil adds 0.4% to US GDP, and cuts unemployment by 0.1%. Newly enriched consumers spend more money and corporations with lower costs earn more profits. In other words, it cancels out the negative effects of the Washington shutdown in one fell swoop.
The University of California argues that ten out of the last 11 recessions were triggered by oil price spikes. The inverse is true as well. Collapsing oil prices create economic booms. Guess which way we are headed?
US Q3 earnings reports are generating extremely favorable comparisons, up about 10% YOY in aggregate. We have an extremely favorable calendar right now, as November and December are traditionally strong months for risk markets. Maybe it?s also that holiday grog. We also have the 2014 ?Great Reallocation? out of stocks and into bonds to look forward to, which has probably already started.
It all adds up to a first class market melt up, which could start at any time. Indeed, given the torrid market performance since the summer, and its Teflon like behavior during the October Washington shutdown, some strategists are claiming that a melt up has already started. The net net of all of this is that the world looks like a much friendlier place, and I am much more inclined to add risk than I was only a few minute ago when I dragged my sorry ass out of bed.
Below, please find the posture you should take in the markets listed by asset class.
*Stocks - ?buy the dips, running to a new yearend highs, especially in technology,? industrials, health care, and consumer cyclical
*Bonds - ?sell rallies, heading to the top of the 2.50%-3% 10 year yield range
*Commodities - start scaling in on dips in copper, iron ore
*Currencies - sell yen on any rallies, buy the Australian dollar on a China recovery
*Precious Metals - stay away, the world wants? paper assets
*Volatility - stand aside, will bounce along bottom
*The Ags - stay away until next year, great weather is killing prices, but too late to sell short Hedge Fund Trader Hedge Fund Trader2013-11-08 01:04:312013-11-08 01:04:31The Rising Risk of a Market Melt Up
Any trader will tell you the trend is your friend, and the overwhelming direction for the US dollar for the last 220 years has been down.
Our first Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton, found himself constantly embroiled in sex scandals. Take a ten-dollar bill out of your wallet and you?re looking at a picture of a world class horndog, a swordsman of the first order. When he wasn?t fighting libelous accusations in the press and the courts, he spent much of his six years in office orchestrating a rescue of our new currency, the US dollar.
Winning the Revolutionary War bankrupted the young United States, draining it of resources and leaving it with huge debts. Hamilton settled many of these by giving creditors notes exchangeable for then worthless Indian land west of the Appalachians.
As soon as the ink was dry on these promissory notes, they traded in the secondary market for as low as 25% of face value, beginning a century?s long government tradition of stiffing its lenders, a practice that continues to this day. ?My unfortunate ancestors took him up on his offer, the end result being that I am now writing this letter to you from California?and am part Indian.
It all ended in tears for Hamilton, who, misjudging former Vice President Aaron Burr?s intentions in a New Jersey duel, ended up with a bullet in his back that severed his spinal cord.
Since Bloomberg machines weren?t around in 1790, we have to rely on alternative valuation measures for the dollar then, like purchasing power parity, and the value of goods priced in gold. A chart of this data shows an undeniable permanent downtrend, which greatly accelerates after 1933 when Franklin Delano Roosevelt took the US off the gold standard, banned private ownership of the barbarous relic, and devalued the dollar. Gold bugs have despised him ever since.
Today, going short the currency of the world?s largest borrower, running the greatest trade and current account deficits in history, with a diminishing long term growth rate is a no brainer. But once it became every hedge fund trader?s free lunch, and positions became so lopsided against the buck, a reversal was inevitable. We seem to be solidly in one of those periodic corrections, which began two weeks ago month ago, and could continue for months, or even years.
The euro has its own particular problems, with the cost of a generous social safety net sending EC budget deficits careening. Use this strength in the greenback to scale into core long positions in the currencies of countries that are major commodity exporters, boast rising trade and current account surpluses, and possess small consuming populations.
I?m talking about the Canadian dollar (FXC), the Australian dollar (FXA), and the New Zealand dollar (BNZ), all of which will eventually hit parity with the greenback. Think of these as emerging markets where they speak English, best played through the local currencies.
For a sleeper, buy the Chinese Yuan ETF (CYB) for your bank book. A major revaluation by the Middle Kingdom is just a matter of time.
I?m sure that if Alexander Hamilton were alive today, he would counsel our modern Treasury Secretary, Jack Lew, to talk the dollar up, but to do everything he could to undermine the buck behind the scenes, thus over time depreciating our national debt down to nothing through a stealth devaluation. (Click here for my interview with him, ?Riding with Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.)
Given Lew?s performance so far, I?d say he studied his history well. Hedge Fund Trader Hedge Fund Trader2013-11-07 01:03:182013-11-07 01:03:18Enjoy the Dollar Rally While it Lasts
It looks like I?m Waltzing Matilda again. I am going to use the two-cent drop last night to scale into a long position in the Australian dollar. This is a dip in the (FXA) that gives up one quarter of the four-cent move off of the August 88 cent bottom.
The decline was triggered by dismal employment data showing that 10,200 jobs were lost in August. Many analysts had been expecting job gains. To give you some perspective, this is equivalent to the US getting a nonfarm payroll of (minus) -150,000 out of the blue when everyone had been expecting an improvement of a similar amount. Yikes!
