Global Market Comments
November 24, 2020
Fiat Lux
(SJB), (JNK), (HYG)
Global Market Comments
November 24, 2020
Fiat Lux
(SJB), (JNK), (HYG)
Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the Mad Hedge Fund Trader April 8 Global Strategy Webinar broadcast from Silicon Valley, CA with my guest and co-host Bill Davis of the Mad Day Trader. Keep those questions coming!
Q: Is it premature to be buying long-term LEAPS?
A: Absolutely not—a long-term leap is a bet that your stock will recover beyond your strike prices in two years, which I certainly believe is the case with all of the quality tech and biotech names. These are pretty illiquid so the only way to get a good price is to have a bid in place on one of those absolute puke out days. You will never buy these at the bottom.
Q: Do you see a rally in the stock market in the fourth quarter of this year after the election?
A: For sure—we should be well clear of the pandemic by then, and all of the $6 trillion stimulus will be hitting at the same time.
Q: With the rally in the S&P 500, would you double up on the (SPY) put spread—the May $300-$310?
A: No, keeping your leveraged positions small is crucial in this kind of environment, and the big short play is basically behind us. Better to add the 2X ProShares Ultra Short S&P 500 (SDS) to catch a smaller move down.
Q: Will gold work if the market sells off as a safety trade?
A: Yes, it will. Gold (GLD) had that big 15% selloff a couple of weeks ago when it looked like all financial markets worldwide were going to completely freeze up, and everyone got margin calls all at the same time. We are clear of that now and I expect gold and other traditional hedges like shorting volatility, for example, to also work as a hedge. Gold is going to a new all-time high soon. Buy (GLD), (GDX), (GOLD), and (NEM).
Q: When do you think international borders will open up again, and will that have a positive effect on the economy?
A: Absolutely. You can expect the market to rally 10% into the opening of borders, and then another 10% afterwards depending on where the starting point for the market is in that. As for timing, they may open up in June, and then close up in again in the fall when a second Corona wave hits.
Q: Will you teach us how to buy LEAPS?
A: Just go to my website, type in LEAPS in all caps, and everything you need to know about leaps is there. I will also be following up soon with more individual stock LEAPS ideas, but I don’t want to put them out now because we have just had a $5,000-point rally on the Dow.
Q: Please talk about 5G.
A: The best play is Qualcomm (QCOM). They have a near-monopoly on a 5G chip which virtually the entire world has to buy. The stock has also held up incredibly well. Buy two-year LEAPS on Qualcomm with probably a $90 or $100 strike price.
Q: What level in the S&P do you think this will fail?
A: I think it will fail right around here, so that's why I have been adding on the short positions on every rally. We are exactly at halfway point between the February high and the March low, which is a perfect bear market rally.
Q: What’s the definition of the next big dip?
A: You give up the 5000-point rally we just had, and whether we give up 4000 or 6000 of it, at these kinds of conditions, 1000 points in the Dow (INDU) is a round lot, like the daily move. So, looking at the charts and these lows, it could be a $19,000, $18,000, or $17,000.
Q: Fundamentals may tell you the virus may be peaking, but the worst of the economy is yet to come.
A: True. Do all the markets follow fundamentals now? No, they will look at the virus numbers. Economic numbers are utterly meaningless and out of date here. I wouldn’t depend on them at all, just look at the new cases every day from the Johns Hopkins website, and that gives you a better buy signal than any economic indicator can.
Q: Are all the good shorts are over?
A: When I say shorts are over, from here you’re not going to get the 80% and 90% down moves that we have seen so far; those are gone. The reason I bought the 2X ProShares Ultra Short S&P 500 (SDS) is to play for the bottom end of the range, which could be down 2000 to 4000 points from here, and also to hedge the short volatility (VXX) puts that I already have. A rising market should make the (VXX) go down, and a falling market will make the (VXX) and the (SDS) go up. So, it's both a hedge and a view on a range of a market.
Q: Could the Federal Reserve buy shares?
A: Yes, they have done that already in Japan, with no success whatsoever in helping the economy, but I doubt the Fed will buy shares here. The government will take minority share ownerships in the troubled industries like the airlines, much like they did with (GM) and the top 20 banks during the 2008-09 crash and sell them later at huge profits. I don't expect them to go beyond that. The Fed here has too many other things to buy, like all of our different bond and money markets; those don't exist in other countries like Japan or Europe. Stocks are often the only thing they can buy, and in Japan’s case, they already own the entire government bond market, so they had nothing else left to buy besides stocks.
