Global Market Comments
February 26, 2024
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(NVDA), (TSLA), (BRK/B), (SPY), (AMZN), (UNG)
Global Market Comments
February 26, 2024
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(NVDA), (TSLA), (BRK/B), (SPY), (AMZN), (UNG)
People will be sitting around campfires trading stories about last week’s NVIDIA move for decades.
Analysts have been struggling to outdo each other in describing their earnings report that came out on Thursday. Here’s my favorite: The gain in the company’s market capitalization on that day, at $278 billion the largest in history, exceeded its TOTAL market capitalization at the pandemic bottom.
And here I deserve some bragging rights. Mad Hedge followers went into last week’s melt-up, UP TO THEIR EYEBALLS in (NVDA). They owned the stock, call options, and call spreads. The LEAPS alone delivered a 12X return, and some readers who customize their own strike prices (the $295-$300s) received a 50X return. It was almost everyone’s largest position.
It was easy for me to do the NVIDIA trade. When the company launched its first high-end graphics card in 1993, every computer geek out there flocked to them. I used to tear apart my company’s PCs, throw out the graphics cards they came with, and install NVIDIA cards. The performance improvement was remarkable, especially for advanced mathematical calculations.
The company is blessed. It went public at $12 a share just before the Dotcom Bust and the IPO window closed for years. Adjusted for 12:1 splits over the years and that drops the original IPO price to $1. A dollar invested in 1999 would be worth $750 at last week’s high. NVIDIA’s CEO, Jensen Huang, is now one of the richest men in the world solely through the ownership of his NVIDIA shares.
God Bless America!
Also last week, my inbox was jammed with inquiries on what company will become the next NVIDIA. And here is the bad news. There aren’t any 750:1 returns anywhere on the horizon. There are not even any 175:1 opportunities that we earned from Tesla (TSLA) over the years either where we also had heavy exposure.
And the reason is very simple. You are not going to get the entry points today with the Dow Average at 39,000 that you got in 2009 when it was at only 6,000, or when it was at a mere 600 when I joined Morgan Stanley in 1982. The last decent entry point for (NVDA) was the $100 pandemic low in April 2020.
Want to own the next (NVDA)? Try buying (NVDA), where an analyst raised his target to $1,420, up 80% from the Friday close. It’s just a matter of time before its market cap jumps from $2 trillion to $3 trillion, making it the largest company in the world. That’s what an airtight monopoly in the world’s most valuable product gets you.
Technology earnings are now exploding at such a rapid pace that it is time to consider the unthinkable: What if stocks don’t need interest rate cuts for the bull market to continue? After all, the companies seem to be doing just fine without any such assistance.
Why try to fix what isn’t broken?
In fact, these large cash flow companies would take a hit on their income statements as they are already net creditors to the financial system. Apple (AAPL) alone would lose $8 billion in annual income if interest rates went back to zero.
While that may be true for the Magnificent Seven or the AI Five, it is not true for the Unimagnificent 493. They actually need cheaper money for their stock prices to get going or even just to survive. That is especially true for all the falling interest rate plays, like bonds, utilities, real estate, precious metals, energy, and foreign currencies.
And don’t even talk to me about small caps, which depend on low interest rates for the breath of life.
It says a lot that Warren Buffet believes there is nothing left to buy in his annual letter to shareholders, an early Mad Hedge subscriber. His spectacular annual compounded returns of 19.8% a year, more than double that of the S&P 500 (SPY), are now a thing of the past.
The few targets left out there are few and far between and heavily picked over. (BRK/B) has also lost the advice of its principal mentor, Charlie Munger at the ripe old age of 99. Last year Berkshire acquired Dairy Queen and Berkshire Energy. But at $905 billion in assets under management, those will hardly move the needle. The 93-year-old Buffet has outperformed the S&P 500 by 141:1 since 1964.
Who says age is an impediment?
So far in February, we are up +5.92%. My 2024 year-to-date performance is also at +1.64%. The S&P 500 (SPY) is up +6.50% so far in 2024. My trailing one-year return reached +57.73% versus +38.67% for the S&P 500.
That brings my 15-year total return to +678.27%. My average annualized return has recovered to +51.19%, another new high.
Some 63 of my 70 trades last year were profitable in 2023.
I used the ballistic move-in (NVDA) to take profits in my double long there. I am maintaining a single long (AMZN) and am 90% in cash given the elevated level of the markets.
NVIDIA Announces Blowout Earnings, with AI reaching the “tipping point” according to the CEO Jensen Huang. Revenues came in at a spectacular $22.1 billion versus an expected $20.6 billion off the backing of exploding data center demand, up 33%. Earnings were up 22% QOQ and 225% YOY. The shares exploded $100 in the aftermarket at one point, up 15.6%. Forward guidance was ramped up too. Buy NVDA on dips. At a PE multiple of 18X, it is the cheapest AI stock out there.
Mad Hedge Clocks Biggest One Day Gain in 16 Years, with a double weighting in NVIDIA (NVDA), up +6.072%. If you like that the Mad Hedge Technology Letter is doing even better, up +13% YTD. And we are still early days into the tech melt-up, which could go on for another decade. Our YOY gain is up +59.62%. The harder I work, the luckier I get.
Existing Home Sales Jumped 3% YOY, boosted by lower mortgage interest rates in November and December. Inventories of homes for sale in January increased to 1.01 million units, up 3.1% from January 2023, but still at a low 3-month supply. The median existing home price for all housing types in January was $379,100, up 5.1% from a year earlier and an all-time high for the month of January.
Weekly Jobless Claims Dropped to a one-month low, down 12,000 to 201,000. No recession here. California and Kentucky saw the largest declines.
China Bans Stock Selling, by institutional investors at market openings and closes when liquidity is the greatest. It’s part of the government’s most forceful attempt yet to prop up the nation’s $8.6 trillion stock market. It’s another sign of a weakening China. When restrictions are placed on markets, capital flees. Whoever thought of this one must have a hole in their head. Avoid (FXI).
California demolishes Solar Providers, cutting the price the utility PG&E has to pay for home power providers by 75%. Solar companies like SunPower (SPWR), are down 89% since last year. Avoid solar providers for now, which was always a low value-added business.
Amazon (AMZN) is getting added to the Dow Average, opening it up to massive index buying. Retailer Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) is getting bumped. Since 1896, the blue-chip index has made few changes to its 30-stock lineup, having altered its constituents about 60 times in its 128-year history. Buy (AMZN) on dips.
US Stocks now account for 70% of Global Stock Market Capitalization, thanks to the ballistic moves in big tech. This level represents the largest country weighting since I helped create this index way back in 1986. It also now has the lowest exposure to non-US stocks. Money is pouring into the US from all corners of the world, the planet's most successful economy.
Natural Gas Hits (UNG) Three Year Low, at $1.63MM BTU, and down an eye-popping 50% in a month. Warm weather, high inventories, and overproduction due to cheap capital are the price killers. An LNG train broke down, cutting export demand. If you didn’t get out on the double in December you’re toast. Avoid (UNG).
My Ten-Year View
When we come out the other side of the recession, we will be perfectly poised to launch into my new American Golden Age or the next Roaring Twenties. The economy decarbonizing and technology hyper accelerating, creating enormous investment opportunities. The Dow Average will rise by 800% to 240,000 or more in the coming decade. The new America will be far more efficient and profitable than the old.
Dow 240,000 here we come!
On Monday, February 26, the New Home Sales are announced.
On Tuesday, February 27 at 8:30 AM EST, the Durable Goods are released. The S&P Case Shiller for December is announced.
