Global Market Comments
November 3, 2023
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(BRK/B), (TSLA), (LLY), (SNOW), (BIB), (BIB), (CCJ), (FXA), (FXB), (FXE), (EEM), (GLD), (SLV) (UNG), (LNG)
Global Market Comments
November 3, 2023
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(BRK/B), (TSLA), (LLY), (SNOW), (BIB), (BIB), (CCJ), (FXA), (FXB), (FXE), (EEM), (GLD), (SLV) (UNG), (LNG)
Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the November 1 Mad Hedge Fund Trader Global Strategy Webinar, broadcast from Boca Raton.
Q: Earlier you said that the bull market should start from here—are you sticking to that argument?
A: Yes, there are all kinds of momentum and cash flow indicators that are flashing “buy right now.” The market timing index got down to 24—couldn’t break below 20. Hedge fund shorts: all-time highs. Quant shorts: all the time highs, creating a huge amount of buying power for the market. And, of course, the seasonals have turned positive. So yes, all of that is positive and if bonds can hold in here, then it’s off to the races.
Q: Do you have a year-end target for Berkshire Hathaway (BRK/B)?
A: Up. They have a lot of exposure to the falling interest rate trade such as its very heavy weighting in banks; and if interest rates go down, Berkshire goes up—it’s really very simple. You can’t come up with specific targets for individual stocks for year-end because of the news, and things can happen anytime. I love Berkshire; it's a very strong buy here.
Q: Tesla (TSLA) is not doing well; what's the update here?
A: It always moves more than you think, both on the upside and the downside. Last year, we thought it would drop 50%, it dropped 80%. Suffice it to say that, with the price war continuing and Tesla determined to wipe out the 200 other new entrants to the EV space, they’ll keep price cutting until they basically own that market. While that’s great for market share, it’s not great for short-term profits. Yes, Tesla could be going down more, but from here on, if you’re a long-term investor in Tesla, as you should be, you should be looking to add positions, not sell what you have and average down. Also, we’re getting close to Tesla LEAPS territory. Those have been huge winners over the years for us and I’ll be watching those closely.
Q: Any trade on the Japanese yen?
A: We broke 150 on the yen—that was like the make-or-break level. I’m looking at a final capitulation selloff on the yen, and then a decade-long BUY. The Bank of Japan is finally ending its “easy money” zero-interest-rate policy, which it’s had for 30 years, and that will give us a stronger yen when it happens, but not until then. So watch the yen carefully, it could double from here over the long term, especially if it’s the same time the US starts cutting its interest rates.
Q: What do you think about Eli Lilly (LLY)?
A: We love Eli Lilly; they’re making an absolute fortune on their weight loss drug, and they have other drugs in the pipeline being created by AI. This is really the golden age for biotech because you have AI finding cures for diseases, and then AI designing molecules to cure the diseases. It’s shortened the pipeline for new drugs from 5-10 years to 5-10 weeks. If you’re old and sick like me, this is all a godsend.
Q: Do you like Snowflake (SNOW)?
A: Absolutely, yes—killer company. Warren Buffet loves it too and has a big position; I’d be looking to buy SNOW on any dip.
Q: Would you do LEAPS on Netflix (NFLX)?
A: I would, but I would go out two years, and I would go at the money, not out of the money, Even then you’ll get a 100-200% return. You’ll get a lot even on just a 6-month call spread. These tech stocks with high volatility have enormous payoff 3-6 months out.
Q: Projection for iShares 20 Plus Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT) in the next 6 months?
A: It’s up. We could hit $110, that would be my high, or up $25 points or so from here.
Q: Would you buy biotech here through the ProShares Ultra Nasdaq Biotechnology (BIB)?
A: Probably, yes. The long-term story is overwhelming, but it’s not a sector you want to own when the sentiment is terrible like it is now. I guess “buy the bad news” is the answer there.
Q: What did you learn from your dinner with General Mattis?
A: Quite a lot, but much of it is classified. When you get to my age, you can’t remember which parts are classified and which aren't. However, his grasp of the global scene is just incredible. There are very few people in the world I can go one on one with in geopolitics. Of course, I could fill in stuff he didn’t know, and he could fill in stuff for me, like: what is the current condition of our space weaponry? If I told you, you would be amazed, but then I would get arrested the next day, so I’ll say nothing. He really was one of the most aggressive generals in American history, was tremendously underrated by every administration, was fired by both Obama and Trump, and recently is doing the speaker circuit which is a lot of fun because there’s no question he doesn’t know the answer to! We actually agreed to do some joint speaking events sometime in the future.
Q: I have some two-year LEAPS now but I’m worried about adding too much. Could we get a final selloff in 2024?
A: The only way we could get another leg down in the market is number one if the Fed raises interest rates (right now, we’re positioned for a flat line and then a cut) or number two, another pandemic. You could also get some election-related chaos next year, but that usually doesn’t affect the market. But for those who are prone to being nervous, there are certainly a lot of reasons to be nervous next year.
Q: What iShares 20 Plus Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT) level would we see with a 5.2% yield?
A: How about $79? That’s exactly why I picked that strike price. The $76-$79 vertical bill call spread in the (TLT) is a bet that we don’t go above 5.20% yield, and we only have 10 days to do it, so things are looking better and then we’ll see what’s available in the market once our current positions all expire at max profit.
Q: The first new nuclear power plant of 30 years went online in Georgia. Do you see more being built in the future?
A: It’s actually been 40 years since they’ve built a new plant, and it wasn’t a new plant, it was just an addition to an existing plant with another reactor added with an old design. I think there will be a lot more nuclear power plants built in the future, but they will be the new modular design, which is much safer, and doesn’t use uranium, by the way, but other radioactive elements. If you want to know more about this, look up NuScale (SMR). They have a bunch of videos on how their new designs work. That could be an interesting company going forward. The nuclear renaissance continues, and of course, China’s continuing to build 100 of the old-fashioned type nuclear power reactors, and that is driving global uranium demand.
Q: Would you hold Cameco Corp (CCJ) or sell?
A: I would keep it, I think it’s going up.
Q: How to trade the collapse of the dollar?
