Global Market Comments
December 27, 2023
Fiat Lux
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Global Market Comments
December 27, 2023
Fiat Lux
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Global Market Comments
August 24, 2023
Fiat Lux
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Global Market Comments
March 24, 2023
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(IBB), (INTC), (AMD), (XLU), (NVDA), (TSLA), (FRC), (QQQ), (SPY), (TLT), (UNG), (USO), (VLO), (DINO), (SUN), (FCX), (JPM), (RIVN), (DVN), (LNG), (KMI), (DAL)
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Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the March 22 Mad Hedge Fund Trader Global Strategy Webinar, broadcast from Silicon Valley, CA.
Q: I have big losses in biotech (IBB) but am a long-term believer—do you think it will recover?
A: Yes, I do. But we are still looking at the post-COVID hangover, where Biotechs rocketed for about a year. We’re simply coming off that overbought situation. In the meantime, the industry continues to generate groundbreaking discoveries at the fastest rate in history. When those translate into profit-making products, the stocks will perform, and many of them already have.
Q: Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) appears to be overbought, what are your thoughts?
A: Yes absolutely, the whole chip sector is overbought, because guess what, they benefit from falling interest rates and an economic recovery. That group will absolutely lead going into the future, and it’s hard to get into—these things just go up in a straight line. Look at Nvidia (NVDA), it has more than doubled since the October low and you barely get pullbacks. It’s looking like Nvidia is going to take over the world; we’d love to get into it but it seems like it will only be a high-risk/high-reward stock. They are now having the tailwind with Chat GPT—which everyone has to own now or go out of business—and buy Nvidia chips to make it work.
Q: Would you recommend banks and brokerages here?
A; Yes, because of the banking crisis, they’ll be the best performers as we come out of it. The end of the interest rate rising cycle is now in sight, and we are about to enter the golden age of banking. Institutions are buying stocks for that now. And your next entry point will be Friday because the pattern has been to sell off everything on Fridays in expectation of a new bank going under on the weekend. If nothing happens, then you have a big rally on Monday morning. So that you can probably play.
Q: Are there recordings of this webinar?
A: Yes, to find all past recordings, just go to and log in.
Q: When does Intel (INTC) become a buy, if ever?
A: It’s probably a “BUY” right here. You never want to buy a tech company run by a salesman, and that’s what happened with Intel. As soon as you had a salesman guaranteeing he’d turn the company around, the stock dropped by half. So down here, it’s looking more likely that they’ll fire the head of Intel, get an engineer back in charge, and the stock should double. But clearly, it’s the only value left in the semiconductor area.
Q: Would you double up on the United States Natural Gas Fund (UNG)?
A: Yes, and I'd be doing 2-year (UNG) LEAPS. There’s no way you have an economic recovery over the next two years that will get us a double, triple, or quadruple in the price of natural gas, and (UNG) will catch that move less 35% for the contango (the 1-year differential between front month and one-year futures contracts).
Q: What’s your favorite tech stock to buy on the dip?
A: It has to be Tesla (TSLA). And I’m in the middle of writing a massive opus on the Tesla Investors Day, which included far more news and content than people realize. That's because you have journalists covering investors' day, not engineers. So I’ll get to the engineers’ and scientists view, which is much more interesting.
Q: Buy bitcoin after the financial contagion?
A: No, bitcoin is what you bought at the market top because there was nothing else to buy because everything else was so expensive. Now everything else is cheap when you can buy Apple (AAPL) at $160, Nvidia at $272 (NVDA), or Tesla (TSLA) at $200. Those are far better choices than a purely speculative asset class which you may never see again once you send in your money. That has been the experience of a lot of people.
Q: Should I sell short the Utility ETF (XLU) if investors head into growth stocks?
A: No, utilities are very heavy borrowers with big capital requirements, and also will benefit heavily from falling interest rates. Basically, everything goes up on an economic recovery. So, your short ideas were great a year ago, not so much now. Now we’re looking for long plays, and just a few hedges, like in bonds, to control risk.
Q: What's the net entry point for Freeport McMoRan (FCX)?
A: I would say here, and my target for this year for Freeport is at the very least hitting $50 again; someday we hit $100, once we get another ramp-up for EV production and the demand for copper sores accordingly.
Q: I hear China has a battery that will go 600 miles and is coming soon.