On Wednesday, February 28 at 2:00 PM, the Q2 GDP second read is published.
On Thursday, February 29 at 8:30 AM, the Weekly Jobless Claims are announced. We also get the Core Consumer Price Expectations.
On Friday, March 1 at 2:30 PM, the December ISM Manufacturing PMI is published. At 2:00 PM the Baker Hughes Rig Count is printed.
As for me, the telephone call went out amongst the family with lightning speed, and this was back in 1962 when long-distance cost a fortune. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was going to visit my grandfather’s cactus garden in Indio the next day, said to be the largest in the country, and family members were invited.
I spent much of my childhood in the 1950s and 1960s helping grandpa look for rare cactus in California’s lower Colorado Desert, where General Patton trained before invading Africa. That involved a lot of digging out a GM pickup truck from deep sand in the remorseless heat. SUVs hadn’t been invented yet, and a Willys Jeep (click here) was the only four-wheel drive then available in the US.
I have met nine of the last 13 presidents, but Eisenhower was my favorite. He certainly made an impression on me as a ten-year-old boy, who I remember as a kindly old man.
I walked with Eisenhower and my grandfather plant by plant, me giving him the Latin name for its genus and species and citing unique characteristics and uses by the Indians. The former president showed great interest and in two hours we covered the entire garden. I still make my kids learn the Latin names of plants.
Eisenhower lived on a remote farm at the famous Gettysburg, PA battlefield given to him by a grateful nation. But the winters there were harsh, so he often visited the Palm Springs mansion of TV Guide publisher Walter Annenberg, a major campaign donor.
Eisenhower was a one-of-a-kind brilliant man that America always came up with when it needed them the most. He learned the ropes serving as Douglas MacArthur’s Chief of Staff during the 1930’s. Franklin Roosevelt picked him out of 100 possible generals to head the Allied invasion of Europe, even though he had no combat experience.
After the war, both the Democratic and Republican parties recruited him as a candidate for the 1952 election. The latter prevailed, and “Ike” served two terms, defeating the governor of Illinois Adlai Stevenson twice. During his time, he ended the Korean War, started the battle over civil rights at Little Rock, began the Interstate Highway System, and admitted Hawaii as the 50th state.
As my dad was very senior in the Republican Party in Southern California during the 1950s, I got to meet many of the bigwigs of the day. New York prosecutor Thomas Dewy ran for president twice, against Roosevelt and Truman, and was a cold fish and aloof. Barry Goldwater was friends with everyone and a decorated bomber pilot during the war.
Richard Nixon would do anything to get ahead, and it was said that even his friends despised him. He let the Vietnam War drag out five years too long when it was clear we were leaving. Some 21 guys I went to high school with died in Vietnam during this time. I missed Kennedy and Johnson. Wrong party and they died too soon. Ford was a decent man and I even went to church with him once, but the Nixon pardon ended his political future.
Peanut farmer Carter was characterized as an idealistic wimp. But the last time I checked, the Navy didn’t hire wimps as nuclear submarine commanders. He did offer to appoint me Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs, but I turned him down because I thought the $15,000 salary was too low. There were not a lot of Japanese-speaking experts on the Japanese steel industry around in those days. Biggest mistake I ever made.
Ronald Reagan’s economic policies drove me nuts and led to today’s giant deficits, which was a big deal if you worked for The Economist. But he always had a clever dirty joke at hand which he delivered to great effect….always off camera. The tough guy Reagan you saw on TV was all acting. His big accomplishment was not to drop the ball when it was handed to him to end the Cold War.
I saw quite a lot of George Bush, Sr. whom I met with my Medal of Honor Uncle Mitch Paige at WWII anniversaries, who was a gentleman and fellow pilot. Clinton was definitely a “good old boy” from Arkansas, a glad-hander, and an incredible campaigner, but he was also a Rhodes Scholar. His networking skills were incredible. George Bush, Jr. I missed as he never came to California. And 22 years later we are still fighting in the Middle East.
Obama was a very smart man and his wife Michelle even smarter. Stocks went up 400% on his watch and Mad Hedge Fund Trader prospered mightily. But I thought a black president of the United States was 50 years early. How wrong was I. Trump I already knew too much about from when I was a New York banker.
As for Biden, I have no opinion. I never met the man. He lives on the other side of the country. When I covered the Senate for The Economist, he was a junior member.
Still, it’s pretty amazing that I met 10 out of the last 14 presidents. That’s 20% of all the presidents since George Washington. I bet only a handful of people have done that, and the rest all live in Washington DC. And I’m a nobody, just an ordinary guy.
It just makes you think about the possibilities.
Good Luck and Good Trading,
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
It’s Been a Long Road
Global Market Comments
February 9, 2024
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(LLY), (FXI), (TSM), (BABA), (PLTR), (MSBHF), (SMCI), (JPM), (INDY), (INDA), (TSLA), (BYDDF), (NFLX), (META), (UNG)
Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the February 7 Mad Hedge Fund Trader Global Strategy Webinar, broadcast from Silicon Valley, CA.
Q: Have you ever flown an ME-262?
A: There's only nine of the original German jet fighters left from WWII in museums. One hangs from the ceiling in the Deutsches Museum in Munich (click here for the link), I have been there and seen it and it is truly a thing of beauty. You would have to be out of your mind to fly that plane, because the engines only had a 10 hour life. That's because during WWII, the Germans couldn't get titanium to make jet engine blades and used steel instead, and those fell apart almost as soon as they took off. So, of the 1,443 ME-262’s made there’s only nine left. The Allies were so terrified of this plane, which could outfly our own Mustangs by 100 miles per hour, that they burned every one they found. That’s also why there are no Japanese Zeros.
Q: Thoughts on Palantir (PLTR) long term?
A: I love it, it’s a great data and security play. Right now, markets are revaluing all data plays, whatever they are. But it is also overvalued having almost doubled in a week.
Q: What do you make of all these layoffs in Silicon Valley? What does this mean for tech stocks?
A: It means tech stocks go up. The tech stocks for a long time have practiced over-employment. They were growing so fast, they always kept a reserve of about 10% of extra staff so they could be put them to work immediately when the demand came. Now they are switching to a new business model: fire everybody unless you absolutely have to have them right now, and make everybody you have work twice as hard. That greatly increases the profitability of these companies, as we saw with META (META), which had its profits triple—and that seems to be the new Silicon Valley business model. If you're one of the few 100,000 that have been laid off in Silicon Valley, eventually the economy will grow back to where they can absorb you. That's how it's going to play out. In the meantime, go take a vacation somewhere, because you're not going to get any vacations once you get a new job.
Q: I have had shares of Alibaba (BABA) since 2020 and the stock has been in free fall since. Should I take the 80% loss or hold?
A: Well, number one, you need to learn about risk control. Number two, you need to learn about stop losses. I stop out when things go 10% against me; that's a good level. At 80%, you might as well keep the stock. You've already taken the loss and who knows, China may recover someday. It's not recovering now because no foreigners want to invest in China with all the political risk and invasion risk of Taiwan. After all, look at what happened to Russia when they invaded Ukraine—that didn't work out so well for them.
Q: On the Chinese economy (FXI), is the poorer performance due to the decision to move to a war economy? The move in the economic front was described in Xi's speech to the CCP in January of 2023.