A: (FXA), (FXB), (FXE), and (EEM). Those are the quick and easy ways to do it. Also, you buy precious metals—gold (GLD) and silver (SLV) do really well on a weak dollar.
Q: Conclusion on the Ukraine war?
A: It will go on for years—it’s a war of attrition. About half of the entire Russian army has been destroyed as they’re working with inferior weapons. However, it’s going to be a matter of gaining yards or miles at best, over a long period of time. So, they will keep fighting as long as we keep supplying them with weapons, and that is overwhelmingly in our national interest. Plus, we’re getting a twofer; if we stop Russia from taking over Ukraine, we also stop China from invading Taiwan because they don’t want to be in for the same medicine.
Q: If more oil is released from the strategic petroleum reserve, what is our effect on security?
A: Zero because the US is a net energy producer. If our supplies were at risk, all we’d have to do is cut off our exports to China and tell them to find their oil elsewhere—and they’re obviously already trying to do that with the invasion of the South China Sea and all the little rocks out there. So, I am not worried. And also remember, every year as the US moves to more EVs and more alternatives, it is less and less reliant on oil. I would advise the administration to get rid of all of it next time we go above $100 a barrel. If you’re going to sell your oil, you might as well get a good price for it. If you look at the US economy over the last 30 years, the reliance of GDP on oil has been steadily falling.
Q: Are US exports of Cheniere Energy (LNG) helping to drive up prices here?
A: I would say yes, it’s got to have an impact on prices. We’re basically supplying Germany with all of its natural gas right now. We did that starting from scratch at the outset of the Ukraine war, and it’s been wildly successful. That avoided a Great Depression in Europe. Europe, by the way, is the largest customer for our exports. That was one of the arguments for us going into the United States Natural Gas (UNG) LEAPS in the first place.
To watch a replay of this webinar with all the charts, bells, whistles, and classic rock music, just log in to, go to MY ACCOUNT, select your subscription (GLOBAL TRADING DISPATCH, TECHNOLOGY LETTER, or Jacquie's Post), then click on WEBINARS, and all the webinars from the last 12 years are there in all their glory.
Good Luck and Stay Healthy,
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
2023 Krakow Poland
Global Market Comments
October 2, 2023
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(TLT), (GLD), (SLV), (XLU), (IWM), (EEM), (FXA), (FXE), (FXB), (USO), (UUP), (AMZN), (TSLA), (F)
It’s a good thing I don’t rely on my Social Security Check to cover my extravagant cost of living, which is the maximum $4,555 a month. For it came within hours of coming to a halt when an agreement was passed by Congress to renew funding for another 45 days. It was almost an entirely Democratic bill, passing 335 to 91 in the House and the Senate by 88 to 9.
Unfortunately, that does put me in the uncomfortable position of delivering humanitarian aid to Ukraine right when $6.2 billion in US assistance is cut off. That was the price the Dems had to pay to get the Republicans on board needed to pass the bill. Better a half a loaf than no loaf at all. Still, I am going to have some explaining to do next week in Kiev, Mykolaiv, and Kherson. It’s a big win for Vladimir Putin.
Funding now ends on November 17, when the next crisis begins. The big question is when the markets will deliver a sigh of relief rally on Congress hitting the “snooze” button, or whether it will focus on the next disaster in November.
We’ll have to wait and see.
In the meantime, all eyes are on the market’s leading falling interest rate plays, which continue to go from bad to worse. Those include bonds (TLT), precious metals (GLD), (SLV), utilities (XLU), small-cap stocks (IWM), emerging markets (EEM), and foreign currencies (FXA), (FXE), (FXB).
Consider this your 2024 shopping list.
Ten-year US Treasury bond yields reached a stratospheric 4.70% last week a 17-year high and up a monster 0.90% since the end of June. Summer proved a fantastic time to take a vacation from the bond market.
They could easily reach 5% before the crying is all over. Perhaps this is why my old friend, hedge fund legend David Tepper, said his best investment right now is a subprime six-month certificate of deposit yielding 7.0%.
What we might be witnessing here is a return to the “old normal” when bonds spent most of their time ranging between 2%-6%. The 60-year historic average bond yield is 2% over the inflation rate (see chart below). That alone takes us to a 5.0% bond yield.
Interest rates have been kept artificially low for 15 years because no one wanted a recession in 2008 and no one wanted a recession during the pandemic in 2000. It all melded into one big decade-and-a-half period of easy money. Pain avoidance wasn’t just the universal American monetary policy, it was the global policy.
Now it’s time to pay the piper and unwind the thousands of business models that depended on free money. There will be widespread pain, as we are now witnessing in commercial real estate and private equity. Perhaps it is best to take the 5.5% bribe 90-day Treasury bond yield is offering you and stay out of the market.
While Detroit remains mired by the UAW strike, EVs have catapulted to an amazing 8% of the new car market. They have been helped by a never-ending price war and generous government subsidies. EV sales are now up a miraculous 48% YOY and are projected to account for a stunning 23% of all California sales in Q3.
Tesla is the overwhelming leader with a 52% share in a rapidly growing market, distantly followed by Ford (F) at 7% and Jeep at 5%.
However, a slowdown may be at hand, with EV inventories running at 97 days, double that of conventional ICE cars. This could create a rare entry point for what will be the leading industry of this decade, if not the century. Buy more Tesla (TSLA) on bigger dips, if we get them.
Hedge Funds are Cutting Risk at Fastest Pace Since 2020, when the pandemic began. From retail investors to rules-based systematic traders, appetite for equities is subsiding after a 20% rally this year that’s fueled by euphoria over artificial intelligence. Fast money investors increased their bearish wagers to drive down their net leverage — a gauge of risk appetite that measures long versus short positions — by 4.2 percentage points to 50.1%, according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s prime brokerage. That’s the biggest week-on-week decline in portfolio leverage since the depths of the pandemic bear market.
The Treasury Bond Freefall Continues, as long-term yields probe new highs. New issue of $134 billion this week didn’t help. Nothing can move on the risk until rates top out, even if we have to wait until 2024.