A: Tesla has a battery that will go 1,000 miles now, but it can only be recharged once. It turns out that the military is very interested in using these, converting Humvees to EVs; then you could parachute them charged batteries which you just pop in. That eliminates having to move these giant bladders of gasoline which easily explode. So yes, the 1,000-mile battery has actually been around for 10 years but can’t be mass-produced. That is the issue.
Q: How will Tesla deal with hydrogen?
A: It will ignore it. Hydrogen will never go mainstream—it can’t compete with an existing electric power grid. But there are fleet or utility applications that make sense; so other than a small, limited fleet confined to a local area, I don't see hydrogen ever catching up. And Saudi Arabia can easily convert their entire oil supply into hydrogen to create a “green” carbon-free fuel. Remember, the cost of electric power cars is dropping dramatically—at about 20% a year—so hydrogen has to keep up with that too which they’re not.
Q: Please explain a bank LEAPS.
A: You buy a call option, you sell short a call option higher up, and you do it with a maturity of one year longer, or more. That’s what makes it a LEAPS. If you want more details, just go to, and search LEAPS and a full explanation of how to execute these will come up.
Q: What do you think of Rivian (RIVN)?
A: It’s a long-term play—they got knocked down by half on their latest $1.2 billion capital raise, which everybody knew was coming, but still seemed to surprise some traders. It’s a long-term hold, not a short term trade. That said, it’s tempting to do LEAPS on Rivian right here going out two years. The stock is down 95% from the highs.
Q: What level LEAPS do you do on JP Morgan (JPM)?
A: I sent that out to everybody last week—that would be to buy the $130 call option and sell short the $135 call option for January of 2024. That way the stock only has to go up 4% for you to make a 100% return on that investment. That’s why we love LEAPS.
Q: I had First Republic Bank (FRC) at $30, took a bath, and got rid of it. Should I have held on?
A: Yes. There's nothing wrong with First Republic's business, and that’s what's new in all of this current round of bank failures—the assets are fine. Usually when a bank goes under it’s because they extended too many dubious loans that defaulted. First Republic not only has a great loan book, but a great asset base in high-net-worth individuals. This is not a bank you would normally expect to go under. Which is why private banks are pouring money into it to save it. I’d be a buyer at the $10 level if we get down that far again. And I actually bought a little bit of First Republic myself on Monday, the meltdown day at $15, with the theory that it will get bailed out and the stock goes up ten times.
Q: Would you do vertical credit spreads on the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Fund (SPY) or Invesco QQQ ETF (QQQ) with the $2 spread?
A: No, the big money is made on single stocks, which have double or triple the volatility of indexes, and you know which single stocks to buy right now—the ones that just had a big selloff. You want more volatility at market bottoms, not less; and I would recommend doing all the financial and call spreads and LEAPS right here. They will have higher volatility and deliver much better risk/reward ratios. That is basic trading 101: you short indexes on the way down, you buy single stocks on the way up. That's what every hedge fund worth its salt does.
Q: Do you have an opinion on Zero Days to Expiration causing greater volatility?
A: Absolutely, it is—especially on Fridays. And I'm not doing these because they are basically lottery tickets. But, if it's a coin toss on whether you make money or not, and you write off the bad ones and make a nice profit on the good ones, that could be a profitable trade. I actually have several followers experimenting with that type of strategy, so I'll let you know if they make any money on it.
Q: What do you think about oil in this environment?
A: It’s discounting a recession which is never going to happen; so oil and oil plays are probably a good trade here, especially with front-month calls. I would be going for Valero Energy (VLO) and the refiners like Sinclair (DINO) and Sunoco (SUN), rather than the big producers because they have already had big moves which they have held onto mostly. Expect oil to go up—I’d be buying the commodity here (USO) and I’d be buying the United States Natural Gas Fund (UNG).
Q: What's the maximum downside in the next 30 days?
A: Well I showed you on that S&P 500 (SPY) chart at the beginning—$350 is the worst-case scenario with a deep recession, and that assumes the banking crisis doesn’t go away and gets worse. I think the banking crisis is done and getting better so we won’t test the downside, but the unanticipated can happen, so you have to be ready for anything. The non-recessionary low looks to be $375.
Q: What if you can’t do spreads in an IRA, like for iShares 20 Plus Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT)?
A: Just buy the (TLT) outright, or buy it on 2:1 margin. (TLT) is probably a great buy around 100 or 101. ProShares has the 2X long Ultra Treasury ETF (UBT), but the fees are high, the spreads are wide, and the tracking error is large, as is standard for these kinds of instruments.