A: The real reason, which no one is talking about except me, is the one child policy, which China practiced for 40 years. What it has meant is you now have 40 years of missing consumers that were never born. And there is no solution to that, at least no short-term solution. They're trying to get Chinese people to have more kids now, and you're seeing three and four child families for the first time in 40 years in China. But there is no short-term fix. When you mess with demographics, you mess with economic growth. We warned the Chinese this would happen at the time, and they ignored us. They said if they hadn't done the one child policy, the population of China today would be 1.8 billion instead of 1.2 billion. Well, they’re kind of damned no matter what they do so there was no good solution for them. Of course, threatening to invade your neighbors is never good for attracting foreign investment for sure. Nobody here wants to touch China with a 10-foot pole until there’s a new leader who is more pacifist.
Q: What do you think of Eli Lilly (LLY)?
A: I absolutely love it. If there's a never-ending bull market in fat Americans, which is will go on forever, they're one of two companies that have the cure at $1,000 a month. On the other hand, the stock has tripled in the last 18 months, so it’s kind of late in the game to get in.
Q: Are there any stocks that become an attractive short in the event of a Taiwan invasion, such as Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM)?
A: All stocks become attractive shorts in the event of another war in China. You don't want to be anywhere near stocks and the semis will have the greatest downside beta as they always do. You don't want to be anywhere near bonds either, because the Chinese still own about a trillion dollars’ worth of our bonds. Cash and T-bills suddenly looks great in the event of a third war on top of the two that we already have in Gaza and Ukraine.
Q: What do you think about the prospects of the Japanese stock market now?
A: I think the big move is done; it finally hit a new high after a 34-year wait. The next big move in Japan is when the Yen gets stronger, and that is bad for Japanese stocks, so I would be a little cautious here unless you have some great single name plays like Warren Buffett does with Mitsubishi Corp. (MSBHF). So that's my view on Japan—I'm not chasing it after being out for 34 years. Why return? The companies in the US are better anyway.
Q: What is the deal with Supermicro Computer (SMCI)? It went up 23 times in a year to $669 after not clear $30 for a decade.
A: The answer is artificial intelligence. It is basically creating immense demand for the entire chip ecosystem, including high end servers, which Supermicro makes. It also has the benefit of being a small company with a small float, hence the ballistic move. It was too small to show up on my radar. I’ll catch the next one. There are literally thousands of companies like (SMCI) in Silicon Valley.
Q: Will JP Morgan (JPM) bank shares keep rising, or will they fall when the Fed cuts rates?
A: (JPM) will keep rising because recovering economies create more loan demand, allow wider margins, and cause default rates to go down. It becomes a sort of best case scenario for banks, and JP Morgan is the best of the breed in the banking sector. It also benefits the most from the concentration of the US banking sector, which is on its way from 4,000 banks to 6 with help from the US government.
Q: Is India a good long-term play? Which of the two ETFs I recommend are the better ones?
A: Yes, India is a good long-term play. You buy both iShares India 50 (INDY) and the iShares MSCI India (INDA), which I helped create yonks ago. India is the new China, and the old China is going nowhere. So, yes, India definitely is a play, especially if the dollar starts to weaken.
Q: Do you expect to pull back in your market timing index?
A: Yes, probably this month. Have I ever seen it go sideways at the top for an extended period? No, I haven't. On the other hand, we’ve never had a new thing like artificial intelligence hit the market, nor have we seen five stocks dominate the entire market like we're seeing now. So, there are a lot of unprecedented factors in the market now which no one has ever seen before, therefore they don't know what to do. That is the difficulty.
Q: Does India have an in-country built EV, and what is their favorite EV in India?
A: No, but Tesla (TSLA) is talking about building a factory there. And I would have to say BYD Motors (BYDDF) because they have the world’s cheapest EV’s. There is essentially no car regulation in India except on imports. Car regulation and safety requirements is what keeps the BYDs out of the United States, and it's kept them out for the last 15 years. So that is the issue there.
Q: What do you think about META as a dividend play?
A: I think META will go higher, but like the rest of the AI 5, it is desperately in need of a pull back and a refresh to allow new traders to come in.
Q: Why does Netflix (NFLX) keep going up? I thought streaming was saturated—what gives?
A: Netflix won the streaming wars. They have the best content and the best business strategy; and they banned sharing of passwords, which hit my family big time since it seemed like the whole world was using my Netflix password. And no, I'm not going tell you what my password is. I’ve already paid for Griselda enough times. Seems there is a lot of demand for strong women in my family. Netflix they seem to be enjoying a near monopoly now on profits.
Q: Has the NASDAQ come too far too fast, and does it have more to run?
A: Well it does have more to run, but needs a pull back first. I'm thinking we'll get one this month, but I'm definitely not shorting it in the meantime.
Q: Have you ordered your Tesla (TSLA) Cybertruck?
A: I actually ordered it two years ago and it may be another two year wait; with my luck the order will come through when I'm in Europe and I'll miss it. Some of my friends have already gotten deliveries because they ordered on day one. They love it.
Q: What happened to United States Natural Gas (UNG)?
A: A super cold spell hit the Midwest, froze all the pipes, and nobody could deliver natural gas just when the power companies were screaming for more gas. That created the double in the price which you should have sold into! Usually, people don't need to be told to take a profit when something doubles in 2 weeks, but apparently there are some out there as I've been here getting emails from them. Further confusing matters further is that (UNG) did a 4:1 reverse split right at this time. They have to do this every few years or the 35% a year contango takes the price below $1.00 and shares can’t trade below $1.00 on the New York Stock Exchange.
To watch a replay of this webinar with all the charts, bells, whistles, and classic rock music, just log in to , go to MY ACCOUNT, select your subscription (GLOBAL TRADING DISPATCH, TECHNOLOGY LETTER, or Jacquie's Post), then WEBINARS, and all the webinars from the last 12 years are there in all their glory.
Good Luck and Stay Healthy,
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Global Market Comments
January 26, 2024
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(TLT), (IWM), (SPY), (ALK), (FXI), (UAL), (BA), (NVDA), (UUP), (UNG), (MSFT), (GOOGL), (AMZN), (NVDA), (META), (CCI)
Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the January 24 Mad Hedge Fund Trader Global Strategy Webinar, broadcast from Silicon Valley, CA.
Q: Will you stop out of (TLT) if it breaches the $93 level?
A: Yes, and I'm actually hoping it will do that because that sets up some really great two-year LEAPS for the (TLT) going out long-term. It's trying to hold in here at the bottom. It's been in the $93 handle for several days now, so we'll just watch.
Q: There seems to be negativity all over the place, but markets continue upwards. What are the chances of a black swan this year, and what do you think it might be?
A: Well, there always is a possibility of a black swan. That's why we do risk control and risk management all the time because black swans are by definition unpredictable. The reason people are negative is that they don't own more stocks, and they keep going straight up, at least the tech ones do. Money managers always look dumber not owning a market that's going up than owning a market that's going down and losing money with everybody else. It's just the way investor psychology works.
Q: Do you expect small caps (IWM) to outperform the S&P 500 (SPY) this year?
A: Yes I do, but it'll be a second half of the year game. They really need the big drops in interest rates to get earnings moving.
Q: Would Boeing (BA) be good for a LEAPS?
A: Yes, it would, but I would go out to the maximum maturity, say two to two and a half years, and you may get a double on your money on that. Basically, there are only two airplane manufacturers in the world that have a monopoly (or a duopoly to be technically correct) and Boeing is one of them. So love them or hate them, you still have to buy their airplanes; look no further than Alaska Airlines (ALK) and United (UAL), which have had to cancel literally tens of thousands of flights because they don't have enough airplanes. They had to ground all their 737 maxes.
Q: With all the shooting going on in the Middle East, why isn't oil higher?
