It was great seeing you today in Atlanta. Thank you for just being you. As I mentioned, there's so much "crap" out there that's it's so nice to just hear it straight.
Several years ago I finally realized it just doesn't matter what I think, only what is (although I still cringe sometimes). That's the hard part. Actually finding the truth.
Even harder is how to act on it! And risk management. I have much to learn but I was glad to find out how much I do understand. (But I'll never be a coder! Too late for that.)
I'm looking forward to your options video book coming out soon. I will study hard and try to be a model student you can be proud of. Then I can write that glowing thank letter you enjoy using in your newsletters!
Safe journeys! I'll continue to live vicariously through your travels via newsletter, although I'd take you up on being your welcoming committee at your events!
I look forward to hearing you on the webinars!
Thanks again and see you next time!
Orlando, Florida