The problem with this analysis is that employment data is a lagging indicator, sometimes a deep one. A few things have happened since these numbers were collated. The China hard landing has been taken off the table, emerging markets (EEM) have been screaming, and there have been massive short covering rallies across the entire hard asset space. Looking at just this single data point is the equivalent to driving ninety miles an hour and only looking at the rear view mirror.
You wanted a dip to buy? This is a dip.
The steadily improving China data puts not just the Aussie in a fresh new light, but all Australian assets. If it is sustainable, then Australian stocks also look great down here as well. The Australia iShares ETF (EWA) has told you as much, rocketing some 16% off the August lows, triple the gains seen here in the US. Australian bonds are the only security you want to walk away from, which are likely to see further losses matching those in the US.
You?ve gotta love Australia. It is the low cost producer of a whole range of economically sensitive commodities, including iron ore, copper, natural gas, coal, tin, gold, wool, wheat, beef, and others. Get it right and you make a fortune. It is the leveraged play on an improving global economy. Call it a call option on the world. If you have any doubts about the attractions of the Land Down Under, just spend a free summer afternoon strolling Sydney?s Bondi Beach.
If you want some independently confirming data on the likelihood of this turnaround, look at the chart below of the Baltic Dry Index, which reflects the cost of chartering dry bulk ships to carry stuff like iron ore and coal. It has been absolutely on fire, blasting up by 100% in the past four weeks.
This morning?s unbelievable 31,000 drop in weekly jobless claims to 292,000, a new five year low, reaches the same conclusion. It is a far more contemporaneous data set, and reflects a return to a normal economy. The Australian jobs data is so old it has hair growing in it.
The unfortunate aspect of this Trade Alert is that (FXA) options are fairly illiquid, and trade at double the normal spread found in the foreign exchange options market, so execution here is crucial. Put in a limit order for the spread that works for you. If you don?t get done, just walk away and wait for the next Trade Alert, of which there will be many.
Or you can just buy the (FXA) outright, given that the August low on the charts is looking pretty solid. Buy some Australian shares (EWA) too, while you?re at it, and throw a couple more steaks on the barbie! Hedge Fund Trader Hedge Fund Trader2013-09-13 01:04:242013-09-13 01:04:24Loading Up on Australia
For a lifetime central bank watcher, like myself, this was one for the record books.
Reserve Bank of Australia, Glenn Stevens, said last week that he welcomed a weak Australia dollar and that it probably had further to fall. To put gasoline on the flames, he added that there was room for the RBA to further lower interest rates, assuring that more weakness in the Aussie was assured.
The Australian dollar didn?t have to be told twice what to do. All bids for the troubled currency immediately vaporized, and it gapped down two full cents to the 90-cent level, a three-year low. When the Aussie broke a crucial support level at parity in the spring, I predicted that 80 cents was in the cards.
That forecast, bemoaned and lambasted at the time, is now looking increasingly likely. This is why I have been warning my Australian friends all year to pay for their summer vacations in advance while their currency was still dear.
What is far more important here is what the RBA moves means for the global economy. It certainly raises the stakes in the international race to the bottom, where every country tries to devalue their way to prosperity. During the Great Depression, this was known at the ?beggar thy neighbor? policy, a term I?m sure you have all heard a lot about. A cheaper currency means your exports now cost less, so customers shift business from your neighbors to you, boosting your economy.
In recent years, the US was winning that game. Then Japan took over the lead in November, with a yen (FXY), (YCS) that has fallen 25% since. Now, Australia has grabbed first place, with a 15% plunge since March. Who is the big loser in all this? Europe, where even the guy who runs the beach mini mart in Mykonos tells me his economy sucks because his currency (FXE) is grotesquely overvalued.
The sad thing is, I don?t think a weaker Aussie will help the Land Down Under very much, if at all. Their problem is not a price one for their commodities, but a demand one. Everything Australia sells is a commodity where prices are set by a global marketplace.
The slowing of China?s economy is the big driver here, as orders for Australia?s exports of iron ore, copper, and coal fall precipitously. Grains (DBA) sales are hurt by America?s bumper crop, which is killing prices. Fukushima demolished uranium exports (NLR). Australian offshore natural gas (UNG), at $16/btu, doesn?t stack up very well against US fracking gas at $3.50. Gold (GLD) is not exactly flying off the shelf either, with prices at one point this year down 33% from the highs.
There is another big factor, which no one but myself seems to me noticing. The slowdown in Chinese commodity demand is not a temporary affair, it is a permanent one. The government there is making every effort to shift the economy away from commodity consuming, metal bashing exports, to a more services oriented one.
This more suitably matches the Middle Kingdom?s own resource base, of which there are few, towards a higher rung in its own development. You will probably start to hear about this from other strategists, gurus, and research houses in about a year. It is momentous in its implications.
The RBA?s move caught many traders off guard, as they had already begun scaling into long Australian dollar positions, looking for an autumn rally. Mad Day Trader, Jim Parker, knew better, and was advising Aussie shorts up to the 94 cent level.
As for me, I?ll be selling every decent Aussie rally for the foreseeable future, until global commodity prices finally bottom, or Australia changes central bank governors, whichever happens first. I bet a lot of Australians right now prefer the latter over the former. Hedge Fund Trader Hedge Fund Trader2013-08-09 01:04:122013-08-09 01:04:12Ambush in Australia
My former employer, The Economist, once the ever tolerant editor of my flabby, disjointed, and juvenile prose (Thanks Peter and Marjorie), has released its ?Big Mac? index of international currency valuations.
