Global Market Comments
July 22, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(PFE), (BMY), (AMGN), (CELG), (CRSP), (FB), (PYPL), (GOOGL), (AAPL), (AMZN), (SQ), (JPM), (BAC), (BABA), (EEM), (FXA), (FCX), (GLD)
Global Market Comments
July 22, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(PFE), (BMY), (AMGN), (CELG), (CRSP), (FB), (PYPL), (GOOGL), (AAPL), (AMZN), (SQ), (JPM), (BAC), (BABA), (EEM), (FXA), (FCX), (GLD)
I am really happy with the performance of the Mad Hedge Long Term Portfolio since the last update on October 17, 2019. In fact, not only did we nail the best sectors to go heavily overweight, we completely dodged the bullets in the worst-performing ones, especially in energy.
For new subscribers, the Mad Hedge Long Term Portfolio is a “buy and forget” portfolio of stocks and ETFs. If trading is not your thing, these are the investments you can make, and then not touch until you start drawing down your retirement funds at age 70 ½.
For some of you, that is not for another 50 years. For others, it was yesterday.
There is only one thing you need to do now and that is to rebalance. Buy or sell what you need to reweight every position to its appropriate 5% or 10% weighting. Rebalancing is one of the only free lunches out there and always adds performance over time. You should follow the rules assiduously.
Despite the seismic changes that have taken place in the global economy over the past nine months, I only need to make minor changes to the portfolio, which I have highlighted in red.
To download the entire portfolio in an excel spreadsheet, please go to , log in, go to “My Account”, then “Global Trading Dispatch”, then click on the “Long Term Portfolio” button.
My 5% holding in Biogen (BIIB) was taken over by Bristol Myers (BMY) at a hefty premium at an all-time high, so I’ll take the win. I am replacing it with Covid-19 vaccine frontrunner Bristol Myers (BMY) itself.
I am also taking out healthcare provider Cigna (CI), whose profits have been hammered by the pandemic. A future Biden administration might also move to a national healthcare system that will cap profits. I am replacing it with another Covid-19 vaccine leader Pfizer (PFE).
My 30% weighting in technology remains the same. Even though these stocks are 30% more expensive than they were three years ago, I believe they will lead the charge into the 2020s. It’s where the big growth is. These have doubled or more over the past nine months.
I am sticking with a 10% weighting in banking. Thanks to trillions in stimulus loans, they are now the most government-subsidized sector of the economy. I also believe that massive bond issuance by the US Treasury will deliver a sharply steepening yield curve, another pro bank development.
With my 10% international exposure, I am taking out a 5% weight in slow-growth Japan and replacing it with Chinese Internet giant Alibaba (BABA). The US will most likely dial back its vociferous anti-Chinese stance next year and (BABA) will soar.
I am executing another switch in my foreign currency exposure, taking out a long in the Japanese yen (FXY) and a short in the Euro (EUO) and substituting in a double long in the Australian dollar (FXA).
Australia will be a leveraged beneficiary of a recovery in the global economy, both through a recovery on commodity prices and gold which has already started, and the post-pandemic return of Chinese tourism and investment. I argue that the Aussie will eventually make it to parity with the US dollar, or 1:1.
I’m quite happy with my 10% holding in gold (GLD), which should move to new all-time highs imminently….and then go ballistic.
As for energy, I will keep my weighting at zero, no matter how cheap it has gotten. Never confuse “gone down a lot” with “cheap”. I think the bankruptcies have only just started and will stretch on for a decade. Thanks to hyper-accelerating technology, the adoption of electric cars, and less movement overall in the new economy, energy is about to become free.
My ten-year assumption for the US and the global economy remains the same.
When we come out the other side of this, we will be perfectly poised to launch into my new American Golden Age, or the next Roaring Twenties. With interest rates still at zero, oil cheap, there will be no reason not to. The Dow Average will rise by 400% or more in the coming decade. The American coming out the other side of the pandemic will be far more efficient and profitable than the old.
I hope you find this useful and I’ll be sending out another update in six months so you can rebalance once again.
Stay healthy.
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Global Market Comments
July 13, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(INDU), (TSLA), (SPY), (GLD), (JPM), (IBB), (QQQ), (AAPL), (MSFT), (DCUE), (NVDA)
Global Market Comments
July 10, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
Global Market Comments
June 16, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
Global Market Comments
June 1, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(SPX), (INDU), (TLT), (TBT), (GLD),
(AAPL), (FB), (JPM), (BAC)
With the May 15 options expiration only ten trading days away, there is a heightened probability that your short options position gets called away.
We have the good fortune of having a large number of deep in-the-money call and put options spreads about to expire at their maximum profit points, five to be precise.
If that happens, there is only one thing to do: fall down on your knees and thank your lucky stars. You have just made the maximum possible profit for your position with less risk. You just won the lottery, literally.
Most of you have short option positions, although you may not realize it. For when you buy an in-the-money put option spread, it contains two elements: a long put and a short put. The long put you own, but the short put can get assigned, or called away at any time and delivered to its rightful owner.
You have to be careful here because the inexperienced can blow their newfound windfall if they take the wrong action, so here’s how to handle it.
All you have to do was call your broker and instruct him to exercise your long position in your May puts to close out your short position in the May puts.
Puts are a right to sell shares at a fixed price before a fixed date, and one option contract is exercisable into 100 shares.
Sounds like a good trade to me.
Weird stuff like this happens in the run-up to options expirations.
A put owner may need to sell a long stock position right at the close, and exercising his long Put is the only way to execute it.
Ordinary shares may not be available in the market, or maybe a limit order didn’t get done by the stock market close.
There are thousands of algorithms out there which may arrive at some twisted logic that the puts need to be exercised.
Many require a rebalancing of hedges at the close every day which can be achieved through option exercises.
And yes, puts even get exercised by accident. There are still a few humans left in this market to blow it.
And here’s another possible outcome in this process.
Your broker will call you to notify you of an option called away, and then give you the wrong advice on what to do about it.
This generates tons of commissions for the broker but is a terrible thing for the trader to do from a risk point of view, such as generating a loss by the time everything is closed and netted out.
Avarice could have been an explanation here but I think stupidity and poor training and low wages are much more likely.
Brokers have so many ways to steal money legally that they don’t need to resort to the illegal kind.
This exercise process is now fully automated at most brokers but it never hurts to follow up with a phone call if you get an exercise notice. Mistakes do happen.
Some may also send you a link to a video of what to do about all this.
If any of you are the slightest bit worried or confused by all of this, come out of your position RIGHT NOW at a small profit! You should never be worried or confused about any position tying up YOUR money.
Professionals do these things all day long and exercises become second nature, just another cost of doing business.
If you do this long enough, eventually you get hit. I bet you don’t.
Global Market Comments
April 14, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(INDU), (SPY), (SDS), (BA), (VIX), (VXX), (GLD), (GDX),
(GOLD), (NEM), (QCOM), (HYG), (JNK)
Global Market Comments
April 13, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(INDU), (SPX), (TLT), (VIX, (VXX), (GLD), (JPM), (AMZN), (MSFT)
The Bear market rally is over, or at least that’s what Asian stock futures are screaming at us, and the shorts are piling back on….again.
For the first time in 16 years, I did not have to get up at 6:00 AM to hide Easter eggs. It’s not because my kids don’t believe in the Easter Bunny anymore. They’ll believe in anything that delivers them a free chocolate bunny. It’s because I couldn’t get any eggs. Much of the country’s egg production is being diverted into vaccine production for testing, of which, along with antivirals, there are more than 300 worldwide.
Enough of the happy talk.
It was a classic bear market rally we saw over the past two weeks in every way, retracing 50% of the loss this year. Junk stocks, like hotels, airlines, and cruise lines led, while quality big tech lagged. That’s the exact opposite of what you want to see for a new bull market.
At the Friday high, the Dow (IND) was down only 17% from the February all-time high at a two-decade 20X valuation high.
The US is now losing 2,000 citizens a day to the Coronavirus. That’s how many we lost at the peak of the Vietnam War in a month. We are suffering another 9/11 every day of the week.
More than 16.8 million have lost jobs in three weeks, more than all those gained in six years. Of all American companies with fewer than 500 employees, 54% have closed! JP Morgan (JPM) has just cut its forecast for Q2 GDP from a 25% loss to an end of world 40% decline on an annualized bases.
New York is losing 800 people a day and is burying many of them in mass graves. Bread lines have formed in countless major cities. And you think 17% is enough for a discount for stocks, given that a near-total shutdown will continue for another five weeks?
Are you out of your freaking mind?
Which leads me to believe that another retest in the lows is in the work, no matter how much government money is headed our way.
For a start, it will be three months before the Fed handouts show any meaningful impact on the economy. Second, we are due for a second wave of the virus in the fall, once the initial shelter-in-place ends. Markets will likely behave the same.
In the meantime, long term analysts of the global economic structure are going dizzy with possible permanent changes. I am in the process of writing a couple of pieces on this if I can only get away from the market long enough to do so.
It seems like half the country has lost their jobs, while the other half are now working double time without pay, like myself.
The market was stunned by 6.1 million in Weekly Jobless Claims, taking the implied Unemployment Rate to over 14%, more than seen during the 2008-2009 Great Recession. One out of four Americans will lose their jobs or suffer a serious pay cut in the next two months. At this rate, we will top the Great Depression peak of 25 million in two weeks.
The Fed launched a second $2.3 trillion rescue program, this time lending to states, local municipalities, and buying oil industry junk bonds. More money was made available to small businesses. Jay Powell is redefining what it means to be a central bank, but no one is complaining. It was worth one 500-point rally in the Dow Average, which we have already given back. At this point, almost the entire country is living on welfare.
Stocks soared firefly on falling death rates. Chinese cases are falling after the border closed, Italy and Madrid are going flat, and San Francisco is looking good. There is still a massive, but extremely nervous bid under the market. I’m selling into this rally. We will continue to chop in a (SPX) $2180-$2800 range for the foreseeable future.
Trump says there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, but he doesn’t tell you that the light is an oncoming express train. At the very least, the number of deaths will rise at least tenfold from here. That’s how many we lost in the Korean War. It hasn’t even hit the unsheltered states in the Midwest yet.
Gold (GLD) is making a run another all-time highs, topping $1,700. Expect everyone’s favorite hedge to go ballistic. QE infinity and zero interest rates will eventually bring hyperinflation and render the US dollar worthless. Gold production is falling due to the virus. Anything else you need to know?
Mortgage defaults are up 18-fold. People can’t even get through to their banks to tell them they are not going to pay. This is the next financial crisis. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are going to go broke….again.
Can the US government spend money fast enough, given that it has been shrinking for three years? I’m not getting my check until September. It’s not easy to spend $2 trillion in a hurry. I can’t even spend a billion in a hurry. It’s darn hard and I’ve tried. It suggests any recovery will be slower and lasts longer.
Here’s the bearish view on the economy, with Barclay’s Bank looking for an “L” shaped recovery, which means no recovery at all. I’m looking more for a square root type recovery, which means a sharp bounce back to a lower rate of growth. And there may be two “square roots” back to back.
Bond giant PIMCO predicts 30% GDP loss in Q2 on an annualized basis. Everyone staying home doing jigsaw puzzles isn’t doing much for our economic growth. This may end up becoming the most positive forecast out there.
When we come out on the other side of this, we will be perfectly poised to launch into my new American Golden Age, or the next Roaring Twenties. With interest rates at zero, oil at $20 a barrel, and many stocks down by three quarters, there will be no reason not to. The Dow Average will rise by 400% or more in the coming decade.
My Global Trading Dispatch performance had a tough week, destroying my performance back to positive numbers for the year. That is thanks to my piling on the shorts in a steadily rising market. This brings short term pain, but medium-term ecstasy.
We are now down -3.99% in April, taking my 2020 YTD return down to -12.41%. That compares to an incredible loss for the Dow Average of -17% from the February top. My trailing one-year return sank to 30.02%. My ten-year average annualized profit was pared back to +33.51%.
My short volatility positions (VXX) were hammered even in a rising market, which means no one believes the rally, including me.
I took nice profits on two very deep in-the-money, very short dated call spreads in Amazon (AMZN) and Microsoft (MSFT), the two safest companies in the entire market, betting that we don’t go to new lows in the next nine trading days. As the market rose, I continued to add to my short position with the 2X ProShares Ultra Short S&P 500 (SDS).
This week, we get the first look at Q1 earnings. All economic data points will be out of date and utterly meaningless this week. The only numbers that count for the market are the number of US Coronavirus cases and deaths, which you can find here.
On Monday, April 13 Citigroup (C) and JP Morgan (JPM) report earnings.
On Tuesday, April 14 at 11:30 AM, the API Crude Oil Stocks are announced.
On Wednesday, April 15, at 2:00 PM, the New York State Manufacturing Index is released.
On Thursday, April 16 at 8:30 AM, Weekly Jobless Claims are announced. The number could top 6,000,000 again. At 7:30 AM, US Housing Starts for March are published.
On Friday, April 17 at 7:30 AM, the Baker Hughes Rig Count is released at 2:00 PM. Expect these figures to crash as well.
As for me, before the market carnage of the coming week ensues, I shall be sitting down with my kids and touring the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC. Many art museums have now opened up their collections online, for free. There is a special exhibition of “Degas at the Opera.” Please enjoy by clicking here.
Next to come will be the Louvre in Paris (click here), and the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle, VA (click here). I have them tracing the dog tags I brought back from Guadalcanal. I bet some of my old weapons are in there.
Stay healthy.
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
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