Q: How about buying Boeing (BA)?
A: I would buy Boeing LEAPS here, something like a $170-$180. If you’re going to make a 1,000% return on LEAPS on any one stock, it's going to be Boeing. That company will be around somehow, and you could get literally a 10-fold return just by going 50% out of the money on two-year LEAPS.
Q: How is liquidity on 2-year 30% out of the money LEAPS?
A: It is practically nonexistent. You have to put in a limit order and then wait for a dump in the market to get filled. That’s how all the people who have been doing LEAPS have been getting them. Put in a bid and when you get these cataclysmic, down-1,000-point days, they hit any bid. The algos go in there and they just say hit any bid, and you can get done at incredible prices in those situations.
Q: Are the fees on (SDS) a problem?
A: No, your standard equity commission is all you should be paying. They trade like water.
Q: Would you short junk bonds short-term?
A: No, because you short the (HYG) or the (JNK), you are shorting a 7.5% yield which you have to pay if you’re short, so the great short in junk bond play was in February when it was yielding 4.5%. It’s too late now.
Q: Will treasuries go to zero?
A: They could, but we’re close enough to zero where you might as well think of them at zero.
Stay healthy all.
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Global Market Comments
January 9, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(CCI), (AMT), (SBAC),
(JNK), (SPG), (AMLP), (AAPL), (VZ), (T), (TMUS), (S)
I am constantly bombarded with requests for high-yield, low-risk investments in this ultra-low interest rates world.
While high-yield energy Master Limited Partnerships LIKE (AMLP) can offer double-digit returns, they carry immense risks. After all, if the prices of oil drop to $5-$10 a barrel, replaced by alternatives as I eventually expect, all of these instruments will get wiped out.
You can earn 5%-8% from equity-linked junk bonds. However, their fates are tied to the future of the stock market at a 20-year valuation high against flat earnings.
You might then migrate to Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) like Simon Property Group (SPG), which acts as a pass-through vehicle for investments in a variety of property investments. However, many of these are tied to shopping malls and the retail industry, the black hole of investment today.
So where is the yield-hungry investor to go?
You may have heard about something called 5G. This refers to the rollout of fifth-generation wireless technology that will increase smartphone capabilities tenfold. Whole new technologies, like autonomous driving and artificial intelligence, will get a huge boost from the advent of 5G. Apple (AAPL) will launch its own 5G phone in September.
5G, like all cell phone transmissions, rely on 50-200-foot steel towers strategically placed throughout the country, frequently on mountain peaks or the tops of buildings. With demand from the big phone carriers soaring, there is a construction boom underway in cell phone towers. There just so happens to be a class of REITs that specializes in investment in this sector.
Cells Phone REITs constitute a $125 billion market and make up 10% of the REIT indexes. They own 50%-80% of all investment-grade towers. They are all benefiting from a massive upgrade cycle to accommodate the 5G rollout. These REITs own or lease the land under the cell towers and then lease them to the phone companies, like Verizon (VZ), AT&T (T), T-Mobile (TMUS), and Sprint (S) for ten years with 3% annual escalation contracts.
American Tower (AMT) is far and away the largest such REIT, with 170,000 towers, has provided an average annual return over the past ten years, and offers a fairly safe 1.65% yield. They are currently expanding in Africa. Even during the 2008 crash, (AMT) still delivered an 8% earnings growth.
SBA Communications (SBAC) is the runt of the sector with only 30,000 towers. However, it has a big presence in Central and South America and is seeing earnings grow at a prolific 80% annual rate. (SBAC) is offering a 1.48% yield at today’s prices.
Crown Castle International (CCI) is in the middle with 40,000 large towers and 65,000 small ones. 5G signals travel only a 1,000 meters, compared to several miles for 4G, requiring the construction of tens of thousands of small towers where (CCI) is best positioned. (CCI) offers a hefty 3.39% yield.
Small cell towers are roughly the size of an extra-large pizza box and will soon be found on every urban street corner in the US. AT&T (T) has estimated that there is a need for over 300,000 small cell phone towers in the US alone.