Although initially launched as a joke three decades ago, I have followed it religiously and found it an amazingly accurate predictor of future economic success. The index counts the cost of McDonald?s (MCD) premium sandwich around the world, ranging from $7.20 in Norway to $1.78 in Argentina, and comes up with a measure of currency under and over valuation.
What are its conclusions today? The Swiss franc (FXF), the Brazilian real, and the Euro (FXE) are overvalued, while the Hong Kong dollar, the Chinese Yuan (CYB), and the Thai Baht are cheap. I couldn?t agree more with many of these conclusions. It?s as if the august weekly publication was tapping The Diary of the Mad Hedge Fund Trader for ideas. I am no longer the frequent consumer of Big Macs that I once was, as my metabolism has slowed to such an extent that in eating one, you might as well tape it to my ass. Better to use it as an economic forecasting tool, than a speedy lunch. Hedge Fund Trader Hedge Fund Trader2013-06-26 01:04:532013-06-26 01:04:53Where the Economist ?Big Mac? Index Finds Currency Value.
NOTE TO READERS: There is a short letter today because I spent the entire weekend writing Trade Alerts, which you will receive right at the Monday morning opening.
Last Friday, China announced a $150 billion reflationary public works budget designed to arrest the current free fall in the country?s GDP growth rate. The move came totally out of the blue and caught many China bears by surprise.
The National Development and Reform Commission has approved 60 new projects, led by railways, roads, harbors, and airports. While the plethora of plans is stretched over several years, it is clear the Politburo is trying to help the Communist party through its handover of power later this autumn. This has major implications for the global economy.
Cheng Li, research director at the Brookings Institution, said Beijing slammed on the brakes too hard last year to break the back of the property boom. Home prices are now off as much as 25%. So the Middle Kingdom appears to be back-peddling on these measures as fast as it can.
The immediate impact on financial markets was almost as great in the U.S. as it was in the Middle Kingdom, which saw Shanghai rocket 5% in a single day. It was off to the races for anything commodity related, including Caterpillar (CAT), copper (CU), Freeport McMoRan (FCX), US Steel (X), coal (KOL), and other materials sectors, all of which have been in a vicious bear market since 2011. It also calls into question the prudence of my short position in the Australian dollar, which has added two cents since the announcement.
We will have to wait a few more days to see if this move is real and sustainable, or just another short covering dead cat bounce. But this is what bottoms look like, and if it is, the ?BUY? opportunities in the entire space are huge. These are almost the last cheap stocks left. 23:03:272012-09-09 23:03:27The China News is Big.
The easy money has been made on the short side this year for a whole range of asset classes. While we will probably see lower lows from here, the risk/reward ratio for taking short positions in (SPX), (IWM), (FXE), (FXY), (GLD), (SLV), (USO), and (CU) are less favorable than they were two months ago.
Of course, the ultimate arbiter will be the news play and the economic data releases. It they continue to worsen as they have done, you can expect a brief rally in the (SPX) up to the 1,340-1,360 range before the downtrend resumes. First, we will revisit the old low for the move at 1,290. Then 1,250 cries out for attention, which would leave us dead unchanged on the year. Lining up next in the sites is 1,200. But to get that low, probably by August, we would need to see something dramatic out of Europe, which we may well get. For the Russell 2000, look to sell it at the old support range of $78-80, which now becomes overhead resistance, to target $72 on the downside.
Don?t underestimate the devastating impact the Facebook (FB) debacle will have on the overall market. Retail investors lost $6 billion on the deal after institutional investors were given the heads up on the impending disaster and stayed away in droves. The media has plenty of blood on its hands on this one. The day before the pricing, one noted Cable TV network reported that the deal was oversubscribed in Asia by 30:1. Morgan Stanley reached for the extra dollars, increasing the size, and boosting the price by 15%. It all came to tears.
Expect investigations, subpoenas, congressional hearings, prosecutions, multi million out of court settlements, thousands of lawsuits, and many careers ended ?to spend more time with families.? Horrible thought of the day: Apply Apple?s (AAPL) 8X multiple, which is growing at 100% a year, to Facebook, which is not, and you get a (FB) share price of $5. None of this exactly inspires confidence in the stock market.
Notice that emerging markets have really been sucking hind teat this year, dragged down by falling commodity prices, a slowing China, and a general ?RISK OFF? mood. This is probably the first sector you want to go back in at the summer bottom to take advantages of their higher upside betas.
The Euro went through the old 2012 low at $1.260 like a hot knife through butter. On the breach, a lot of momentum programs automatically kicked in and doubled up their short positions. That is what has taken us all the way down to the high $124 handle in the cash. Let?s see how the market digests this breakdown. The commitment of traders report out on Friday should be exciting, as we already have all-time highs in short positions in the beleaguered European currency.
The problem is that any good news whispers or accidental tweets on the sovereign debt crisis could trigger ferocious short covering and gap openings which the continental traders will get a head start on. So again, this is not the low risk trade that it was months ago.