Q: When taking a position in LEAPS, how do you decide the position size per holding?
A: I send out all the LEAPS assuming one contract, then you can adjust your size according to your own experience level and risk tolerance. Keep in mind that if I’m wrong on everything, the value of all LEAPS goes to zero, so it may not be for you. On the other hand, if I am right on my one-year and two-year views, all these LEAPS will deliver a 100-120% return. You decide.
Q: Are you expecting a seasonal rally in oil?
A: Yes I am, and we’re coming off very low levels. Buy the United States Oil ETF (USO) and buy the United States Natural Gas Fund (UNG).
Q: Is a recession still on the table with all the banking crises?
A: No, if anything, it brings the end of any possibility of a recession because it’s bringing interest rate cuts sooner than expected, which brings a recovery that’s sooner than expected. And that’s why you’re getting interest-rate-sensitive stocks holding here and starting to rally.
Q: My retirement account won’t let me buy (UNG)—Are there any other good companies I can buy?
A: Yes, Devon Energy (DVN) is big in the gas area. So are Cheniere Energy (LNG) and Kinder Morgan (KMI).
Q: If the market is oversupplied with oil, why is gasoline so expensive?
A: Endless middlemen add-ons. This is one of the greatest continuing rip-offs in human history—gasoline prices always take the elevator up and the escalator down, it’s always that way. And that's how oil companies make money—by squeezing consumers. I’ve been tracking it for 50 years and that’s my conclusion. The State of California has done a lot of research on this and learned that only half of their higher prices are from taxes to pay for roads and the other half comes from a myriad of markups. Also, a lot of businessmen just don’t want to be in the gasoline retailing business and will only enter when the returns are very high. Plus, oil companies are trying to milk companies for all their worth right now because the industry may disappear in 10 years. Go electric, that’s my solution. I haven’t bought gasoline for 13 years, except for my kids. I only buy cars for my kids at junkyards and fix them up. If they want to do better they can go out and earn it.
Q: Do we need to worry about China supporting Russia in the war against Ukraine?
A: Not really, because all we have to do to cut off Chinese supplies for Russia is to cut off trade with China, and their economy will completely collapse. China knows this, so they may do some token support for Russia like send them sweatshirts or something like that. If they start a large arms supply, which they could, then the political costs and the trade costs would be more than it’s worth. And at the end of the day, China has no principles, it really is only interested in itself and its own people and will do business with anybody.
Q: What do you think about the recovery in solar?
A: What’s been going on in solar is very interesting because for the last 20 years, solar has moved one to one with oil. So, you would expect that from collapsing oil prices and more price competition from oil, solar would collapse too. Instead, solar has had tremendous moves up and is close to highs for the year. The difference has to be the Biden alternative energy subsidies, which are floating the entire industry and accelerating the entire conversion of the United States to an all-electric economy. So they've had great runs. I wouldn’t get involved here, but it’s nice to contemplate what this means for the long-term future of the country.
Q: Should I buy the airline stocks here?
A: Yes, I’d go for Delta (DAL). Again, it’s one of the sectors that’s discounting a recession that’s not going to happen. They’re going to have the biggest airline boom ever this summer as the reopening trade continues on for another year, and a lot of pent-up travel demand hits the market.
Q: Do you like platinum?
A: I do—not because of EVs but because of hydrogen. You need platinum for hydrogen fuel cells to work. That’s a brand new demand, and there’s supposed to be a shortage of half a million ounces of platinum this year.
To watch a replay of this webinar with all the charts, bells, whistles, and classic rock music, just log in to, go to MY ACCOUNT, click on GLOBAL TRADING DISPATCH or TECHNOLOGY LETTER, then WEBINARS, and all the webinars from the last 12 years are there in all their glory.
Good Luck and Stay Healthy,
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Mad Hedge Technology Letter
February 27, 2023
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
Let me introduce to you one of the hottest trends in tech.
They have been on the tip of everyone's lips for years, and that might be an understatement, but the interaction of the internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) offers companies a wide range of advantages.
In order to get the most out of IoT systems and to be able to interpret data, the symbiosis with AI is almost a must.
If the Internet of Things is merged with data analysis based on artificial intelligence, this is referred to as AIoT.
Moving forward, expect this to be the hot new phrase in an industry backdrop where investors love these hot catchphrases and monikers.
What is this used for?
