Super Micro Computers (SMCI) could be a legitimate dark horse in this race to AI supremacy.
They are the meat of the whole operation.
This is an upstart company from California who really knows their stuff about computer infrastructure.
Although they are no Nvidia, they do pack a punch and its share price has exploded higher as the company has been buoyed by both excellent quarterly results and an even better forecast for the full year.
Institutional interest is also gaining steam as the stock continues to be bid up to higher highs.
It’s proving itself, along with Nvidia, to be one of the cleanest stock plays on the AI theme.
Shares of SMCI were languishing lower than $20 per share in 2019.
Fast forward to today and underlying shares are sitting pretty at $750 per share.
Nvidia and Supermicro are somewhat correlated.
Nvidia’s high-performance chips are essential for the AI revolution, they need cutting-edge data infrastructure and that’s how Supermicro’s slots in nicely.
SMCI takes an innovative, customized, and flexible approach to meet customers’ computing needs – which has made it the choice of heavyweight clients like Meta and Amazon. SMCI supplies in rapid time, and the uber-complicated tech behind these centers, which needs servers, networks, and cloud storage solutions to function.
The company also uses a liquid cooling technique to manage the temperature of its multi-rack servers in a more energy-efficient way.
By the end of September, research firm IDC estimated that Supermicro had become the fourth-biggest server provider in the world, ahead of Lenovo.
And, sure, Dell and Hewlett Packard Enterprise are the leaders, but their revenue growth has been falling while Supermicro’s is muscling up at a double-digit pace, making it a leader in the higher-priced and higher-margin AI server market.
In its latest earnings report, SMCI announced revenues of $3.66 billion, a 133% increase from the year-earlier period, and predicted sales of at least $14.3 billion in 2024.
Supermicro’s leadership will not stay inert.
They are partnering with Nvidia, AMD, and Intel – the three biggest AI chip suppliers – on next-generation AI designs. So its customers will likely include all the big AI spenders like Meta, Amazon, Apple, and Tesla.
SMCI is forecasted to bust out an EPS growth rate of 31% moving forward.
The key risk ahead is that Dell and maybe even Hewlett Packard Enterprise might compete again with Supermicro’s capability in data centers and put its operating margins under pressure.
That could undermine the company’s profit outlook, especially if overall demand growth for data centers wavers.
The stock is expensive even to the point where short-term technical indicators have shown the stock to be overbought for the past 3 weeks.
In fact, the stock was sitting at $300 per share on January 18th and the parabolic trajectory has meant that the stock has more than doubled in the past few weeks.
Readers need to let this stock drop and any medium-sized pullback just be bought with two hands.
These types of premium AI stocks are hard to find optimal entry points which could mean a long wait time. 14:02:172024-02-09 14:56:08The New Hot A.I. Stock
I remember back in 1990 when I was first starting my hedge fund in London England, one of the very first. I hired two Ph.D.’s in Mathematics from Cambridge University, and we started inventing one the first purely quantitative approaches to the stock market. We were playing around with statistical probability arbitrage and Monte Carlo simulations, things like that.
One day, one of my guys said he needed to buy a software patch from a company in Los Angeles. I said “Sure" thinking we could pay up and overnight some floppy discs via a new company called Federal Express (FDX). He said no need, he could simply download them.
I said what?!
Andrew proceeded to connect to the Internet with our screechy landline modem and pay for the software with my American Express card. I watched in utter amazement as the time bar turned green and we got our patch.
I thought “Holly Smokes!”
I immediately realized that this technology was going to change the global economy beyond all recognition and send the stock market soaring. I also realized that I had to move my company out of our leafy West London neighborhood to the peach orchards of Silicon Valley as soon as possible to get in on the ground floor. I did this over a weekend care of, you guessed it, Federal Express. Thank goodness my guys were single.
I then called the Head of Research at Normura Securities in Tokyo and informed him of the incredible power of the Internet, and that in five years, Normura would distribute all of its research online, completely eliminating paper. He said I was out of my mind. I was wrong. In the end, it took Nomura ten years to move to online-only research, vastly improving the profitability of the company.
Over the last month, I have realized that we are seeing a repeat of that magical1990 “aha” moment. We are only one year into Dotcom Bubble Part II, which has several more years to run. Remember when Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan warned of “irrational exuberance” in December 1996? Technology stocks rocketed for 3 ½ more years, wiping out several hedge funds on the short side along the way.
