Global Market Comments
September 20, 2023 Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(SPY), (QQQ), (IWM), (AAPL), (TSLA),
(AAPL), (GOOG), (FB)
I have recently received a few complaints from readers that I have become boring. I have to confess that they are right.
I am not a person who boredom comes to easily. I’m the guy who climbed the Matterhorn, crossed the Sahara Desert on the back of a camel, and went to surfing school.
And that’s just what I did last year! Oh, and I’m also headed for the world’s hottest combat zone.
However, I do admit that I have become boring on the trading front.
If I get a request for one thing more than any other, it is for recommendations of stocks that will rise by at least ten times over the next ten years.
Readers want to know the names of shares of companies that they can just buy and forget about, and then retire rich as Croesus a decade down the road.
What could be more reasonable?
I happen to have sent out quite a few of these over the years.
Whenever I attend my global strategy luncheons around the world, someone inevitably thanks me for my effort to cajole them into buying Tesla (TSLA) at a split-adjusted $2.50. Nothing seemed more questionable at the time (2010) in the wake of the Great Recession and financial crisis.
At my New York luncheon in June, a guest pressed a one-ounce American Gold Eagle into my hand and said thanks for NVIDIA (NVDA). He bought it at $15 and rode it all the way up to $450.
He then doubled his money by jumping into Apple (AAPL) at $56 (on a split-adjusted basis) and rode the express train to $200, again after my pleading.
Then there was the reader who offered me his mega yacht in the Mediterranean for a week for free because I virtually forced him to buy Moderna (MRNA) just before the pandemic before it rocketed 50X. It was nice cruising the Mediterranean last summer on his advice.
It’s not that I have suddenly become averse to dishing out ten-baggers. I have not grown weary in my old age either, although I confess to finding those erectile dysfunction and baldness ads on TV more fascinating by the month.
No, the real problem is that the stock markets are just not offering anything right now. And here is where I give you some great trading tips.
When stock markets are rising and financial assets are generally in “RISK ON” mode, you want to own single stocks.
Individual shares have “betas”, or a propensity to move, that is far greater than indexes. If an index rises 10%, some of its individual components can move anywhere from 15%-100%.
When stock markets are in correction (down) or consolidation (sideways) mode, as we are now, the higher betas of stocks work against you. They fall faster than the index.
Therefore, in flat and falling markets you want to trade indexes, like the S&P 500 big cap index (SPY), the NASDAQ technology index (QQQ), and the Russell 2000 small cap index (IWM). Better yet, don’t execute any trades at all, especially if you are already up 60% on the year.
Keep your powder dry. A dollar at a market bottom is worth $10 at a market top.
Your mistakes trading these relatively nonvolatile (read boring) instruments earn you less money. The risk/reward for short-term trading right now is terrible.
Therefore, by trading stocks in up markets and indexes only in down markets, you create an inbuilt bias in your portfolio that works in your favor.
A classic example of how this works was to see the market reactions to corporate earnings announcements in July. In these risk-averse times, winners were rewarded modestly, but losers were taken out to the woodshed and beaten senseless.
Look at the recent charts for Apple (AAPL), Tesla (TSLA), and Disney (DIS) and you’ll see what I mean. I bet the owners of these companies wish they had been trading indexes in August, which barely moved. Is 3% the new 10% correction?
These are all fundamentally great companies for the long term. But when people run for cash, they will often sell whatever has the most profit, and all three of these names met that standard. Investors were, in effect, raiding the piggy bank.
Of course, you can try and be clever and go long stocks in rising markets, and then sell them short in falling ones.
My half-century of experience tells me that this is easier said than done.
While many managers will promise you this bit of investing in gymnastics, very few can actually deliver. Most professionals are unable to time markets with this precision, let alone individuals. Hedge Fund Trader Hedge Fund Trader2023-09-20 09:04:372023-09-20 16:18:39Why I Have Become So Boring
(AAPL), (TSLA), (NVDA), (GOOGL), (OXY), (QQQ),
(TSLA), (WPM), (UNG), (BRK/B), (RIVN), (TLT)
When I boarded the Queen Mary II in early July, big technology stocks (AAPL), (TSLA), (NVDA), (GOOGL) were on fire and knew no bounds, while bonds (TLT) were holding steady at a 3.40% yield. Energy stocks (OXY) were scraping the bottom.