A: It's all about China (FXI). As long as China is in a recession which seems to be getting worse, oil demand falls. China is the world's largest importer of oil by a large margin. They're also taking all the natural gas that the US will produce, and that is a big drag on prices. That will end when China starts to recover, and we did get a major stimulus package out of the Chinese government this week.
Q: What about NVIDIA (NVDA)? It's gone up so much. I'm up 300% since my cost. Should I sell now and take profits or just run the long?
A: This whole group, which I now call the AI 5—Microsoft (MSFT), Google (GOOGL), Amazon (AMZN), NVIDIA (NVDA), and Meta (META) could drop 20% at any time and then go on to new highs, and that's exactly what happened in the fall. We had a 20% drop in everything and then it just shot off to the races. So as long as you can handle a 20% decline in these stocks, and if you're a long-term investor, then you should keep them. Because the risk is you'll take profits, generate a big tax bill, and then won't be able to get back in at the next low, and you'll end up missing the next $1,000 point move. If you're the trader of the century like me, you can do that. But for your average garden variety trading at-home investor, I would say keep what's winning—keep the AI 5.
Q: Thanks John, I got a double on your (UNG) LEAPS that you put out over Christmas. It's since given back much of the gains. Do you see another big rally in (UNG) this year?
A: Yes, that was a 2-year LEAPS I put out. It doubled in 2 weeks, and I do see a bigger recovery in the second half of the year once the Chinese economy starts to recover. Their marginal first choice for new energy supplies is American natural gas; it's not oil from the Middle East. They're trying to clean up their atmosphere as much as we are, so look for another big demand spike for (UNG) later in the year.
Q: Why has the dollar (UUP) been so strong?
A: Rising interest rates. Currencies are all about interest rates and where the next interest rate move is going to be. Money always pours into the currency that has the next rise in interest rates. That's been the US dollar for all of this year so far.
Q: Will the election have an effect on the market?
A: Absolutely not. Nobody cares about the election. If you're an election junkie, you may stay glued to your TV. I'm not interested myself. I don't expect any changes in the economy to take place this year, and that's all investors and money managers really care about—is how they will do by the end of this year. So you're better off watching sports on ESPN is all I can tell you. Oh yes, and this is supposed to be a record year for disinformation about elections and candidates. Another reason to not bother with the election this year. Go watch the Jack Reacher series. At least there you can keep track of the body count.
Q: Is it a good time to buy a home right now?
A: Yes, if you have cash. It is still too expensive to borrow money to buy a home with 30-year mortgages at 6.5% and 5/1 ARMs at 6% or even 5.5%, but if you have cash, it is a great time to buy a house because what is the next move? Interest rates go down. Suddenly everybody in the world can afford houses and they now want to buy your house. So very rapid price rises are coming for the housing market once the rates start to fall, which could be March, could be June, depending on how Jerome Powell feels that morning.
Q: With EV sales up 50% last year (TSLA), why has copper been so weak?
A: The old high price of copper was based on continuing 50% per year increases in EV sales for the indefinite future. In fact, we got a 50% increase last year and forecasts for 10% growth only this year, so that's a big part of it. Also, backing out the Chinese construction demand gives copper a huge hit. New construction in China is essentially at zero and will be at zero for quite some time because of the real estate crisis there. Some people in China are looking at prices on their homes down 80%, which sounds like a repeat of our 2008 financial crisis. So that is another major drag on copper.
Q: Is it a good time to “buy wrights”?
A: Absolutely yes. If you read today's newsletter, it tells you how to do a buy write, and you do “buy rights” on the most expensive stocks. For example, NVIDIA (NVDA) at $600 today—you can get $8 for the February $650 calls, which you sell short against your stock ownership at $600, or you can go out to March 15th and you can get $19 for the March $650 calls. That will reduce your average cost for the shares by $19, so actually (NVDA) is, in fact, one of the best stocks to do this in, because it has the highest implied volatility of any options, second to Tesla (TSLA), it turns out.
Q: How did you predict the S&P 500 so accurately last year? You got within a point, pretty amazing.
A: All I can say is 55 years of practice helps! And I am a bit of a contrarian person; so when everybody said the market was going to go down, I said, “How about new all-time highs?” But also the answer to all questions really is people are wildly underestimating the impact of technology and AI, which continues to surprise the upside and will keep doing so for the next decade. That is the driver of all asset prices everywhere right now, and people will figure that out in probably about 5 years.
Q: Crown Castle Inc. (CCI), is that a good one to watch, with renewed interest in REITS?
A: Absolutely yes, and it's also a great interest-rate play. It had a horrible selloff going into October and has since made back all of those losses. We actually had a LEAPS in (CCI), which is now making money.
To watch a replay of this webinar with all the charts, bells, whistles, and classic rock music, just log in to, go to MY ACCOUNT, click on GLOBAL TRADING DISPATCH, then WEBINARS, and all the webinars from the last 12 years are there in all their glory.
Good Luck and Stay Healthy.
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Global Market Comments
January 12, 2024
Fiat Lux
Featured Trade:
(SPY), (UNG), (NVDA), (UUP), (FXA), (GOOG), (GOOGL), (GLD), (GOLD), (WPM), (BYDDY), (F), (GM), (TSLA)
Below please find subscribers’ Q&A for the January 10 Mad Hedge Fund Trader Global Strategy Webinar, broadcast from Silicon Valley, CA.
Q: Would you sell Nvidia (NVDA) covered calls?
A: No, I would not. Nvidia could double at any time, or at least go up 50%. That is not a covered call writing situation, that is a long call situation, or at the very least a long call spread situation. Do not bet against Nvidia on pain of death—one of the seven-stop losses I had last year was a short in Nvidia.
Q: Do you recommend any brokers for executing my trades?
A: Yes, I recommend Tastytrade (click here) because I know the owner of the company, and they have the lightest code in the entire industry. It’s written to go very fast; that gives you a price advantage over other platforms. Plus they have very competitive margin rates and commissions. They only charge commissions on openings, not on closings.
Q: Why are you adding positions when the market timing index is so high? Aren't you supposed to be avoiding risk here?
A: The market timing index in the PowerPoint is for the S&P 500 only. If you look at the individual stocks that I've added in the last two days, they've all had 10-20% corrections. So you don't want to touch the main market up here. If anything it's a short, and I am looking at an S&P 500 (SPY) short, by the way, to hedge our other longs. Individual stocks have already corrected, and I've already started to add positions in the leaders for the year. Big tech is moving up; it’s leading the rally so that is what's happening there.
Q: Is it time to buy Tesla (TSLA)? It's a 200-day moving average.
A: I don't want to touch Tesla until the price war is over. Obviously, it's still continuing and Tesla itself is leading the charge on the price war, so I would hold off on that while the other tech stocks like Nvidia (NVDA) are so hot.
Q: I bought the UNG (United States Natural Gas Fund) LEAPS you put out over the Christmas vacation. They have since doubled in value in two weeks. Should I take profits?
A: Yes. Always take a profit in any option play when you get an immediate return because they have the tendency to give up those returns very quickly. They do call natural gas the “widow maker” in the commodities market because of the extreme volatility. So when you get a 50% move in natural gas or any commodity, take the money and run. Go to Las Vegas for a weekend, take your wife to Hawaii, pay off your kid's student loans, or buy yourself a new Rolex watch! Take the quick profit. You always get a chance to buy again on a dip, and there’s nothing like starting off 2024 with a double on a LEAP. For me, it's a matter of professional pride, not about the money. So way to go, John Thomas.