Still, the 2010 lows at $1.18 are now on the menu. I would sell all the ?good news? rallies from here two cents higher. Aggressive traders might consider selling penny rallies, like the one we got today. Notice that the Euro is rallying into the US close every day. This is caused by American traders covering shorts, not wishing to run them into any overnight surprises.
The Japanese yen seems to be stagnating here once again, now that the Bank of Japan has passed on another opportunity to exercise more much needed quantitative easing. Therefore, I will use the next dip to get out of my September put options at a small loss. There is a better use of capital and bigger fish to fry these days.
The Australian dollar has been far and away the world?s worst major currency this year, falling from $110 all the way down to $94 on a spike. It now languishes at $97. I long ago stopped singing ?Waltzing Matilda? in the shower. I hope all my Ausie friends took my advice at the beginning of the year and paid for their European and American vacations while their currency was still dear. We could see as low as $90 in the months to come.
Gold (GLD) and silver (SLV) still look week, as this week?s failed rally attests. The strength of the Indian rupee still has the barbarous relic high priced for the world?s largest buyer, and this will continue to weigh on dollar based owners. But we are also reaching the tag ends of this move down from $1,922. Speculative short positions are at a multi-year low. It would take something pretty dramatic to get me to sell short gold again. For the time being, I am targeting gold at $1,500 on the downside, $1,450 in an extreme case, and $25 in silver.
We are well into the move south for oil, which peaked just at the March 1 Iranian elections just short of $110/barrel. The market now seems to be targeting $87 for the short term. The global economic slowdown is the clear culprit here. But in the US, we are starting to see a clear drag on oil prices caused by the insanely low price of natural gas. You can see this clearly on the charts below where gas has been rising while Texas tea has been plunging. Utilities and industry are switching over to the cleaner burning ultra cheap fuel source as fast as they can. As a result, greenhouse gas emissions are falling faster in the US than any other developed country, according to the Paris based International Energy Agency. Sell any $4 rally in crude and keep a tight stop.
When China catches cold, copper gets pneumonia. So does Australia (FXA), (EWA), for that matter. The China slowdown will most likely continue on into the summer, knocking the wind out of the red metal. If copper manages to rally back up to $3.60, grab it with both hands and throw it out the window. Cover when you hear a loud splat. That works out to about $26.50 in the ETF (CU).
It all points to a highly choppy and volatile ?RISK ON? rally that could last a week or two. It will be a time when you wish you took your mother in law?s advice to get a real job by becoming a cardiologist or plastic surgeon. Do you want to know when I want to reestablish my shorts? If you get a modestly positive nonfarm payroll on at 8:30 am on Friday, June 1, that could deliver a nice two day rally that would be ideal to sell into. 23:03:212012-05-24 23:03:21My Tactical View of the Market
Last week saw a dramatic deterioration in the economic data that has been the foundation of the Great Bull Market of 2012.
First, we read minutes from a Federal Reserve meeting suggesting that QE3 has been put on a back burner. Then the Department of Labor?s Friday nonfarm payroll report poured gasoline on the fire, coming in at 120,000, versus an expected 210,000. Until this week, the best you could say about the data flow was that it was mixed. Now it is decidedly negative.
Whenever we see sea change events like this bunch up over a short time period, I like to show readers my cross asset class review, which I conduct on a daily basis. This discipline is great at showing which securities are trading in line with the rest of the world, and which ones aren?t. And guess what is looking outrageously expensive right now?
The charts show that trouble has in fact brewing for a few months. Asset classes have been rolling over like a line of dominoes. This is the way bull markets always end, and this time should be no different.
The Australian dollar (FXA) saw the weakness coming first, which peaked on April 6.
The Australian stock market (EWA) followed, peaking on February 28.
Copper (CU) warned that trouble was coming, peaking on February 12.
Then Gold (GLD) faded on April 12.
And Silver (SLV) on February 28.
Bonds never bought the ?RISK ON? on scenario. The ten year Treasury ETF (IEF) is down less than three points from its 2011 peak, instead of the 15 points we should have gotten if the economy had truly entered a sustainable stage in the recovery.
Only equities (SPX) didn?t see ?RISK OFF? coming
Because it was all about Apple (AAPL), which added $225 billion in new market capitalization this year. That amounts to creating the third largest company from scratch, right after Exxon (XOM).
The final message of all of these charts is that equities alone have been powering up for months while every other asset class in the world has been dying a slow death. Experience shows that this only ends in tears for equity holders. I?ll let you adjust your own positions accordingly.
I am writing this report from a first class cabin on Amtrak?s California Zephyr en route from Chicago to San Francisco. The majestic snow covered Rocky Mountains are behind me. There is now a paucity of scenery, with the endless ocean of sage brush and salt flats of Northern Nevada outside my window, so there is nothing else to do but to write. My apologies to readers in Wells, Elko, Battle Mountain, and Winnemucca. It is a route long traversed by roving banks of Indians, itinerant fur traders, the Pony Express, my immigrant forebears in wagon trains, the transcontinental railroad, the Lincoln Highway, and finally US Interstate 80.
After making the rounds with strategists, portfolio managers, and hedge fund traders, I can confirm that 2011 was the most hellacious in careers lasting 30, 40, or 50 years. With the S&P 500 up 0.4% 2011, following a roaring 0.04% decline in 2010, the average hedge fund was up a pitiful 1%, and thousands lost money.
