Now that you know how to make money in the options market, thanks to my Trade Alert service, I am going to teach you how to hang on to it.
There is no point in being clever and executing profitable trades only to lose your profits through some simple, careless mistakes.
So I have just posted a new training video on Risk Management.
The first goal of risk control to preserve whatever capital you have. I tell people that I am too old to lose all my money and start over again as a junior trader at Morgan Stanley. So I am pretty careful when it comes to risk control.
The other goal of Risk control is the art of managing your portfolio to make sure it is profitable, no matter what happens in the marketplace. Ideally, you want to be a winner whether the market moves up, down, or sideways.
Remember, we are not trying to beat an index here. Our goal is to make absolute returns, or real dollars, at all times. You can?t eat relative performance, nor can you use it to pay your bills.
So the second goal of every portfolio manager is to make it bomb proof. You never know when a flock of black swans are going to come out of nowhere, or another geopolitical shock occurs, causing the market crash.
I?ll also show you how to use my Trade Alert service to squeeze every dollar out of your trading.
So, let?s get on with it!
To watch the video, please click? Introduction to Risk Management.