One month later and big tech is in free fall while energy, commodities, and precious metals have taken over the lead. Bonds are probing for new lows at a 4.20% yield and may have another $5.00 of downside.
The Great Rotation of 2023 has begun!
The only question is how long it will last.
I happen to believe that we are into a traditional summer correction that could last until the usual September or October bottom. That is when I will be picking up long-term bull LEAPS with both hands. After that, it’s off to the races once again to new all-time highs once again.
Except that this time, everything will go up, both big tech, the domestics recovery plays, and bonds. That’s because they will be discounting the next great market mover, several successive cuts in interest rates by the Federal Reserve certain to take place in 2024.
We all know that markets discount market-moving developments six to nine months in advance. That means you should start buying about….September or October.
Perhaps the best question asked at my many strategy luncheons this summer came from a dear old friend in London. “Where is all the money coming from to pay for all this”? The answer is, well complicated. I’ll give you a list”
1) All of the Quantitative Easing money created since 2008, some $10 trillion worth, is still around. It is just sleeping in 90-day T-bills.
2) With inflation basically over, thanks to hyper-accelerating technology and collapsing energy prices, the case for the Fed to stop raising and start cutting interest rates is clear.
3) Falling interest rates trigger a collapse in the US dollar.
4) Earnings at big tech companies explode, which earn about half of their revenues from abroad.
5) The falling interest rate sectors are also set alike. These include energy, commodities, precious metals, and bonds.
6) A cheap greenback pours gasoline on the economy.
7) The $1 trillion in stimulus approved last year provides the match as most of it has yet to be spent.
8) China finally recovers and turbocharges all of the above trends.
9) 2024 is a presidential election year and the economy always seems to do mysteriously well going into such events.
10) All we are left to do is sit back and watch all our positions go up, figure out how we are going to spend all that money, and sing the praises of the Mad Hedge Fund Trader.
So far in August, we are down -4.70%. My 2023 year-to-date performance is still at an eye-popping +60.80%. The S&P 500 (SPY) is up +17.10% so far in 2023. My trailing one-year return reached +92.45% versus +8.45% for the S&P 500.
That brings my 15-year total return to +657.99%. My average annualized return has fallen back to +48.15%, some 2.50 times the S&P 500 over the same period.
Some 41 of my 46 trades this year have been profitable.
The Nonfarm Payroll drops to 187,000 in July, a one-year low, less than expectations. The Headline Unemployment Rate returned to 3.5%, a 50-year low. The soft-landing scenario lives! That’s supposed to be impossible in the face of 5.25% interest rates. Average hourly earnings grew at a restrained 3.6% annual rate. Half of the new jobs were in health care. At the rate we are aging, that is no surprise.
Rating Agencies Strike Again, with Moody’s threatened downgrade of a dozen regional banks. Stocks took it up on the nose giving up Monday’s 400-point gain. Higher funding costs, potential regulatory capital weaknesses, and rising risks tied to commercial real estate are among strains prompting the review, Moody’s said late Monday. The summer correction is finally here.
Berkshire Hathaway Post Record Profit, with profits up 38% and interest and other investment income growing sixfold as Warren Buffet’s trading vehicle goes from strength to strength to strength. Sky-high interest rates enabled its Geico insurance holding to really coin it this time. Buffet turns 93 this month. Keep buying (BRK/B) on dips. Our LEAPS are looking great, up 327% in 11 months.
Rivian Beats, losing only $1.08 a share versus an expected $1.41. The stock jumped 3% on the news. The gross profit per vehicle showed a dramatic improvement at $35,000. The production forecast edged up from 50,000 to 52,000 vehicles for 2023. Momentum is clearly improving making our LEAPS look better by the day. Buy (RIVN) on dips as the next (TSLA).
Deflation Hits China, as the post-Covid recovery continues to lag. Their Consumer Price Index fell 0.3% YOY. Imports and exports are falling dramatically as trade sanctions bite. Youth unemployment hit a new high as 11.6 million new college grads hit the market. Global commodities could get hit but so far the stocks aren’t seeing it. Avoid anything Chinese (FXI), even the food.