It is said that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. I am sorry to tell you that we are about to endure 2011 all over again. You can count on another 12 months of high volatility, gap moves at the opening, tape bombs, a lot of buying of rumors and selling of news, promises and disappointments from governments, and American markets being held hostage to developments overseas.
If you lost money in 2011, you will probably do so again in 2012, and should consider changing your line of work. It takes a special kind of person to make money in markets like these; someone who thrives on raw data and ignores the hype and the spin, who invests based on facts and not beliefs, and who thinks all things can happen at all times.? In other words, you need somebody like me, as my 40% return last year will attest. Those who don?t think they are up to it might consider pursuing that long delayed ambition to open a trendy restaurant, the thoughtful antique store, or finally get their golf score down to 80.
If you think I spend too much time absorbing conspiracy theories from the Internet, let me give you a list of the challenges I see financial markets facing in the coming year:
*Long term structural issues will overwhelm short term positives.
*Corporate profits continue to grow, but at a much slower rate, reaching diminishing returns.
*2009 stimulus spending is a distant memory, and there will be no replays.
*Bush tax cuts expire, creating a 1% drag on GDP.
*An epochal downsizing continues by state and local governments, chopping another 2-3% off of GDP.
*A recession in Europe further reduces American growth by 1%.
*Expect an actual default out of the continent in 2012, certainly from Greece, possibly also from Portugal and Ireland.
*There will be no QE3, since QE2 never filtered down to the real economy. There is little the Fed can do to help us.
*Huge demographic headwinds bring another leg down in the residential real estate market.
*The first baby boomer hit 65 last year and it is now time to pay the piper on entitlements.
*The new hot button social issue will become ?senior homelessness,? as millions retire without a cent in the bank and are unable to find jobs.
*Falling home prices bring secondary banking crisis, but this time there will be no TARP and no bail outs
*Gridlock in Washington prevents any real government solution, and there is nothing they can do anyway.
*Candidates from both parties will attempt to convince us that their opponents are crooks, thieves, idiots, or ideologues, and largely succeed. That will leave the rest of us confused and puzzled, and less likely to invest or hire.
*Unemployment remains stuck at an 8-9% level, then ratchets up to 15%. The real, U-6 rate soars to 25%.
Now let me give you a list of possible surprise positives, which may mitigate the list of negatives above.
*American multinationals continue to squeeze more blood out of a turnip and post stellar earnings increases yet again.
*China successfully slams the breaks on the real estate market without cutting the rest of the economy off at the knees and engineers a soft landing with 7%-8% GDP growth.
*Europe somehow pulls a new treaty out of its hat that addresses its structural financial and monetary shortfalls a decade ahead of schedule.
*Through some miracle, the American consumer keeps spending at the expense of a declining savings rate. There is evidence that this has been going on since October.
The Election Will Not Be Good for Risk Assets
So, let me summarize what your 2012 will look like. The ?RISK ON? trade that started on October 4 will spill into the new year, driven by value players loading up on cheap multinationals, chased by frantically short covering hedge funds, hitting a peak sometime in Q1. The S&P 500 could reach 1,350. In Q2 and Q3 traders will have to deal with flocks of black swans, giving 4-7 months of the ?RISK OFF? trade. We should rally into Q4 as markets discount the end of the election cycle. It really makes no difference who wins. The mere disappearance of electioneering will be positive for risk takers.
I Said ?Black Swans,? Not Crows!
The Thumbnail Portfolio
Equities-A ?V? shaped year, up, down, then up again Bonds-Treasuries grind towards new 60 year peaks, then an eventual collapse Currencies-dollar up and Euro and Australian, Canadian and New Zealand dollars down Commodities-Look to buy for a long term hold mid-year Precious Metals-take a longer rest, then up again Real estate-multifamily up, single family down, commercial sideways
1) The Economy-The Second Lost Decade Continues
I am sticking with a 2% growth forecast for 2012. I see the huge list of negatives above that add up to at least a 5% drag on the economy. There is only one positive that we can really count on. Corporate earnings will probably come in at $105 a share for the S&P 500 this year, a gain of 15% over the previous year, and a double off the 2008 lows. During the last three years we have seen the most dramatic increase in earnings in history, taking them to all-time highs, no matter how much management complains about over regulation.
Can the magic continue? I think not. Slowing economies in China and Europe will fail to deliver the stellar gains seen in 2011, which account for half the profits of many large multinationals.? A global economy that grew at 4.1% in 2010 and 2.5% in 2011 will probably eke out only a subdued 1.5% in 2012. A strong dollar will further eat into foreign revenues.
Cost cutting through layoffs is reaching an end as there is no one left to fire. Growing companies can?t delay new hires forever. That leaves technology as the sole remaining source of margin increases, which will continue its inexorable improvements. So corporate earnings will rise again in 2012, but possibly only by 5%-10%? to $105-$110 for the $S&P 500. Hint: technology will be the top performing sector in the market in 2012, with Apple (AAPL) taking the lead.
Deleveraging will remain a dominant factor affecting the economy for another 5-8 years. Much of the hyper growth we witnessed over the past 30 years, possibly half, was borrowed from the future through excessive credit, and it is now time to pay the piper. We are still at the beginning of a second lost decade. Don?t expect a robust GDP while governments, corporations, and individuals are sucking money out of the economy. This lines up nicely with my 2% target.