Oil (USO) Hits $95, a one-year high, as the Saudi/Russian short squeeze continues. $100 a barrel is a chipshot and much higher if we get a cold winter. Inventories at the Cushing hub are at a minimum.
The US Dollar (UUP) Hits New Highs, as “high for longer” interest rates keep powering the greenback. The buck is also catching a flight to safety bid from a potential government shutdown. It should be topping soon.
Moody’s Warns of Further US Government Downgrades, in the run up to the Saturday government shutdown. The shutdown lasts, the more negative its impact would be on the broader economy. Unemployment could soar. It would also render all US government data releases useless for the next three months.
ChatGPT Can Now Browse the Internet, according to its creator, OpenAI. Until now, the chatbot could only access data posted before September 2021. The move will exponentially improve the quality and effectiveness of AI apps, including my own Mad Hedge AI
Amazon (AMZN) Pouring $4 Billion into AI, with an investment in Anthropic, a ChatGPT competitor. (AMZN) is racing to catch up with (MSFT) and (GOOGL). Its chatbot is caused Claude 2. Amazon’s card to play here is its massive web services business AWS. The AI wars are heating up.
Hollywood Screenwriters Guild Strike Ends, after 150 days, which is thought to have cost the US economy $5 billion in output. The hit was mostly taken by Los Angeles, where 200,000 are employed. The Actor’s union is still on strike. Talk shows should be offering new content in a few days.
S&P Case Shiller Rises to New All-Time High, for the sixth consecutive month as inventory shortages drove up competition. In July, the index in increased 0.6% month over month and 1% over the last 12 months, on a seasonally adjusted basis. July’s movement reached a new high for the nationwide home index, surpassing the record set in June 2022. Chicago (+4.4%), Cleveland (+4.0%), and New York (+3.8%) delivered the biggest gains. The median home price for existing homes rose to 1.9 to $406,700 according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). The robust housing market suggests that while some buyers pulled back due to high borrowing costs, demand continues to outweigh supply.
This is the Unit I Will be Joining at the Front in Ukraine, as made clear by their YouTube recruiting video. They asked me to assist with mine removal on territory formerly occupied by Russia. I really don’t know what I’m getting into. Improvision is key. It’s better than playing golf in retirement. Polish up your Ukrainian first.
So far in August, we are down -4.70%. My 2023 year-to-date performance is still at an eye-popping +60.80%. The S&P 500 (SPY) is up +17.10% so far in 2023. My trailing one-year return reached +92.45% versus +8.45% for the S&P 500.
That brings my 15-year total return to +657.99%. My average annualized return has fallen back to +48.15%, another new high, some 2.50 times the S&P 500 over the same period.
Some 41 of my 46 trades this year have been profitable.
My Ten-Year View
When we come out the other side of the recession, we will be perfectly poised to launch into my new American Golden Age, or the next Roaring Twenties. The economy decarbonizing and technology hyper accelerating, creating enormous investment opportunities. The Dow Average will rise by 800% to 240,000 or more in the coming decade. The new America will be far more efficient and profitable than the old.
Dow 240,000 here we come!
On Monday, October 2, at 8:30 PM EST, the ISM Manufacturing PMI is out.
On Tuesday, October 3 at 8:30 AM, the JOLTS Job Openings Report is released.
On Wednesday, October 4 at 2:30 PM, the ISM Services Report is published.
On Thursday, October 5 at 8:30 AM, the Weekly Jobless Claims are announced.
On Friday, October 6 at 2:30 PM the September Nonfarm Payroll Report is published. At 2:00 PM the Baker Hughes Rig Count is printed.
As for me, I will try to knock out a few memories early this morning while waiting for the Matterhorn to warm up so I can launch on another ten-mile hike. So I will reach back into the distant year of 1968 in Sweden.
My trip to Europe was supposed to limit me to staying with a family friend, Pat, in Brighton, England for the summer. His family lived in impoverished council housing.
I remember that you had to put a ten pence coin into the hot water heater for a shower, which inevitably ran out when you were fully soaped up. The trick was to insert another ten pence without getting soap in your eyes.
After a week there, we decided the gravel beach and the games arcade on Brighton Pier were pretty boring, so we decided to hitchhike to Paris.
Once there, Pat met a beautiful English girl named Sandy, and they both took off to some obscure Greek island, the ultimate destination if you lived in a cold, foggy country.
That left me stranded in Paris with little money.
So, I hitchhiked to Sweden to meet up with a girl I had run into while she was studying English in Brighton. It was a long trip north of Stockholm, but I eventually made it.
When I finally arrived, I was met at the front door by her boyfriend, a 6’6” Swedish weightlifter. That night found me bedding down in a birch forest in my sleeping bag to ward off the mosquitoes that hovered in clouds.
I started hitchhiking to Berlin, Germany the next day, which offered paying jobs. I was picked up by Ronny Carlson in a beat-up white Volkswagen bug to make the all-night drive to Goteborg where I could catch the ferry to Denmark.
1968 was the year that Sweden switched from driving English style on the left side of the road to the right. There were signs every few miles with a big letter “H”, which stood for “hurger”, or right. The problem was that after 11:00 PM, everyone in the country was drunk and forgot what side of the road to drive on.
Two guys on a motorcycle driving at least 80 mph pulled out to pass a semi-truck on a curve and slammed head-on to us, then were thrown under the wheels of the semi. The motorcycle driver was killed instantly, and his passenger had both legs cut off at the knees.
As for me, our front left wheel was sheared off and we shot off the mountain road, rolled a few times, and was stopped by this enormous pine tree.
The motorcycle riders got the two spots in the only ambulance. A police car took me to a hospital in Goteborg and whenever we hit a bump in the road bolts of pain shot across my chest and neck.
I woke up in the hospital the next day, with a compound fracture of my neck, a dislocated collar bone, and paralyzed from the waist down. The hospital called my mom after booking the call 16 hours in advance and told me I might never walk again. She later told me it was the worst day of her life.
Tall blonde Swedish nurses gave me sponge baths and delighted in teaching me to say Swedish swear words and then laughed uproariously when I made the attempt.
Sweden had a National Health care system then called Scandia, so it was all free.