Inflation Jumps, 0.2% in July and 3.2% YOY. Rents, education, and insurance (climate change) were higher while used cars were down 1.3% and airfares plunged by 8.1%. Stocks rallied on the small increase preferring to focus on the smallest back-to-back increase in two years. Bonds (TLT) rallied big. The big question is what will the Fed do with this?
Weekly Jobless Claims came in at a strong 278,000, showing the Fed’s high-interest rate policy is having an effect on the jobs market. Stocks want to know how much longer it will last.
Natural Gas Soars to a new high and accomplished an upside breakout on all charts. European gas prices have just jumped 40%. An Australian strike shut down an LNG export facility. Energy traders are looking for higher highs. My (UNG) LEAPS, a Mad Hedge AI pick, are looking great, doubling off our cost in two months.
Biden Cracks Down on Technology Investment in China, especially on our most advanced tech which can be used in weapons development. Tech investment in the Middle Kingdom is already down 70% over the last two years. No point in selling China the rope with which to hang us.
Home Mortgage Rates Hit a 22-Year High, at 7.08%. But the existing home market is heating up and the new home market is absolutely on fire in anticipating of a coming rate fall. You can’t beat a gale-force demographic tailwind.
My Ten-Year View
When we come out the other side of the recession, we will be perfectly poised to launch into my new American Golden Age, or the next Roaring Twenties. The economy decarbonizing and technology hyper accelerating, creating enormous investment opportunities. The Dow Average will rise by 800% to 240,000 or more in the coming decade. The new America will be far more efficient and profitable than the old.
Dow 240,000 here we come!
On Monday, August 14 at 8:00 AM EST, the US Consumer Inflation Expectations are out,
On Tuesday, August 15 at 8:30 AM, US Retail Sales are released.
On Wednesday, August 16 at 2:30 PM, the US Building Permits are published.
On Thursday, August 17 at 8:30 AM, the Weekly Jobless Claims are announced.
On Friday, August 18 at 2:00 PM, the Baker Hughes Rig Count is printed.
As for me, occasionally, I tell close friends that I hitchhiked across the Sahara Desert alone when I was 16 and I am met with looks that are amazed, befuddled, and disbelieving, but I actually did it in the summer of 1968.
I had spent two months hitchhiking from a hospital in Sweden all the way to my ancestral roots in Monreale, Sicily, the home of my Italian grandfather. My next goal was to visit my Uncle Charles who was stationed at the Torreon Air Force base outside of Madrid, Spain.
I looked at my Michelin map of the Mediterranean and quickly realized that it would be much quicker to cut across North Africa than hitching all the way back up the length of Italy, cutting across the Cote d’Azur, where no one ever picked up hitchhikers, then all the way down to Madrid, where the people were too poor to own cars. So one fine morning found me taking deck passage on a ferry from Palermo to Tunis. From here on, my memory is hazy and I remember only a few flashbacks.
Ever the historian, even at age 16, I made straight for the Carthaginian ruins where the Romans allegedly salted the earth to prevent any recovery of a country they had just wasted. Some 2,000 years later it, worked as there was nothing left but an endless sea of scattered rocks. At night, I laid out my sleeping bag to catch some shut-eye. But at 2:00 AM, someone tried to bash my head in with a rock. I scared them off but haven’t had a decent night of sleep since.
The next day, I made for the spectacular Roman ruins at Leptus Magna on the Libyan coast. But Muamar Khadafi pulled off a coup d’état earlier and closed the border to all Americans. My visa obtained in Rome from King Idris was useless.
I used to opportunity to hitchhike over Kasserine Pass into Algeria, where my uncle served under General Patton in WWII. US forces suffered an ignominious defeat until General Patton took over the army 1n 1943. Some 25 years later, the scenery was still littered with blown-up tanks, destroyed trucks, and crashed Messerschmitts. Approaching the coastal road, I started jumping trains headed west. While officially the Algerian Civil War ended in 1962, in fact, it was still going on in 1968. We passed derailed trains and smashed bridges. The cattle were starving. There was no food anywhere.
At night, Arab families invited me to stay over in their mud brick homes as I always traveled with a big American Flag on my pack. Their hospitality was endless, and they shared what little food they had.
As a train pulled into Algiers, a conductor caught me without a ticket. So, the railway police arrested me and on arrival took me to the central Algiers prison, not a very nice place. After the police left, the head of the prison took me to a back door, opened it, smiled, and said “si vou plais”. That was all the French I ever needed to know. I quickly disappeared into the Algiers souk.