Lower operating costs, shorter response times through automated processes, and helpful insights for business development are just a few of the notable advantages of the Internet of Things.
AI also offers a variety of business benefits: it reduces errors, automates tasks, and supports relevant business decisions. Machine learning as a sub-area of AI also ensures that models – such as neural networks – are adapted to data. Based on the models, predictions and decisions can be made. For example, if sensors deliver new data, they can be integrated into the existing modules.
The Statista research institute assumes that there will be 75 billion networked devices by 2025.
This is exactly where AI comes into play, which generates predictions based on the sensor values received.
However, many companies are still unable to properly benefit from the potential of connecting IoT and AI, or AIoT for short.
They are often skeptical about outsourcing their data - especially in terms of security and communication.
In part because the increased number of networked devices, which requires the connection of IoT and AI, increases the security requirements for infrastructure and communication structure enormously.
It is not surprising that companies are unsettled: Industrial infrastructures have grown historically due to constantly increasing requirements and present companies with completely new challenges, which manifest themselves, for example, in an increasing number of networked devices. With the combination of IoT and AI, many companies are venturing into relatively new territory.
By connecting IoT and AI, a continuous cycle of data collection and analysis is developing.
But companies can no longer deny the advantages of AIoT because this technical combination makes networked devices and objects even more useful.
Based on the insights generated by the models, those responsible can make decisions more easily and reliably predict future events. In this way, a continuous cycle of data collection and analysis develops. With predictive maintenance, for example, production companies can forecast device failures and thus prevent them.
The combination of the two technologies also makes sense from the safety point of view: continuous monitoring and pattern recognition help to identify failure probabilities and possible malfunctions at an early stage – potential gateways can thus be better identified and closed in good time.
The result: companies optimize their processes, avoid costly machine failures, and at the same time reduce maintenance costs and thus increase their operational efficiency.
In this way, IoT and AI represent a profitable fusion: While AI increases the benefit of existing IoT solutions, AI needs IoT data in order to be able to draw any conclusions at all.
AIoT is therefore a real gain for companies of all sizes. They thus optimize processes, are less prone to errors, improve their products and thus ensure their competitiveness in the long term.
Some hardware, software, and semiconductor stocks that will offer exposure into AIoT are Emerson Electric Co. (EMR), Garmin (GRMN), Ambarella (AMBA), Nvidia (NVDA), DexCom (DXCM), Cisco (CSCO), Intel (INTC), and Qualcomm (QCOM).
Mad Hedge Technology Letter
December 12, 2022
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
It is almost guaranteed that the 2023 tech playbook will be quite different from 2022.
That’s not to say it will be easy.
But backward-facing data shows us that market leaders of a certain time period in history almost never recreate the same kind of success moving forward.
Domination emerges from elsewhere and is usually a place we would have never imagined.
Looking at some of the biggest tech companies in 2022, many were wrong-footed.
Micro examples are plentiful such as Apple’s reliance on Chinese factories for iPhone manufacturing.
Also, there is the failure of Meta (META) to have pivoted to the metaverse, and look at Netflix suddenly thinking it was a genius idea to enter the American culture wars with their content.
There were early signs that a shift is already underway.
Even more concerning is that these big companies are out of ideas for the moment.
Will Apple (AAPL) keep making the iPhone with no material improvement?
Probably yes since they can get away with it for the moment.
I believe that a company will come along and finally knock the stuffing out of these big tech giants.
Some of them have gotten too comfortable and instead of investing deeply into their creative divisions, they have chosen to increase share buybacks and bolster dividends.
The percentage of capital spent on research and development keeps dwindling as a percentage of total revenue.
Next year’s tech consensus is 8% revenue growth which is hardly what you would expect for this traditional growth sector.
While it is true that it is hard to move the needle much for a $2 trillion company, I still feel they aren’t doing enough to rewrite the rules of the game while they still have the clout and resources.
The example of past stock market greats is a reminder that things can change quickly. Cisco (CSCO) and Intel (INTC) were leaders in the dot-com boom of the late 1990s, but have never climbed back to the highs they reached in 2000, while it took the Nasdaq 100 Index 15 years to surpass its 2000 peak.
Not only is revenue growth projected to shrink next year, but profitability is supposed to slow by 2%.
Faced with higher cost of borrowing and rising inflation, investors are becoming choosier in terms of which companies they are willing to back.
The last few weeks have been incredibly slow in not only the volume of tech trading but the velocity of price movement in tech stocks.