So, if you’re looking for a sea anchor for your portfolio, a low-risk, high-return investment that won’t see a lot of volatility, Cell phone REITs may be your thing. Buy (CCI) on dips.
Can you hear me now?
Global Market Comments
January 6, 2019
Fiat Lux
2020 Annual Asset Class Review
A Global Vision
Featured Trades:
(SPX), (QQQQ), (XLF), (XLE), (XLY),
(TLT), (TBT), (JNK), (PHB), (HYG), (PCY), (MUB), (HCP)
(FXE), (EUO), (FXC), (FXA), (YCS), (FXY), (CYB)
(FCX), (VALE), (AMLP), (USO), (UNG),
(GLD), (GDX), (SLV), (ITB), (LEN), (KBH), (PHM)
Global Market Comments
November 13, 2019
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(SJB), (JNK), (HYG),
Stocks will drop sharply in the coming year. It will most likely happen when the Democratic candidate takes a substantial lead over the president, which recent by-elections have shown is likely.
What could be better than an ETF that benefits from both falling bonds AND stocks?
It just so happens that there is such an animal.
When you look at the profusion of new ETFs being launched today, you find that they almost always correspond with market tops.
The higher the market, the greater the demand for the underlying, and the more leverage traders bay for it. The resulting returns for investors are usually disastrous.
But occasionally, a blind squirrel finds an acorn, and if you fire buckshot long enough, you hit a barn.
That’s why I am getting interested in the new ProShares Short High Yield ETF (SJB). After riding the bull move in junk all the way up with (JNK), (HYG), I have recently turned negative on the sector.
Junk bonds have moved too far too fast. Current spreads for junk paper are now only 200 basis points over equivalent term Treasury bonds, and investors at these levels are in no way being compensated for their risk.
If the stock market starts to roll over in 2018, then the junk bond market will follow it in the elevator going down to the ladies' underwear department in the basement.
Keep in mind that when shorting the junk market, you run into the same problem you have with the (TBT), a leveraged short ETF for the Treasury bond market.
Buy the (JNK) and you are short a 5.75% coupon which, with the management fees, works out to a monthly cost of more than 50 basis points. That is a big nut to cover.
So timing for entry into this fund will be crucial
Global Market Comments
September 20, 2019
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(TLT), (FDX), (FB), (HYG), (JNK), (EEM), (BABA), (JD), (TBT), (FXE), (UUP), (AMZN), (FB), (DIS), (MSFT), (USO), (INDU),
Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the Mad Hedge Fund Trader September 18 Global Strategy Webinar broadcast from Silicon Valley, CA with my guest and co-host Bill Davis of the Mad Day Trader. Keep those questions coming!
Q: What would happen to the United States Treasury Bond Fund (TLT) if the Fed does not lower rates?
A: My bet is that it would immediately have a selloff—probably several points—but after that, recession worries will take bond prices up again and yields down. I don’t think we have seen the final lows in interest rates by a long shot. That’s why I bought the (TLT) last week.
Q: Is it good to buy FedEx (FDX) considering the 13% fall today?
A: I use the 3-day rule on these situations. That's how long it takes for the dust to settle from an earnings shock like this and find the real price. The problem with FedEx is that it’s a great early recession predictor. When the number of delivered packages decreases, it’s always an indicator that the economy as a whole is slowing down, which we know has been happening. It’s one of the most cyclical stocks out there, therefore one of the most dangerous. I wouldn’t bother with FedEx right now. Go take a long nap instead.
Q: Would you be a buyer of Facebook (FB) here, given they seem to have weathered all the recent attacks from Washington?
A: Not here in particular, but I would buy it 20% down when it gets to the bottom edge of its upward channel—it still looks like it’s going crazy. They’re literally renting or buying buildings to hire an additional 50,000 people in San Francisco anticipating huge growth of their business, so that’s a better indicator of the future of Facebook than anything.
Q: Will junk bonds be more in demand now that rates are cratering?
A: Junk bonds (HYG), (JNK) are driven more by the stock market than the bond market, as you can see in the huge rally we just had. Junk bonds are great because their default ratios are usually far below that which the interest rate implies, but you really have to trade them like stocks. Think of them as preferred stocks with really high dividends. When the stock market tops, so will junk bonds. Remember in 2008, junk yields got all the way up to 15% compared to today’s 5.6%.