As we approached the Moroccan border, I saw trains of camels 1,000 animals long, rhythmically swaying back and forth with their cargoes of spices from central Africa. These don’t exist anymore, replaced by modern trucks.
Out in the middle of nowhere, bullets started flying through the passenger cars splintering wood. I poked my Kodak Instamatic out the window in between volleys of shots and snapped a few pictures.
The train juddered to a halt and robbers boarded. They shook down the passengers, seizing whatever silver jewelry and bolts of cloth they could find.
When they came to me, they just laughed and moved on. As a ragged backpacker, I had nothing of interest for them.
The train ended up in Marrakesh on the edge of the Sahara and the final destination of the camel trains. It was like visiting the Arabian Nights. The main Jemaa el-Fna square was amazing, with masses of crafts for sale, magicians, snake charmers, and men breathing fire.
Next stop was Tangiers, site of the oldest foreign American embassy, which is now open to tourists. For 50 cents a night, you could sleep on a rooftop under the stars and pass the pipe with fellow travelers which contained something called hashish.
One more ferry ride and I was at the British naval base at the Rock of Gibraltar and then on a train for Madrid. I made it to the Torreon base main gate where a very surprised master sergeant picked up a half-starved, rail-thin, filthy nephew and took me home. Later, Uncle Charles said I slept for three days straight. Since I had lice, Charles shaved my head when I was asleep. I fit right in with the other airmen.
I woke up with a fever, so Charles took me the base clinic. They never figured out what I had. Maybe it was exhaustion, maybe it was prolonged starvation. Perhaps it was something African. Possibly, it was all one long dream.
Afterwards, my uncle took for to the base commissary where I enjoyed my first cheeseburger, French fries, and chocolate shake in many months. It was the best meal of my life and the only cure I really needed.
I have pictures of all this which are sitting in a box somewhere in my basement. The Michelin map sits in a giant case of old, used maps that I have been collecting for 60 years.
Mediterranean in 1968
Stay healthy,
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader Hedge Fund Trader Hedge Fund Trader2023-08-14 09:02:072023-08-14 14:39:58The Market Outlook for the Week Ahead, or the Great Rotation of 2023 is On
In quite an unprecedented maneuver; the people who run the Nasdaq have chosen to water down the biggest tech components because a few companies are exerting too much power over the index.
In other words, the big fish have gotten so big that the index is adjusting their formula.
This speaks volumes about how great the top 7 tech stocks have performed in 2023.
They have taken off like a runaway train and haven’t looked back.
If this turns out to be a less-than-blockbuster earnings season and the market offers a pullback, it may be the last opportunity of the year to get into high quality tech stocks at a discount.
Selloffs from blue chip tech firms like Netflix (NFLX) signal that a short-term technical cooldown could be in the cards for tech stocks.
NFLX came back to earth, but I want to reiterate that it is more than healthy price action for this stock which started out the year at $300 per share.
The stock exploded to $480 per share and the post-earnings cooldown has found the stock in the $420 per share range.
There are a handful of blue chip tech stocks that I would regard this sort of price action as a mind-blowing opportunity.
Another reason for a short-term cooldown is the aforementioned reformulation of the Nasdaq index.
The tech-based index - Nasdaq 100 gets tracked by a slew of funds.
They include the Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ), the world’s fifth-largest exchange-traded fund (ETF), according to Morningstar.
Nasdaq announced that the Nasdaq 100 index will undergo a "special rebalance" that will come into effect today.
The index is typically rebalanced each quarter, but outside of that, it can employ a special rebalance to address overconcentration in the index by redistributing the weights.
While the organizers have been mum on the technical about the rebalancing, the index's methodology says that it can be adjusted if companies with weightings that exceed 4.5% of the index together make up more than 48% of the index.
This technical maneuver underscores the attractiveness of these tech businesses and compelling investment opportunities relative to other areas.
The result has been increased investor attention and enthusiasm for tech stocks now — at the expense of other sectors, he says.
Investors of funds tracking the Nasdaq 100 Index woke up today with a different portfolio.
Most investors in U.S. stocks will be at least indirectly affected by the rebalance.