Q: Has crude oil reached the bottom?
A: $70 per barrel has been holding for a long time, but it's not acting like a bottom. I have to tell you, it's not getting any big dead cat bounces you see at real bottoms. So my guess is we have to move into the 60s, maybe all the way down to $62 before we get a turnaround. We need to see a turnaround in the global economy before we get a turnaround in the price of oil, and especially a turnaround in China, which is the world's largest importer of oil—and there is no sign of that happening anytime soon. So there is your answer; watch China.
Q: Will any Bitcoin ETFs be approved in the US?
A: Probably yes, but that also could mark a top of the market. Remember the insiders, the miners, have a huge trading advantage over us. Which is one reason why I'm avoiding this asset class this time around. I have a feeling we'll peak lower than the last high, and then we go back down into lows again. So avoid Bitcoin. There are too many other better things to buy now like Nvidia. During the last Bitcoin peak, all the techs were insanely expensive, and now they're not. We have better alternatives to crypto than we did two years ago.
Q: With China not improving, do you still like the US dollar to drop and the Australian dollar to increase?
A: I do expect the US dollar (UUP) to fall. I think it's peaked out and already dropped 10%, and I expect the Aussie (FXA) to rise. It's already risen by about 7%, but not because of China. It's happening because the US will cut interest rates anywhere from 3 to 6 times this year. And it could be either; it could be 3 quarter-point rate cuts, or it could be 6. I'm kind of leaning towards 6 myself. Which leads to the next question...
Q: Do you still like bonds?
A: Absolutely, yes. (TLT) is trading around $97 today. I'm looking for it to hit $110 to $120 by the end of the year, plus the interest payments. So the total return on (TLT) bonds will be between 18% and 28% on the year. Most people will take that.
Q: Do you still like uranium?
A: Yes. In fact, just last week, France announced it was building 14 new nuclear power plants. These are the big 1 to 4-megawatt old-style plants on top of their additional programs. So that creates more demand for yellow cake fuel and more demand for uranium, and it is getting a lot of push these days as a green fuel. Which it is—it is non-carbon producing. By the way, look at NuScale (SMR) if you're interested in uranium because they have the newest design that solves all the old nuclear problems. And the stock just had a big selloff because they lost a customer.
Q: Do you still like the banks?
A: Well, all four of the financial LEAPS that I recommended at the bottom of the banking crisis in March are all expiring this month at max profits anywhere over a hundred percent. So yes, I love the banks, but I don't especially like them right here, not on top of 30-35% gains. So wait for a pullback. These would be great candidates for any sell-off going into March; that's when we take another look at these. Oh, and if another bank goes bankrupt so much the better, that creates much better entry points.
Q: What's the best way to trade long-term dollar shorts (UUP)?
A: The answer is through futures contracts through banks, is the cheapest way to do it. You get a leverage of 10 to 100 times depending on the contract. You can do long or short. The dealing expenses are the cheapest, and that's how professionals trade for their own account, is through futures contracts through banks. It's not really an equity play. There are a number of short-dollar ETFs out there, but dealing with expenses wide, tracking errors is big so it is not an efficient way to do it. So, that would be my recommendation on long-term dollar shorts. The other way is to buy the Australian dollar, the (FXA).
Q: How are your stem cell knee injections working, John?
A: Fantastic. It completely cured my arthritis with my stem cell injections in my knees and lower back. And after I got shot in the hip in Ukraine, I had a Stem cell injection there too, and that worked. So the pain is completely gone from that bullet wound I got from the Russians in October. Yes, I'm one of the lucky people where everything stem cell-related seems to work, so I do all of them. Go ahead and try it, it’ll only cost you a thousand dollars or two per injection.
Q: When trading Google, do you use the (GOOGL) or just the (GOOG)?
A: One is the holding company, and one is the operating company for the search business. It's really six of one and half a dozen of the other. Both are liquid. The tracking between the two is almost nil, so I don't bother.
Q: Do you expect a recession or high unemployment this year?
A: No, you never get recessions or high unemployment in election years. And much of the spending that the administration obtained years ago has yet to be spent. You know, the lag time on government spending is in the years and it magically tends to happen the most in election years. Go figure. So after a slowdown in the first quarter, I'm expecting to speed up going into the rest of the year.
Q: How much can gold (GLD) go up this year?
A: At least 20 to 30%. Which means the Barrick Gold (GOLD) and Newmont Mining (NEM) could easily double this year. And what about silver? It should go up even more. Which means a Wheaton Precious Metals (WPM) leap at this level should go up 400%. Yes, you've heard it here first, 400% with fairly low risk. And if you want to know how to do that, just search for LEAPS on my website or become a concierge member and you can call me and I'll tell you how to do it. I'll guide your hand on how to do the trade.
Q: Is BYD in China a threat to Tesla (TSLA)?
A: No. BYD Motors (BYDDY) is taking over the low end of the market. Read the least profitable end of the market in China where they actually sell more cars than Tesla including hybrids, but Tesla still leads in EVs, and it's the question of would you rather own a Rolls Royce or a Volkswagen. That is the choice. In China, people buy EVs to show off their wealth, and a BYD car shows off your humility or at least your stinginess. So in some emerging markets where cost is the issue, BYD may take over the market, but they won't make very much money at it. And in other markets where quality is the issue like the US, like China, Tesla will dominate and you may end up with a situation like you have with Apple (APPL). Apple has only a 6% market share in the global cell phone business, but they account for 91% of global profits in the cell phone business, and Tesla could do the same. They could end up making all the money with a lesser market share ceding the bottom end or the money-losing end of the market to BYD, Ford (F), General Motors (GM), or anybody else down there.
Q: What do you think of a (TLT) February $90-$93 vertical bull call debit spread for February?
A: I like it. It’s a little close to the money—I usually try to go out $5 points on the TLT strikes when I'm setting these up. So that's a little aggressive, but you'll end up making more money. My bet is you could make 20% on this call spread right here. So many people are still trying to get into the bond market. They got left out, the move up was so fast since October. The institutional investors that dominate that market are not used to the idea of speed. So yes, I think we're looking at a sideways move before the next leg up.
To watch a replay of this webinar with all the charts, bells, whistles, and classic rock music, just log in to, go to MY ACCOUNT, click on GLOBAL TRADING DISPATCH, TECHNOLOGY LETTER, or JACQUIE'S POST, then WEBINARS, and all the webinars from the last 12 years are there in all their glory.
Good Luck and Stay Healthy,
John Thomas
CEO & Publisher
The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Global Market Comments
January 3, 2024
Fiat Lux
2024 Annual Asset Class Review
A Global Vision
Featured Trades:
(SPX), (QQQ), (IWM) (AAPL), (XLF), (BAC) (JPM), (BAC), (C), (MS), (GS),
(X), (CAT), (DE),(TLT), (TBT), (JNK), (PHB), (HYG), (MUB), (LQD), (FXE), (EUO),
(FXC), (FXA), (YCS), (FXY), (CYB), (DIG), (RIG), (USO), (DUG), (UNG), (USO),
(XLE), (AMLP),(GLD), (DGP), (SLV), (PPTL), (PALL), (ITB), (LEN), (KBH), (PHM)
I am once again writing this report from a first-class sleeping cabin on Amtrak’s legendary California Zephyr.
By day, I have a comfortable seat next to a panoramic window. At night, they fold into two bunk beds, a single and a double. There is a shower, but only Houdini can navigate it.
I am anything but Houdini, so I foray downstairs to use the larger public hot showers. They are divine.