Decades later a Marine Corps post-traumatic stress psychiatrist told me that this is where I obtained my obsession with tall, blond women with foreign accents.
I thought everyone had that problem.
I ended up spending a month there. The TV was only in Swedish, and after an extensive search, they turned up only one book in English, Madame Bovary. I read it four times but still don’t get the ending. And she killed herself because….?
The only problem was sleeping because I had to share my room with the guy who lost his legs in the same accident. He screamed all night because they wouldn’t give him any morphine.
When I was released, Ronny picked me up and I ended up spending another week at his home, sailing off the Swedish west coast. Then I took off for Berlin to get a job since I was broke. Few Germans wanted to live in West Berlin because of the ever-present risk of a Russian invasion so there we always good-paying jobs.
I ended up recovering completely. But to this day whenever I buy a new Brioni suit in Milan they have to measure me twice because the numbers come out so odd. My bones never returned to their pre-accident position and my right arm is an inch longer than my left. The compound fracture still shows up on X-rays.
And I still have this obsession with tall, blond women with foreign accents.
Go figure.
Brighton 1968
Ronny Carlson in Sweden
Stay Healthy,
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Global Market Comments
March 10, 2023
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(SPY), (TLT), (UUP), (FXY), (FXB), (FXE), (FXA), (UNG), (BOIL), (AAPL), (TSLA), (WW), (BHP), (NVDA), (RIVN), (FCX)
CLICK HERE to download today's position sheet.
Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the March 8 Mad Hedge Fund Trader Global Strategy Webinar, broadcast from Incline Village, CA.
Q: Do you think the US dollar will drop this year?
A: Absolutely it will drop; in fact, the drop started in October last year. We’re actually six months into a bear market for the US dollar (UUP), and bull market for the yen (FXY), the British pound (FXB), the euro (FXE), and the Australian dollar (FXA). However, the rate-cutting scenario is on vacation, and when it comes back from that vacation, then we will see very sharply dropping interest rates, soaring bond prices, and a weak dollar. That scenario is certain to happen by year-end, probably by 10 or 20% —quite a lot. If you just want to buy the basket for foreign currencies, you can sell short the Invesco DB US Dollar Index Bullish Fund (UUP).
Q: Can stocks (SPY) and bonds (TLT) go up at the same time?
A: Well, they shouldn’t, and usually they don’t. But this time it’s different now because we’re all beholden to the interest rate decisions of the Fed. All asset classes are moving together like synchronized swimmers, which means that on days when the market believes that Powell is finished raising rates, you get big bull moves in stocks, bonds, commodities, precious metals, and beanie baby collectibles. And on the bad days like yesterday, where Powell really reiterates how tough his stance is on inflation is unchanged, everything falls in unison. It’s really become a liquidity/confidence/inflation on-off type market. We have been playing that like a maestro for the last six months and have made a ton of money. I hope it continues that way. “If it’s working, don’t fix it” is my philosophy on trading, which is constantly changing.
Q: Do small caps underperform or overperform in a rising rates era?
A: They always do poorly because small caps have fewer cash reserves, more leverage, and more exposure to interest rates, as opposed to large caps which, in the tech area, don’t borrow at all. They’re actually net creditors to the system so they make more money when interest rates go up. I imagine the interest income at Apple this year has to be absolutely gigantic. That said, small caps always lead recoveries because of their excess leverage, so that's why people are piling into small caps on dips right now. Going from terrible to just bad often generates the best stock returns.
Q: How long will “steering wheel falling off” news tank Tesla?
A: Well, it was worth a $6 dollar drop today in an otherwise weak market. First of all, if there are any actual problems with Tesla, they fix them immediately for free, and most of the fixes can be done with a software upgrade which they do at midnight the day of the recall. Second, a lot of these stories about Tesla problems are false, planted there by the oil industry, trying to head off their own demise. Third, when you go from making several thousand to several million cars a year, scaling up to mass production always uncovers some sort of manufacturing flaws. Tesla can fix them faster than anyone else. I remember when the first Model S came out 13 years ago, we had a hot day and all the sealants on the windows melted. They said they didn’t know because it doesn’t get that hot in Fremont California where they build the cars. They sent out a truck the next day and installed all new sealants on our windows. So that is part of living with Tesla, which seems bent on taking over the world. And I’m working on a major update on Tesla report. I listened to the whole 3.5-hour investors day, and I'll get that out when I get all the snow shoveled. Full disclosure: Elon Musk personally gave me a free $12,800 Tesla Powerwall three years ago. It’s the red one.
Q: I just bought the United States Natural Gas Fund (UNG) 14/15 2025 LEAP for $0.20 with UNG down 3%.
A: I’m going to share that LEAPS with all the Global Trading Dispatch members tomorrow. So far, only the Mad Hedge Concierge members have seen it. We’ll go into great detail in tomorrow’s letter about why you want to buy natural gas here and how you want to play it.
Q: It seems the Fed won’t be happy unless there’s a recession; am I reading this wrong?
A: I think Powell is striving for perfection—killing off inflation and lowering interest rates without a recession. I actually am hoping for a recession myself, even if it’s just for one quarter because that greatly increases market volatility and makes my bond long look like a stroke of genius. And let’s see if he can pull it off. He’s coming facing so many unprecedented challenges to the economy, like the pandemic, the end of liquidity, and the extreme worker shortage. It’ll be really interesting to see what happens. Multiple PhD theses in economics begging to be addressed in there.
Q: Will artificial intelligence cause another bubble?
A: Absolutely, yes. And if you’ve been in the market long enough, you become a bubble collector like me. Just off the top of my head, 3D printing, cold fusion, bitcoin, portfolio insurance, Nifty 50, eyeballs,—if I spent more time, I could come up with an endless list. And this is how Wall Street makes their money—they create bubbles by manufacturing compelling, irresistible stories that can be sold to the masses. Some of these like cold fusion, I know immediately won’t work for 20 years because of my physics background, and definitely not now. Some of these other ones are just flashes in the pan and never work. You just get used to an endless series of bubbles. AI is new only if you haven’t been watching. The share prices of Google, Amazon, Apple, have already had gigantic moves in the last 20 years, largely because of their use of artificial intelligence. So those are your plays—those and (NVDA), which provides the essential chips for artificial intelligence, and we’re active in all of these, both on the long and short side.