Think of it as 1997 again. Now, if I can only get my 1997 hair back!
Need any further convincing? Today, graphics card maker NVIDIA (NVDA) is selling at a forward multiple of 20X earnings. In 2000, this type of stock (Cisco Systems, Yahoo, Dell Computer) was selling for 100 times earnings. Add a 2X multiple expansion and a 5X multiple expansion and you get a 10X growth in the lead stock prices in coming years.
The net, net of all this is that the most expensive stocks in the market are not really expensive, but the cheapest. Overbought? Technically insane? Doubled in a year?
Buy em!
For AI, five will continue dominating the market for the foreseeable future. The top five AI stocks are showing an average 60% profit gain in Q1. The remaining S&P 494 are showing a 10% loss. It is a 1990s Dotcom Bubble repeat in miniature. These stocks have gained $5 trillion in market value in only three months, and there is more to come.
What are these companies doing right? They developed the greatest new income streams in history, while at the same time carrying out the most ferocious cost-cutting efforts. The effect on profits is astronomical. It’s like they spent the last 10-40 years preparing for this one moment. Look no further than Meta (META), which cut staff from 87,000 to 67,000, tripling net income to $14 billion, and doubling the share price.
It will be a recurring story.
On a completely different topic, hedge funds are pouring into India once again as the next China. It has the world’s best demographic curve, with an average age of only 20 years old, meaning that in 20 years it will have the most big spending consumers. It has the world’s fastest-growing Services PMI. It is also the most populous country in the world, topping 1.4 billion, exceeding China.
Apple (AAPL), Tesla (TSLA), and many other Western companies are looking to expand there. You always follow direct investment as the head of JP Morgan’s investment division once told me. Buy the (INDA) and the (INDY).
So far in February, we are up +2.04%. My 2024 year-to-date performance is also at -2.24%.The S&P 500 (SPY) is up +5.10%so far in 2024. My trailing one-year return reached +60.43% versus +20.48%for the S&P 500.
That brings my 16-year total return to +674.39%. My average annualized return has recovered to +51.21%.
Some 63 of my 70 trades last year were profitable in 2023.
I am maintaining longs in (MSFT), (AMZN), (V), (PANW), and (CCJ).
The Fed Turns Dovish, with all members expecting the next move to be a rate cut. It’s just a matter of how much, and how soon, but March was taken off the table. All bearish content from the Fed statement was removed. A classic “Buy the rumor, sell the news type of move. Look for a multi-week to one-month correction in tech, then a new rally.
US Treasury Borrowing to Hit $760 Billion in Q1, some $55 billion less than expected. Q2 then drops to only $202 billion. Bonds rallied on the good news. Buy (TLT) on dips.
S&P Case Shiller National Home Price Index Falls, in November for the first time in nine months. Detroit reported the highest year-over-year gain among the 20 cities, with prices rising 8.2% in November, followed again by San Diego with an 8% increase. Seattle and San Francisco reported the largest monthly declines, falling 1.4% and 1.3%, respectively. This was back when mortgage rates were peaking at 8.0%.
Saudi Arabia Cuts Oil Production Targets, cratering prices and destroying the entire energy sector. Lack of demand, especially from China, is the reason. New US output is fuel on the fire. Production will be throttled back a million barrels to 12 million barrels a day as a long-term goal. It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people.
Microsoft Beats estimates the steady growth of its Azure cloud business, but the shares dropped. Revenue in the second quarter, which ended Dec. 31, rose 18% to $62 billion, while profit was $2.93 a share, the company said in a statement Tuesday. Azure cloud-services sales gained 30%. Buy (MSFT) on dips.
Biden to Announce Massive Chip Subsidies, to head off a coming shortage driven by AI. The coming announcements are aimed at kick-starting the manufacturing of advanced semiconductors that power smartphones, artificial intelligence, and weapons systems. The $43.5 billion to be spent also has national security implications in moving semiconductor manufacturing from China back to the US. Buy all semiconductor plays. It’s free money for them.