We are now pulling away from Chicago’s Union Station, leaving its hurried commuters, buskers, panhandlers, and majestic great halls behind. I love this building as a monument to American exceptionalism.
I am headed for Emeryville, California, just across the bay from San Francisco, some 2,121.6 miles away. That gives me only 56 hours to complete this report.
I tip my porter, Raymond, $100 in advance to ensure everything goes well during the long adventure and keep me up to date with the onboard gossip.
The rolling and pitching of the car is causing my fingers to dance all over the keyboard. Microsoft’s Spellchecker can catch most of the mistakes, but not all of them.
Chicago’s Union Station
As both broadband and cell phone coverage are unavailable along most of the route, I have to rely on frenzied Internet searches during stops at major stations along the way, like Omaha, Salt Lake City, and Reno, to Google obscure data points and download the latest charts.
You know those cool maps in the Verizon stores that show the vast coverage of their cell phone networks? They are complete BS.
Who knew that 95% of America is off the grid? That explains so much about our country today.
I have posted many of my better photos from the trip below, although there is only so much you can do from a moving train and an iPhone 15 Pro.
Here is the bottom line which I have been warning you about for months. In 2024 we will probably top the 70.44% we made last year, but you are going to have to navigate the reefs, shoals, hurricanes, and the odd banking crisis. Do it and you can laugh all the way to the bank. I will be there to assist you in navigating every step.
The first half of 2024 will be all about trading, making bets on when the Fed starts cutting interest rates. Technology will continue their meteoric melt-up. In the second half, I expect the cuts to actually take place and markets to go straight up. Domestic industrials, commodities, financials, energy foreign markets, and currencies will lead.
And here is my fundamental thesis for 2024. After the Fed kept rates too low for too long and then raised them too much, it will then panic and lower them again too fast to avoid a recession. In other words, a mistake-prone Jay Powell will keep making mistakes. That sounds like a good bet to me.
Keep in mind that the Mad Hedge AI Market Timing Index is at the absolute top end of its historic range the three-month likelihood of you making money on a trade is essentially zero. But adhere to the recommendations I make in this report today and you should be up about 30% in a year.
Let me give you a list of the challenges I see financial markets facing in the coming year:
The Ten Key Variables for 2024
1) When will the Fed pivot?
2) When will quantitative tightening end?
3) How soon will the Russians give up on Ukraine?
4) When will the rotation from technology to domestic value plays happen?
5)How much of falling interest rates will translate into higher gold prices?
6) When will the structural commodities boom get a second wind?
7) How fast will the US dollar fall?
8) How quickly will lower interest rates feed into a hotter real estate market?
9) How fast can the Chinese economy bounce back from Covid-19?
10) When does the next bull market in energy begin?
All the answers are below:
Somewhere in Iowa
The Thumbnail Portfolio
Equities – buy dips
Bonds – buy dips
Foreign Currencies – buy dips
Commodities – buy dips
Precious Metals – buy dips
Energy – buy dips
Real Estate – buy dips
1) The Economy – From Hot to Cool to Hot Again
2023 was a terrible year for economists who largely got it wrong. Many will be driving Uber cabs from January.
The economy is clearly slowing now from the red-hot 5.2% GDP growth rate we saw in Q3 to a much more modest 2.0% rate in Q4. We’ll get the first read on the end of January.
Any more than that and the Fed will panic and bring interest rate cuts dramatically forward to head off a recession. That is clearly what technology stocks were discounting with a melt-up of Biblical proportions, some 19% in the last two months, or $65 in the (QQQ)’s.
Anywhere you look, the data is softening, save for employment, which is holding up incredibly well at a 3.7% headline Unemployment Rate. The labor shortage may be the result of more workers dying from COVID-19 than we understand. Far more are working from home not showing up in the data. And many young people have just disappeared off the grid (they’re in the vans you see on the freeways).
The big picture view of what’s going on here is that after 15 years of turmoil caused by the 2008 financial crisis, pandemic, ultra-low interest rates, and excessive stimulus, we may finally be returning to normal. That means long-term average growth and inflation rates of 3.0% each.
I can’t wait.
2) Equities (SPX), (QQQ), (IWM) (AAPL), (XLF), (BAC) (JPM), (C), (MS), (GS), (X), (CAT), (DE)
As I travel around the world speaking with investors, I notice that they all have one thing in common. They underestimate the impact of technology, the rate at which it is accelerating, its deflationary impact on the economy, and the positive influence they have on all stocks, not just tech ones. And the farther I get away from Silicon Valley the poorer the understanding.
Since my job is to make your life incredibly easy, I am going to simplify my equity strategy for 2024.
It's all about falling interest rates.
You should pay attention. In my January 4, 2023 Annual Asset Class Review (click here), I predicted the S&P 500 would hit $4,800 by year-end end. Here we are at $4,752.
I didn’t nail the market move because I am omniscient, possess a crystal ball, or know a secret Yaqui Indian chant. I have spent the last 30 years living in Silicon Valley and have a front-row seat to the hyper-accelerating technology here.
Since the time of the Roman Empire advancing technology has been highly deflationary (can I get you a deal on a chariot!). Now is no different, which meant that the Federal Reserve would have to stop raising interest rates in the first half of the year.
The predictions of a decade-long battle with rising prices like we saw in the seventies and eighties proved so much bunk, alarmism, and clickbait. In fact, the last 25 basis point rate rise took place on July 26, taking up from an overnight rate of 5.25% to 5.5%. That rendered the hard landing forecasts for the economy nonsense.
When interest rates are as high as they are now, you only look at trades and investments that can benefit from falling interest rates. All stocks actually benefit from cheaper money, but some much more than others.
In the first half, that will be technology plays like Apple (AAPL), (Microsoft (MSFT), Amazon (AMZN), Alphabet (GOOGL), Meta (META), and NVIDIA (NVDA). Much of this move was pulled forward into the end of 2023 so this sector may flatline for a while.
In the second half, value plays will take the leadership like banks, (JPM), (BAC), (C), financials (MS), (GS), homebuilders (KBH), (LEN), (PHM), industrials (X), capital goods (CAT), (DE), and commodities (FCX). Everything is going to new all-time highs. My Dow average of 120,000 by the end of the decade is only one more triple away and is now looking very conservative.
That means we now have at hand a generational opportunity to get into the fastest-growing sectors of the US economy at bargain prices. I’m talking Cadillacs at KIA prices. Corporate profits powered by accelerating technology, artificial intelligence, and capital spending will rise by large multiples. Every contemporary earnings forecast will come up short and have to be upgraded. 2024 will be a year of never-ending upgrades.
After crossing a long, hot desert small-cap stocks can finally see water. That’s because they are the most leveraged, undercapitalized, and at the mercy of interest rates and the economic cycle. They always deliver the most heart-rending declines going into recessions. Guess what happens now with the economy headed for a soft landing? They lead to the upside, with some forecasts for the Russell 2000 going as high as a ballistic 50%.
Another category of its own, Biotech & Health Care which is now despised, should do well on its own as technology and breakthroughs are bringing new discoveries. Artificial intelligence is discovering new drugs at an incredible pace and then telling you how to cheaply manufacture them. My top three picks there are Eli Lily (ELI), Abbvie (ABBV), and Merck (MRK).
There is another equity subclass that we haven’t visited in about a decade, and that would be emerging markets (EEM). After ten years of punishment from a strong dollar, (EEM) has been forgotten as an investment allocation. We are now in a position where the (EEM) is likely to outperform US markets in 2024, and perhaps for the rest of the decade. The drivers here are falling interest rates, a cheaper dollar, a reigniting global economy, and a new commodity boom.