That's because "billions of dollars of stock" will be traded as funds tracking the Nasdaq 100 buy and sell in response to the rebalancing.
During this short-term rebalancing phase, I can easily visualize a convenient time for investors to reload their ammunition. Load up the bullets before we are off to the races again.
Heading into the last 4 months of the year, the US consumer is strong as steel and I would beg any black swan to show their ugly face and try to topple this kryptonite tech market.
An orderly dip in tech stocks this earnings season would represent nothing more than a massive victory and if it’s sideways then watch up to the upside.
I would even say there is a higher risk that dip buyers get a little impatient and pull the trigger a little early just to make sure they get some skin in the game for the next elevator up. Hedge Fund Trader Hedge Fund Trader2023-07-24 16:02:102023-07-31 21:42:29Rebalancing Before the Next Move
The United States is about to change beyond all recognition.
Most investors have missed the true meaning of the JP Morgan takeover of First Republic Bank for sofa change, some $10.6 billion. It in fact heralds the golden age of big banking. The US is about to move from 4,000 banks to four, with all of the profits accruing at the top.
Look at the details of the (JPM)/(FRC) deal and you will become utterly convinced.
(JPM) bought a $90 billion loan portfolio for 87 cents on the dollar, despite the fact that the actual default rate was under 1%. The FDIC agreed to split losses for five years on residential losses and seven years on commercial ones. The deal is accretive to (JPM) book value and earnings. (JPM) gets an entire wealth management business, lock, stock, and barrel. Indeed, CEO Jamie Diamond was almost embarrassed by what a great deal he got.
It was the deal of the century, a true gift for the ages. If this is the model going forward, you want to load the boat with every big bank share out there.
And the amazing thing was that (JPM) made the highest bid among a half dozen contenders.
Along with Health Care, banking is the last unconsolidated US industry. We have five railroads, four airlines, three trucking companies, three telephone companies, two cell phone providers….and 4,000 banks?
Other countries get by with much less. England has five major banks, Australia four, and Germany two, one of which goes bankrupt every decade (I’m not naming names). America’s financial system is an anachronism of its federal system where each of the 50 states is treated like a mini country.
The net net of this will be a massive capital drain from the entire country to New York where the big banks are concentrated. Local economies in the Midwest and the South will collapse for lack of funding. The West Coast will be OK with behemoth technology companies spinning off gigantic cash flows.
The other big story here is the dramatic change in the administration’s antitrust policy. Until now, it has opposed every large merger as an undue concentration of economic power. Then suddenly, the second largest bank merger in history took place on a weekend, and there will be more to come.
All it takes is a Twitter run by depositors. Every weekend has become a waiting game for the foreseeable future.
Needless to say, this makes all the big banks a screaming buy. Hoover up every one of the coming dip, including (JPM), (BAC), (C), and (WFC).
Big is beautiful.
To prove I am not perfect, my position in First Republic Bank (FRC) still sits on my broker statement a week after it filed for bankruptcy, dead, moribund, and worthless as if it is some form of punishment. It’s a very small position but it stings nonetheless.
It’s like they want to punish me for leading them astray. They have been copying my trades for ages without paying for them and I hope they took a big one in (FRC).
So far in May, I have managed a modest +0.55% profit. My 2023 year-to-date performance is now at an eye-popping +62.30%. The S&P 500 (SPY) is up only a miniscule +8.40% so far in 2023. My trailing one-year return reached a 15-year high at +120.45% versus -3.67% for the S&P 500.
That brings my 15-year total return to +659.49%. My average annualized return has blasted up to +48.86%, another new high, some 2.79 times the S&P 500 over the same period.
Some 40 of my 43 trades this year have been profitable. My last 20 consecutive trade alerts have been profitable.
I initiated no new trades last week, content to run off existing profitable ones. With the Volatility Index at a two-year low at 15.78%, opportunities are few and far between. Those include both longs and shorts in Tesla (TSLA), a long in the bond market (TLT), and a short in the (QQQ).
That leaves me with only one remaining position, a short-dated long in the bond market. I now have a very rare 90% cash position due to the lack of high-return, low-risk trades.
The Fed Raises Rates 0.25%, likely the last such move in this cycle. Futures markets are now discounting a 25-basis point CUT by September, the beginning of a new decade-long falling rate cycle. The problem is that AI is creating more jobs than it is destroying, keeping the Fed fixated on the wrong data.