It's the 16th Year Anniversary of the Mad Hedge Fund Trader, and what a long and winding road it has been. Going into the 2008 crash, several investors pulled out of a new hedge fund I was starting because of cash calls so I decided to go into the newsletter business instead. Thanks for your 16 years of your support. We now publish 24 newsletters a week and run summits every three months with a global staff of 15.
My Ten-Year View
When we come out the other side of any recession, we will be perfectly poised to launch into my new American Golden Age or the next Roaring Twenties. The economy decarbonizing and technology hyper accelerating, creating enormous investment opportunities. The Dow Average will rise by 800% to 240,000 or more in the coming decade. The new America will be far more efficient and profitable than the old.
Dow 240,000 here we come!
On Monday, February 5, at 8:30 AM EST, the ISM Services PMI is announced.
On Tuesday, February 6 at 8:30 AM,the Total Household Debt is released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
On Wednesday, February 7 at 2:00 PM, the US Imports and Exports are published. We also get the latest car data.
On Thursday, February 8 at 8:30 AM, the Weekly Jobless Claims are announced.
On Friday, February 9 at 2:00 PM the Baker Hughes Rig Count is printed.
As for me, I’ll never forget when my friend, Don Kagin, one of the world’s top dealers in rare coins, walked into my gym one day and announced that he made $1 million that morning.I enquired “How is that, pray tell?”
He told me that he was an investor and technical consultant to a venture hoping to discover the long-lost USS Central America, which sunk in a storm off the Atlantic Coast in 1857, heavily laden with gold from the California gold fields. He just received an excited call that the wreck had been found in deep water off the US east coast.
I learned the other day that Don had scored another bonanza in the rare coins business. He had sold his 1787 Brasher Doubloon for $7.4 million. The price was slightly short of the $7.6 million that a 1933 American $20 gold eagle sold for in 2002.
The Brasher $15 doubloon has long been considered the rarest coin in the United States. Ephraim Brasher, a New York City neighbor of George Washington, was hired to mint the first dollar-denominated coins issued by the new republic.
Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton was so impressed with his work that he appointed Brasher as the official American assayer. The coin is now so famous that it is featured in a Raymond Chandler novel where the tough private detective, Phillip Marlowe, attempts to recover the stolen coin. The book was made into a 1947 movie, “The Brasher Doubloon,” starring George Montgomery.
This is not the first time that Don has had a profitable experience with this numismatic treasure. He originally bought it in 1989 for under $1 million and has made several round trips since then. The real mystery is who bought it last? Don wouldn’t say, only hinting that it was a big New York hedge fund manager who adores the barbarous relic. He hopes the coin will eventually be placed in a public museum. In 2021, the Brasher Doubloon sold at auction for $9.36 million.
Mad Hedge followers should start paying more attention to gold which I believe just entered another decade-long bull market, thanks to falling US interest rates. You can’t go wrong buying LEAPS in the top two miners, Barrack Gold (GOLD) and Newmont Mining (NEM).
Who says the rich aren’t getting richer?
Good Luck and Good Trading,
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader 09:02:542024-02-05 11:35:37The Market Outlook for the Week Ahead, or Welcome to Dotcom Bubble Part II
Inflation is dramatically falling, with Core PCE down to an amazing 2.6% YOY rate in December. At the same time, GDP growth came in at an incredible 3.3% in Q4 and 2.5% for all of 2023. The long-term average is 3.0%. It’s about as close to a Goldilocks scenario as we’ll ever get.
The problem arises when the economy gets TOO healthy right when the Fed is considering its first interest rate CUTS in four years. That could lead our nation’s central bank to postpone cuts or not to announce them at all.
That would suddenly put the three-month-old bull market on ice, perhaps indefinitely, which has given us one of the worst whipsaw markets I have ever seen. Sector leadership has changed three times so far in 2024. First, there was the AI 5, (MSFT), (META), (GOOGL), (AMZN), and (NVDA). Next came stocks that benefit the most from falling interest rates, financials, precious metals, base metals, industrials, bonds, and foreign currencies.
To say this would be a tough market to trade would be an understatement, evidenced by my multiple stop losses this month. The remedy for this is to shrink your portfolio, sit back, and wait for the market to tell you what to do. I have to say that with the Volatility Index ($VIX) camped out at the $12 handle, options are not offering a lot for you to chew on either.
If you are looking for any further proof that technology is accelerating far faster than we can understand, I shall recall for your edification my last weekend.