Block out time on your calendars, because whenever the Volatility Index (VIX) tops $20, up from the current $12, I am going pedal to the metal, and full firewall forward (a pilot term), and your inboxes will be flooded with new trade alerts.
What is my yearend prediction for the S&P 500 for 2024. We should reach $5,500, a gain of 14.58%. You heard it here first.
3) Bonds (TLT), (TBT), (JNK), (PHB), (HYG), (MUB), (LQD)
Amtrak needs to fill every seat in the dining car to get everyone fed on time, so you never know who you will share a table with for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
There was the Vietnam Vet Phantom Jet Pilot who now refused to fly because he was treated so badly at airports. A young couple desperately eloping from Omaha could only afford seats as far as Salt Lake City. After they sat up all night, I paid for their breakfast.
A retired British couple was circumnavigating the entire US in a month on a “See America Pass.” Mennonites returning home by train because their religion forbade automobiles or airplanes.
The old bond trade is dead.
Long live the new bond trade!
After selling short bonds (TLT) from $180 all the way down to $82, I flipped to the long side on October 17. The next week, bonds saw their biggest rally in history, making instant millionaires out of several of my followers. The (TLT) has since rocketed from $82 to an eye-popping $100, a 22% gain.
In a heartbeat, we went from super bear to hyper bull.
I am looking for the Fed to cut interest rates by 1.00% in 2024 but won’t begin until the second half of the year. All of the first half bond gains were pulled forward into 2023 so I am looking for long periods of narrow trading ranges. By June, economic weakness will be so obvious that a dramatic Fed rate-cutting policy will ensue.
In addition, the Fed will end its quantitative tightening program by June, which is currently sucking $90 billion a month out of the economy. That’s a lot of bond-selling that suddenly ends.
I’m looking for $120 in the (TLT) sometime in 2024, with a possible stretch to $130. Use every five-point dip to load up on shares in the (TLT) ETF, calls, call spreads, and one-year LEAPS. This trade is going to work fast. It is the low-hanging fruit of 2024.
We are never going back to the 0.32% yields, and $165 prices we saw in the last bond peak. But you can still make a lot of money in a run-up from $82 to $120, as many happy bondholders are now discovering.
It isn’t just bonds that are going up. The entire interest rate space is doing well including junk bonds (JNK), municipal bonds (MUB), REITS (NLY), preferred stock, and convertible bonds.
A Visit to the 19th Century
4) Foreign Currencies (FXE), (EUO), (FXC), (FXA), (YCS), (FXY), (CYB)
With a major yield advantage over the rest of the world for the last decade, the US dollar has been on an absolute tear. After all, the world’s strongest economy begets the world’s strongest currency.
That is about to end.
If your primary assumption is that US interest rates will see a sharp decline sometime in 2024, then the outlook for the greenback is terrible.
Currencies are driven by interest rate differentials and the buck is soon going to see the fastest shrinking yield premium in the forex markets.
That shines a great bright light on the foreign currency ETFs. You could do well buying the Australian Dollar (FXA), Euro (FXE), Japanese yen (FXE), and British Pound (FXB). I’d pass on the Chinese yuan (CYB) right now until their Covid shutdowns end.
Look at the 50-year chart of the US dollar index below and you’ll see that a 13-year uptrend in the buck is rolling over and will lead to a 5-10-year down move. Draw your weapons.
5) Commodities (FCX), (VALE), (DBA)
Commodities are the high beta players in the financial markets. That’s because the cost of being wrong is so much higher. Get on the losing side of commodities and you will be bled dry by storage costs, interest expenses, contangos, and zero demand.
Commodities have one great attribute. They predict recessions and recoveries earlier than any other asset class. When they peaked in March of 2022, they were screaming loud and clear that a recession would hit in early 2023. By reversing on a dime on November 13, 2023, they also told us that a rip-roaring recovery would begin in 2024.
You saw this in every important play in the sector, including Broken Hill (BHP), Peabody Energy (BTU), and Freeport McMoRan (FCX). And who but me noticed that Alcoa Aluminum (AA) was up an incredible 50% in December? Maybe you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but the old tricks work pretty darn well!
The heady days of the 2011 commodity bubble top are about to replay. Now that this sector is convinced of a substantially weaker US dollar and lower inflation, it is once more a favorite target of traders.
China will finally rejoin the global economy as a growth engine in 2024 but at only half its previous growth rate. It will be replaced by India, which is turning into the new China and is now the most populous country in the world.
And here’s another big new driver. Each electric vehicle requires 200 pounds of copper and production is expected to rise from 2 million units a year to 20 million by 2030. Annual copper production will have to increase three-fold in a decade to accommodate this increase, no easy task or prices will have to rise.
The great thing about commodities is that it takes a decade to bring new supply online, unlike stocks and bonds, which can merely be created by an entry in an Excel spreadsheet. As a result, they always run far higher than you can imagine.
Accumulate all commodities on dips.
6) Energy (DIG), (RIG), (USO), (DUG), (UNG), (USO), (XLE), (AMLP)
Energy was the top-performing sector of 2023 until it wasn’t.
We got a nice boost to $90 a barrel from the Gaza War. But that faded rapidly as there was never an actual supply disruption, just the threats of one. Saudi production has been cut back so far, some 5 million barrels a day, that it risks budget shortfalls if it reduces any more. In the meantime, US fracking production has taken off like a rocket.
In the meantime, Joe Biden is sitting on the bid in an effort to refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserves that was drawn down from 723 to 350 million barrels during the last price spike.
The trade here is to buy any energy plays when Texas tea approaches $70 and take profits at $95. Your first picks should be ExxonMobile (XOM), Occidental Petroleum (OXY) where Warren Buffet has a 27% stake, Diamondback Energy (FANG), and Devon Energy (DVN).
The really big energy play for 2024 will be in natural gas (UNG), which was slaughtered in 2023. The problem here was not a shortage of demand because China would take all we could deliver. It was in our ability to deliver, hobbled by the lack of gasification facilities needed to export. One even blew up.
In 2024 several new export facilities came online and the damaged one was repaired. That should send prices soaring. Natural gas prices now at a throw-away $2.00 per MM BTU could make it to $8.00 in the next 12 months. That takes the (UNG) from $5.00 to $15.00 (because of the contango).
Buy (UNG) LEAPS (Long Term Equity Anticipation Securities) right now.
Remember, you will be trading an asset class that is eventually on its way to zero sooner than you think. However, you could have several doublings on the way to zero. This is one of those times. And you also have a huge 35% contango headwind working against you all the time.
They call this commodity the “widow maker” for a good reason.
The real tell here is that energy companies are bailing on their own industry. Instead of reinvesting profits back into their future exploration and development, as they have for the last century, they are paying out more in dividends and share buybacks.
Take the money and run. Trade, don’t marry this asset class.
There is the additional challenge in that the bulk of US investors, especially environmentally friendly ESG funds, are now banned from investing in legacy carbon-based stocks. That means permanently cheap valuations and share prices for the energy industry.
Energy now counts for only 5% of the S&P 500. Twenty years ago, it boasted a 15% weighting.
The gradual shutdown of the industry makes the supply/demand situation infinitely more volatile.
To understand better how oil might behave in 2024, I’ll be studying US hay consumption from 1900-1920. That was when the horse population fell from 100 million to 6 million, all replaced by gasoline-powered cars and trucks.
The internal combustion engine is about to suffer the same fate.