Nonfarm Payroll Jumps by 253,000, another hot number. The headline Unemployment Rate dropped to a half-century low of 3.4%. These figures suggest for rate hikes to come.
The JP Morgan Buys First Republic Bank from the FDIC, for $10.6 billion, thus wiping out the shareholders. It’s a huge win for (JPM), which picked up 87 branches and $90 billion in loans in the wealthiest part of the country, taking the share up $5. What you lost on (FRC) you made pack on (JPM) LEAPS. Live and learn. On to the next trade! The FDIC got out for nearly free, a big win for the government.
Government DefaultDate Moved Up to June 1, by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, smacking the bond market for three points. The House remains an albatross around the bond market’s debt.
Europe Ekes Out 0.1% Growth in Q1, versus a 1.1% rate for the US. This is despite the drag of the Ukraine War, energy shortages, high inflation, and Brexit. What’s the difference between the US and Europe? We allow immigrants who become customers, while the continent doesn’t.
You Only Need to Buy Seven Stocks This Year, as the rest are going nowhere. That include (AAPL), (GOOGL), (META), (AMZN), (TSLA), (NVDA), (CRM). Watch out when the next rotation broadens out to the rest of the market.
Is Volatility Bottoming Now? The Fed announcement of a 25 basis point hike on Wednesday could end the move up in stocks. After that, shares will only have an imminent debt default and US government downgrade to focus on. ($VIX) seven-week fade will end that revisit the old highs in the high $20’s. Great shorting opportunities are setting up.
Oil (USO) Crashes 5% on US debt default fears in the biggest drop since January. This is the worst asset class to own going into a recession. EV competition is also starting to take a bite. No gas needed here. $66 a barrel here we come.
More Tesla Price Cuts to Come, with swelling inventories forcing Musk’s hand. The only consolation is that Detroit will suffer more. Musk is cutting profits while the big three are accelerating losses. Tesla has excess inventory for the first time in its 20-year history.
Apple (AAPL) Earnings Beat, led by stronger than expected Q1 iPhone sales at $53.1 billion. EPS came in at $1.53 versus $1.42 expected, revenues at $94.84 billion versus $92.96. Mac and iPad sales are down YOY. Services rose 5.3%. Apple bought back a stunning $90 billion of its own shares and paid dividends. The shares popped $3. The long-term growth play here is low prices phone in India where second hand phone sales have been burgeoning. That's why Apple is now offering to buy your old phone. Next stop: New Delhi.
My Ten-Year View
When we come out the other side of the recession, we will be perfectly poised to launch into my new American Golden Age, or the next Roaring Twenties. The economy decarbonizing and technology hyper-accelerating, creating enormous investment opportunities. The Dow Average will rise by 800% to 240,000 or more in the coming decade. The new America will be far more efficient and profitable than the old.
Dow 240,000 here we come!
On Monday, May 8 at 7:30 AM EST, the Consumer Inflation Expectations are out.
On Tuesday, May 9 at 6:00 AM, the NFIB Business Optimism Index is announced. On Wednesday, May 10 at 11:00 AM, the US Inflation rate is printed. On Thursday, May 11 at 8:30 AM, the Weekly Jobless Claims are announced. We also get the Producer Price Index.
On Friday, May 12 at 8:30, the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index for April is released.
As for me, I have been going down memory lane looking at my old travel photos looking for new story ideas and I hit the jackpot.
Most people collect postcards from their foreign travels. I collect lifetime bans from whole countries.
During the 1970s, The Economist magazine of London sent me to investigate the remote country of Nauru, one half degree south of the equator in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
At the time, they had the world’s highest per capita income due to the fact that the island was entirely composed of valuable bird guano essential for agriculture. Before the Haber-Bosch Process to convert nitrogen into ammonia was discovered, guano was the world’s sole source of high grade fertilizer.
So I packed my camera, extra sunglasses, and a couple of pairs of shorts and headed for the most obscure part of the world. That involved catching Japan Airlines from Tokyo to Hawaii, Air Micronesia to Majuro in the Marshall Islands, and Air Nauru to the island nation in question.
There was a problem in Nauru. Calculating the market value of the bird crap leaving the island, I realized it in no way matched the national budget. It should have since the government owned the guano mines.