Forget about employment. The news will always be bad. I believe that the US has entered a period of long term structural unemployment similar to what Germany saw in the 1990?s. Yes, we may grind down to 8% before the election. But the next big move in this closely watched indicator is up, possible as high as 15%. Keep close tabs on the weekly jobless claims that come out at 8:30 AM Eastern every Thursday for a good read of the financial markets to head in a ?RISK ON? or ?RISK OFF? direction.
With a GDP growing at a feeble 2% in 2012, and corporate earnings topping out at $105-$110 a share, those with a traditional buy and old approach to the stock market will fare better taking this year off. While earnings are growing, multiples will shrink from 13 to 12, multiple? for the indexes unchanged. It is also possible that the economy will never meet the textbook definition of a recession, that of two back to back quarters of negative GDP numbers.? But the market will think the economy is going into recession and behave accordingly. ?Double dip? will get dusted off one again. Remember how ?Sell in May and Go Away? has worked so well for the past three years? This year you may want to sell in January.
I am looking for some new liquidity from value players and additional short covering to spill over into the New Year, possibly taking us up to 1,325-$1,350. If we get that high, take it as a gift, as the big hedge funds will be very happy to pile on the leveraged shorts at the top of a multiyear range.
A continuing stream of positive economic data will also help. Since we don?t have the ?oomph? offered by the tax compromise and QE2 a year ago, look for equities to peak much earlier than the April 29 apex we saw in 2011. The trigger for this deluge could be a sudden spike in jobless claims as the temporary Christmas hires are fired combined with economic data that cools coming off a hot Q4.
Let me tell you why the value players up here don?t get it. A 2% growth rate doesn?t justify the 10-22 price earnings multiple range that we have enjoyed during the last 30 years. At best it can support an 8-16 range, or maybe even the 6-15 range that prevailed when I first started on Wall Street 40 years ago. That makes the current 13 multiple look cheap according to old models, but expensive in the new paradigm.
When the guys in the white coats show up to drag away the value managers, they will be screaming that ?They were cheap,? all the way to the insane asylum. What these hapless souls didn?t grasp was that we are only four years into a secular, decade long downtrend in PE multiples, the bottom for which is anyone?s guess.
After that, the way should be clear for a 25% swoon down to 1,000, which will happen sometime in Q2 or Q3. That will be caused by a ton of new short selling triggered by the break of the 2011 low at 1,070, which then get stopped out on the upside. The heating up of trouble with Iran is another unpredictable variable, which is really just a pretext for attacking Syria, their only ally. How will the market decline in the face of growing earnings? That is exactly what markets did in 2011, once the fear trade was posted on the mast for all to see?
Crash, we won?t, and this is what my Armageddon friends don?t get. To break to new lows, you need sellers, and lots of them. Those were in abundance in 2008, when the bear market caught many completely by surprise, everyone was leveraged to the hilt, and risk controls provided all the security of wet tissue paper.
This time around it?s different. Prime brokers now require a pound of flesh as collateral, especially in the wake of the MF Global Bankruptcy, and leverage as almost an extinct species. In the meantime, individuals have been decamping from stocks en masse, with equity mutual fund sales over the past three year hitting $400 billion, compared to $800 billion in bond fund purchases. That will leave hedge funds the only players at an (SPX) of 1,000, who will be loath to run big shorts at multiyear bottoms. You can?t have a crash if there is no one left to sell.
That gives us the juice to rally into Q4, just as the presidential election is coming to an end. It really makes no difference who wins, as long as one doesn?t get control all three branches of government. My money is on Obama, who has the highest approval rate in history with unemployment at 8.6%. The mere fact that the election is over will lift a cloud of uncertainty overhanging risk assets. It will be a real stretch to hope that stock markets will close unchanged in 2012, as we did in 2011. My expectation is for a single digit loss for 2012.
This Could? be the Big Trade of 2012
Equities will be no place for old men
3) Bonds?? (TBT), (JNK), (PHB), (HYG), (PCY)
The single worst call by myself and the hedge fund industry at large this year was that massive borrowing by the Federal government would cause the Treasury bond market to collapse. Not only did it fail to do so, it blasted through to new 60 year highs, sending ten year yields to 1.80%, which adjusted for inflation is a real negative yield of -1.5% a year.
Investors today will get back 80 cents worth of purchasing power at maturity for every dollar they invest. But institutions and individuals will grudgingly lock in these appalling returns because they believe that the losses in any other asset class will be much greater.
What I underestimated was the absolute perniciousness of today?s deflation. The price for everything you want to sell is continuing a relentless fall, including your home and your labor.? The cost of the things you need to buy, like food, energy, health care, and education, is rocketing. Globalization is the fat on the fire. I call this ?The New Inflation?. This goes a long way in explaining the causes behind a 30 year decline in the middle class standard of living.
The other thing I miscalculated on was how rapid contagion fears spread from Europe. When the world gets into trouble, everyone picks up their marbles and goes home. For the financial markets, that translates into massive buying of the core ?flight to safety? assets of the US dollar and Treasury bonds.
While much of the current political debate centers around excessive government borrowing, the markets are telling us the exact opposite. A 1.80%, ten year yield is proof to me that there is a Treasury bond shortage, and that the government is not borrowing too much money, but not enough. Given the choice between what a politician wants me to believe and the harsh judgment of the marketplace, I will take the latter every time.