After my youngest went off to college, I had to get her headboard refinished because she spent two years in bed looking at her computer while enrolled in high school during COVID-19. She had completely worn the finish off but got all A’s.
So I went to Yelp to look for a furniture restoration business. I clicked on one restorer who had good reviews and lots of pictures, described the job, and included pictures. Within 60 seconds, I received not one bid for the job but four, as Yelp had put the job out for bid across its entire network. One offered to do the job the next day for $100.
Learning how easy it is to refinish furniture, I put a second job out for bid, a small beat-up desk which I picked up at an estate sale for $20. I learned that this was a 100-year-old Craftsman desk highly sought after by collectors worth $2,500. Absolutely, yes, it was worth the $750 cost of a total stripped-down restoration.
I’m thinking “poor furniture restorers”, but what they are losing in the price, they make up in volume. Their craft is in fact a dying one and they can charge whatever they want.
And now you know why I go to estate sales.
What kind of homework is my daughter getting these days? As a Computer Science major at the University of California, she was handed a box of calculators smashed with a hammer. Over a weekend, she was required to invent a tool that identified the good chips from the bad, write code to reprogram the chips, and then glue the good calculators back together.
By Sunday afternoon she had a box full of working but somewhat ugly calculators, thanks to my donation of Gorilla Glue. And this for a sophomore! Needless to say, I didn’t see much of my daughter last weekend, except when she came downstairs to do her laundry.
Next week, they have to fix cell phones.
Gulp! I doubt I could even get into the UC today, even though I graduated Magna Cum Laude 50 years ago. Such is life with college students.
Watch out! The future is happening fast!
So far in January, we are down -4.33%. My 2024 year-to-date performance is also at -4.33%.The S&P 500 (SPY) is up +1.14%so far in 2024. My trailing one-year return reached +54.54% versus +21.14%for the S&P 500.
That brings my 15-year total return to +672.30%. My average annualized return has retreated to +51.06%.
Some 63 of my 70 trades last year were profitable in 2023.
I am maintaining longs in (MSFT), (AMZN), (V), (PANW), and (CCJ).
US GDP Rocketed by 2.5% in 2023, cementing its position as the strongest major economy in the world. Q4 came in at a hot 3.3%. We’re going from soft landing to no landing at all. Unfortunately, the report also put our bond trade to sleep.
Inflation Falls, with the Core PCE index easing to 2.9% last month, the lowest since 2021. That’s in the face of consumer spending posting the biggest back-to-back increase in nearly a year. This is very positive for bond bulls. Buy (TLT) LEAPS on dips.
The Roaring Twenties are Back, says investment guru and old friend Ed Yardeni. He draws parallels with the runaway stock prices that followed the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, which killed millions. Of course, you had a 10:1 margin during the twenties which made speculation much easier. Are same-day options any worse?
New Homes Sales Recover, on a falling interest rate push, up 8.0% to 664,000. Sales, however, can be volatile on a month-to-month basis. Sales increased 4.4% on a year-on-year basis in December.
Netflix Soars on Big Subscriber Beat, up 8.6% on an add of 13 million new subscribers. It moved solidly into more sports content with the World Wrestling Entertainment deal. Buy (NFLX) on dips, which clearly won the streaming wars. I can’t get enough of The Rock, who is a genuinely nice guy.
Microsoft Tops $3 Trillion Valuation, cementing its hold on the AI lead. (MSFT) has been a top Mad hedge holding for years which we are currently long. Buy (MSFT) on dips which may have another $100 in it this year.
Freeport McMoRan Kills it, with an earnings upside blowout, taking the stock up 5%. CEO Richard Adkerson, a long-time Mad Hedge subscriber, says any problems are short-term. Political problems in Chile and Peru are an issue, which generates 40% of the world’s copper. Electrification of the US economy will continue to be a driving theme.
Mortgage Rates Plunge to 8-Month Low. The average fixed-rate 30-year mortgage fell to 6.60% as of Thursday from 6.66% the week prior, Freddie Mac said in its weekly report on home loan borrowing costs. The next Golden Age of Housing is here.