Q: Is climate change a hoax or a bubble?
A: If you think it’s a hoax, will you please come over to Incline Village and get the 12 feet of snow off my damn roof before the house collapses. I already can’t close any doors in the house because the weight of the snow is buckling the house and bending the door frames. If you finish the roof, then you can get to work on my deck which also has about 8 ft of snow and is at risk of collapsing, like many in town already have. This has never happened before. The climate has changed.
Q: How come there’s never mention of demographic shift in other parts of the world when there is in the US?
A: The US is the only country in the world where you can earn enough money to retire early. If you live on the coasts, you can sell your house for cash, move inland and never work again, no matter your age. There is no other country where you can do that. Maybe there will be in the future, but definitely not right now. People who complain about how awful the economy is here forget that this is the best economy in the world and has been so for a very long time. I go with the Warren Buffet outlook on this, which is “Never bet against America.”
Q: How about an Entry point for Freeport McMoRan (FCX)?
A: It’s lower. You don’t want to touch it while the entire commodity sector is selling off in fears of higher interest rates in a recession. Once that’s over it goes to $100.
Q: What is the best way to play Natural Gas?
A: I’ll send an extended report tomorrow, but the short answer is United States Natural Gas Fund (UNG) and ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas (BOIL), which is a 2x long day trading NatGas ETF.
Q: Are we entering LEAPS territory for Rivian (RIVN)?
A: Yes, just wait for the current selloff to end and then go to the longest possible expiration. This thing will have a multiple move 2x, 3x, or a 10x out the other side of any recession. The CEO is brilliant and people love the cars.
Q: What happens to housing prices when interest rates on mortgages are at 7%?
A: Well, they should go down 10-20%. What they’re actually doing is going sideways, and they’re still going up in the cheaper neighborhoods because of the structural shortage of 10 million houses in the US. The all-cash buyers are still out there buying. There is tremendous inventory shortage in the housing market now; every broker I know got cleaned out of all their inventory in January when we had a brief 100 basis point dip in rates back then, which has since gone away. I think we go sideways in housing until the end of the year, and then big interest rate cuts will be obvious by then, and the market takes off and we have another 10-year bubble. If you think housing is expensive now, go visit Sydney Australia or Shanghai, China and you’ll see how expensive housing can really get.
Q: How how high would Fed funds have to get to cause a real recession?
A: My guess is 6%. We might actually get there in the second quarter. That might trigger enough of a recession to start unemployment rising just enough to let them cut interest rates. My attitude is: rip the Band-Aid off, raise by 75 basis points on March, and get it over with. But Jay Powell is a very gradualist type of guy, even though he’s brought the sharpest interest rate rise in history.
Q: Should I chase Apple (AAPL) here at $150 a share?
A: In this kind of market, you never chase anything. Only buy Apple at $150 if you think happy days are here again and you think we’re going up forever. To me on the chart it looks like we’re double topping and may actually get a lower low, which you then buy. You may even want to do a LEAPS on Apple if we get down into the $130s or $120s again.
Q: Isn’t it hard for the economy to really tank when seniors and savers are now generating income again for their retirement, giving them more income to spend?
A: Well not only that but workers have had 10-20% pay increases also, and they have more money to spend. It’s really hard to see a severe recession in any kind of scenario, barring another pandemic, and that’s why we’re saying buy the dips—we are in fact in a new bull market that started in October. When you get these market reversals, you often don’t get confirmation on the charts for up to a year, and we’re in one of those periods now. That's why there are still a lot of non-believers in the bull scenario and no confidence.
Q: Would you buy Tesla LEAPS?
A: Yes, under $150 on Tesla shares. And, given its record of volatility, we may actually get there, because this is a $1,000 stock easily in 5 years. I'll send you a report giving you all the details of why. Detroit is basically screwed, someday it’ll just be reduced to building Teslas under license from Tesla and painting them different colors and giving them different names or something like that.
Q: What’s a buy-on-dip?
A: Sorry, but no easy answer here. It’s unique to every stock depending on the historic volatility and ranges of the stock. It’s going to be 1% for a stock, it can be 10% for an option, it could be 20% for a stock like Tesla. It’s vague but it really is unique to every single stock. A good rule of thumb is that after you execute a trade and then throw up on your shoes you’ve just done a great trade.
Q: I see from your pictures that you lost weight? How do you do it?
A: I got COVID last May. I lost 20 pounds in two weeks because I couldn’t eat while I was sleeping 20 hours a day. I just woke up long enough to send out trade alerts. All of a sudden, a 40-year collection of expensive designer pants fit. My kids now call me Captain Fancy Pants. When I go through airport security now and take my belt off they fall down so I’m always careful to wear my best underwear, the ones with the dollar sing all over them.
Q: What’s the best way to play obesity drugs?
A: Unfortunately, There is no pure play on obesity drugs. It will be a $150 billion market that will grow very quickly. I will talk about it at length next week in the summit at the Biotech & Health Care webinar, which you’ll get registration links for tomorrow. Weight loss drugs are small pieces of very large drug companies, so the effect gets diluted by everything else they’re doing. The purest play may be Weight Watchers (WW). If you just need to go to Weight Watchers just to get a shot, that could be really good for them. The stock just doubled in one day on this.
Q: Commodity-based foreign stocks are the best bet on inflation protection; should I get involved?
A: Yes, use the current selloff to get into the whole commodity space (except for maybe food) because not only are they a commodity play, they’re a weak dollar play and that way you get a combined double leverage effect on prices, which I've seen happen many times in my life. So yes, look at foreign-type commodity stocks, and of course, the biggest one out there is Broken Hill Proprietary (BHP), which I always watch very closely. It’s the largest stock in Australia owned by virtually everybody in Australia who has any money, with great volatility, and which has recently just had a selloff.