Q: What will happen to emerging markets (EEM) as rates lower?
A: If lower interest rates bring a weaker US dollar, that would be very positive for emerging markets over the long term and they would be a great buy. However, emerging markets will take the hardest hit if we actually do go into a recession. So, I would pass for now.
Q: What are your thoughts on Alibaba (BABA) and (JD)?
A: They are great for the long term. However, expect a lot of volatility in the short term. As long as the trade war is going on, these are going to be hard to trade until we get a settlement. (JD) is already up 50% this year but is still down 40% from pre trade war levels. These things will all be up 20-30% when that happens. If you can take the heat until then, they would probably be okay for a long-term portfolio globally diversified.
Q: What do you have to say about the ProShares Ultra Short 20+ Year Treasury ETF (TBT)—the short bond ETF?
A: If you have a position, I’d be selling now. We just had a massive 20%, 4-point rally from $22 to $27 and now would be a good time to take a profit, or at least get out closer to your cost. The zero interest rates story is not over yet.
Q: Would you short the US dollar?
A: I would most likely short it against the euro (FXE), which now has a massive economic stimulus and quantitative easing program coming into play which should be positive for it and negative for the US dollar (UUP). That’s most likely why the euro has stabilized over the last couple of weeks. That said, the dollar has been unexpected high all year despite falling interest rates so I have been avoiding the entire foreign exchange space. I try to stay away from things I don’t understand.
Q: If all our big tech September vertical bull call spreads are in the money, what should we do?
A: You do nothing. They all expire at the Friday close in two trading days. Your broker should automatically use your long call position to cover your short call position and credit your account with the total profit on the following Monday, as well as release the margin for holding that position. After that, we’ll probably wait for another good entry point on all the same names, (AMZN), (FB), (DIS), (MSFT).
Q: If the US fires a cruise missile at Iran, how would the market react?
A: It would selloff pretty big—markets hate wars. And the US wouldn’t send one missile at Iran; it would be more like 100, probably aimed at what little nuclear facilities they have. I doubt that is going to happen. The world has figured out that Trump is a wimp. He talks big but there is never any action or follow through. Inviting the Taliban to Camp David while they were still blowing up our people? Really?
Q: Will the housing market turn on the turbochargers after this dip in rates?
A: It wouldn't turn on the turbochargers, but it might stabilize the market because money is available now at unprecedentedly low interest rates. However, we still have the loss of the SALT deductions—the state and local taxes and real estate taxes that came in with the Trump tax bill. Since then, real estate has been either unchanged or has fallen on both the East and West coast where the highest priced houses are. It’s the most expensive houses that take the loss of the SALT deduction the hardest. Don’t expect any movement in these markets until the SALT deduction comes back, probably in 16 months.
Q: What catalyst do you think would cause a 10% correction in the next 2-3 months?
A: Trump basically saying “screw you” to the Chinese—a tweet saying he’s going to bring another round of tariff increases. That’s worth a minimum of 2,000 points in the Dow Average (INDU), or about 7% percent. Either that or no move in Fed interest rates—that would also create a big selloff. My guess is that and adverse development in the trade war will be what does it. That’s why my positions are so small now.
Q: We have a big short position in the United States Oil Fund (USO) now. Are you going to run this into expiration until October $18?
A: Even though oil has already collapsed by 10% since we put this position on last Friday, premiums in oil options are still close to record levels. So, it pays us to hang on for the time decay. The world is still massively oversupplied in oil and the Saudis were able to bring half of the lost production back on in a day. Oil will keep falling unless there is another attack and it is unlikely we will see one again on this scale. And, we only have 20 more days to go to capture the full 14.8% profit.
Good luck and good trading.
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Global Market Comments
January 9, 2019
Fiat Lux
2019 Annual Asset Class Review
A Global Vision
Featured Trades:
(SPX), (QQQQ), (XLF), (XLE), (XLI), (XLY),
(TLT), (TBT), (JNK), (PHB), (HYG), (PCY), (MUB), (HCP)
(FXE), (EUO), (FXC), (FXA), (YCS), (FXY), (CYB)
(FCX), (VALE),
(DIG), (RIG), (USO), (UNG), (USO), (OXY),
(GLD), (GDX), (SLV),
(ITB), (LEN), (KBH), (PHM)
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