China Markets Dive, on news that the central bank was forced into the currency markets to support the yuan. Stock markets didn’t like it a bit, down 2.7% on the day. Overseas funds have sold roughly $1.6 billion in Chinese equities so far this year, with investor confidence bruised by signs of a slowdown in the world's second-largest economy. Offshore yuan tomorrow-next forwards jumped to a more than two-month high of 4.25 points late on Monday, reflecting signs of tighter liquidity conditions. Avoid China (FXI) like some stale egg foo young.
“Oppenheimer” Sweeps the Oscars, with a record 13 nominations. It’s a movie where I knew half the characters in real life from my work at the Nuclear Test site in Nevada. It was another opportunity to discuss advanced nuclear physics over dinner with my kids. Click here for the full list. The winners will be announced on March 10.
My Ten-Year View
When we come out the other side of the recession, we will be perfectly poised to launch into my new American Golden Age or the next Roaring Twenties. The economy decarbonizing and technology hyper accelerating, creating enormous investment opportunities. The Dow Average will rise by 800% to 240,000 or more in the coming decade. The new America will be far more efficient and profitable than the old.
Dow 240,000 here we come!
On Monday, January 29, the Dallas Fed Manufacturing Index was announced.
On Tuesday, January 30 at 8:30 AM EST,the S&P Case Shiller National Home Price Index is released. We also get the JOLTS Job Openings Report.
On Wednesday, January 31 at 2:00 PM, the ADP Private Jobs Opening Report is published. The Federal Reserve announces its interest rate decision.
On Thursday, February 1 at 8:30 AM, the Weekly Jobless Claims are announced.
On Friday, February 2 at 2:30 PM, the December Nonfarm Payroll Report and Unemployment Rate is published. At 2:00 PM the Baker Hughes Rig Count is printed.
As for me, I received calls from six readers last week saying I remind them of Ernest Hemingway. This, no doubt, was the result of Ken Burns’ excellent documentary about the Nobel prize-winning writer on PBS last week.
It is no accident.
My grandfather drove for the Italian Red Cross on the Alpine front during WWI, where Hemingway got his start, so we had a connection right there.
Since I read Hemingway’s books in my mid-teens I decided I wanted to be him and became a war correspondent. In those days, you traveled by ship a lot, leaving ample time to finish off his complete work.
I visited his homes in Key West, Florida, and Ketchum, Idaho. His Cuban residence is high on my list, now that Castro is gone. His home in Cuba is on the menu.
I used to stay in the Hemingway Suite at the Ritz Hotel on Place Vendome in Paris where he lived during WWII. I had drinks at the Hemingway Bar downstairs where war correspondent Ernest shot a German colonel in the face at point-blank range. I still have the ashtrays.
Harry’s Bar in Venice, a Hemingway favorite, was a regular stopping-off point for me. I have those ashtrays too.
I even dated his granddaughter from his first wife, Hadley, the movie star Mariel Hemingway, before she got married, and when she was still being pursued by Robert de Niro and Woody Allen. Some genes skip generations and she was a dead ringer for her grandfather. She was the only Playboy centerfold I ever went out with. We still keep in touch.
So, I’ll spend the weekend watching Farewell to Arms….again, after I finish my writing.
Oh, and if you visit the Ritz Hotel today, you’ll find the ashtrays are now glued to the tables.
As for last summer, stayed in the Hemingway suite at the Hotel Post in Cortina d’Ampezzo Italy where he stayed in the 1950s to finish a book. Maybe some inspiration will rub off on me.
Good Luck and Good Trading,
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader 09:02:312024-01-29 10:29:05The Market Outlook for the Week Ahead, or Too Much of a Good Thing?
Chip stocks have been the talk of the town in the tech world.
It’s hard not to notice as stock valuations skyrocket.
These aren’t normal times anymore.
A secular trend that could be the biggest we have seen for a generation is taking hold.
That trend today is AI, and this 800-pound gorilla in the room is causing institutional money to pour into the chips that will help AI and the top firm is clearly Nvidia (NVDA).
After NVDA, there is a solid group of others like AMD, but even after that, there is still more ammo left in the shotgun.
Investors could look at an intriguing name - something like Western Digital (WDC).
WDC has a $19 billion valuation and in the long term future could be considered a bargain looking back.
Its earnings weren’t great with another quarter of decelerating revenue.
Western Digital (WDC) reported a narrower-than-expected loss for its December quarter, with revenue just squeaking past expectations.