To watch a replay of this webinar with all the charts, bells, whistles, and classic rock music, just log in to, go to MY ACCOUNT, click on GLOBAL TRADING DISPATCH, or TECHNOLOGY LETTER, then WEBINARS, and all the webinars from the last 12 years are there in all their glory.
Good Luck and Stay Healthy,
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
2015 in Ouarzazate Morocco
Global Market Comments
November 5, 2021
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(BRKB), (COIN), (IWM), (GOOGL), (MSFT), (MS), (GS), (JPM),
(BABA), (BIDU), (JD), (ROM), (PYPL), (FXE), (FXA), (FXB), (CRSP), (TSLA), (FXI), (BITO), (ETHE), (TLT), (TBT), (BITO), (CGW)
Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the November 3 Mad Hedge Fund Trader Global Strategy Webinar broadcast from the safety of Silicon
Q: Have you considered buying Coinbase (COIN)?
A: Yes, we actually recommended it as part of our Bitcoin service in the early days back in July. It’s gone up 62% since then, right along with the Bitcoin move itself. So yeah, buy (COIN) on dips—and there will be dips because it will be at least triple the volatility of the main market. And be sure to dollar cost average.
Q: Do you think the breakout in small caps (IWM) will hold and, if so, should we focus on small-c growth?
A: Yes it will hold, but no I would focus on the big cap barbells, which will lead this rally for the next 6 months. And there you’re talking about the best of tech which is Google (GOOGL) and Microsoft (MSFT), and the best of financials which is Morgan Stanley (MS), Goldman Sachs (GS), and JP Morgan (JPM).
Q: Why not time the webinar for after the FOMC? What will be the market reaction?
A: Well, first of all, we already know what they’re going to say—it’s been heavily leaked in the last week. The market reaction will be initially a potential sharp down move that lasts a few minutes or hours, and then we start a grind up for the next two months. So that's why I wanted to be 80% leverage long going into this. Second, we have broadcast this webinar at the same time for the last 13 years and if we change the time we will lose half our customers.
Q: Why do you always do debit spreads?
A: They’re easier for beginners to understand. That’s the only reason. If you’re sophisticated enough to do a credit spread, the results will be the same but the liquidity will be slightly better, and you can also apply that credit to meet your margin requirements. We have a lot of basic beginners signing up for our service in addition to seasoned pros and I always encourage people to do what they're most comfortable with.
Q: Are you still comfortable with the Morgan Stanley (MS) and Berkshire Hathaway (BRKB) positions?
A: I expect both to go up 10-20% by March, so that’s pretty comfortable. By the way, if you have extremely deep in the money call spreads on Goldman Sachs or Morgan, consider taking profits on those and rolling your strikes up. If you have like the $360-$380 vertical bull call spread in Goldman Sachs, realize that gain and roll up to the $420-$430 March position in Goldman Sachs—that will give you another 100% profit by March. With the $360-$ 380s, you have like 97% of the profit already in the price, there’s no leverage left and no point in continuing, you can only go down.
Q: What should I do with my China position?
A: Sell all your positions in China, realize all the losses now so you can offset those with all the huge profits on all your other positions this year. There I’m talking about Ali Baba (BABA), Baidu (BIDU), and (JD), which have been absolutely hammered anywhere from down 50% to down 70%. And do it now before everyone else does it for the same reasons.
Q: Thoughts on Paypal (PYPL) lately?
A: The stock is out of favor as money is moving out of PayPal into newer fintech stocks. The move down is totally unjustified and screaming long term buy here, but for the short-term investors are going to raid the piggy bank, sell the PayPal, and go into the newer apps. This has been my biggest money-losing trade personally this year because PayPal long-term has a great story.
Q: Will earnings fall off next year due to prior year comparisons or supply chain?
A: No, if anything, earnings are accelerating because supply chain problems mean you can charge customers whatever you want and therefore increase margins, which is why the stock market is going up.
Q: Long term, what would your wrong strikes be?
A: I would say don’t get greedy. I’m doing the ProShares Ultra Technology (ROM) $120-$125 call spread for May expiration—the longest expiration they offer. That gives you about 100% return in 6 months; 100% is good enough for me because then I’ll do the same thing again in May and get another 100%. What’s 100% x 100%? It’s 400% because you’re reinvesting a much larger capital base the second time around. If a 100% profit in six months is not enough for you then you are in the wrong line of business.
Q: Do you think Ethereum (ETHE) has long-term potential upside?
A: Yes, is a 10X move enough? We just had a major new high in Ethereum because they made moves to limit the production of new Ethereum. Ethereum is the superior technology because its architecture avoids the code repeats that Bitcoin does and therefore only uses a third of the electricity to create. But Bitcoin is attracting the big institutional cash flows because they have an early mover advantage. By the way, how much electricity does crypto mining consume? The entire consumption of Washington state in a year, so it’s a big deal.
Q: What should I do about Crisper Therapeutics (CRSP)?
Crispr Therapeutics (CRSP) is my other disaster for this year because ignored the move up to $170—we’re now back into the $90’s again. So, I have 2023 LEAPS on that; I’m going to keep them, I’ve already suffered the damage, but the next time it goes up to $170 I’m selling! Once burned, twice forewarned. And part of the problem with the whole biotech sector is we are now in the back end of the pandemic and anything healthcare-related will get hit, except for the vaccine stocks like Pfizer (PFE) which are still making billions and billions of dollars.
Q: I bought Baidu (BIDU) and Alibaba (BABA) years ago at a much lower price and I'm still up quite a lot; what should I do?
A: If you have the big cushion, I would keep them and look for #1 recovery in the Chinese economy next year and #2 for the government to back off from their idiotic anticapitalism strategy because it’s costing them so much money.
Q: Is Robinhood (HOOD) a good LEAP candidate?
A: Only on a really big dip, and then you want to go out two years. With a stock that’s volatile as hell like Robinhood and could drop by half on no notice, so you only buy the big dips. It’s not a slowly grinding upward stock like Goldman Sachs (GS) and Morgan Stanley (MS) where you can add LEAPS now because you know it’s going to keep grinding up.
Q: How can Morgan Stanley go up when the chief strategist is bearish?