The Santa Claus rally was effectively extinguished when China’s protest smothered the loosening of interest rate momentum.
Since then, we have received mixed reports in China which have been difficult to decode because the country is like a black box.
Tomorrow we will finally get more direction to tech stocks with the CPI report that everybody has been waiting for.
Expectations are for a 7.3% increase year over year in the face of rising producers purchasing data.
Either way, a big move is expected tomorrow upon the news of the inflation data.
It will either confirm that inflation is headed lower, which is bullish for tech stocks, or a high data point will trigger a sharp selloff.
Expect some new tech trade alerts short following the CPI report tomorrow.
Global Market Comments
September 23, 2022
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(SPY), (INTC), (NVDA), (AMD), (MU) (TBT), (TLT), (AMGN),
(VIX), (CHPT), (TSLA), (GS), (BAC), (MS), (JPM), (USO), (TLT)
Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the September 21 Mad Hedge Fund Trader Global Strategy Webinar broadcast from Silicon Valley in California.
Q: What would cause you to look for a lower bottom than $330 on the (SPY)?
A: Nuclear war with Russia would certainly do the trick—they’re now threatening to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine—and higher-than-expected interest rates. If we get another 75 basis points after this one today, then I think you’re looking at new lows, but we won’t find that out until November 2. So, the market may just bounce along the bottom here for a while until it sees what the Fed is going to do, not on this rate hike but the next one after that. Other than that, a few dramatically worse earnings from corporations would also allow us to test a lower low.
Q: Is it time to nibble on Nvidia Corporation (NVDA)?
A: Nvidia is one of the most volatile stocks in the market. You don’t want to go into it until you’re absolutely sure the bottom is in. If that means you miss the first 10% of the following move up, that’s fine because when this thing moves, you get a double or triple out of it. I would wait for the indecision in the market to resolve itself before you get too aggressive on the most volatile stocks in the market. The same is true for the rest of the semiconductor sector.
Q: What does a final capitulation look like?
A: The Volatility Index (VIX) ever $40. We’ve had a high of VIX at $37 so far this year. If really get over $40, that would be a new high for the year. That would signal people that are throwing in the towel, giving up the market, selling everything—of course that is always the best time to buy.
Q: How do we get LEAPS guidance?
A: We send our LEAPS recommendations first to our concierge members—we only have a small number of those—and then after that, they go out to all subscribers to the Mad Hedge Global Trading Dispatch. Everyone gets exposure to the LEAPS. By the way, with LEAPS, you can take up to a month to execute a position. What I do is literally buy 1 contract a day, so I get a nice average over the period of a month when the market is most likely bottoming.
Q: Do you see Intel Corporation (INTC) as a good candidate for a Taiwan invasion hedge?
A: Well, first of all, China’s not going to invade Taiwan. I’ve been waiting for this for 70 years and it’s not going to happen. Also, Intel’s new management has yet to prove itself. You have a salesman running the company; I never like companies run by a salesman. I’d prefer to have an engineer run an engineering company. The court is still out on Intel and whether they can turn that company around or not; so, I would much rather buy the market leaders, Nvidia (NVDA), Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), and Micron Technology (MU) in the semiconductor space.
Q: You talked dollar/cost averaging before. Should we pause on averaging in?
A: No, that's why I say buy one contract a day and put it in order to buy at the bid side of the market. That way, any sudden swoosh down in the market and you’ll get filled. The spreads on these LEAPS are quite wide, so you want to try to buy as close to the middle or bottom end of the spread, and putting in single contract orders over a month, of course, will do that to you.
Q: Does that mean it’s time to sell the ProShares UltraShort 20+ year Treasury Yield (TBT)?
A: I would say yes; (TBT) hit $30.30 yesterday, which is a new multi-year high. I would be taking profits on that because on the next turnaround in bonds, you could get a very rapid move in (TBT) from $30 back down to $20. I’d rather have you keep that profit than try to squeeze the last dollar out of it. Remember, the (TBT) has a negative cost of carry now of 8% a year and that is a big nut to cover.
Q; Market outlook for mid-2023?
A: We could hit my $4,800 target by mid-2023; that is up 28% from here.
Q: Can we buy LEAPS on Amgen (AMGN)?
A: Absolutely yes, you can. Go for the highest listed strike prices on the call side with the longest possible maturity. I would do the January 17, 2025 $350-$360 vertical bull call spread which you can buy now for $1.00. That gives two years and four months to get a tenfold return. That’s enough time for a full-bore recession to happen and then a recovery where markets take off like a rocket. The call spread you bought for $1.00 becomes worth $10.00.