The business model has been affected due to the impact of structural changes the company implemented in its flash and HDD businesses.
Last quarter, the company said it would spin off its flash memory business, which has been grappling with a supply glut after talks of merging the unit with Japan's Kioxia stalled, by the second half of 2024.
The company said its second-quarter loss included $156 million underutilization-related charges in Flash and HDD.
Western Digital has struggled as demand for memory chips cooled in the past couple of years, but underlying shares have rallied in recent months.
WDC stock had gained nearly 40% since the end of October.
Cloud represented 35% of total revenue, with the quarterly growth attributed to higher “nearline” or onsite data storage shipments to data center customers and better nearline pricing. The increase in client revenue was driven by an increase in the average selling price of flash memory and customer revenue was driven by a seasonal surge in flash bit shipments.
Revenue came in at $3.023 billion, down 2.5% year-over-year but up 10% quarter-over-quarter.
In addition to the recovery in both Flash and HDD markets, I believe storage is entering a multi-year growth period.
Generative AI has quickly emerged as yet another growth driver and transformative technology that is reshaping all industries, all companies, and our daily lives.
Importantly, industry analysts estimate that the edge now represents approximately 80% of total NAND bit shipments, an increase from approximately 75% in 2022, which is another indication that cloud demand was significantly pulled in during the pandemic.
In addition, I believe the second wave of generative AI-driven storage deployments will spark a client and consumer device refresh cycle and reaccelerate content growth in PC, smartphone, gaming, and consumer in the coming years.
WDC has done some nice business specifically in the cloud division with some serious growth.
WDC is also at the center of the generative AI trend and they could be the recipient of “the tide lifts all boats.”
However, I don’t like how revenue as a whole isn’t growing causing major uproar in the investor community.
Splitting up the company should do the trick of weeding out the bad revenue from the good.
I do believe that WDC represents good value for buy-and-hold investors in the mid-$50 range.
This isn’t an ideal stock to trade in and out and even on an earnings beat, the stock sold off which isn’t what investors like to see in terms of price action.
There isn’t enough investor confidence in the stock yet, but that could change in the future. 14:02:512024-01-26 15:36:04Western Digital Has Potential
Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the January 24 Mad Hedge Fund Trader Global Strategy Webinar, broadcast from Silicon Valley, CA.
Q: Will you stop out of (TLT) if it breaches the $93 level?
A: Yes, and I'm actually hoping it will do that because that sets up some really great two-year LEAPS for the (TLT) going out long-term. It's trying to hold in here at the bottom. It's been in the $93 handle for several days now, so we'll just watch.
Q: There seems to be negativity all over the place, but markets continue upwards. What are the chances of a black swan this year, and what do you think it might be?
A: Well, there always is a possibility of a black swan. That's why we do risk control and risk management all the time because black swans are by definition unpredictable. The reason people are negative is that they don't own more stocks, and they keep going straight up, at least the tech ones do. Money managers always look dumber not owning a market that's going up than owning a market that's going down and losing money with everybody else. It's just the way investor psychology works.
Q: Do you expect small caps (IWM) to outperform the S&P 500 (SPY) this year?
A: Yes I do, but it'll be a second half of the year game. They really need the big drops in interest rates to get earnings moving.
Q: Would Boeing (BA) be good for a LEAPS?
A: Yes, it would, but I would go out to the maximum maturity, say two to two and a half years, and you may get a double on your money on that. Basically, there are only two airplane manufacturers in the world that have a monopoly (or a duopoly to be technically correct) and Boeing is one of them. So love them or hate them, you still have to buy their airplanes; look no further than Alaska Airlines (ALK) and United (UAL), which have had to cancel literally tens of thousands of flights because they don't have enough airplanes. They had to ground all their 737 maxes.
Q: With all the shooting going on in the Middle East, why isn't oil higher?
A: It's all about China (FXI). As long as China is in a recession which seems to be getting worse, oil demand falls. China is the world's largest importer of oil by a large margin. They're also taking all the natural gas that the US will produce, and that is a big drag on prices. That will end when China starts to recover, and we did get a major stimulus package out of the Chinese government this week.
Q: What about NVIDIA (NVDA)? It's gone up so much. I'm up 300% since my cost. Should I sell now and take profits or just run the long?
A: This whole group, which I now call the AI 5—Microsoft (MSFT), Google (GOOGL), Amazon (AMZN), NVIDIA (NVDA), and Meta (META) could drop 20% at any time and then go on to new highs, and that's exactly what happened in the fall. We had a 20% drop in everything and then it just shot off to the races. So as long as you can handle a 20% decline in these stocks, and if you're a long-term investor, then you should keep them. Because the risk is you'll take profits, generate a big tax bill, and then won't be able to get back in at the next low, and you'll end up missing the next $1,000 point move. If you're the trader of the century like me, you can do that. But for your average garden variety trading at-home investor, I would say keep what's winning—keep the AI 5.
Q: Thanks John,Igot a double on your (UNG) LEAPS that you put out over Christmas. It's since given back much of the gains. Do you see another big rally in (UNG) this year?
A: Yes, that was a 2-year LEAPS I put out. It doubled in 2 weeks, and I do see a bigger recovery in the second half of the year once the Chinese economy starts to recover. Their marginal first choice for new energy supplies is American natural gas; it's not oil from the Middle East. They're trying to clean up their atmosphere as much as we are, so look for another big demand spike for (UNG) later in the year.
Q: Why has the dollar (UUP) been so strong?
A: Rising interest rates. Currencies are all about interest rates and where the next interest rate move is going to be. Money always pours into the currency that has the next rise in interest rates. That's been the US dollar for all of this year so far.
Q: Will the election have an effect on the market?
A: Absolutely not. Nobody cares about the election. If you're an election junkie, you may stay glued to your TV. I'm not interested myself. I don't expect any changes in the economy to take place this year, and that's all investors and money managers really care about—is how they will do by the end of this year. So you're better off watching sports on ESPN is all I can tell you. Oh yes, and this is supposed to be a record year for disinformation about elections and candidates. Another reason to not bother with the election this year. Go watch the Jack Reacher series. At least there you can keep track of the body count.
Q: Is it a good time to buy a home right now?
A: Yes, if you have cash. It is still too expensive to borrow money to buy a home with 30-year mortgages at 6.5% and 5/1 ARMs at 6% or even 5.5%, but if you have cash, it is a great time to buy a house because what is the next move? Interest rates go down. Suddenly everybody in the world can afford houses and they now want to buy your house. So very rapid price rises are coming for the housing market once the rates start to fall, which could be March, could be June, depending on how Jerome Powell feels that morning.
Q: With EV sales up 50% last year (TSLA), why has copper been so weak?
A: The old high price of copper was based on continuing 50% per year increases in EV sales for the indefinite future. In fact, we got a 50% increase last year and forecasts for 10% growth only this year, so that's a big part of it. Also, backing out the Chinese construction demand gives copper a huge hit. New construction in China is essentially at zero and will be at zero for quite some time because of the real estate crisis there. Some people in China are looking at prices on their homes down 80%, which sounds like a repeat of our 2008 financial crisis. So that is another major drag on copper.
Q: Is it a good time to “buy wrights”?
A: Absolutely yes. If you read today's newsletter, it tells you how to do a buy write, and you do “buy rights” on the most expensive stocks. For example, NVIDIA (NVDA) at $600 today—you can get $8 for the February $650 calls, which you sell short against your stock ownership at $600, or you can go out to March 15th and you can get $19 for the March $650 calls. That will reduce your average cost for the shares by $19, so actually (NVDA) is, in fact, one of the best stocks to do this in, because it has the highest implied volatility of any options, second to Tesla (TSLA), it turns out.
Q: How did you predict the S&P 500 so accurately last year? You got within a point, pretty amazing.
A: All I can say is 55 years of practice helps! And I am a bit of a contrarian person; so when everybody said the market was going to go down, I said, “How about new all-time highs?” But also the answer to all questions really is people are wildly underestimating the impact of technology and AI, which continues to surprise the upside and will keep doing so for the next decade. That is the driver of all asset prices everywhere right now, and people will figure that out in probably about 5 years.
Q: Crown Castle Inc. (CCI), is that a good one to watch, with renewed interest in REITS?
A: Absolutely yes, and it's also a great interest-rate play. It had a horrible selloff going into October and has since made back all of those losses. We actually had a LEAPS in (CCI), which is now making money.
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Good Luck and Stay Healthy.
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
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