7) Precious Metals (GLD), (DGP), (SLV), (PPTL), (PALL)
The train has added extra engines at Denver, so now we may begin the long laboring climb up the Eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains.
On a steep curve, we pass along an antiquated freight train of hopper cars filled with large boulders.
The porter tells me this train is welded to the tracks to create a windbreak. Once, a gust howled out of the pass so swiftly, that it blew a passenger train over on its side.
In the snow-filled canyons, we saw a family of three moose, a huge herd of elk, and another group of wild mustangs. The engineer informs us that a rare bald eagle is flying along the left side of the train. It’s a good omen for the coming year.
We also see countless abandoned 19th-century gold mines and broken-down wooden trestles leading to huge piles of tailings, and relics of previous precious metals booms. So, it is timely here to speak about the future of precious metals.
Here it’s important to look at the long view on gold. The barbarous relic tends to have good and bad decades. During the 2000’s the price of the yellow metal rose tenfold, from $200 to $2,000. The 2010s were very boring when gold was unchanged. Gold is doing well this decade, already up 40%, and a double or triple is in the cards.
2023 should have been a terrible year for precious metals. With inflation soaring, stocks volatile, and interest rates soaring, gold had every reason to collapse. Instead, it was up on the year, thanks to a heroic $325, 17.8%% rally in the last two months.
The reason is falling interest rates, which reduce the opportunity costs of owning gold. The yellow metal doesn’t pay a dividend, costs money to store and insure, and delivery is an expensive pain in the butt.
Chart formations are looking very encouraging with a massive upside breakout in place. So, buy gold on dips if you have a stick of courage on you, which you must if you read this newsletter.
Of course, the best investors never buy gold during a bull market. They Hoover up gold miners, which rise four times faster, like Barrack Gold (GOLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), and the basket play Van Eck Vectors Gold Miners ETF (GDX).
Higher beta silver (SLV) will be the better bet, as it already has been because it plays a major role in the decarbonization of America. There isn’t a solar panel or electric vehicle out there without some silver in them and the growth numbers are positively exponential. Keep buying (SLV), (SLH), and (WPM) on dips.
8) Real Estate (ITB), (LEN), (KBH), (PHM)
The majestic snow-covered Rocky Mountains are behind me. There is now a paucity of scenery, with the endless ocean of sagebrush and salt flats of Northern Nevada outside my window, so there is nothing else to do but write.
My apologies in advance to readers in Wells, Elko, Battle Mountain, and Winnemucca, Nevada.
It is a route long traversed by roving bands of Indians, itinerant fur traders, the Pony Express, my own immigrant forebearers in wagon trains, the Transcontinental Railroad, the Lincoln Highway, and finally US Interstate 80, which was built for the 1960 Winter Olympics at Squaw Valley.
Passing by shantytowns and the forlorn communities of the high desert, I am prompted to comment on the state of the US real estate market.
Those tormented by the shrinking number of real estate transactions over the past two years take solace. The past excesses have been unwound and we are now on the launching pad for another decade-long bull market.
There is a generational structural shortage of supply with housing which won’t come back into balance until the 2030’s. You don’t have a real estate crash when we are short 10 million homes.
The reasons, of course, are demographic. There are only three numbers you need to know in the housing market for the next ten years: there are 80 million baby boomers, 65 million Generation Xers who follow them, and 86 million in the generation after that, the Millennials.
The 76 million baby boomers (between ages 62 and 79) have been unloading dwellings to the 72 million Gen Xers (between age 41 and 56) since prices peaked in 2007. But there are not enough of the latter, and three decades of falling real incomes mean that they only earn a fraction of what their parents made. That’s what caused the financial crisis. That has created the present shortage of housing, both for ownership and rentals.
There is a happy ending to this story.
The 72 million Millennials now aged 25-40 are now the dominant buyers in the market. They are transitioning from 30% to 70% of all new buyers of homes. They are also just entering the peak spending years of middle age, which is great for everyone. Hot on their heels are 68 million Gen Z, which are now 12 to 27 years old.
The Great Millennial Migration to the suburbs and Middle America has just begun. Thanks to the pandemic and Zoom, many are never returning to the cities. That has prompted massive numbers to move from the coasts to the American heartland.
That’s why Boise, Idaho was the top-performing real estate market in 2023, followed by Phoenix, Arizona. Personally, I like Reno, Nevada, where Apple, Google, Amazon, and Tesla are building factories as fast as they can, just a four-hour drive from Silicon Valley.
As a result, the price of single-family homes should continue to rise during the 2020s, as they did during the 1970s and the 1990s when identical demographic forces were at play.
This will happen in the context of a labor shortfall, rising wages, and improving standards of living.
Increasing rents are accelerating this trend. Renters now pay 35% of their gross income, compared to only 18% for owners, and less, when multiple deductions and tax subsidies are considered. Rents are now rising faster than home prices.
Remember, too, that the US will not have built any new houses in large numbers in 17 years. The 50% of small home builders that went under during the Financial Crisis never came back.
We are still operating at only half of the 2007 peak rate. Thanks to the Great Recession, the construction of five million new homes has gone missing in action.
There is a new factor at work. We are all now prisoners of the 2.75% 30-year fixed-rate mortgages we all obtained over the past five years. If we sell and try to move, a new mortgage will cost double today. If you borrow at a 2.75% 30-year fixed rate, and the long-term inflation rate is 3%, then, over time, you will get your house for free. That’s why nobody is selling, and prices have barely fallen.
This winds down in 2024 as the Fed realizes its many errors and sharply lowers interest rates. Home prices will explode…. again.
Quite honestly, of all the asset classes mentioned in this report, purchasing your abode is probably the single best investment you can make now after you throw in all the tax breaks. It’s also a great inflation play.
That means the major homebuilders like Lennar (LEN), Pulte Homes (PHM), and KB Homes (KBH) are a buy on the dip. But don’t forget to sell your home by the 2030s when the next demographic headwind resumes. That’s when you should unload your home to a Millennial or Gen Xer and move into a cheap rental.
A second-hand RV would be better.
9) Postscript
We have pulled into the station at Truckee amid a howling blizzard.
My loyal staff have made the ten-mile trek from my estate at Incline Village to welcome me to California with a couple of hot breakfast burritos and a chilled bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne, which has been resting in a nearby snowbank. I am thankfully spared from taking my last meal with Amtrak.
After that, it was over legendary Donner Pass, and then all downhill from the Sierras, across the Central Valley, and into the Sacramento River Delta.
Well, that’s all for now. We’ve just passed what was left of the Pacific mothball fleet moored near the Benicia Bridge (2,000 ships down to six in 50 years). The pressure increase caused by a 7,200-foot descent from Donner Pass has crushed my plastic water bottle. Nice science experiment!
The Golden Gate Bridge and the soaring spire of Salesforce Tower are just coming into view across San Francisco Bay.
A storm has blown through, leaving the air crystal clear and the bay as flat as glass. It is time for me to unplug my MacBook Pro and iPhone 15 Pro, pick up my various adapters, and pack up.
We arrive in Emeryville 45 minutes early. With any luck, I can squeeze in a ten-mile night hike up Grizzly Peak and still get home in time to watch the ball drop in New York’s Times Square on TV.
I reach the ridge just in time to catch a spectacular pastel sunset over the Pacific Ocean. The omens are there. It is going to be another good year.
I’ll shoot you a Trade Alert whenever I see a window open at a sweet spot on any of the dozens of trades described above, which should be soon.
Good luck and good trading in 2024!
John Thomas
The Mad Hedge Fund Trader
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