So what will 2012 bring us? More of the same. For a start, we have seen a substantial ?RISK ON? rally for the past three months where equities tacked on a virile 20% gain. Bond yields have ticked up barely 30 basis points from the lows, not believing in the longevity of this rally for one nanosecond. That tells me that the next equity sell off could see Treasury yields punch through to new lows, possibly down to 1.60%. Given even a modest recession, bond yields could touch 1%.
Surveying the rocky landscape that lies ahead of me, I expect to get five months of ?RISK ON? conditions and a turbulent and volatile seven months of ?RISK OFF?. This augers very well for a continuation of the bull market in Treasuries at least until August.
This scenario does not presage a good year for the riskiest corner of the fixed income asset class - junk bonds, whose default rates are not coming in anywhere near where they were predicted just a few months ago. Don?t get enticed by the siren song of high yields by the junk ETF?s, like (JNK), (PHB), and the (HYG). There will be better buying opportunities down the road.
As for municipal bonds, we are seeing only the opening act of a decade of fiscal woes by local government. Still, there is a good case for sticking with munis. No matter what anyone says, taxes are going up, and when they do, this will increase muni values. The continued bull market in Treasuries will do the same.
So if you hate paying taxes, go ahead and buy this exempt paper, but only with the expectation of holding it to maturity. Liquidity could get pretty thin along the way. Be sure to consult with a local financial advisor to max out the state, county, and city tax benefits. And thank Meredith Whitney for creating the greatest buying opportunity in history for muni bonds a year ago.
Perhaps the best place to live in bond world is in emerging market debt, where you can participate via the (PCY). At least there, you have the tailwinds of strong economies, little outstanding debt, appreciating currencies, and already high interest rates. But don?t buy here. This is something you want to pick up at the nadir of a ?RISK OFF? cycle, when the dollar and Treasury markets are peaking.
The Fat Lady Will Have to Wait to Sing for the Treasury Market
Any trader will tell you to never bet against the trend, and the overwhelming direction for the US dollar for the last 220 years has been down. The only question is how far, how fast. Going short the currency of the world?s largest borrower, running the greatest trade and current account deficits in history, with a diminishing long term growth rate is a no brainer.
But once it became every hedge fund trader?s free lunch, and positions became so lopsided against the buck, a reversal was inevitable. We seem to be solidly in one of those periodic bear market corrections, which began in March and could continue for several more months, or even years.
The big driver of the currency markets is interest rate differentials. With US interest rates safely at zero, and the rest of the world chopping theirs as fast as they can, this will provide a very strong tailwind for the greenback for much of 2012. Use rallies to sell short the Euro (FXE), (EUO), the Canadian dollar (FXC), the high beta Australian dollar (FXA), and the lagging New Zealand dollar (BNZ). Australians could see a print of 85 cents before the bloodletting is over, and should pay for their upcoming imports and foreign vacations now, while their currency is still dear.
The Euro presents a particular quandary for foreign exchange traders, with a never ending sovereign debt crisis causing its death through a thousand cuts. Just look at Greece, with a budget deficit of 13% of GDP against the 3% it promised on admission to the once exclusive club. But this is not exactly new news, and traders have already built shorts to all-time records. Still, the next crisis in confidence could easily take the Euro to $1.25, and new momentum driven shorts could take us to the $1.17?s.
As far as the Japanese yen is concerned, I am going to stay away. How the world?s worst economy has managed to maintain the planet?s strongest currency is beyond me. The problems in the Land of the Rising Sun are almost too numerous to count: the world?s highest debt to GDP ratio, a horrific demographic problem, flagging export competitiveness against neighboring China and South Korea, and the world?s lowest developed country economic growth rate. But until someone provides me with a convincing explanation, or until the yen decisively reverses, I?ll pass. Let hedge fund manager, Kyle Bass, figure this one out.
For a sleeper, use the next plunge in emerging markets to buy the Chinese Yuan ETF (CYB) for your back book, but don?t expect more than single digit returns. The Middle Kingdom will move heaven and earth to in order to keep its appreciation modest to maintain their crucial export competitiveness.
This is my favorite asset class for the next decade, as investors increasingly catch on to the secular move out of paper assets into hard ones. Don?t buy anything that can be manufactured with a printing press. Focus instead on assets that are in short supply, are enjoying an exponential growth in demand, and take five years to bring new supply online. The Malthusian argument on population growth also applies to commodities; hyperbolic demand inevitably overwhelms linear supply growth.
Of course, we?re already nine years into what is probably a 30 year secular bull market for commodities and these things are no longer as cheap as they once were. You?ll never buy copper again at 85 cents a pound, versus today?s $3.40. You are going to have to allow these things to breathe. Ultimately, this is a demographic play that cashes in on rising standards of living in the biggest and highest growth emerging markets. You can start with the traditional base commodities of copper and iron ore.
The derivative equity plays here are Freeport McMoRan (FCX) and Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (VALE). Add the energies of oil (DIG), coal (KOL), uranium (NLR), and the equities Transocean (RIG), Joy Global (JOY), and Cameco (CCJ).