Q: Is there a long position on the beneficiary of government plans to build EV charging stations?
A: There is, but I'm not recommending EV charging stations because it’s a low value-added business. You buy electric power from the local utility, add 10 cents and resell it. The margins are small, the competition is heating up. There are much smarter ways to play EVs than the charging station. ChargePoint (CHPT) is certainly one of them, but it’s not a great investment idea. Look at how ChargePoint (CHPT) has performed over the last six months compared to Tesla (TSLA) and you see what I mean.
Q: Given the very poor investor sentiment, why don’t we get a testing of the lows and result in a (VIX) pop?
A: Absolutely yes—that is what everybody in the market is waiting for. And it could happen as soon as this afternoon. If it doesn’t happen this afternoon, allow for a little rally and then a meltdown on the next piece of bad news.
Q: I’m not able to get an email response from customer support.
A: Try emailing If that doesn’t work, you can try calling at (347) 480-1034. Filomena will always be happy to take care of you.
Q: What maturity of US Treasury securities would you buy now?
A: I would buy the 30-year. You’re getting close to a 4% yield on that—that is starting to look attractive to people who don’t want to work for a living picking stocks on a daily basis. We are about to see the rebirth of bond investing.
Q: What about banks?
A: Banks will be a screaming buy and a three-year double once recession fears end, which could be in a couple of months. We now have sharply rising interest rates, which banks love, but the bear market in stocks has killed off the IPO business, credit risk is rising, and of course, the Bitcoin business has gone to zero also. So, I would wait for fears of credit quality to end, and then you’ll get a double in the banks very quickly, and notice how they’re all flatlining at a bottom, they’re not actually going down anymore.
Q: Which banks are good choices?
A: Goldman Sachs (GS) and Bank of America (BAC) are two great ones, along with Morgan Stanley (MS) and JP Morgan (JPM).
Q: Do you think the market will bottom by the midterms?
A: I do, I think we will bottom a few weeks before the midterms, or the day after. Sometimes that’s the way it goes, and then it will be off like a rocket for the rest of the year. If we can do this from a much lower level in the SPYs, so much the better. Remember, the next Fed meeting is six days before the election. Yikes!
Q: If OPEC cuts production (USO), won’t the supply/demand cause oil prices to start rising again, increasing inflation and people’s prices at the pump?
A: Yes, but OPEC needs the money. Not necessarily Saudi Arabia, but all the other members of OPEC are starved for cash, and that is always how these shortages end. The smaller members cheat on quotas and bust the price. That's clearly what’s driven us down $50 since the February high, small member cheating. And that will continue. It is a cartel with some serious internal conflicts that will never resolve.
Q: Does it cost $17,000 to mine a Bitcoin?
A: It did four months ago. My guess is it’s more expensive now because of the higher cost of electricity around the world. We may even be up to $20,000 cost, which is why it tends to hang around the $20,000 level on the low side. Below that, miners lose money and the supply dries up, just like you see in the gold market.
Q: Do you have an opinion on Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT)?
A: Yes; credit risk is rising, as are the yields. In a real estate recession, you start to get more defaults on REITS, but the yields on them are very high; so if you are going to play, buy a basket to spread your risk.
Q: Would you buy ProShares UltraShort 20+ year Treasury Yield (TLT) calls spreads now?
A: Yes, but I would go farther in the money, like the mid $90s, because I don’t think we’ll get that low in this cycle. I would also go out another month; instead of a one-month call spread in the mid $90s, I would do a two-month maturity. You could probably take in about $2,000 on a $10,000 position in the mid $90s.
To watch a replay of this webinar with all the charts, bells, whistles, and classic rock music, just log in to, go to MY ACCOUNT, click on GLOBAL TRADING DISPATCH, then WEBINARS, and all the webinars from the last 12 years are there in all their glory.
Good Luck and Stay Healthy,
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Back at Lake Tahoe
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We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. You are free to opt out any time or opt in for other cookies to get a better experience. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain.
We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. You can check these in your browser security settings.
These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our website is being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our website and application for you in order to enhance your experience.
If you do not want that we track your visist to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here:
We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. Changes will take effect once you reload the page.
Google Webfont Settings:
Google Map Settings:
Vimeo and Youtube video embeds: