Global Market Comments
January 13, 2022
Fiat Lux
Featured Trades:
(LEN), (PHM), (KBH),
Global Market Comments
January 13, 2022
Fiat Lux
Featured Trades:
(LEN), (PHM), (KBH),
Lately, my inbox has been flooded with emails from subscribers asking if the housing market is about to crash as a result of the housing bubble and if they should sell their homes.
They have a lot to protect.
Since prices hit rock bottom in 2011 and foreclosures crested, the national real estate market has risen by 50%.
The hottest markets, like those in Seattle, San Francisco, and Reno, are up by more than 125%, and certain neighborhoods of Oakland, CA have shot up by 500%.
Looking at the recent housing statistics, I can understand their concern. The data are the hottest on record across the board:
* Housing prices are still exploding to the upside with S&P Case Shiller Rising 10.4% in December, the one-month biggest spike in history
*Your Check is in the Mail, with the passage of the $1.9 trillion rescue package. A big chunk of this is going into housing upgrades
* Goldman Sachs is Forecasting a Jobs Boom, which will take the headline Unemployment Rate down to 4.1% by yearend. Employed people buy houses.
*Rising rates haven’t touched the housing market, and won’t for years.
*Workforce at home will double post-pandemic, maintaining demand for large homes
*30-year fixed-rate mortgages still a mere 3.26%, still near a historic low
*$45 billion in rental assistance is now available, thanks to Biden’s Rescue Package.
I have a much better indicator of future housing prices than the depressing numbers above. The way homebuilder stocks like Lennar (LEN), KB Homes (KBH), and Pulte Homes (PHM) are trading I’d say your home will be worth a lot more in a year, and possibly double in another five years. Many of these stocks are up nearly 200% since the March 23 bottom.
What I call “intergenerational arbitrage” will be the principal impetus. The main reason that we are just endured two “lost decades” of economic growth over the last 20 years is that 85 million baby boomers are retiring to be followed by only 65 million “Gen Xers”. When you are losing 20 million consumer economies, don’t grow very fast. For more about millennial investing habits,x please click here.
When the majority of the population is in retirement mode, it means that there are fewer buyers of real estate, home appliances, and “RISK ON” assets like equities, and more buyers of assisted living facilities, healthcare, and “RISK OFF” assets like bonds. That’s what got us to a 0.32% yield in the ten-year.
The net result of this is slower economic growth, higher budget deficits, a weak currency, and registered investment advisors who have distilled their practices down to only municipal bond sales.
Fast forward to the other side of the pandemic and the reverse happens. The baby boomers will be out of the economy, worried about whether their diapers get changed on time or if their favorite flavor of Ensure is in stock at the nursing home.
That is when you have 65 million Gen Xers being chased by 85 million of the “millennial” generation trying to buy their assets!
By then, we will not have built new homes in appreciable numbers for 14 years, and a severe scarcity of housing hits. Even before the pandemic, new home construction was taking place at half the 2008 peak. Residential real estate prices will naturally soar. Labor shortages will force wage hikes.
The middle-class standard of living will then reverse a 40-year decline. Annual GDP growth will return from the subdued 2% rate of the past four years to near the torrid 4% seen during the 1990s. It all leads to my “Return of the Roaring Twenties” scenario which you can learn about by clicking here.
It gets better.
It is certain that the current administration will restore tax deductions for state and local real estate taxes (SALT) lost in the 2017 tax bill. The cap on home mortgage interest rate deductions will also rise.
These two events will trigger an immediate 10% increase in the value of your home on an after-tax basis and more on the coasts.
So, if someone approaches you with a discount offer for your home, I would turn around and run a mile the other way.
You should also pile into the stocks, options, and LEAPS of housing stocks in any future market dip.
Global Market Comments
January 5, 2022
Fiat Lux
2022 Annual Asset Class Review
A Global Vision
Featured Trades:
(SPX), (QQQ), (XLF), (XLE), (XLY),
(TLT), (TBT), (JNK), (PHB), (HYG), (PCY), (MUB), (HCP)
(FXE), (EUO), (FXC), (FXA), (YCS), (FXY), (CYB)
(BHP), (FCX), (VALE), (AMLP), (USO), (UNG),
(GLD), (GDX), (SLV), (ITB), (LEN), (KBH), (PHM)
I am once again writing this report from a first-class sleeping cabin on Amtrak’s legendary California Zephyr.
By day, I have two comfortable seats facing each other next to a panoramic window. At night, they fold into two bunk beds, a single and a double. There is a shower, but only Houdini could navigate it.
I am anything but Houdini, so I go downstairs to use the larger public hot showers. They are divine.
We are now pulling away from Chicago’s Union Station, leaving its hurried commuters, buskers, panhandlers, and majestic great halls behind. I love this building as a monument to American exceptionalism.
I am headed for Emeryville, California, just across the bay from San Francisco, some 2,121.6 miles away. That gives me only 56 hours to complete this report.
I tip my porter, Raymond, $100 in advance to make sure everything goes well during the long adventure and to keep me up-to-date with the onboard gossip.
The rolling and pitching of the car is causing my fingers to dance all over the keyboard. Microsoft’s Spellchecker can catch most of the mistakes, but not all of them.
As both broadband and cell phone coverage are unavailable along most of the route, I have to rely on frenzied Internet searches during stops at major stations along the way to Google obscure data points and download the latest charts.
You know those cool maps in the Verizon stores that show the vast coverage of their cell phone networks? They are complete BS.
Who knew that 95% of America is off the grid? That explains so much about our country today.
I have posted many of my better photos from the trip below, although there is only so much you can do from a moving train and an iPhone 12X pro.
Here is the bottom line which I have been warning you about for months. In 2022, you are going to have to work twice as hard to earn half as much money with double the volatility.
It’s not that I’ve turned bearish. The cause of the next bear market, a recession, is at best years off. However, we are entering the third year of the greatest bull market of all time. Expectations have to be toned down and brought back to earth. Markets will no longer be so strong that they forgive all mistakes, even mine.
2022 will be a trading year. Play it right, and you will make a fortune. Get lazy and complacent and you’ll be lucky to get out with your skin still attached.
If you think I spend too much time absorbing conspiracy theories or fake news from the Internet, let me give you a list of the challenges I see financial markets are facing in the coming year:
The Ten Key Variables for 2022
1) How soon will the Omicron wave peak?
2) Will the end of the Fed’s quantitative easing knock the wind out of the bond market?
3) Will the Russians invade the Ukraine or just bluster as usual?
4) How much of a market diversion will the US midterm elections present?
5) Will technology stocks continue to dominate, or will domestic recovery, and value stocks take over for good?
6) Can the commodities boom get a second wind?
7) How long will the bull market for the US dollar continue?
8) Will the real estate boom continue, or are we headed for a crash?
9) Has international trade been permanently impaired or will it recover?
10) Is oil seeing a dead cat bounce or is this a sustainable recovery?
The Thumbnail Portfolio
Equities – buy dips
Bonds – sell rallies
Foreign Currencies – stand aside
Commodities – buy dips
Precious Metals – stand aside
Energy – stand aside
Real Estate – buy dips
Bitcoin – Buy dips
1) The Economy
What happens after a surprise variant takes Covid cases to new all-time highs, the Fed tightens, and inflation soars?
Covid cases go to zero, the Fed flip flops to an ease and inflation moderates to its historical norm of 3% annually.
It all adds up to a 5% US GDP growth in 2022, less than last year’s ballistic 7% rate, but still one of the hottest growth rates in history.
If Joe Biden’s build-back batter plan passes, even in diminished form, that could add another 1%.
Once the supply chain chaos resolves inflation will cool. But after everyone takes delivery of their over orders conditions could cool.
This sets up a Goldilocks economy that could go on for years: high growth, low inflation, and full employment. Help wanted signs will slowly start to disappear. A 3% handle on Headline Unemployment is within easy reach.
2) Equities (SPX), (QQQ), (IWM) (AAPL), (XLF), (BAC)
The weak of heart may want to just index and take a one-year cruise around the world instead in 2022 (here's the link for Cunard).
So here is the perfect 2022 for stocks. A 10% dive in the first half, followed by a rip-roaring 20% rally in the second half. This will be the year when a big rainy-day fund, i.e., a mountain of cash to spend at market bottoms, will be worth its weight in gold.
That will enable us to load up with LEAPS at the bottom and go 100% invested every month in H2.
That should net us a 50% profit or better in 2022, or about half of what we made last year.
Why am I so cautious?
Because for the first time in seven years we are going to have to trade with a headwind of rising interest rates. However, I don’t think rates will rise enough to kill off the bull market, just give traders a serious scare.
The barbell strategy will keep working. When rates rise, financials, the cheapest sector in the market, will prosper. When they fall, Big Tech will take over, but not as much as last year.
The main support for the market right now is very simple. The investors who fell victim to capitulation selling that took place at the end of November never got back in. Shrinking volume figures prove that. Their efforts to get back in during the new year could take the S&P 500 as high as $5,000 in January.
After that the trading becomes treacherous. Patience is a virtue, and you should only continue new longs when the Volatility Index (VIX) tops $30. If that means doing nothing for months so be it.
We had four 10% corrections in 2021. 2022 will be the year of the 10% correction.
Energy, Big Tech, and financials will be the top-performing sectors of 2022. Big Tech saw a 20% decline in multiples in 2022 and will deliver another 30% rise in earnings in 2022, so they should remain at the core of any portfolio.
It will be a stock pickers market. But so was 2021, with 51% of S&P 500 performance coming from just two stocks, Tesla (TSLA) and Alphabet (GOOGL).
However, they are already so over-owned that they are prone to dead periods as long as eight months, as we saw last year. That makes a multipronged strategy essential.
3) Bonds (TLT), (TBT), (JNK), (PHB), (HYG), (MUB), (LQD)
Amtrak needs to fill every seat in the dining car to get everyone fed on time, so you never know who you will share a table with for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
There was the Vietnam Vet Phantom Jet Pilot who now refused to fly because he was treated so badly at airports. A young couple desperately eloping from Omaha could only afford seats as far as Salt Lake City. After they sat up all night, I paid for their breakfast.
A retired British couple was circumnavigating the entire US in a month on a “See America Pass.” Mennonites are returning home by train because their religion forbade automobiles or airplanes.
The national debt ballooned to an eye-popping $30 trillion in 2021, a gain of an incredible $3 trillion and a post-World War II record. Yet, as long as global central banks are still flooding the money supply with trillions of dollars in liquidity, bonds will not fall in value too dramatically. I’m expecting a slow grind down in prices and up in yields.
The great bond short of 2021 never happened. Even though bonds delivered their worst returns in 19 years, they still remained nearly unchanged. That wasn’t good enough for the many hedge funds, which had to cover massive money-losing shorts into yearend.
Instead, the Great Bond Crash will become a 2022 business. This time, bonds face the gale force headwinds of three promised interest rates hikes. The year-end government bond auctions were a complete disaster.
Fed borrowing continues to balloon out of control. It’s just a matter of time before the last billion dollars in government borrowing breaks the camel’s back.
That makes a bond short a core position in any balanced portfolio. Don’t get lazy. Make sure you only sell a rally lest we get trapped in a range, as we did for most of 2021.
A Visit to the 19th Century
4) Foreign Currencies (FXE), (EUO), (FXC), (FXA), (YCS), (FXY), (CYB)
For the first time in ages, I did no foreign exchange trades last year. That is a good thing because I was wrong about the direction of the dollar for the entire year.
Sometimes, passing on bad trades is more important than finding good ones.
I focused on exploding US debt and trade deficits undermining the greenback and igniting inflation. The market focused on delta and omicron variants heralding new recessions. The market won.
The market won’t stay wrong forever. Just as bond crash is temporarily in a holding pattern, so is a dollar collapse. When it does occur, it will happen in a hurry.
5) Commodities (FCX), (VALE), (DBA)
The global synchronized economic recovery now in play can mean only one thing, and that is sustainably higher commodity prices.
The twin Covid variants put commodities on hold in 2021 because of recession fears. So did the Chinese real estate slowdown, the world’s largest consumer of hard commodities.
The heady days of the 2011 commodity bubble top are now in play. Investors are already front running that move, loading the boat with Freeport McMoRan (FCX), US Steel (X), and BHP Group (BHP).
Now that this sector is convinced of an eventual weak US dollar and higher inflation, it is once more the apple of traders’ eyes.
China will still demand prodigious amounts of imported commodities once again, but not as much as in the past. Much of the country has seen its infrastructure build out, and it is turning from a heavy industrial to a service-based economy, like the US. Investors are keeping a sharp eye on India as the next major commodity consumer.
And here’s another big new driver. Each electric vehicle requires 200 pounds of copper and production is expected to rise from 1 million units a year to 25 million by 2030. Annual copper production will have to increase 11-fold in a decade to accommodate this increase, no easy task, or prices will have to ride.
The great thing about commodities is that it takes a decade to bring new supply online, unlike stocks and bonds, which can merely be created by an entry in an excel spreadsheet. As a result, they always run far higher than you can imagine.
Accumulate commodities on dips.
6) Energy (DIG), (RIG), (USO), (DUG), (UNG), (USO), (XLE), (AMLP)
Energy may be the top-performing sector of 2022. But remember, you will be trading an asset class that is eventually on its way to zero.
However, you could have several doublings on the way to zero. This is one of those times.
The real tell here is that energy companies are drinking their own Kool-Aid. Instead of reinvesting profits back into their new exploration and development, as they have for the last century, they are paying out more in dividends.
There is the additional challenge in that the bulk of US investors, especially environmentally friendly ESG funds, are now banned from investing in legacy carbon-based stocks. That means permanently cheap valuations and shares prices for the energy industry.
Energy stocks are also massively under-owned, making them prone to rip-you-face-off short squeezes. Energy now counts for only 3% of the S&P 500. Twenty years ago it boasted a 15% weighting.
The gradual shut down of the industry makes the supply/demand situation more volatile. Therefore, we could top $100 a barrel for oil in 2022, dragging the stocks up kicking and screaming all the way.
Unless you are a seasoned, peripatetic, sleep-deprived trader, there are better fish to fry.
7) Precious Metals (GLD), (DGP), (SLV), (PPTL), (PALL)
The train has added extra engines at Denver, so now we may begin the long laboring climb up the Eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains.
On a steep curve, we pass along an antiquated freight train of hopper cars filled with large boulders.
The porter tells me this train is welded to the tracks to create a windbreak. Once, a gust howled out of the pass so swiftly, that it blew a passenger train over on its side.
In the snow-filled canyons, we saw a family of three moose, a huge herd of elk, and another group of wild mustangs. The engineer informs us that a rare bald eagle is flying along the left side of the train. It’s a good omen for the coming year.
We also see countless abandoned 19th century gold mines and the broken-down wooden trestles leading to them, relics of previous precious metals booms. So, it is timely here to speak about the future of precious metals.
Fortunately, when a trade isn’t working, I avoid it. That certainly was the case with gold last year.
2021 was a terrible year for precious metals. With inflation soaring, stocks volatile, and interest rates going nowhere, gold had every reason to rise. Instead, it fell for almost all of the entire year.
Bitcoin stole gold’s thunder, sucking in all of the speculative interest in the financial system. Jewelry and industrial demand was just not enough to keep gold afloat.
This will not be a permanent thing. Chart formations are starting to look encouraging, and they certainly win the price for a big laggard rotation. So, buy gold on dips if you have a stick of courage on you.
8) Real Estate (ITB), (LEN)
The majestic snow-covered Rocky Mountains are behind me. There is now a paucity of scenery, with the endless ocean of sagebrush and salt flats of Northern Nevada outside my window, so there is nothing else to do but write.
My apologies in advance to readers in Wells, Elko, Battle Mountain, and Winnemucca, Nevada.
It is a route long traversed by roving banks of Indians, itinerant fur traders, the Pony Express, my own immigrant forebearers in wagon trains, the transcontinental railroad, the Lincoln Highway, and finally US Interstate 80, which was built for the 1960 Winter Olympics at Squaw Valley.
Passing by shantytowns and the forlorn communities of the high desert, I am prompted to comment on the state of the US real estate market.
There is no doubt a long-term bull market in real estate will continue for another decade, although from here prices will appreciate at a 5%-10% slower rate.
There is a generational structural shortage of supply with housing which won’t come back into balance until the 2030s.
There are only three numbers you need to know in the housing market for the next 20 years: there are 80 million baby boomers, 65 million Generation Xer’s who follow them, and 86 million in the generation after that, the Millennials.
The boomers have been unloading dwellings to the Gen Xers since prices peaked in 2007. But there are not enough of the latter, and three decades of falling real incomes mean that they only earn a fraction of what their parents made. That’s what caused the financial crisis.
If they have prospered, banks won’t lend to them. Brokers used to say that their market was all about “location, location, location.” Now it is “financing, financing, financing.” Imminent deregulation is about to deep-six that problem.
There is a happy ending to this story.
Millennials now aged 26-44 are now the dominant buyers in the market. They are transitioning from 30% to 70% of all new buyers of homes.
The Great Millennial Migration to the suburbs and Middle America has just begun. Thanks to Zoom, many are never returning to the cities. So has the migration from the coast to the American heartland.
That’s why Boise, Idaho was the top-performing real estate market in 2021, followed by Phoenix, Arizona. Personally, I like Reno, Nevada, where Apple, Google, Amazon, and Tesla are building factories as fast as they can.
As a result, the price of single-family homes should rocket during the 2020s, as they did during the 1970s and the 1990s when similar demographic forces were at play.
This will happen in the context of a coming labor shortfall, soaring wages, and rising standards of living.
Rising rents are accelerating this trend. Renters now pay 35% of their gross income, compared to only 18% for owners, and less, when multiple deductions and tax subsidies are taken into account. Rents are now rising faster than home prices.
Remember, too, that the US will not have built any new houses in large numbers in 13 years. The 50% of small home builders that went under during the crash aren’t building new homes today.
We are still operating at only a half of the peak rate. Thanks to the Great Recession, the construction of five million new homes has gone missing in action.
That makes a home purchase now particularly attractive for the long term, to live in, and not to speculate with.
You will boast to your grandchildren how little you paid for your house, as my grandparents once did to me ($3,000 for a four-bedroom brownstone in Brooklyn in 1922), or I do to my kids ($180,000 for a two-bedroom Upper East Side Manhattan high rise with a great view of the Empire State Building in 1983).
That means the major homebuilders like Lennar (LEN), Pulte Homes (PHM), and KB Homes (KBH) are a buy on the dip.
Quite honestly, of all the asset classes mentioned in this report, purchasing your abode is probably the single best investment you can make now. It’s also a great inflation play.
If you borrow at a 3.0% 30-year fixed rate, and the long-term inflation rate is 3%, then, over time, you will get your house for free.
How hard is that to figure out? That math degree from UCLA is certainly earning its keep.
9) Bitcoin
It’s not often that new asset classes are made out of whole cloth. That is what happened with Bitcoin, which, in 2021, became a core holding of many big institutional investors.
But get used to the volatility. After doubling in three months, Bitcoin gave up all its gains by year-end. You have to either trade Bitcoin like a demon or keep your positions so small you can sleep at night.
By the way, right now is a good place to establish a new position in Bitcoin.
10) Postscript
We have pulled into the station at Truckee in the midst of a howling blizzard.
My loyal staff has made the ten-mile trek from my beachfront estate at Incline Village to welcome me to California with a couple of hot breakfast burritos and a chilled bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne, which has been resting in a nearby snowbank. I am thankfully spared from taking my last meal with Amtrak.
After that, it was over legendary Donner Pass, and then all downhill from the Sierras, across the Central Valley, and into the Sacramento River Delta.
Well, that’s all for now. We’ve just passed what was left of the Pacific mothball fleet moored near the Benicia Bridge (2,000 ships down to six in 50 years). The pressure increase caused by a 7,200-foot descent from Donner Pass has crushed my plastic water bottle. Nice science experiment!
The Golden Gate Bridge and the soaring spire of Salesforce Tower are just around the next bend across San Francisco Bay.
A storm has blown through, leaving the air crystal clear and the bay as flat as glass. It is time for me to unplug my Macbook Pro and iPhone 13 Pro, pick up my various adapters, and pack up.
We arrive in Emeryville 45 minutes early. With any luck, I can squeeze in a ten-mile night hike up Grizzly Peak and still get home in time to watch the ball drop in New York’s Times Square on TV.
I reach the ridge just in time to catch a spectacular pastel sunset over the Pacific Ocean. The omens are there. It is going to be another good year.
I’ll shoot you a Trade Alert whenever I see a window open at a sweet spot on any of the dozens of trades described above.
Good luck and good trading in 2022!
John Thomas
The Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Global Market Comments
May 28, 2021
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(SPY), (DIS), (AMZN), (FCX), (X), (PLTR), (FXE), (FXA), (TLT), (TBT), (AMC), (GME), (ZM), (DAL), (AXP), (LEN), (TOL), (KBH), (DOCO), (ZM), (TSLA), (NVDA), (ROM)
Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the May 26 Mad Hedge Fund Trader Global Strategy Webinar broadcast from Lake Tahoe, NV.
Q: Do you expect a longer pullback for the (SPY) through the summer and into the last quarter?
A: No, this market is chomping at the bit and go up and won’t do any more than a 5% correction. We’ve already tested this pullback twice. We could stay in this 5% range for a few more weeks or months, but no longer. If we make it to August before we take off to the upside, that would be a miracle. It seems to want to break out right now and if you look at the tech stocks charts you can see what I'm talking about.
Q: Why do day orders with spreads not good ‘til canceled (GTC)?
A: Actually, you can do good ‘til canceled on these spreads, it just depends on how your platform is set up. Good ‘til canceled won't hurt you—only if we get a sudden reversal on a stop out which has only happened four times this year.
Q: Disney (DIS) seems to be struggling to get back over $180; am I still safe with my January 2023 $250 LEAPS?
A: Yes, out to 2023 we’ll have two summers until those expire, so those look pretty good—that's a pretty aggressive trade, and I’m betting you’re looking at a 500% profit on those LEAPS. And by the way, I always urge people to go out long on these LEAPS, because the second year is almost free when you check the pricing. So, take the gift and that will also greatly reduce your risk. We could have a whole recession and recovery, and still have those LEAPS make it to $250 in Disney.
Q: Should I add to Freeport McMoRan (FCX)?
A: (FCX) I would not add—in fact, I would have a stop loss if we closed below $40 on (FCX) if you’re a short-term trader. There is a slowdown in the Chinese economy going on as well as a clampdown on commodity speculation. This has affected the whole base metal space, including steel and palladium. If you have the long-term LEAPS, keep them, because I think (FCX) doubles from here. The whole “green revolution story” is still good.
Q: Do you think the United States Treasury Bond Fund (TLT) is going up?
A: No, I think the (TLT) has been going down. I've been buying puts spreads like crazy, and I have a huge chunk of my own retirement fund in long-dated (TLT) LEAPS, so I am praying it will go down. We’ll talk about that when we get to the bond section.
Q: Prospects for U.S. Steel (X)?
A: It’s tied in with the whole rest of the base commodity complex—I think it is due for a rest after a terrific run, which is why I have such tight stop losses on Freeport McMoRan (FCX).
Q: Do you buy the “transitory” explanation for the hot inflation read two weeks ago that the Fed is handing out, or do you think inflation is bad and here to stay?
A: I go with the transitory argument because you’re getting a lot of one-time-only price rises off of the bottom a year ago when the economy completely shut down. Once those price rises work through the system, the inflation rate should go from 4.2% back down to 2% or so. So, I don't see inflation as a risk, which is why I think the stock markets can reach my 30% up target this year. You may get another hot month as the year-on-year comparisons are enormous. But betting on inflation is betting on the reversal of a 40-year trend, which usually doesn’t work out so well.
Q: On your spread trade alerts can we buy less than 25 contracts?
A: You can buy one contract. In fact, I recommend people start with one contract and test out where the real market is. Put a bid for one contract in the middle of the market, and if it doesn’t get done, raise your bid 5 cents, and eventually, your order gets done. Then you can add more if you want to. I always recommend this even for people who buy thousands of contracts, that they test the market with one contract order just to make sure the market is actually there.
Q: Can you recommend a LEAPS for Amazon (AMZN)?
A: The Amazon LEAPS spread is the January 2022 $3150-3300 vertical call debit spread going out 8 months.
Q: When you short the (TLT), how do you do it?
A: I do vertical bear put debit spreads. I buy a near-money put and sell short and an out-of-the-money put so I can reduce the cost, and therefore triple my size. This strategy triples the leverage on the most likely part of the stock move to take place, which is the at the money. For example, a great one to buy here would be a January 2021 (TLT) $135/140 vertical bear put debit spread where you’re buying the $140 and selling short the $135. The potential 8-month profit on this is around 100%. You’ll make far more money on that kind of trade than you ever would just buying puts outright. Some 80% of the time the single option trades expire worthless. You don’t want to become one of those worthless people.
Q: What’s your best idea for avoiding a U.S. Dollar drop?
A: Buy the Invesco Currency Shares Euro Trust (FXE) or buy the Invesco Currency Shares Australian Dollar Trust Trust (FXA), the Australian Dollar to hedge some of your US Dollar risk. The Australian dollar is basically a call option on a global economic recovery.
Q: I’m a new subscriber, but I don’t get all the recommendations that you mention.
A: Please email customer support at , tell them you’re not getting trade alerts, and she'll set you up. We have to get you into a different app in order for you to get all those alerts.
Q: How about the ProShares UltraShort 20 Year Treasury ETF (TBT)—is that a bet on declining (TLT)?
A: Absolutely yes, that is a great bet and we’re at a great entry point right now on the (TBT) so that is something I would start scaling into today.
Q: Do you still like Palantir (PLTR)?
A: Yes, but the reason I haven't been pushing it is because the CEO says he could care less about the stock market, and when the CEO says that it tends to be a drag on the stock. Palantir has an easy double or triple on it on a three-year view though. However, small tech has been out of favor since February as it is overpriced.
Q: How far down can the (TLT) go in the next 30 days?
A: It could go down to $135 and maybe $132 on an extreme move, especially if we get another hot CPI read on June 10. However, if you hear the word “taper” from a Fed official, then you’re looking at high $120’s in days.
Q: With the TLT going up, why have you not sent out an alert to double up on put spreads?
A: I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist since I’m a scientist and an engineer, so I’m hanging on for an absolute top to prove itself and start on the way down. On the shorts, I like selling them on the way down, and buying my longs on the way up, because there are always surprises, there’s always the unknown, and heaven forbid, I might actually be wrong sometimes! So, I’m still waiting on this one. And we do already have one position that is fairly close to the money now, the June 2021 $141-144 vertical bear put debit spread, so I don't want to double up on that until we have a reversal in the intermediate term trend.
Q: I see GameStop (GME) is spiking again now up to $230—should I get in for a short-term profit?
A: No. With these meme stocks, the trading is totally random. If anything, I would be selling short, but I would do it in a limited risk way by buying a put spread. However, the implied volatility in the options on these meme stocks are so high that it's almost impossible to make any money on options; you’re paying enormous amounts of money up front, so that's my opinion on GameStop and on AMC Entertainment Holdings (AMC), the other big meme stock.
Q: Will business travel come back after the world is vaccinated?
A: Absolutely. Companies don't want to send people on the road, but customers will demand it. All you need is one competitor to land an order because they visited the customer instead of doing a Zoom (ZM) meeting, and all of a sudden business travel will come roaring back. So that's why I was dabbling in Delta Airlines (DAL) and that's why I like American Express (AXP), where 8% of transactions are for first class airline tickets.
Q: As the work-from-home economy stops and workers go back to the office, do you see a 10% correction in the housing market?
A: Actually, in the housing market with real houses, I don't see prices dropping for years, because 30% of the people who went home to work are staying there for good—that the trend out of the cities into the hinterlands is a long-term trend that will continue for decades, now that Zoom has freed us of the obligations to commute and be near big cities. And of course, I’m a classic example of that; I've been working either in my basement in San Francisco or at Lake Tahoe for the last 14 years. Housing stocks on the other hand like Lennar (LEN), Toll Brothers (TOL) and KB Home (KBH) have had a tremendous run and are basically out of homes. Could they have a 10% correction at any time? Absolutely, yes.
Q: Should I avoid buying dips in last year's work-from-home stocks?
A: Yes I would. DocuSign (DOCO) and Zoom (ZM) are the two best ones because they were both up 12X from their lows, and I tend not to chase things that are up 12X unless they are a Tesla (TSLA) or an Nvidia (NVDA) or something like that. In the end, Tesla went up 295 times.
Q: Are you looking at the carbon credits market?
A: No, but I probably should. That market shut down last year. It’s alive again, and it looks like it's growing like crazy.
Q: What’s the ideal volatility for individual options? What do you use to compare?
A: Always look at the implied volatility of the option compared to the realized volatility of the underlying stock; and when the difference gets too big, you get ideal conditions for putting on call and put spreads, which take advantage of this. These are almost volatility neutral because you’re long on one batch of volatility and short on the other.
Q: Is it too late to get involved in the ProShares Ultra Technology ETF (ROM), the 2X long ETF in a spread?
A: The November 2021 $121-125 vertical bull call spread, the farthest expiration you can get for the (ROM), was kind of aggressive—I would go closer to the money. We’re right around mid $80s right now, so maybe do a January 2022 $95-100, and even that will get you something like a 400% gain by November.
To watch a replay of this webinar with all the charts, bells, whistles, and classic rock music, just log in to go to MY ACCOUNT, click on GLOBAL TRADING DISPATCH (or Tech Letter as the case may be), then WEBINARS, and all the webinars from the last ten years are there in all their glory.
Good Luck and Stay Healthy.
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Summit of Mount Rose at 10,778 feet with Lake Tahoe on the Right
Global Market Comments
March 16, 2021
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(LEN), (PHM), (KBH)
Global Market Comments
January 26, 2021
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(DHI), (LEN), (PHM), (ITB)
Lately, I have been getting a lot of calls from concerned readers worried that we might be going into another 2008-2011 style real estate crash, when home prices cratered by 50%-70%, once the pandemic ends.
It’s not going to happen and there are a dozen reasons why. Worst case, I expect a short, shallow pause in the market, followed by a ballistic move to new all-time highs.
If you had any doubt, look no further than the superheated bond market which took interest rates to new all-time lows, sparking a refi boom in the process.
You see, there is a method to my madness.
Apple (AAPL) is planning on building a second new research and development campus that will need 20,000 new high-tech workers. Google (GOOGL) plans to spend $13 billion on real estate acquisitions, and Amazon (AMZN) just flushed out of New York, will move those 25,000 jobs to more hospitable climates.
It is all fresh fuel for a continuation in the bull market for US residential real estate, not just for this year, but for another decade, or more. More high paying jobs means more big spending home buyers.
Although prices seem high now, I am convinced that we are only at the beginning of a long-term secular bull market in housing. If you don’t believe me, check out the sky-high prices in Shanghai, Vancouver, and Sydney Australia.
Anything you purchase now is going to make you look like a genius ten years down the road.
The best is yet to come.
The big driver will be demographics, of course.
From 2022 onward, 65 million Gen Xers will be joined by 85 million late-blooming Millennials in a bidding war for the same houses. That will create a market of 150 million buyers, unprecedented in the history of the American real estate market.
In the meantime, 80 million baby boomers, net sellers, and downsizers of homes for the past decade will slowly die off and disappear from the scene as a negative influence. Only one-third are still working.
The first boomer, Kathleen Casey-Kirschling, born seconds after midnight on January 1, 1946, just turned 75 years old. A former schoolteacher, she took early retirement at 62.
The real fat on the fire here is that 10 million homes went missing in action this decade, thanks to the financial crisis. They were never built.
This is the result of the bankruptcy of several homebuilding companies and the new-found ultra-conservatism of the survivors, like DR Horton (DHI), Lennar Homes (LEN), and Pulte Group (PHM).
Did I mention that all of this makes this sector a screaming “BUY”?
Talk to any real estate agent and they will complain about the shortage of inventory (except in Chicago, the slowest growing market in the country).
Prices are so high already that flippers have been squeezed out of the market for good. Bottom feeders, like hedge funds buying at the bankruptcy auctions, are a distant memory. Some, like BlackRock (BLK), now own more than 40,000 homes and are the biggest landlords in the county.
And let’s face it, ultra-low interest rates aren’t going to be here forever. Borrow at 3.0% today against a long-term 3.0% inflation rate, and you are essentially getting your house for free.
The rising rents that are turning Millennials from renters to buyers may be the first sign of real inflation beyond the increasingly dear healthcare and higher education that we’re are already seeing.
And Millennials are having kids that demand a bigger living space! Who knew?
Have I Got a Fixer-Upper for You!
Global Market Comments
October 2, 2020
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(NVDA), (AMD), (JPM), (DIS), (GM), (TSLA), (NKLA),
(TLT), (NFLX), (PLTR), (VIX), (PHM), (LEN), (KBH), (FXA), (GLD)
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