As much as I love the long term case for hard commodities, I am not expecting any action in the immediate future. Commodities will remain a no go area until it is clear whether China?s economy will suffer a soft or a hard landing, or continues to remain airborne. Use this year?s big ?RISK OFF? trade to acquire serious positions. If markets rally into year end, you might catch a quick 50% gain in the more volatile securities.
Oil has in fact become the new global de facto currency, and probably $30 of the current $100 price reflects monetary demand, and another $30 representing a Middle Eastern risk premium. Strip out these factors, and oil should be trading at $40.? That will help it grind to $100 sometime in early 2012, and we could spike as high as $120. After that, the ?RISK OFF? trade could take it back down to the $75 we saw in September.
Skip natural gas (UNG), because the discovery of a new 100 year supply from ?fracking? and horizontal drilling in shale formations is going to overhang this subsector for a very long time. Major reforms are required in Washington before use of this molecule goes mainstream.
The food commodities are also a great long term Malthusian play, with corn (CORN), wheat (WEAT), and soybeans (SOYB) coming off the back of great returns in 2010. These can be played through the futures or the ETF?s (MOO) and (DBA), and the stocks Mosaic (MOS), Monsanto (MON), Potash (POT), and Agrium (AGU). The grain ETF (JJG) is another handy play. Though an unconventional commodity play, the impending shortage of water will make the energy crisis look like a cake walk. You can participate in this most liquid of asset with the ETF?s (PHO) and (FIW).
Let?s face it, gold is not a hard asset anymore, it?s a paper one. Since hedge funds and high frequency traders moved into this space, the barbarous relic has been tracking one for one with the S&P 500 and other risk assets.
The chip shot here is $1,500 on the downside, once the remaining hedge fund redemptions and other hot money are cleared out. If we have a real recession this year, $1,050 might be doable. Remember, the speculative frenzy is as great as it was in 1979, which saw the beginning of a 75% plunge in the yellow metal.
But the long term bull case is still there. Obama has not suddenly become a paragon of fiscal restraint. Bernanke has not morphed into a tightwad. When I pull a dollar bill out of my wallet, it?s as limp as ever.
If you forgot to buy gold at $35, $300, or $800, another entry point is setting up for those who, so far, have missed the gravy train. The precious metals have to work off a severely overbought condition before we make substantial new highs. Remember, this is the asset class that takes the escalator up and the elevator down, and sometimes the window.
If the institutional world devotes just 5% of their assets to a weighting in gold, and an emerging market central bank bidding war for gold reserves continues, it has to fly to at least $2,300, the inflation adjusted all-time high, or more. ETF players can look at the 1X (GLD) or the 2X leveraged gold (DGP). But you should only go into these as part of a broader ?RISK ON? move.
I would also be using the next bout of weakness to pick up the high beta, more volatile precious metal,+ silver (SLV), which I think could hit $50 once more. Palladium (PALL) and platinum (PPLT), which have their own auto related long term fundamentals working on their behalf would also be something to consider on a dip.
Here?s a Nice Busted Bubble
6) Real Estate
There is no point in spending much time on this most unloved of asset classes, so I?ll keep it brief. There are only three numbers you need to know in the housing market: there are 80 million baby boomers, 65 million Generation Xer?s who follow them, and 85 million in the generation after that, the Millennials.
The boomers have been desperately trying to unload dwellings to the Gen Xer?s since prices peaked in 2007. But there are not enough of them, and three decades of falling real incomes mean that they only earn a fraction of what their parents made. If they have prospered, banks won?t lend to them.
Now consider the coming changes that will affect this market. The home mortgage deduction is unlikely to survive any attempt to balance the budget. And why should renters be subsidizing homeowners anyway? Nor is the government likely to spend billions keeping Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac alive, which now account for 95% of home mortgages.
That means the home loan market will be privatized, leading to mortgages rates 200 basis points higher than today. If this sounds extreme, look no further than the jumbo market for proof. It is already bereft of government subsidy, and loans here are now priced at premiums of this size. This also means that the fixed rate 30 year loan will disappear, as banks seek to offload duration risk to consumers. This happened long ago in the rest of the developed world.
There is a happy ending to this story. By 2025 the Millennials will start to kick in as the dominant buyers in the market. Some 85 million Millennials will be chasing the homes of only 65 Gen Xer?s, causing housing shortages and rising prices. This will happen in the context of a labor shortfall and rising standards of living. In fact, the mid 2020?s could bring a repeat of our last golden age, the 1950?s.
The best case scenario for residential real estate is that it bounces along a bottom for another decade. The worst case is that it falls another 25% from here. Only buy a home if your wife is nagging you about living in that cardboard box under the freeway overpass. But expect to put up your first born child as collateral, and bring in your entire extended family in as cosigners if you want to get a bank loan. Then pray that the price starts to go up in 15 years. Rent, don?t buy.
Rent, Don?t Buy
Well, that?s all for now. We?ve just passed the Pacific mothball fleet and we?re crossing the Benicia Bridge, where the Sacramento River pours into San Francisco Bay. The pressure drop caused by an 8,000 foot descent from Donner Pass has crushed my water bottle. The Golden Gate and the soaring spire of the Transamerica building are just around the next bend. So it is time for me to unglug my laptop and pack up.
I?ll shoot you a trade alert whenever I see a window open on any of the trades above. Good trading in 2012! 21:00:542012-01-02 21:00:542012 Annual Asset Class Review
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