A: Their customers aren't listening to their chief strategist—they’re buying. And the volume of the stock, which is where Morgan Stanley makes money, is going through the roof, they’re making record profits there. And I've got Morgan Stanley stock coming out of my ears in LEAPS and so forth.
Q: What are 5 stocks you would buy right now?
A: Easy: Google (GOOGL), Microsoft (MSFT), Morgan Stanley (MS), Goldman Sachs (GS), and JP Morgan (JPM). Buy whatever is down that day. They’re all going up.
Q: Too late to buy Tesla (TSLA) calls?
A: Yes, it is. Tesla has a long history of 40% corrections; we had one that ended in May, and then it doubled (and then some). So yeah, too late to buy the calls here. Go back and read my research from May which said buy the stock and you get a car for free—and that worked again, except this time, you can get three free Tesla’s. A lot of subscribers have sent me pictures of their Teslas they got for free on my advice; I’m probably the largest salesman for Tesla for the last 10 years and all I got out of it was a free Powerwall (the red one)..
Q: How much higher do you think semiconductor companies will go?
A: Higher but it’s impossible to quantify. You’re getting very speculative short-term buying in there. So, I think it continues to the rest of the year, but with chips, you never know.
Q: Would you be buying Crispr Therapeutics (CRSP) at these levels?
A: Yes, but I would either just buy the stock and not be dependent on the calendar or buy a 2 ½ year LEAP and get an easy double on that.
Q: What about the currencies?
A: I don’t see much action in the currencies as long as the US is raising interest rates. I think the Euro (FXE), the Aussie (FXA), and the British pound (FXB) will be dead for the time being. Nobody wants to sell them but nobody wants to buy them either when you’re looking at a potential short term rise in the dollar from rising interest rates.
Q: What stable coins are the right answer for cryptocurrency?
A: The US dollar stable coin, but for price appreciation, you’re really looking at Bitcoin and Ethereum. Stable coins are stable, they don’t move; you want stuff that’s going to go up 5, 10, or 20 times over the next 10 years like Bitcoin (BITO) and Ethereum (ETHE). That is my crypto answer.
Q: What should I do about the iShares 20 Plus Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT) $135-$140 put spread expiring in January?
A: If we get another run down to the $141 level that we saw last month, I would come out of all short treasury positions because you’re starting to run into time decay problems with the January expirations. And in case we remain in a range for some reason, I would be taking profits at the bottom end of the range. It was my mistake that I didn’t grab those profits when we hit $141 last time. So don’t let profits grow hair on them, they tend to disappear. We lost six months on this trade due to the delta virus and the mini-recession it brought us.
Q: Will there be accelerated tech selling in December because of the new tax rates?
A: What new tax rates? There has been no new tax bill passed and even if there were, I think people wouldn’t tax sell this year because the profits are enormous. They would rather do any selling in January at higher prices and then defer payment of those taxes by 18 months. I don’t think there will be any tax issues this year at all.
Q: What’s your return on solar power investments?
A: My break-even was four years because our local utility, PG&E, went bankrupt and the only way they're getting out of bankruptcy is raising electricity prices by 10% a year. It turns out that as a result of global warming, the panels have operated at a higher efficiency as well, so we’re getting a lot more power output than originally expected. Now I get free electricity for the remaining 20-year life of the panels which is great because with two Tesla’s and all-electric heating and air conditioning I use a lot of juice. My monthly bill is a sight to behold. I also power the 20 surrounding houses and for that PG&E pays me $1,800 a month.
Q: Do you see China (FXI) invading Taiwan as a potential threat to the market?
A: China will never invade Taiwan. They own many of the companies they're already in, they de facto control Taiwan government from a distance; they would not risk the international consequences of an actual invasion. And we have the US seventh fleet there to stop exactly that. So, they can make all the noise they want but nothing will come of it. I’ve been watching this for 50 years and nothing has ever happened.
Q: Would you buy ProShares Ultrashort 20+ Treasury ETF (TBT) here?
A: Absolutely, with both hands, all I can get.
Q: Can you recommend any water ETF opportunity?
A: Yes there is one I wrote a piece on last month. It’s the Claymore S&P Global Water Index ETF (CGW).
Q: How long can you hold the (TBT) before time decay hurts?
A: It doesn’t hurt, the cost of the TBT is two times the 10-year rate. So that would be 3%, plus 1% a year for management fees, and that’s your slippage on the TBT in a year right now—it’s 4%. Remember if you’re short the bond market, you have to pay the coupon when you’re short. Double the bond market and you have to pay double the coupon.
Q: Is the ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO) a good alternative to buying bitcoin?
A: I would say yes because I’ve been watching the tracking on that very carefully and it’s pretty damn close. Plus there’s a lot of liquidity there, so yeah, buy the (BITO) ETF on dips and dollar cost average.
To watch a replay of this webinar with all the charts, bells, whistles, and classic rock music, just log in to, go to MY ACCOUNT, click on GLOBAL TRADING DISPATCH, then WEBINARS, and all the webinars from the last ten years are there in all their glory.
Good Luck and Stay Healthy.
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Global Market Comments
December 11, 2020
Fiat Lux
(GLD), (FXA), (FXE), (FXC), (UUP), (FXB), (ABNB), (DASH), (TAN), (TLT), (TBT), (NZD), (DKNG), (SNOW), (AAPL), (CRSP), (RTX), (NOC)
Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the December 9 Mad Hedge Fund Trader Global Strategy Webinar broadcast from Incline Village, NV with my guest and co-host Bill Davis.
Q: Is gold (GLD) about ready to turn around from here?
A: The gold bottom will be easy to call, and that’s when the Bitcoin top happens. In fact, we have a double top risk going on in Bitcoin right now, and we had a little bit of a rally in gold this week as a result. So, longer term you need actual inflation to show up to get gold any higher, and we may actually get that in a year or two.
Q: The US dollar (UUP) has been weak against most currencies including the Canadian dollar (FXC), but Canada has the same problems as the US, but worse regarding debt and so on. So why is the Canadian dollar going up against the US dollar?
