As a new subscriber of just under two months, I thought I'd check in with you.
I am really enjoying your service. I look forward to your daily diaries for their wit and wisdom. I don't miss a webinar. I very much appreciate that you take the time to answer questions by e-mail.
You are helping cure me of bad habits like being unable to cut losses or take profits, being wedded to positions, and investing through ideology rather than intelligence (such as the idea that gold is always a safe haven, oil is running out and can only go up, etc.).
And you're clearly a big-hearted guy with much wisdom both in and out of the market.
I'm looking forward to trading more successfully in the New Year with your help. You've clearly helped a lot of people and I'm looking forward to being one of them.
Wishing you the happiest of holidays up the hill in Tahoe,
Camptonville, CA