Whenever numbers don’t match up, I get interested.
I managed to wrangle an interview with the president of the country in the capital city of Demigomodu. It turns out that was no big deal as visitors were so rare in the least visited country in the world that he met with everyone!
When the president ducked out to take a call, I managed to steal a top-secret copy of the national budget. I took it back to my hotel and read it with great interest.
I discovered that the president’s wife had been commandeering Boeing 727s from Air Nauru to go on lavish shopping expeditions to Sydney, Australia where she was blowing $200,000 a day on jewelry, designer clothes, and purses, all at government expense. Just when I finished reading, there was a heavy knock on the door. The police had come to arrest me.
It didn’t take long for missing budget to be found. I was put on trial, sentenced to death for espionage, and locked up to await my fate. The trial took 20 minutes.
Then one morning I was awoken by the rattling of keys. My editor at The Economist, the late Peter Martin, had made a call and threatened the intervention of the British government. Visions of Her Majesty’s Navy loomed on the horizon.
I was put in handcuffs and placed on the next plane out of the country, a non-stop for Brisbane Australia. When I was seated next to an Australian passenger, he asked “Jees, what did you do mate, kill someone?” On arrival, I sent the story to the Australian papers.
I dined out on that story for years.
Alas, things have not gone well for Nauru in the intervening 50 years. The guano is all gone, mined to exhaustion. It is often cited as an environmental disaster. The population has rocketed from 4,000 to 10,000. Per capita incomes have plunged from $60,000 a year to $10,000. The country is now a ward of the Australian government to keep the Chinese from taking it over.
If you want to learn more about Nauru, which many believe to be a fictitious country, please click here.
As for me, I think I’ll pass. I don’t ever plan to visit Nauru again. Once lucky, twice forewarned.
Stay healthy,
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader Hedge Fund Trader Hedge Fund Trader2023-05-08 09:02:522023-05-08 12:00:34The Market Outlook for the Week Ahead, or The Golden Age of Big Banking has Just Begun!
Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the April 26 Mad Hedge Fund Trader Global Strategy Webinar, broadcast from Las Vegas, NV.
Q: Would you start adding to The Russell 2000 (IWM) around here?
A: No, the Russell 2000 is the most sensitive to market action and the most sensitive to an economic downturn, which it seems we have already entered. And you don’t add positions one week into the downturn, you do it like 3-6 months into the downturn. So, I would not touch (IWM) right around here.
Q: Are you buying more First Republic Bank (FRC) down here?
A: No, at this point the stock is a no-go. It is a ripe takeover target for someone, and the risk is, the takeover price is lower than your cost. I don’t understand why First Republic is down this far—like 97% — and when I don't understand things, I stay away. I had never seen a bank go under before that didn’t have bad loans, nor has anyone else. A lot of people were asking if they should double up, we went from $16 to $6 in a day, and the firm answer is that I just don’t know. The fundamentals of the company by no means justify that discount, it must be discounting something terrible that we haven’t heard yet. So I’m going to stay away and look for better trades to do.
Q: I missed the Tesla (TSLA) trade on Friday, should I be looking to buy the dips down here?
A: Yes, I would. I put out a May $110-$120 vertical bull call debit spread on Tesla, which is now only 3 weeks to expiration. Remember, at Tesla’s growth rate, the company is now 12% larger than it was when it hit the $104 bottom in January. I should point out that once our trade alert went out, it literally triggered billions of dollars worth of market action and crushed volatility. It took the implied volatility on Tesla options down 10% on that one day. So, with implied volatility this low, I’m not sure you can get Tesla done at any price that makes sense—but if you can, I’m all for it. As for the short, we’re almost in max profit on our Tesla short position. It’s cratered about $35 since we put it on, so I wouldn’t be chasing that one.
Q: Is there a reason why Freeport McMoRan (FCX) is not progressing upwards?
A: Recession fears—the long-term case for copper is spectacular— I’m looking for $100 in (FCX) a couple years down the road. With the short term, all they see is recession and US government debt default, and as long as those two things are overhanging the market, all of the economically sensitive plays are going to go down. You’re not going to get gains, you’re going to get losses. If you want to know how the debt default is working out, you can write a letter to Kevin McCarthy in Washington DC and ask him what he’s going to do. The stock market doesn’t like it for sure, so I’m inclined to go back to 100% cash and duck that whole cluster.