A: Because it’s not the US dollar. Canada also has an additional problem in that they export 3.7 million barrels a day of oil to the US and the dollar value have been in freefall this year. Canada has the most expensive oil in the world. So, taking that out of the picture, the Canadian dollar still would be negative, and for that reason I've been recommending the Australian dollar (FXA) as my first foreign currency pick, looking for 1:1 over the next three years. Of the batch, the Canadian dollar is probably going to be the weakest, Australian dollar the strongest, and the Euro (FXE) somewhere in the middle. I don’t want to touch the British pound (FXB) as long as this Brexit mess is going on.
Q: Would you buy the IPO’s Airbnb (ABNB) and Dash (DASH)?
A: No on Dash. The entries to new competitors are low. Airbnb on the other hand is now the largest hotel in the world, and it just depends on what price it comes out at. If it comes out at a stupid price, like 50% over the IPO, I wouldn’t bother; but if you can get close to the IPO price, I would probably buy it for the long term. I think you would have another double if we got close to the IPO price, so that is worth doing. They have been absolutely brilliant in their management and the way they handled the pandemic; they basically captured all the hotel business because if you rent an apartment all by yourself, the COVID risk is much lower than if you go into a Hilton or another hotel. They also made a big push on local travel which was successful. They gave up long-distance travel, and they’re now trying to get you to explore your own area; and that worked beyond all expectations. Even I have rented some Airbnb’s out in the local area like in Carmel, Monterey, Mendocino, and so on and I came back disease-free.
Q: If the United States Treasury Bond Fund (TLT) goes to a 1.00% yield, what would that translate to in the (TBT) (2x short treasury ETF)?
A: My guess is probably about $18, which has been upside resistance for a long time, but it depends on how long it takes to get there. You have about a 3% a year cost of carry on the TBT that you don’t have in Treasuries.
Q: Should we buy China stocks when the current administration is so negative on China?
A: Yes, that’s when you buy them—when the current administration is negative on China; because when you get an administration that’s less negative on China, the Chinese stocks will all rocket. There’s an easy 20-30% in most of the headline Chinese stocks from here sometime in 2021. And I'm looking to add more Chinese stocks. I currently have Alibaba (BABA), and that’s working well. I want to pick up some more.
Q: What about the New Zealand currency ETF (NZD)?
A: It pretty much moves in sync with the Australian dollar, but it’s usually a few cents cheaper and more volatile.
Q: Legalized sports betting seems to be on the upswing. Where do you see DraftKings (DKNG) going?
A: I think it goes up. I think there’s going to be a recovery in all kinds of entertainment type activities. Draft Kings got a huge market share from the pandemic which they will probably keep.
Q: Do we use spreads when playing (FXA)?
A: Yes, you can probably do something like a $70-$72 here one month out and make some decent money.
Q: How do you feel about Snowflake (SNOW)?
A: I wanted to get into this from day one, but it doubled on the IPO, and then it doubled again. It’s one of the only technology stocks Warren Buffet has bought in the last several years besides Apple (AAPL). So, it’s just too popular right now, it’s hotter than hot. They have a dominant market share in their big data platform, so it’s a great place to be but it’s really expensive now.
Q: Do your options trade alerts have any risk of assignment?
A: Yes, they do, but when you get an assignment it’s a gift, because they’re taking you out of your maximum profit point, weeks before the expiration. All you do is tell your broker to use your long position to cover your short position, and you will get the 100% profit right then and there. I say this because the brokers always tell you to do the wrong thing when you get an assignment, such as going into the market to close out each leg separately. That is a huge mistake, and only makes money for the brokers. For more details, log in and search for “assignments” at
Q: Congratulations on your great performance; what could derail your bullish prediction?
A: Well, we’ve already had a pandemic so obviously that’s not it, and then you have to run by your usual reasons for an out-of-the-blue crash; let’s say Donald Trump doesn't leave the presidency. That would be worth a few thousand points of downside. So would a major war. We could have both; we could have a major war before a disrupted inauguration. The president has essentially unlimited ability to go to war at any time, so there aren’t too many negatives on the near-term horizon, which is why everyone is super bullish.
Q: What’s your opinion on the solar area, stocks like First Solar (FSLR) and the Invesco Solar ETF (TAN)?
A: I’m bullish. Even though they're over 300% since March, we’re about to enter the golden age of solar. Biden wants to install 500,000 solar panels next year and provide the subsidies to accomplish that. This all looks extremely positive for solar. In California, a lot of people will go solar, because getting an independent power supply protects you from the power shut-offs that happen every time the wind picks up, in which response to wildfire danger. We had ten days of statewide power blackouts this year.
Q: What are your thoughts on lithium?
A: I’m not a big believer in lithium because there is no short supply. The key to producing lithium is finding countries with no environmental controls whatsoever because it’s a very polluting and messy process to mine. Better to let other countries mine your lithium cheap, refine it, and then send it to you in finished form.
Q: Since you love CRISPR (CRSP) at $130, what about shorting naked puts? The premiums are really high.
A: I never advocate shorting naked puts. Occasionally, I will at extreme market bottoms like we had in March, but even then, I do it only on a 1 for 1 basis, meaning don’t use any leverage or margin. Never short any more puts than you’re willing to buy the stock lower down. People regularly see the easy money, sell short too many puts, and then get a market correction and a total wipeout of their capital. And they won't have to do that liquidation themselves; their broker will do it for them. They’ll do a forced liquidation of your account and then close it because they don't want to be left holding the bag on any excess losses. You won’t find out until afterwards. So, I would not recommend shorting naked puts for the normal investor. If you want to be clever, just buy an in-the-money call spread, something like a $110-$120 out a couple of months. That's probably a far better risk reward than shorting a naked put. By the way, I came close to wiping out Solomon Brothers 30 years ago because my hedge fund was short too many Nikkei Puts. In the end, I made a fortune, but only after a few sleepless nights (remember that Mark?).
Q: What do you think about defense stock right now?
A: I’m avoiding defense stock because I don’t see any big increases in defense spending in the future administration, and that would include Raytheon (RTX), Northrop Grumman (NOC), and some of the other big defense stocks.
Good Luck and Stay Healthy.
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
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