Q: Can China survive without foreign investment?
A: Yes, with a much lower standard of living, and technology that is greatly lagging behind the US. The Chinese use all the foreign investment going on to upgrade their own technology—it's very common for a Chinese worker to work for an American company for a year and then walk across the street and work for their main Chinese competitor. That is a major means of technology transfer. Without that, they fall way behind, and they know it. You can’t copy your way to leadership, as Japan found out to their great expense in the 1990s. You can add that to the long list of reasons why China will never invade Taiwan. Not only have they cut off their food and energy supply, but also their technology supply.
Q: Would it be safe to deposit my money with Apple (APPL) who’s offering a 4.15% interest rate?
A: Yes, Apple has about $150 billion in cash on the balance sheet to back up any deposit runs. I imagine Apple financially is probably far safer than any small regional bank in the US. But, there are better things to do than Apple, and that’s the good old 90-day US T-bill. That bill never defaults; it’s offering 5.2% — it may even be a little bit higher after May 3 when the Federal Reserve raises interest rates by 25 basis points.
Q: Aren’t earnings coming in better than expected?
A: Yes they are, however, the earnings season was frontloaded with the best-performing sector in the market—i.e. the banks—which you were 100% long of until last week, and the weaker performers are next. That seems to be what the stock market is telling us with the selloff, and of course, the weaker performers are technology stocks. So that's why I piled on the shorts (especially in the Invesco QQQ Trust), that’s why I cut back position sizes, it’s time to take the money and run.
Q: How much longer do you plan to do this?
A: Well Warren Buffet is 92 and he seems to be doing just fine. Joe Biden plans to be President of the United States until he is 86. Work for these men is their lives and they will never quit. The same is true for me. If they can do that, I can certainly run Mad Hedge Fund Trader until I am 92, or for 21 more years. Besides, what else would I do? I’m terrible at golf, I hate pickleball, Bingo is boring and is usually rigged, and all the other stuff that people my age do doesn’t appeal in the least.
Q: Are there ETFs that mirror the rates of 90-day T-bills, or is it better just to buy direct through my broker?
A: It’s always better to buy T-bills directly because your ETF does not work for free. They’re taking out fees somewhere, even if you can’t see them, even if they’re not in the marketing material—nobody works for free; except the US government, it would seem. So buy directly from the US government. If you own the T-bills and your institution goes bankrupt, you can always get your T-bills back in a couple of days. If you own their ETF that mirrors the T-bill, that can become a complete loss and you’ll get tied up in bankruptcy proceedings that last three years (and you may or may not get your money back.) So T-bills directly are the gold standard, I would buy those if you’re looking for a cash alternative.
Q: What about Rivian (RIVN)?
A: It’s red meat in this kind of market—don’t touch it. If the entire car industry is rolling over, including Tesla, don’t expect Rivian to outperform in that situation. As for Amazon (AMZN), like all tech stocks, I’m going to wait for the current selloff to work its way for its system, but then it’s probably a great long term buy and a two-year LEAPS.
Q: What’s your estimate for S&P earnings?
A: I’m at $220 a share which today gives us a multiple of 18.73, which is the middle of the recent range. We may drop a point or two from there, but that’s close enough for the cigar.
Q: Won’t wider credit spreads hurt iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (HYG)?
A: Yes, for the short term, but you’re being compensated for that by the 8% yield; and you’re buying junk bonds not for where they are for the next month or two, but where they are for the end of the year, which would be at least 10$-15% higher than they are now, so your total “all in” return might be as much as 25%. Not bad.
Q: What’s your thought on the Salesforce (CRM) drop?
A: I’ll buy it in about 3 months, once the next tech washout is finished and they’re throwing these things out with the bathwater.
Q: Do you think iShares 20 Plus Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT) will trade higher if the market collapses?
A: Yes it will; that is your classic flight to safety out of stocks into bonds. We haven’t seen it in quite a while because both of them have been moving up and down together.
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Good Luck and Stay Healthy.
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Playing the Penny Slots in Las Vegas is Definitely NOT my Retirement Hedge Fund Trader Hedge Fund Trader2023-04-28 13:02:442023-04-28 14:27:44April 26 Biweekly Strategy Webinar Q&A
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